How Two Contrary Ideas Always Coexist

Two contrary champagne glasses with the liquid level even.

For every fact about ourselves, there is also a contrary fact. The fact that is most known is the fact which we most focus on. We may be egotistical, but we are also majorly caring. Our personalities are complex, so one fact cannot distinguish you in a certain area. Using a personal example, I tend to lack empathy in some instances, while other times I connect deeply with people.

My philosophy is that the stronger one fact is about yourself, they stronger the opposing fact might be if you were to show it. Therefore, a major decline in moral might lead to a major incline as time passes, and why a significant good might come after a significant bad. For example, a stock market crash is almost always followed by a substantial rise, or bull market. Once our focus shifts from one side of the equation to the other, then the perspective changes, usually in the same proportion in which the perspective was to begin with.

Double-Edged Sword

The best representation of this concept is a double-edged sword, our minds. One moment we are thinking one thing, and the next we’re thinking the complete opposite. The logic makes sense for both these things to coincide, but how? This is all a matter of where are focus is directed. When young, after a break up we might’ve felt numb, saddened, and disappointed, but deep down we also felt a hint of liberation. The difference is focusing on the past versus the future. We feel a sense of disappointment after a failure, but also a sense of security that we have learned from that failure and won’t commit it again. Past versus future.

Another way to look at it is pessimism versus optimism. A pessimist will describe why something is so terrible, while the optimist will explain why something is so wonderful. Let’s observe strengths and weakness in dichotomy: to be efficient might also cause intolerance, as being energetic and strong-willed might spur impatience and arrogance; they coexist. Accept this fact and work on finding harmony between both side of the double-edged sword. Weld the grey area between the sharp ends; only then can you swing the sword gloriously against your foes. Rather than being in denial of one side, accept them and chose.