Anavar only cycle reddit I did do another cutting cycle of var for 6 weeks in the middle of a 12 week test E cycle and really loved it. Jun 18, 2024 · Anavar only cycles work. My goal is to cut my bodyfat from 18 to 8% until july. I'm doing a Test/primo/ anavar blast in April and I'm only going up to 30 mg of anavar. Get over your fear of needles and I'm too much of a pussy to do a real cycle and have been looking into Anavar for its low risk. Not a cycle. I know orals are looked down upon and Var is pretty expensive, but I think I'm getting a pretty good deal on it. 40mgs a day for 4 weeks. An example is when guys smash a DBol cycle only. Aug 29, 2022 · Id say the most results from anavar will start at week 3-6 when doing oral only. Low dose anavar only cycle is okey for beginners. Some background information on me: Age: 20 Weight: 175 lbs Height: 5'10" BF%: 11-12 Def recommend test only first cycle like other people are saying, I did 250mg a week in a split dose and it gave me everything I had hoped the anavar cycle would. Is it worth it in terms of retaining gains and how high will suppression be? Yeah, my first cycle was an anavar only cycle. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle therapy and side effects. Did a 12 week anavar only cycle when I was young, made good gains for 12 weeks, then fast forward 12 weeks I was pretty much back to where I began with despite training 5 times a week. Saying that I am considering hoping into a cruise but I'm not sure yet. VAR ONLY CYCLES ARE FOR WOMEN, UNLESS YOU HAVE A VAGINA VAR ONLY IS WORTHLESS. dont the sides of suppression come on after you stop taking it since you are replacing your test with anavar, then when you eliminate the anavar suppression sides kick in? I just finished a heavy sarms cycle 25mg ostarin, 30mg rad140, which should of suppressed me and didnt get any sides while on. Now, your friends giving you advice to take var only, never speak to those pieces of shit again, they’re awful people. I had a bunch of fake stuff before but 20mg of actual pharma grade anavar just completely blew me away gains-wise) and felt like shite after 3 weeks. But I get great results on 10 mg. I‘m aiming for fat loss and muscle gains in a slight caloric deficit. I also saw a video of anabolic doc telling it’s less androgenic than test . If youre looking for therapeutic replacement for test, 1mg /lb of body weight is a good start. It won't change tomorrow or in 1 year, or in 10 years. I’m not looking for anything too drastic so I was wondering if taking 20mg of Anavar a day for 3 weeks without a test base would be suitable for me. 30mg Anavar, nothing else, lasted for 3-4 weeks before I felt like absolute shit. Also Which PCT? It is my first and probs only cycle Recently have been convinced to buy Anavar. Test cycles are better but oral only does a job, and if it's your first dance with PEDs it will be a very powerful experience for you. I was taking Anavar as a pre-workout supplement by crushing it and putting it under my tongue. Its 100% deserved because they are stupid AF Hello everyone, I posted on this sub over the summer about starting my first Anavar cycle and now I'm back to share my results. Holy shit like the pumps on this shit are insanity. Most people on internet is against oral only cycle, tbh anavar seems like a mild and very less androgenic compound can’t I get away with good PCT after it suppresses my test levels and get back to normal. Ruin themselves. Had good strength gains and a little size gain. I never use high testosterone it’s a side affect bomb. Of course, my diet is 100% dialed in as is my training. I just ordered 50 25mg tablets of anavar of cytech Mate, we have literally 20 threads a day on reddit with ppl asking "Can I go for anavar only cycle, give me the dose length and PCT guys please" while its written fucking everywhere on the internet it's the most stupid thing you can do. I developed it a little bit through puberty so im a little Guys watch TikTok and think it's steroids. In saying that, anavar depending on dosage & current health, would be safer than dbol & clen though I would still recommend running tudca & nac with anavar. For a first cycle either will render result. I just wanted to know if there’s anything else I should be taking? And also what do you guys recommend for Gyno possibilities. Anavar shuts down endogenous testosterone production, but Anavar itself does not aromatize into estrogen. Jun 9, 2023 · Only if you're impatient may add Anavar the last 4 weeks out of your 12 weeks cycle with Test E after you already have an idea of how Test works for you. 25mg of enclo and 50mg of DHEA every day while taking 25mg of var split into 2 doses. Don’t go crazy with it. Initially I had some mood swings, irritability, anger…but dividing my dose into 5mg 8 hours apart took care of that. Am now a few weeks away from finishing my 500mg/week test e cycle. But from what I've read anavar is prwtty moderate. Looking at Var only as a means to boost muscle