One day…
You’re sitting in a room by yourself. A quiet room. Many of your friends, family from your youth, and people you’ve once looked up to are all passed. You look at your hands, which are weathered with sunspots and a little arthritis. You’re dying, and you know it. You ask yourself, “Here we are, where has the time gone?” You know your time has come and that time has finally caught up to you. You reminisce on all the memories, reliving them in your mind. “This is where my time went.” Only you know everything you’ve been through, and some memories you know will die with you. You wonder, “What was it all for?” as you see the world worrying about current events and the happenings of the day.
It all seems so distant to you, like seeing a world from afar; like you are no longer a part of it. All the noise and worry that surrounds the lives of those around you seems trivial. Once the memories have passed, all you feel is the silence of the present moment, the same silence that was always there, but now you realize your perception of it will soon evaporate. A drop is pulled down by gravity until it collides into a pond, sending ripples outwards, until they slow and widen, then become nothingness yet again. There is no more drop, only the pond. You take your last breath and let it all go.
What will make this picture complete for you?
Who do you want around you?
What are the conditions for which you will accept a life well lived?