Home assistant mqtt switch unavailable . it controls the light and fan only via WiFi/MQTT As described in the title. 1. For instance, Might be time time to switch to ESPHome. Although mqtt: broker: 192. Currently, I have a Particle Argon and was trying to use the following code from the following user/github and it seems the mqtt library was crashing it, being only written for the P0 Particle. I am playing with tasmota firmware on a few sonoff mini devices, and they work great. 05am every day. But there is no similar thing for the switch component. However the switch is always in unavailable state? Any advice what I’m doing wrong here? Thx switch: unique_id: mqttswitch_pelletofen name: “MQTTSwitch Pelletofen” availability_topic: Hi everyone, I’m using mqtt to control a shelly 1 relay. I set up my config file to have an MQTT switch. Instructions on how to integrate MQTT switches into Home Assistant. turn_off data: entity_id: - Clicking the switch is working fine. Home Assistant doesn’t appear to store the device configuration information anywhere but instead publishes it to the MQTT broker as a retained message. But instead of showing a solid line, I only see dots of the measurements: I know there was the same issue some months ago and it was fixed by an update of ha core (I think). I think that’s a better solution than ping, simply because it’s the standard way to detect availability of MQTT entities in Home Assistant. I have an old Sonoff switch that was configures as Heater. I was able to connect controllino with HA using MQTT following the examples and tutorials. Ie. turn_on, switch. Here are some I found during my search, but none were exactly the same within loxberry there ist a mqtt plugin for access mqtt topic within loxone in that plugin i can choose expand json wich shows me all expanded topics automatically without anything else todo mobile. 0b1 What was the last working v Home Assistant Community Shellys becoming unavailable. When I go to the Entity page, they show as Unavailable with the message “This entity is no longer being provided by the mqtt integration. h> Have an issue with OWEN Plc - the switch is often unavailable for a short period of time. Thanks for you help. A relay is connected to the other esp12 pin (in the tasmota defined as “relay1”). I use the Mosquitto broker without any changes, and the code that is running on the ESP is this: #include <Arduino. user: mqtt_user topic: tasmota_C0247B This is it’s console output: 00:00:00 CFG: Loaded from flash at F9, Count 83 Hi, I used to have my tasmota switches setup with mqtt discovery (setoption19 1). Is there some way to remove it? I remember reading that sending some commands to the Hello there! I am setting up an Arduino based device that will be bounded to a HA MQTT switch. I’ve now added an aeonlabs Zwave stick and finally managed to successfully connect it and add several switches to it. Now I’d like to customize the icon of the MQTT switches and I have tried something Since yesterday, a esphome sensor is constantly showing “not available”, however sensor data is recorded. Ralf (Ralf) June 4, 2021, 1:44pm 1. At the moment it has 3 light modes - off, temperature (colour set depending on room temperature) and rainbow (slowly changing colours). When I have tried it earlier and my moscito mqtt broker sees all message but when I am trying to toggle switch from UI nothing happen: What are your mqtt log? Screenshot (4) 1607×752 56 KB Hi, I have an MQTT Switch, which works fine, my issue is I want HA to recognise when the MQTT broker is unavailable and hence make the MQTT switch “unavailable” or “unknown” in the UI. I have a few switches/plugs/lights that have a LAN option and a Cloud option. Part I: My configuration I have AUX ASW-H09A4 WiFi air conditioner (further AC). However, now I have switch to Open Hardware Monitor on Windows machines and have not had problems since. Hi. 50 MQTT Switch: add availability_topic for online/offline status, but i can not make it work. 5 to 2021. I made sure no other “switch:” commnd is in the config file. I have a sonoff rf bridge which I managed to install tasmota with the portisch firmware. , to use the GPIO switches as sensors whose status is not related with that of the relays. state | lower == 'none'%} {{ item. Has anyone else run into this issue or can see an obvious problem here? Config mqtt: broker: core-mosquitto username: !secret mqtt_user password: Device Configuration information Storage in Home Assistant. db matches for a grep on the ID. For example, if you publish a payload to the topic, but it’s not a retained message, anything that subscribes to the topic afterwards will not receive the previously A few days ago I configured uptime kuma to track my zigbee devices using mqtt payload. 2 Supervisor2023. The PIR sensor is connected to the esp12 pin, in the tasmota settings it is defined as a “switch”. Use state triggers for each heater when they become ‘unavailable’. 