gains to get my closer to my limits. If it is real anavar u will see very good gains off your first cycle ever at just 25mg a day. The only compound that beats Anavar in the mood category would be Tbol for me. I’m a 28yo Male. Now for op you need to specify your goals and what you are willing to put at risk. Same happened to a friend. Im interested in doing an anavar only cycle because I've read that it's a relatively safe steroid I'm currently in very good shape and have never touched steroids. I’ve done some brief research, however there’s too many conflicting advice. Yep, test crash. Should she come off the pills and do the I have purchased 10mg anavar and planning on doing a 4/5 week cycle. However, those are very specific compounds, not a "catch all" compound like var. Anavar is the most mild option available of course and I absolutely LOVE the compound, but I’m a “get in, get out” type of person. I did not cut on it though, lean bulked, the mass gains weren't that anything special but Allright tho, but the strength gains, sheesh I'm not on an anavar only cycle, have lots of cycle experience and even with moderate dosages (400 test/wk) and the anavar, I'm loving it. Also I only want to use steroids that are generally considered to be on the safer side, so steroids like winstrol and tren are no option. Been reading about anavar only cycles where you only take a 5-10mg tablet 2 or 3 times a week to help recovery, one week on one week off. Of that list anavar is the easiest to use, but the weakest in terms of temporary cosmetic benefits. DEFINITELY add test!! You don't need 50 mg of anavar! 90s bodybuilders used 15 mg. The veins this oral brings out when lean are stupid. It is one level up. Test is required for everything dude just get with the program u will only get bigger and better results and u wont risk becoming infertile. as people have said everyone reacts differently but not on that low dose and only 2 weeks don’t Never noticed any impact. How can i maximise my gains? My goal is to put on more mass as I have been working out 3 years and i weight about 67 kg and my height is 176 cm. Did it at 75/mg a day. Oral only is fine too, people get butt hurt if your not injecting and that's just stupid. Starting with a low dosage and then increasing over time for a 6-8 weeks cycle. I take 10 mg in the morning and 10 before workout. I have purchased 10mg anavar and planning on doing a 4/5 week cycle. But be careful! There’s som research that is slightly concerning as far as it’s toxic qualities. Renaissance Periodization recommends trying anavar only cycle to start to see if I react well with steroids because the test half life is much longer, why am I getting negative feedback on Reddit where as it seems relatively safe on my internet research Hi im 19 years old and take 20 mg of anavar. If you want to be safe, just pick up some test prop, so that if you start to see any real hair loss you can stop taking the prop and since the propionate ester has such a short half life it should only take a few days or so to level off again. I’m also on TRT so no pct after My plan was to do a 6 week Anavar only cycle but I will be cutting that short and I will not take it anymore. Cut or bulk. Basically everything you need for a 15 Week cycle of test, and I just cant get myself to do it! For a female, anavar only is fantastic. I donated blood mid cycle to reduce red blood count. you need test base you need test base no no. I’ll do a report here when I finish, just gonna keep going with the var, it seems in the UK and the mma community Anavar only is a very popular cycle as long as you keep it a low dose, short cycle you can get good results without affecting your test production very much (at least I’m hoping haha)… it’s my first cycle ever and I’m responding quite well, I almost feel like 30mg per day Run anavar with test and a dose of EQ. Don’t do oral only cycles - need a test base or you’re going to feel like shit once your natural test shuts down and the net gain from the cycle will likely be break even after your body eventually recovers. I don't believe test is needed in every cycle, they didn't use alot of test back in Arnold's days. Im running Anavar . It does a little bit of everything, but isn't particularly GOOD at any one thing. Speaking from experience. From personal experience and current cycle, I’m on 400mg test E, 300mg NPP, 25mg anavar, 50mg winstrol. I am pussy. You might move up as high as 20mg per day, but be careful with this. I admit it. Make sure to have on cycle support and pct drugs on hand before you start. I wouldn't go over 10 mg tho for her first cycle. Right now, 10 ft from me in my sock drawer is an entire 15 week TEST-E cycle, with needles, PCT, arimidex etc. How much should I take? I am 23 years old and got 1 year training experience. Any truth to this? How expensive/harmful could a 12 week 30mg cycle of anavar be? also, what do people reccomend for a first cycle of any I like Dbol better as far as orals, mostly