Imposter syndrome is the fear of not living up to your words. Your words can earn you favorable positions, but when they are not met with action, then you are either untrustworthy or an imposter. If you are aware of how to meet the words with action but choose not to, you are untrustworthy. If you are not aware of how to meet the words with action you are an imposter. The imposter can climb his way out of the category by taking on the responsibility afforded by those words and completing the work within the deadline. But with this, you risk your credibility.
Be careful with your words and speak from a place of responsibility and understanding. Your words should not be disconnected from your capabilities. Be honest about your capabilities and your ability to expand those capabilities and your desire to expand those capabilities. Someone who is honest about these will learn most effectively and will be highly valued.
Imposter syndrome may also be a symptom of humility. Those who are rightly afforded great opportunities, but do not feel worthy, could feel like an imposter. In actuality, this attitude may be the reason, along with there capabilities, they achieved a favorable position in the first place. Someone who is capable but not humble is not as favorable as someone who is humble and capable. Humble should not be confused for weakness. You can be both bold and humble because “bold” falls under the category of “capable”. A true imposter will always be found out one way or another, and the growing capable person will be on the insured path of success.