11. What kind of switch is it ? It is not a mqtt one, this would show MQTT. I create a following but in home assistant is always “unavailable” - platform: mqtt state_topic: "stat/sonoff4pro2/POWER1" name: "Tapparella_stato" availability_topic: "tele/sonoff4pro2/LWT" payload_on: ON payload_off: OFF value_template: "{{ value_json. I'm trying to add the devices via the MQTT integration via Try to enable it, if experiencing incorrect switch operation. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their I’ve been searching the forums and posting in Discord. I’ve tried searching for the device ID in config directory and child directories and nothing shows up. Some of my devices (three Hue bulbs, one Ikea bulb, and three smart plugs) aren’t responding or reporting to Home Assistant anymore. 2025. Running Hass. Code owners of mqtt can trigger bot actions by commenting:. Meross, Tuya, etc. e. Then I checked in HA: Integrations => MQTT => configure => “listen to topic” and tested a couple of Was struggling with which available options in the docs: MQTT Sensor - Home Assistant I need, because there are a few, also with availability_topic, which I tried at first. And I got some results. This is what I have in the Configuration file: mqtt: sensor: - name: "Test RSSI" unique_id: Test_RSSI state_topic: "test/RSSI" unit_of_measurement: dB device_class: signal_strength The device comes up in my Entities and if I click on it, it comes up with a graph of the value but at the top is a message I recently updated my Outlander Detector project to send the MQTT config for a binary sensor and reset switch upon starting. 0 (because of some timstamp bug) I’ve added an extra switch (named balco 1 below in my configuration. Flow is: MQTT Node > Switch Default schema - Examples . If I go to the Shelly web interface and reset the device, it becomes available and works as expected. yaml file: Looking for your configuration file? A list of MQTT topics subscribed to receive availability The problem When reloading manually configured MQTT entities, MQTT light entities which: are declared using a new format (mqtt: domain) have availability set (regardless My setup is zigbee2mqtt (RasPi) > Mosquitto (Docker) > Home Assistant (Docker). If availability is defined, the binary sensor will be considered as unavailable by default and the sensor’s initial state will be unavailable. jones (Andrew Jones) January 9, 2024, 8:55pm Hello, I’m using zigebee2mqtt and mosquitto mqtt-broker in my smarthome setup since a long time. Integration wise, I’m successfully using zigbee2mqtt and some other integrations for various plugs like tp-link and an integration for tado thermostats. My other GE 14294 dimmer, my 2 GE 12722 switches, and my Inovelli Red Series dimmer all Hi everyone, I’m having a constant issue with MQTT after restarting Home Assistant and I was wondering if anyone could help as I have no idea how to properly fix the issue. I had to manually restart the MQTT broker after restarting HA to get everything I'm using an all dockerized solution where mosquitto, zigbee2mqtt and home assistant are all containers. Whenever I restart all my switches stop have unknown triggers states and my cover devices also show as unavailable. Isn’t the timeout is supposed to kick in and disable the switches in front end automagically? If I publish the AVAILABLE topic to OFF manually, the front end Hi, I’m not sure if what I’m attempting to do is possible or not. Any This is a blueprint to trigger automations using the Shelly i3 via MQTT. I can add/remove/change any published messages if needed. The state will be updated only after a new message is published on state_topic matching Thanks for the fast answe. A couple of times all my tasmota devices show as unavailable. If the entity is no longer in use, delete it in Hi there, I am trying to get a tasmota switch working under mqtt without much luck. This then triggers a telegram message to be sent on locked and unlocked state. So far I’ve set up everything via the UI, and I’ve been using node-red for The problem I added mqtt switches and sensors in configuration. I now would like to get a message when somebody turned the traditional light switch to off, so that the HASS commands cannot work anymore (No communication to HASS due to missing My setup is zigbee2mqtt (RasPi) > Mosquitto (Docker) > Home Assistant (Docker). Now I’d like to customize the icon of the MQTT switches and I have tried something ok, although I’m using homeassistant for a while now, I suddenly seem to have a very dummy problem I’ve upgraded from version 0. 0 Using the Mosquitto broker plugin, default configuration. 154 port: 1883 client_id: home-assistan Hello. 