That Gut Feeling, Should You Follow It?

A map and hand with a pen. The picture implies the person is making a decision whether to follow their gut or to take a different path.
What exactly is our gut?

Our gut our natural decision making function. It dictates what we will do when pressured to make a decision. Formally it is known as our intuition, our subconscious way of acting in any situation that requires action. All of us have it. Some people are well-tuned with their intuition, and some are not. Your intuition is your compass. It guides the decisions you make and the direction you place yourself on, but, only if you let it.

Should we follow our gut?

Yes, actually no. It depends. Do you have an informed intuition? If so, then you will know what to do in any given situation. If not, then you need to consciously devote yourself to make the right decision. The only way to know the right decision is to be consciously informed, which in turn acts to inform your intuition. For instance, you might have read a book about being better with people. The book will give you a map to consciously act out. After taking actions in the right direction, your intuition will follow and adapt. Once your intuition has adapted to your new direction of decisions, then let it take over and continue to make those decisions. This is how you have an informed intuition.

How do you know when to follow it?

Once you are unaware you are acting out in the manner you intend to, you no longer need conscious effort to do so. This is when your intuition is taking over. If it is working the way you intend it to in order to bring you closer to your personal success, then let it do its thing. If it is not working the way you want it to, make a conscious effort to correct it.

You build your intuition through experiences guided by direction.

What area are you intuitive in?

We are naturally more intuitive in our area of strength. Focus on your strengths and your intuition will take you to success. If you go into a craft that focuses on your weaknesses, then you are bound to slip up and make your weaknesses known, which kills creditability and respect. Go into a craft that is fully focuses on your strengths so that your weakness become insignificant. Nothing can stop you when you have your intuition backing you. Blowing up your strengths will push your weaknesses into a corner, and cause them to shrivel in fear, not daring to show themselves in face of your strengths. Let your intuition lead the way to your success, but keep it in check when needed.