because I'm a low aromatizer already, and 20mg Dbol ED cycle with test and other DHT-based compounds will balance it all out nicely overall; whenever I tried to add Anavar to an injectable-based cycle, I had to ramp up the HCG dosage to be able to keep acceptable e2 levels throughout (cycle was only Decided on Anavar because I have very mild gyno and don’t want to do any test cycles and make that worse so I settled on Anavar. Hello everyone, an 'Anavar only' cycle is a charged subject on the internet forums, a lot of people ask about it but few get responses other than "man up and pin" or "don't be an idi ot and pin", so I'm sharing my personal experience doing an 'Anavar only cycle', maybe it will help some beginners make a better decision if they decide to go that route and hopefully some experienced redditors Hi MPMD reddit. Not a single person on this planet did an anavar only cycle and were happy about it. If you don't know how to diet, steroids won't help as much as you are hoping. Dbol is shit. Or is the liver stress inevitably mean test is always required at some point? Dr. and I did many anavar only cycle with never doing a pct. And its only 20mg. Try testosterone solo first and learn how your body responds to steroids,different estrogen levels and ancillary drugs. You know why ? BECAUSE IT IS TRASH. I’ve chosen this cycle for specific reasons and pretty set on it as far as that’s concerned. I already have pretty serious gyno from puberty, so I don't want to take anything that can make it worse. This is a contest prep cycle. I am aware that most people stack Anavar and that it only has a mild anabolic effect. From there, your PCT restarts your natural Test production bringing your body full circle and hopefully keeping any gains from the cycle. Researchers say daily 40mg anavar is not suppress your natural testosterone. Blood work is A-OK as well except for a magnesium deficiency. they're not hepatoxic, they're not illegal yada yada yada. It also had potential for side effects and if you actually search this subreddit. Read the rules. Why tf would u mot want to blast test tho. Anavar only is stupid. Just a silly post. If you are female, 10mg per day is a good starting point, and you should not run test. I hope this helps people to know what to expect. You can get the most out of the least if you're on top of things including diet and recovery, the often overlooked aspects because guys think more gear Planning to start an Anavar only cycle in the starting of September. Is it possible to blast cruise anavar only cycle for an indefinite period of time without the need for trt? For example 4weeks on 30mg, then 2-3 months off to allow test levels to return. I am planning an Anavar-only cycle. What's going to happen is that you're going to feel horrible and unmotivated for the later half of your cycle, assuming you're sticking to 6-8 weeks. I know this is a little dumb, and that there is always some risk. I was thinking about to take a daily dose of 5-20mg for 8-12 weeks and go off a couple of weeks and restart. I wonder your comments ? Even a reasonably low dose of test each week with the anavar shouldnt effect your hair all too badly. Don’t use mk in pct. PCT month will include nolvadex 40/40/20/20 and HCG. Im am man and I will do 5mg anavar cycle for 3 weeks I’m looking to take my first cycle and have been recommended an anavar only cycle to get into shape quickly for summer. I was thinking I could do low dosage maybe 10mg a day max. Anybody had any experience doing this? Anavar only is NOT a good cycle. Anavar only cycle is not bad idea . BF: 21. But for what it’s worth during my entire 14 weeks (including incrementally increasing the dosage from 10-15), I never broke out (on my face), only had a tad oilier skin. Might not be reversible. Thing you should know. Winstrol is a very good cosmetic but comes with lots of sides. Proviron, masteron, and even Rad140 give a greater "boost" mentally than anavar ever could. about hair, im all good, dht in my genes resulted only in acne, i dont havr the balding gene. I’m watching my macros and working out twice a day. Anavar only cycle for female. Var is better than winstrol. 5 KG Training natty since the last 2 years My main aim is to cut body fat and retain/increase the muscle mass. If it was really bad I’d have noticed so it can’t be too bad. She also uses birth control pills. Personally I prefer to run masteron, because like i said, I cant mix anavar with another dht compound. I’d do Clomid pct but if you already have the nolva it will be fine to just use that. And also a I think anavar only cycle is the best cycle for first cycle. Anavar workouts are usually when I get asked if I’m on PEDs. I have over 10 years of lifting experience under my belt. Just remembered that I did a winstrol only cycle back in the day as well, but most of it was injectable and I was cutting for a comp and had to make a certain weight Mind you everyone is different but the general consensus is that don’t