2 Getting started; the initial state of the switch will be unknown. This happens even though the discovery messages are retained on the MQTT broker (I can see the retain flag on all the messages in MQTT Explorer). From version 0. But the state is not. io, latest versions. I checked in MQTTexplorer - all there. I don’t know how to solve this. Configuration warnings Invalid config for 'mqtt' at configuration. I even made a nice ‘dashboard’. I have a hass. To enable this switch in your installation, add the following to your configuration. but giving me major problems Just purchased a Odroid N2+ to replace the Odroid XU4 in Configuration. I’ve also looked in . I have a zigbee switch connected through zigbee2mqtt. 1 KB. There will be two parts in this post: descriptive and question. This means that when it restarts it receives the configuration data from the broker when it subscribes to that topic. I can control all relays pretty easily via mqtt, but haven’t figured out how to get switch status yet. Everything work fine. Just to consolidate everything to one switch for the whole room. The idea is that some ESPHOME devices subscribe to this switch and if is it turned on they stay up when they wake up. I reused in for another purpose, but however, even if all yaml-files are reconfigured and I removed all references to the Heater switch, it still shows up as Unavailable in HA. My other GE 14294 dimmer, my 2 GE 12722 switches, and my Inovelli Red Series dimmer all I have multiple HA instances (3), all connected to the central HA mqtt ‘hub’ which runs the MQTT add-on. Love it! So I have a Node reading MQTT state of a binary switch (door lock) in HA. The integration with HASS is through the zigbee2mqtt interface. 1 Frontend20231030. ==> Is there a nice and clean way to In the device menu they are marked “unavailable”. With the lights component this can be handled correctly by using the mqtt_template platform instead of the mqtt one (where the state_template is used as the state directly, so this comparison issue is avoided as you can just make the template output on or off based on arbitrary state). Configuration . So if the lights were “ON” before, and are obviously not on anymore, the HA UI keeps showing “ON. Here is my scenario. I’ve just bought an aqara switch [WRS-R02] Xiaomi WRS-R02 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT with 2 buttons. I use Mosquitto as MQTT broker in a docker After I upgraded to 2022. Log of changing state: 22:09:06 Turned on 22:08:33 Changed to unavailable 22:08:06 Turned on 22:07:33 Changed to unavailable 22:07:06 Turned on 22:06:33 Changed to unavailable 22:06:06 Turned on 22:05:33 Changed to unavailable 22:05:06 Turned on Very good point @finityhowever, I am at a loss on how to implement this properly. From time to time it will switch channel. I have an ESP device using MQTT and is auto discovered. HA is running on a synology NAS as a virtual machine. When the Mosquitto container is restarted all MQTT devices go into an unavailable state and do not They connect to Home Assistant via MQTT, but all of them are showing as unavailable. toggle to control switches. When a The payload that represents the unavailable state. Home Assistant Ludvig, Based on that link my guess is that you are seeing the alarm indicator as the binary sensor. I also upgraded most of the addons and after doing so all of my zigbee sensors/switches/lights went to unavailable. loic69 September 9, 2024, 6:37am 10. Is there a way to keep this functionality with the Any thoughts on why my MQTT Discovery is not working? I originally had then setup manually but I wanted to see how the discovery works but I can’t get anything to show up. friendly_name }} is {{ item. 'Car Home Sensor' (binary_ After I upgraded to 2022. michaelblight (Michael) April 14, 2021, (ie. 0 (following these directions). I recently switched from native MQTT integrated Tasmota outlets, to the new Tasmota integration thinking it would help my issues. I can see the events and see the state and sensors it I’m wondering if there’s a way to get/parse all (zigbee2)mqtt devices whose availability is offline? I’d like to create a sensor like this one for dead Z-Wave nodes: sensor: - name: "Dead Z-Wave Devices" uniq Hello, I’m using zigebee2mqtt and mosquitto mqtt-broker in my smarthome setup since a long time. It has a wyze hub (usb) and a bunch of sensors connect to it. However, both the sensors for the sign stay in the ‘Unavailable’ status. The tasmota devices become unavailable until I setoption19 1 on each device. I’m ready to ditch hass. Everything has been working fine with ZHA so far. Now I gave it a go to it because of default settings of zigbee2mqtt. state }}" device_class: I’m running into an odd problem with Zigbee2MQTT. If I have observed it correctly, the problem only occurs since switching to HAOS. Hello, running the latest version of core-2021. While I’ve worked around most issues through research, I am missing something about a current problem where two switches out of 9 at some point decided to duplicate their entity ids, which leads to an unwanted default switch group being displayed in the HASS UI. turn_off, and switch. xxx username: xx password: xx will_message: When a timout occurs due to an MQTT keepalive message being missed, the broker sends a disconnect message to HA, this is controlled by MQTT messages are making it to the broker, and are being seen inside of HA. state | lower == 'unknown' or item. I have a door sensor (on/off) inserted in my wall to switch all the HUE lights in the living room. Tasmota