The Bad Mindset
A mindset determines your probability of success. There are several mindsets that can produce yielding results of success, but most mindsets are not this. The number one mindset today is the thought of entitlement. This can be identified in a multitude of ways. One, the person does nothing but play video games, watch TV and internet videos, or does nothing but waste time on mindless activities and expecting to achieve a great deal of success in life. Don’t get me wrong, watching TV and playing video games are not an entitlement mindset, but when it is constant and coincides with the belief that you will be successful then it is.
This [the entitlement mindset] is the belief that everything will fall into place just because you think you deserve it. Do not have this mindset.
Poverty is unimaginable to this mindset but they do nothing to combat it. A sense of entitlement is contagious. These people will attempt to spread their mindset to others. Misery loves company. These entitled minded people may lean toward verbal aggression against others who are putting in the work to be successful. Anything that makes these people seem lazy and incompetent is a threat to their being, so they react. Reality is that these people are a disease, and, in fact, are lazy. They do not take ownership for themselves. Extreme versions of these people may be seen in the bar, or may even be alcoholics in some cases. Stay away from these people if you value your success.
The Success Mindset
The mindset for success is the opposite of the mindset of entitlement. You must feel entitled to absolutely nothing, but strongly desire success. That strong desire for success is important otherwise you’d just be homeless. Your desire is the coal to your steam engine that keeps your train chugging and chugging.
Once you fully understand the mindset of zero entitlement, then you will realize, and actually fear, the idea of poverty – you will do something about it.
You understand that everything in life needs to be worked for. Nothing is for free. Nothing at all. Action is your mantra. You must act or you won’t have. You won’t sit and watch, you will take. It is easy to become complacent when you have nice things around you. My principle for basic motivation is to live in a poor environment so that the desire for something better grows. The more you are around luxury, the easier it is to become complacent of the feats required to obtain them. Don’t lose your stoicism. Remain hard-skinned and have the zero-entitlement mindset coped with a strong desire for something better, and I will guarantee you the best chances of success.