bother. A lot ends up being dbol or other cheaper steroids. Neither one really allowed for a good gauge on if it was having an effect. Don't be a retard, run a test base. He says that it's fine to do an Anavar-only cycle for just a month so that you can enjoy parties and music festivals while you're in the best shape Hey whatsup guys, im gunna be running an Anavar+Test cycle. I was thinking nolvadex but i dont know now since shes a female and i only know about men. 8 week cycle tops. . More than minimum+anavar? Or just test without anavar? Because I had more side effects on clomid during pct last time than my actual trt cycle and I don’t wanna pct rn, I was/am planning to do an actual big cycle in 5 months and just want something really small rn that wouldn’t really require pct and also the fact that anavar doesn’t aromatize to estrogen i want to start an very low dose anavar only cycle to benefit from its positive effects but i want to minimize potential sides like lowering my testosterone or hairloss (very important) etc. 5''), 110kg weight (242 pd). The EQ can keep that appetite up. Just my 2 cents OP, my first cycle was around 6 months ago. Some of the milder DHT orals (Anavar, Winstrol, primobolan) can be used for 4-6 weeks before suppression becomes a concern. I was on a 16-week powerbuilding program where I started the first phase (weeks 1-8) as a natural and ended the second phase (weeks 9-16) on gear. Just keep an eye on them and don't go crazy over 100mg. I am here looking for enlightment about my female friend that would like to know more about cycling before hopping on it. I'm considering a cycle after I turn 18, but I want to do the healthiest cycle possible. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Started an Anavar only cycle 4 days ago. I ran no ai throughout the entire cycle, and I was personally fine. Anavar is a great drug if you get the real deal. I can say primo is something she definitely wouldn't like. The cycle will be 9-12 You won’t need to do a pct for 2 weeks of anavar it would hardly started to work taking 50mg a day. as long as you're working out hard and watch out what you eat - yes, even surplus can help lower body fat. Cut later. I am sitting at 18% body Fat. Anavar is a relatively weak compound. My question is: is it a waste of money to do an anavar only If it’s real anavar then 25mg will blow you out of the water. Test is the only answer for a first cycle. These days it’s not too hard to find. IK) I was wondering about any precautions I should take. First cycle I ever did was a var oral only. Is an anavar only cycle worth it? I will take it while cutting, to maintain, increase muscle mass. I have lost a lost of weight (30kg) but now i can't lose anymore so i was thinking about starting my first cycle ever. Because after all, its working. I haven't been an athlete or lifted in quite a while. I really liked the size I put on. I thought the low dosage wouldn’t suppress my testosterone too much but clearly I was wrong. I am aware of the studies, however I have also run anavar only cycles with real anavar (a lot of people have never actually used real anavar in my opinion. Either way, 4 days is too short for a noticeable difference from the anavar or meaningful fat loss, but if you changed your diet (specifically cut carbs) at the same time, you could have dropped a fair bit of water weight. But better safe than sorry If your 21% bf right now I’d cut down to 15, then increase your test to 300 when you start and lower your Anavar to 10-20mg pre workout, then slightly increase var throughout the cycle to end on 50 for a couple weeks. Mind you everyone is different but the general consensus is that don’t bother. I'm definitely tempted though, already have the kids and don't plan on anymore and I'm old :-) I’m just curious what a basic Anavar cycle would look like for me? I’ve seen places say 15-20mg per day some say 50-100mg per day for 6-8 weeks. Dec 24, 2023 · So basically worried about acne and how to manage it and what caused it on my first cycle, is anavar only cycle (50mg going upto 75/100 after week 3) worth doing for gains on a bulk or should i be stacking with test and is there any recommended retailer in terms of access. Just be careful with your lipid levels. The DHT family of steroids are almost all the slowest to bring about suppression. Mike Istaerel said that a 4 week cycle of anavar only in the 10-30mg range won't shut down your natural test production, I don't think he touched on suppression (i am assuming it obviously will suppress you). Also an anavar and primo only cycle is the stupidest shit I've ever seen someone mention, you need testosterone or some other aromatizing compound Here's my summary after finishing a 10-week cycle. Repeat. I also take normal supplements (multi vitamins, fish oil, creatine and caffeine). Or check it out in the app stores I’ve decided to start a anavar only cycle of 20mg / day for 6 weeks. The thing is that we dont know if she needs a PCT since shes a female and doesnt have testicles. Has anyone here done this before? Or something like it? What were the results? Is it a waste of time and money? Other suggestions. I am in shape and have been training for years, my diet is clean also. Will i lose gains after cycle? Honestly, I took this oral only cycle because I was scared to inject. About to do my third cycle of 500mg of test e pw and have decided to add in Anavar for the first time. I believe IML has a good 4 andro cream. Just pulled test and NPP last week to get rid of water retention. Strength went up a lot, no sides, no AI, no Pct, recovered fine, kept my gains and strength coming off. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. but if your gonna pull the trigger on Anavar solo cycle While still not ideal, I do agree that oral only cycles are better than sarms only cycles. -The best fucking pumps of my life. I had aromasin on hand in case of any issues but only used it for PCT Completed my first cycle of Anavar only, about 4-5 weeks ago and had good results and haven’t had any problems since, I currently have all 3 available, Dbol, tbol, and Anavar … not sure which one to do for second cycle or mixture of the 2, … Anavar only felt great and had seemingly no/minimal suppression on a 6 week cycle, gains weren’t I am planning to do an Anavar only cycle 50mg per day for 6 weeks. for a male…. Age: 21 Height: 158 cm, 5'2 Weight: 105 lbs (2 weeks before beginning cycle) --> 116 lbs (cycle beginning) --> 121 lbs (end No, I started anavar only (yes I know) but then hoped into test about 4 weeks in. Just remembered that I did a winstrol only cycle back in the day as well, but most of it was injectable and I was cutting for a comp and had to make a certain weight Hi guys, i'm 40 yo man, 179cms height (5' 10. You are also right about hepatoxicity but as you said just use tudca. Anavar is not toxic to the liver, and there have been studies that show a reduction in liver toxicity caused by clen. The rewards of a oral only cycle are minuscule bro. Click Join now to receive I have a bottled of anavar 20mg tablets and was wanting to do a cycle to increase muscle gains and lower body fat. 180lbs = 180mg per week etc. Anything besides anavar will shut down test production (and I am not sure about anavar, that’s what sources say) so it makes no sense to do a cycle without test. Can someone give me some tips on what the optimum time to cycle would be and whether I will need any cycle support such as liver/ heart support etc and how much of that I will need. She would run an anavar only cycle 10mg a day split in 2 doses (5mg) for 6 weeks. The gains are mild however I think it did expedite my recovery/gains and by the end of the 2 months I was pretty much back to 100% normal again. I’d go 200 testosterone, 500 Primobolan and 50 anavar. You don't run a cycle on Enclo LoL. I’m curious what effect it will have on me being able to put on size/tone down what I have. (As Post-Cycle-Therapy I bought Ashgawandha, MACA Extracts and Tribulus-Extracts with Minerals and Vitamins to increase the production of semen and testosterone but also to get my balls active again, since even though I only use that anavar therapy to mainly get rid of my fat (building muscles too, but mainly fat reduction) and the dosage is Guys I did the dumb, and went for an anavar only cycle, planned 4-5w of 20mg/d (I can put my reasons in comment bellow, if you’re interested) I listened to sites and that one study claiming 20mg of var would only supress you~30% over 5w. Learn about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. In my experience the symptoms of "suppression" become noticeable somewhere between weeks 6-8. In an interview, Dr. Look what happens when they stop… they lose everything. Final progress photos. Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. Get the information you need to make informed decisions about your bodybuilding journey. I’d much prefer orals and have been recommended 10mg version. Question about Anavar only cycle (female) Hi guys! I’m 21 F, 5’3 and around 125 lbs and work out super hard in the gym, I primarily lift weights 4-5 days a week and eat relatively clean, moderate carb higher protein. My recommendation is if you have a 16 week cycle for example, run it week 1-4 or 4-8 then take the time off that you were on, and jump back on for another 4. Netting 5lbs would be phenomenal. (before everyone comes at me to Pin. I trashed my lipids on 150mg of anavar ED. I didn't see your age and your original post and if you're under 25 just sort out your diet and nutrition and lift heavy and you're going to see awesome gains. For educational purposes only, No Buying, Selling or Links to Sources. Have done one anavar only cycle last year, liked the results. So then you need other options. SARMs only suppress your natty T and you can normal get back to baseline after 4 weeks. As the title suggest, I'm looking for some insight into a Clenbuterol and Anavar only cycle. Water is wet. I am going to take an anavar only cycle Im confused whether to take 30mg/day or 40 Im 23yr old man 5'7" & 72 kgs I want to use anavar for cutting as… Because after all, its working. Anavar only cycle I plan to do 6 weeks cycle, using 6. I wrote several paragraphs arguing for the viability of an oral only cycle, perhaps you op worry about hairloss greatly and then dbol and anavar two pretty unhairsafe compounds might not be something you are willing to risk to run. I was The gains that you may see from the cycle will only be during the cycle and after you PCT or however you end your cycle you're going to lose most of those gains. But i wanted to properly ask if it is ok to add my pct into my cycle during me taking anavar. 