integration does discover the switch and all associated sensors, however these are all ‘unavailable’. Generic status update is on. But I cannot find that thread from back then I’m also not sure what happened, Hello everyone. I followed the classic procedure to install and configure Mosquitto broker (with MQTT binary sensor The mqtt binary sensor platform uses an MQTT message received to set the binary sensor’s state to on, off or unknown. If you instruct a template switch to turn on and its state reverts to off, it means value_template failed to evaluate to true. I put together this: {% for item in states %} {% if item. Suspect it’s something with the MQTT discovery in HA not the firmware. I can toggle the switch via it’s local web page. However, I have purchased some Aqara Wireless Remote Switch H1 I’m running into an odd problem with Zigbee2MQTT. I installed the mosquitto addon successfully. If your Sonoff device lose its Wifi connection then regains it, it will reconnect to the MQTT broker, resubscribe to topics, and immediately receive the last retained message which might have been a command to turn on the light. Here is the MQTT discovery data as shown in the MQTT info section. 9:30:19 pm. Flow is: MQTT Node > Switch Hi there I hope someone can help me as this is driving me mad. clipboard - id: disable_boiler alias: Disable Boiler trigger: - platform: state entity_id: switch. On the sonoff switch side, I have implemented a simple way to send the switch availability by setting the last_will message to be Hello, everyone. Everything is working as expected. Home Assistant Community Online/Offline availability_topic config for MQTT Switch. However, since the value is true and not the default ‘online’ I have the MQTT server setup in Hass. Now that I installed some Zigbee bulbs there, I would not want to switch off power, but use the Shelly1 in detached Hi all I’m out of options and will be very pleased of you can take a look into my challenge. I can send commands in the broker to turn them on or off quite The last updates of home assitant this year are killing my smart home! too many bugs JulianDH (Julian Hall) March 17, 2024, 11:39pm 4 I have loaded the script linked below on a Raspberry Pi 3. jones (Andrew Jones) January 9, 2024, 8:55pm For some reason I have a lot of duplicate entities. I am able to listen to all topics on the mqtt-broker, but the auto discovery Hi! I’m looking for something very simple but I guess I haven’t found the right keywords: basically it’s plugged to the main house power source and “transmit” when it’s on, preferably using the wifi but I can compromise eventually. 9, I saw notification to change mqtt switch and sensor config. I would like to make Home Assistant put that particular device to unavailable if it haven’t received either a door status message or any other published message from the At around 2:21am every morning for the last several mornings, I am being woke up by a light being turned on. The tasmota is off and the topic should be posted as seen in log above. The MQTT sensor defs are: Hello, I’m trying to use an MOES UFO-R11 universal remote control with Home-assistant thru zigbee2Mqtt. Registers actions switch. 05am every Hi, I have a Shelly1 installed behind a switch, which previously worked as an (attached) edge switch. My tentative sensor setup is: - platform: mqtt name: "Shelly4PRO Switch1 Status" state_topic: I’d like an overview of all sensor that are unavailable, state = none or unknown. My tentative sensor setup is: - platform: mqtt name: "Shelly4PRO Switch1 Status" state_topic: Greetings. Zigbee2MQTT runs fine as far as I don’t save the configuration trough the front end. yaml:- mqtt: broker: 192. io and the sonoff talking to it. @home-assistant close Closes the feedback. I then added it on HA by creating an MQTT switch in the following manner: - unique_id: projector name: "Projector Screen" I am new to home assistant and MQTT and seeking some help. 4. 3 Operating System11. When I was running HA on a Raspberry Pie I never had this Home Assistant acts as an MQTT client so on startup it logs into the broker (wherever it’s hosted) and subscribes to all required topics (i. Both applications are running as a docker-container. Please also attach diagnostic information from the MQTT config entry. One of the 2 is unavailable and that is the one I need to delete because this one is not correct. The issue I am facing is that when the ESP is unplugged from power, HA remembers the last known state the ESP was in, rather than updating the front end to show I have several lights and switches using Tasmota firmware and communicating with Home Assistant over MQTT. If the entity is no longer in use, delete it in Hi all, I am new to Home Assistant and using it to automate our new hackerspace. So it must be some other one. I recently made a device with the use of an ESP8266 that allows me to communicate with HA. HA knows when the MQTT switch (not broker) is offline via the MQTT will_message, that works fine. I have found if I go into Z2M and can update the Home Assistant ID for each device and they will come online. Now my garage is out of range for this hub. * files and its not there either. My setup has been the same for a while so I seemed to have either forgotten stuff or it has changed. device map (optional) Information about the device this switch is a part of to tie it into the device registry. I have installed the Shelly - platform: I recently switched from native MQTT integrated Tasmota The tasmota devices become unavailable until I setoption19 1 on each device. I’ve moved to Node-red for automations, wow its so much simpler to sequence processes. If my Arduino goes offline, its MQTT sensors will be unavailable thanks to their expire_after properties. I tried The Switch integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. I then added it on HA by creating an MQTT switch in the following manner: - unique_id: projector name: "Projector Screen" I’m also seeing this issue - can’t delete an old entity in UI, as above. The switch is configured but disconnected from power supply (it’s not powered on). It works as expected, and I am able to send and reserve messages to and from the ESP. I have a number of MQTT Sensors that detect when the MQTT Hi all, I’ve been using HA for a few months, and got a few Aqara switches/buttons and a few lightbulbs. You could also update your automation so that if the state was unknown or unavailable for > 5secs repuplish the manual message. That’s the behavior you get when value_template is incorrect. The switch appears on my HA page but it does not turn the Hi all, new here and learning Have set up an mqtt switch for an ADAM6050 PIC - to change the output state you send {“v”:true} (or false) to the command topic, which in turn returns the json payload with the new state in but this string contains all the i/o port states. 50 MQTT Switch: add availability_topic for online Thay means the MQTT broker will store a copy of the command. And indeed it is how Hi, I have a Shelly Plus 1 with SW Vers. Here it is what i’ve done to bypass this: ######################### # Issue: Tasmota Light/Fan switch appears as Unavailable in Home Assistant quite often (about 5 minutes per hour) Setup: Treatlife DS03 Light Fan Switch Flashed with the Tasmota 9. hw kast 1457×116 15. Maintains a state per switch and a combined state all_switches. Wired such that it has power and ground, but light wire and fan wire are caped off (i. 2 I have Mosquitto broker running and communication with 3 entities although all entities are not available. But this is a hassle. Clicked on the integration and check the This is still a valid issue. x. It has Broadlink WiFi module. This is what I have in the Configuration file: mqtt: sensor: - name: "Test RSSI" unique_id: Test_RSSI state_topic: "test/RSSI" unit_of_measurement: dB device_class: signal_strength The device comes up in my Entities and if I click on it, it comes up with a graph of the value but at the top is a message I am trying to use some of the relays in a Shelly 4PRO in “detached mode”, i. I have added my Mqtt username and password in my copy, since from what I have Or write another automation that turns off the boiler. 5. I am able to listen to all topics on the mqtt-broker, but the auto discovery Hey guys, First off that’s a very well targeted implementation, and thank you for that. HA Version: Home Assistant 2022. So I wanted to have a switch template that tries the LAN option first, then if that doesn’t work it reverts to the Cloud option. I am using the HA front end to control 8 relays connected to ESP8266 as controller. Now I started to work with Home Assistant. In esp12, the rule is configured - when the PIR sensor is triggered, turn on the relay, turn off when the Hi, I have a garage door cover that periodically outputs the door state. Hello, I need a binary sensor that tell the state of my sonoff switch if ON or OFF. Still using 2022. After saving and after a restart the devices become unavailable after a bit trying out and using MQTT Explorer I found out that the reason for that seams to be that device are now reported directly under the “homeassistant” topic instead as a sensor or as a I try add mqtt switch from Domoticz to Home-assistant. After that, when HA is rebooted, a warning message is output to the log. I chose it especially to work with home assistant (further HA). Hi all MQTT Valve The mqtt valve platform allows you to control an MQTT valve (such a gas or water valve). But the home assistant switch stays on. This is often only brief ok, although I’m using homeassistant for a while now, I suddenly seem to have a very dummy problem I’ve upgraded from version 0. The only two MQTT devices still working are those coming from Domoticz via MQTT. But, if I remove power to the sonoff, the HA UI doesn’t see it go offline (no way to send out a mqtt update on powerdown). I have read and watched almost every video and post on setting up a tasmota sonoff basic in hassio with mosquito. Hi, I’m using a Sonoff switch and would like to have some sort of way to display on the Homeassistant webpage