5% Weight: 78. Blood pressure was a little high towards the end. Something similar to a fighters cycle so you don’t shut down your natural production but get a little help recovering. I’d stay on the anavar 4 weeks on 4 weeks off the 8 weeks on to complete a 16 week cycle. Should she come off the pills and do the Anavar is paired with the Test because Anavar will shut down your natural Test production regardless of length of cycle. Damn I hate these dumb ass oral/var posts. Hi all, I'm a 24 year old female, 140lbs, 5'5" and very active (gym everyday, cardio and weight train) and eat a very high protein, low carb/sodium diet, in a calorie deficit as well. I have a few questions and appreciate any advice or real experiences. Vision loss and issues is one. Fantastic man. I know that this cycle will not give me any drastic gains but I am just looking for a little boost. I actually think dipping your toe in for a 4-week cycle of anavar makes a lot more sense than jumping right into 500 mg of test with an oral kicker, which is likely too much for a lot of first-time users anyways, but is the cycle most people do first. Bumped anavar to 50mg and winstrol to 75mg today. Overall tho, good cycle to use just 1 injectable and 1 oral Jul 13, 2020 · ok, so if you want an oral only cycle cos you're bothered about pinning or what ever else, don't use a Steroidal Compound that is going to shutdown your balls. I didn't say I was big, but I think I have enough mass to look decent when ripped. I’m anavar, masteron, trenbolone, and mtren, all have changed my fat distribution, all of them make me dry and hard and provide good lean gains. I’d only run it like 6 weeks ED (40-60mg) Or like 16 weeks lower dose (20-40) pre-workout only (4-5 times a week). They gain weight quickly being majority water weight but some muscle is also found to be made. You dont have much muscle so don't waste a cycle on a cut or attempting a recomp, just add muscle. (10mg/day) I am thrilled with my results! I posted some updates through my cycle, so if you do a search you can see how things went along the way for me. It was the size of a grape at the end. I will consider that, thank you. I saw modest improvement in all areas, at a rate above my usual rate of improvement. Dbol & clen is more counterproductive than anything for obvious reasons. Havent felt my skin like that ever. I’m expecting to put on muscle about 50% faster in the time frame because it’s a very weak cycle but let me know if this is a good idea, iv seen mixed reviews in an Anavar only cycle I'm gonna start by saying I don't know fuck all about anything. This was an 8 week cycle. Will di PCT with enclo and nolva for 3 weeks. Anavar only cycle Hi i'm 19 years old I have been working out 3 years. Mike Israetel says that Anavar doesn't have any harsh side effects because it has a short half-life so you won't experience any short-term and long-term side effects after coming off of it. Maybe 8-10 lbs. I’ve been lifting for just about 4 years and am looking to hop on my first cycle. Where did you read that you should have taken anavar as an oral only first off? You should have already known you were going to suppress your natural production once you made this commitment and now here you are 8 weeks later on the internet asking about PCT. Anavar only is often something women do since it’s not virilizing, only reason I ask. Also is it better to take while bulking or cutting? (I am bulking right now and have accumulated a lot of fat) Anavar only cycle advice Hello, I am 23yr old male on an Anavar-only cycle for the next 6 weeks at 20mg a day split 3x a day, 5mg in the morning, 10mg before my workout in the afternoon, and 5mg before bed so it is always in my system. I know if I was on an anavar only cycle and had 10g of powder laying around, I would keep upping my dose because I wouldn't be happy with the results. They still do it. I’m thinking of starting an Anavar only cycle at 50mg p/d on its own for 8 weeks. my first cycle I did 10 plus years ago was also anavar 100mg a day and didn’t do a pct. I had a good experience with it but has issues with low estrogen after my cycle. let me know your thoughts on an anavar only cycle :) Good choice. 