if the switch is offline (unavailable) by greying the switch (disabling) so the user can’t change the switch state while it’s unavailable. yaml file? do i have to make a sensor first? or just a switch like below? which I couldn’t get to work it says its unavailable? can someone check what is wrong with below? mqtt: switch: unique_id: MQTT_switch Instructions on how to setup MQTT lights using default schema within Home Assistant. I’ve been looking for an equivalent to make MQTT switches unavailable if they are not being updated for a while. Facts: My server does maintenance around this time, and the history confirms the Z-Wave light switch goes Unavailable shortly before its state changes to On. A Wemos D1 mini clone and a bme280. Is there a HA template i can use to read last known value and i have a binary MQTT sensor that tracks an online/offline status. It has a button which toggles between the modes and it also sends Hi everyone, i hope that this thread is the right one to post my issue: i have the following switch definition: ## switch 1pm condizionatore samsung camera Matilde - name: "condizionatore_samsung" state_topic: "shell i am trying to make a simple switch to turn on and off the mqtt switch in home assistant, what would I type in the configuration. I’m using mqtt dscovery very short time. If a state_topic is configured, the entity’s state will be updated only after an MQTT message is received on state_topic matching state_open, state_opening, I am trying to use some of the relays in a Shelly 4PRO in “detached mode”, i. Now it’s time to change from HTTP to MQTT and here I need help of you guys So probably this is important pictures so that I can make correct mqtt protocol Config: Controllers: Is this correct MQTT configuration? I can choose also some other MQTT protocol, but retained: dont believe they are, mqtt explorer doesnt show the yellow retained box. state }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} which lists the sensors correctly in the template Hey there @emontnemery, @jbouwh, mind taking a look at this feedback as it has been labeled with an integration (mqtt) you are listed as a code owner for? Thanks! Code owner commands. But i am having the following issue: When the device sends an “online” MQTT message, the sensor shows as “off” When the device sends an “offline” MQTT message, the sensor shows as “unavailable” Here is the yaml code: binary_sensor: - platform: mqtt name: frigate server availability_topic: within loxberry there ist a mqtt plugin for access mqtt topic within loxone in that plugin i can choose expand json wich shows me all expanded topics automatically without anything else todo mobile. An MQTT Hi, I have the following problem. attributes. These switches I am sure I am missing something basic here. This goes thru a switch node with payloads ON and OFF listed. Only place I see my switch is in Unused entities. yaml, line 44: expected dict 'mqtt->0->sensor->0', got None Ok I need your help. Help connect the PIR sensor to Home assistant. Tasmota works fine. Configuration. Hi All, Could i get some advice, I’m new to HA, have just setup MQTT (embeded) and my switch is marked as unavailable (using a flashed sonnof tasmota). Rule1 on time#minute=245 do setoption19 1 thanks, thats a fine source. I have sniffed the rf codes that I am after and have been able to send them via mqtt. g. I’ve tried to set tasmota to sensorretain and switchretain, but for some “unknown” reason 😂, tasmota would not send switch2 state with retain. If I restart / reload the MQTT integration or restart the whole Home Assistant, all devices / entities that are integrated via MQTT are not available in HA. A valve entity can be have the following states: open, opening, closed or closing. Now I’d like to customize the icon of the MQTT switches and I have tried something I have ESPEasy firmware on some devices. Now it’s time to change from HTTP to MQTT and here I need help of you guys So probably this is important pictures so that I can make correct mqtt protocol Config: Controllers: Is this correct MQTT configuration? I can choose also some other MQTT protocol, but Not sure if this is a HA problem or not. 168. Super basic, just to understand how everything works. Then I capture whatever is transmitted and know the city power is working (or not). Though I did restart the watermeter, so it published all once more, and still the sensor would show Home Assistant MQTT Switch. 154 port: 1883 client_id: home-assistan Hi everyone! I’m trying to connect my Shelly plus 1pm switches to HA using MQTT, I tried to follow any guide found around the web but I always get the same error: the entities are added but the device is unknown, therefore without the possibility of receiving the status or changing it. Important: Please note the time when you restart Z2M. 12. my I have a bunch of Sonoff / Tasmota switches in my house, all controlled via Home Assistant. yaml . Hi, I have just started using HAwhat a great project! Thanks for starting it! I’m using a Controllino (a PLC based on Arduino) to control light/rollers in my home. IO 0. 2. Hi all, I’ve been using HA for a few months, and got a few Aqara switches/buttons and a few lightbulbs. My HA config: switch: - platform: mqtt name: "Bedroom light" state_topic: La piattaforma “MQTT Switch”, figlia del componente “Switch”, serve per definire delle semplici entità di tipo “interruttore” utili, appunto, nel gestire tramite Home Assistant degli attuatori domotici di tipo acceso/spento che prevedano di essere controllati tramite protocollo MQTT (per esempio quelli dotati di firmware Tasmota). The issue is when HA restarts MQTT resets the state of the door sensor. mqtt: switch: - unique_id: esp12f_ht_ota name: "esp12f-ht OTA Mode" icon: "mdi:upload" state_topic: "esp12f-ht/ota From version 0. The switch is the front end is still working even after I power down the ESP. 05. 1. I created a simple rule in tasmota to send the setoption19 1 at 4. Brightness and RGB support . yaml The configuration. I don’t want to blow my DB away as I have Hi, I have just started using HAwhat a great project! Thanks for starting it! I’m using a Controllino (a PLC based on Arduino) to control light/rollers in my home. It’s supposed to have single, double, long press actions but when I try to add an automatisation, the only actions I have are : Hello everyone, Today I decided to do some maintenance to my home assistant setup, I usually don’t do this often as many times something breaks, just like today! I was still on version 2021. Hi all, I moved a few months ago and I’m just starting to redo my Home Assistant setup. The only thing I see is Binary file home-assistant_v2. I have temp sensors already working but switches won,t work. Hello, This has been a great community and I have been reading to get my setup working. heater_bedroom to: 'unavailable' - platform: state entity_id: switch. I have just moved my Shelly 1 to MQTT and have it working fully. The switch is always unavailable. I always prefer fixed settings. I hope someone here can helping I have look already with mqtt-explorer data is here: I have add to HA but switch have status: unavailable. After Months of flawless Tasmota operation with Home Assistant I’ve started to run into problems that my devices are in and out or availability and constantly showing “unavailable” in Home Assistant. I succeed to connect the device to zigbee2mqtt and tried to learn some remote IR (from whirlpool air conditionning IR remote) code but I’m puzzled of the result: The code seems really long and never the same for the same button pressed. If I sniff MQTT in the debug tool I can see the Zigbee MQTT messages. Problem - Whenever Wemos goes to deep sleep i get “NaN” or “Unavailable” for plant sensor and i would like to get “last known value” instead, so not to wait few hours to read the data. E. storage/core. MQTT integration (via z2m) discovered 51 devices, and everything worked fine. state | lower == 'unavailable' or item. so Taras, I guess you’re right there. ; Not sure if this is a HA problem or not. 0. yaml, line 44: expected dict 'mqtt->0->light->0', got None Invalid config for 'mqtt' at configuration. I followed up documentation examples, but after upgrade MQTT sensor and switches have stopped working After I’ve changed back to “OLD” configuration, switches and sensors came back. It worth mentioning that I installed python version of HA to have minimal footprint and be able to make rapid update (but Setup - I have capacitive soil sensor plugged to Wemos d1 mini which is connected to battery. See screenshot: I’m using HASS. This blueprint assumes that you have set all 3 inputs to “Toggle Switch” mode (Act as a flip switch with one state for “ON” and retained: dont believe they are, mqtt explorer doesnt show the yellow retained box. What am I missing? Please attach Home Assistant logs with the settings below, the log needs to cover a restart of Home Assistant, let things settle for a couple of minutes and then a restart of Z2M. The switch is working, all topics are properly send and received, according to mqtt broker. However, I have purchased some Aqara Wireless Remote Switch H1 Double Rocker which for some reason is not supported in ZHA. What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? Core 2022. switch, mqtt. (I had dozens of gpio switches turned into template lights) On the other hand, i would only use it on GPIO switches as on the mqtt switches, with the availability_topic: "tele/sonoff_xxx/LWT" i could check if everything was running ok. It works as expected. Via an MQTT broker, it will be detected as an MQTT integration in Home Assistant. Periodically through the day, they’ll get marked as “unavailable” and back to “available” again in the same minute (according to I have coded my device client according to the paho-mqtt guidelines, using loop_start() and loop_stop() methods on the MQTT client class which runs a background I installed some updates through HACS (nothing MQTT related there), then restarted HA, and all the MQTT stuff remained unavailable. I only have one problem. h> #include <ESP8266WiFi. I’ve set my HA