1- would the gains be keepable indefinitely assuming proper PCT and maintained diet model and training? This is would be assuming I only did 1 cycle. A var only cycle is for women only, let me big letter talk you. Discussing sources will get you banned. you’ll need a test base for optimal results. We tell them : DONT DO IT. With all the information out here oral only is 101 a I ran a 500 test (12 weeks) 50 var (6 weeks) cycle earlier this year. I did that exact cycle 50mg anavar only for 8 weeks after getting my appendix out trying to speed up my healing and recovery. My libido was nuckin futs too. Anavar first attracted me because of its healing effects but then it’s like I have to do Test base, HCG (decided during cycle), worry about balancing HCG and Nolva, etc… Then I read that DBol is one of the only steroids to take on it’s own and that obviously appeals way more…plus cheaper, easier to find, etc… Your test will be crashed so hard and you’ll end up skinnier than starting because crashed test levels makes ur muscle disappear. Had a dull headache the first week which subsided. An anavar only cycle of 6 weeks, the first 3 will be 15mg per day, de last 3 weeks will be 20mg per day. 2 days into PCT now feel ok so far. But i felt i had to add nolvadex into my ‘cycle’ halfway through as my nipples/ gyno felt quite strange. It won't really help with muscle gain; in fact I feel weaker since I started taking it. Its been 3 days, and my skin texture is whole difderent. Hi all, today is the last day of my 8 week Anavar cycle. I doubt at 10mg you will be able to build 4kg of solid muscle while dropping 3kg of fat. Hi guys, i'm 40 yo man, 179cms height (5' 10. Better than EQ or Tren veins for me personally. 100mg test per week with 20mg pharma anavar per day was one of the strongest cycles I’ve ever ran, including my test tren cycles. Hello, I did a very mild anavar only Cycle. Var only made mine a tiny bit bigger, not enough to even be noticeable and it goes right back to normal when the cycle is over. Take some Nolva on cycle and for 4 weeks afterwards, will help keep you not so shutdown and that methylestrogen from giving you any sore nips. Get on 200mg test and 25-50mg anavar per day. Not looking for crazy gains and only want dry lean tissue. Anavar is hella strong and anyone to tell you otherwise either is a poor responder or has low quality stuff. Anavar is one of my favorite cutting compounds, but generally I have a certain amount of testosterone in the mix,As being highly suppressed or shutdown with out exogenous testosterone is a miserable experience and cycle. do it on cycle or just toss it. I went to the gym 4 times a week for the whole cycle. I’m also not off-cycle right now - I stated in the post I’m currently on my next cycle with added Test P EOD, so I can’t really answer your first question. I experienced mild suppression that lasted longer than the cycle, but went away naturally over time. As in , a quick google will show these to you Can an anavar only cycle work? Yes, of course it can Is if you’re a male, would a testosterone only cycle be better? Yes, absolutely Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle therapy and side effects. I’m considering doing one more cycle of just anavar. Overall tho, good cycle to use just 1 injectable and 1 oral Def recommend test only first cycle like other people are saying, I did 250mg a week in a split dose and it gave me everything I had hoped the anavar cycle would. Link to previously live documenting thread. Just to confirm, you have never seen any research saying that anavar is hepatoxic? There’s multiple studies that say as much. The cycle will be 9-12 A place to discussing all things related to the safe usage of Steroids, TRT or hormone replacement with the exception of sourcing information. A test only cycle when you're as small as you are is all you need to bulk. Ramp up the var from 25-100mg or 25-50mg. I am well past my genetic limit. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. How was your sex drive through the cycle? What are your guys' thoughts on an Anavar only cycle? My source is running it for a decent price and I was thinking about giving it a go for my cut phase. If you cycle at too high of bf% you’ll need more AI to keep estro in check. I take 20 mg anavar and thr normal supplements (multivitamin, creatine, fish oil, caffeine) I take 10 mg in the morning and 10 mg before workout with caffeine. I’ve read that because of the 8hr half life a lot of people split the dosage twice a day 8 hours or so apart is that what you would all recommend? Also is it more beneficial to use the var for the first 8 weeks of the cycle or the last 8 weeks? Use a test base as above. anavar doesnt convert to any estrogen, which will no doubt lead to you having low/zero estrogen side effects like libido and other sexual dysfunction. You likely had very little estrogen in your system. A lot of ugl anavar isn’t really anavar. What do you guys think would be a decent var only cycle for a male. rvrpbn fytk wqw lvzhnjc rtal fhz ojpzxcuu ykb bfyl apkv