on a raspberry soon, with zigbee2mqtt. 1 and supervisor-2021. I am using Esphome via MQTT. The devices still seem to communicate with one Hi there, I’m trying to setup a switch in Home Assistant that publishes its state to other devices. I can’t get the switch to show up on the main page or in the Developer tools states. the topics of all MQTT-based entities, MQTT triggers, etc). it stays off all the time and when I click on it, it reverts to off after a few seconds. value_template is used to report the template switch’s state. I am trying to use HA and MQTT to turn on and off an LED using an ESP8266. When the Mosquitto container is restarted all MQTT devices go into an unavailable state and do not come out. io LOL Here’s This project is a Home Assistant add-on that allows you to control various SwitchBot products through the API. To enable a light with brightness and RGB support in your installation, add the following to your configuration. I have mesh wifi network and its using automatic channel. Hi All I recently setup a new Pi4 with Home Assistant Core2023. yaml), similar as I’ve done for many other mqtt switches with tasmota However, after reloading my In the esp8266 code I cannot set it to offline as it can lose power at any time. Only works Everytime I restart home assistant the sensors are unavailable. The tasmota is turning off the switch after 3 seconds by itself and I would assume the HA switch is knowing that. There is esp12 with tasmota firmware. So you chose to change the wifi channel, not the zigbee channel of the Hue Hub? I wonder if z- wave has influence here too, since thats what i suspected before, when several Z-wave switches weren’t connected robustly and seemed to interfere when in each others line, or in proximity of the Tradfri hub for example. 90. I had a bit of trouble getting it working, mostly due to my unfamiliarity with MQTT. X and upgraded to the latest version as of today. ” Some devices I would like to be only connected to The MQTT topic subscribed to receive birth and LWT messages from the MQTT device. I’ve set this up the legacy way, as it wouldn’t work with my ssid and secrets for Hi there! Since a few versions ago, HA started to forget states for some mqtt based, sensors and switches when restarted together with mqtt-addon. sorry I’m a newbie in HA. h> #include <HX711. other_heater to: 'unavailable' action: - service: switch. topic string Required. though we can not set a retain flag in the sensor config, there is this expire_after: MQTT Sensor - Home Assistant I am sure I am missing something basic here. 8. with pubsubclient, you can specify the last will message when calling connect. 112. It monitors various items on the Pi and sends the data to HA. After getting it to I have added a MQTT device to my new HA set-up. manages the state of the switch entities and allows you to control them. Then suddenly all buttons and sensors became ‘unavailable’. Communication with HA was over MQTT. I really like the wyze products. I am running hassbian and set up mosquitto on it. io vm on my server that is my primary. 3. Of course looking for something cheap. Hardware. My tasmota MQTT devices are set to send status messages every 300s, but they still don’t appear anymore. 9 Here is example of old config: Hi, I have a garage door cover that periodically outputs the door state. Looking in the history, I see the time it goes off line. andrew. 6. xxx. 1 Like. So I’ve set up Zigbee2MQTT which went somewhat fine and its setup. Instructions on how to integrate MQTT sensors within Home Is there any way to configure a multi-option MQTT switch? I have a night light that I’ve built using a raspberry pi, a temperature sensor and some APA102 LEDs. This message is displayed when check the configuraction in developers tool. Hello. I checked in z2m - everything is working fine. Currently I’m controling it via HTTP commands. However after a few days, all the entities related to the device become unavailble; however, the device still responds to MQTT commands and gives status; but not through the dashboard or with HA interfaces; just MQTT. I have version 6. All runs fine, and I can extract all events on all instances according the setup needs. I can see in the logs that the devices are connecti… I have a problem where When I restart HA, all my MQTT devices show up as unavailable. So it’s not available in zigbee network therefore should be unavailable. I can’t make them work Hi I recreated the bed sensor project from Everything Smart Home and it works grate but every time when I am restarting Home Assistant the sensor gets unavailable, and I have to restart the sensor. If the entity is no longer in use, delete it in Hi there I hope someone can help me as this is driving me mad. If availability is not defined, the binary sensor will always be considered available and its state will be on, off or unknown. A neighbour asked me about HA and I wanted to set up a test system for her using a spare RPi and ConBee II I have a LEDVANCE Classic A 60 bulb connected to a traditional light switch. Again, I’ve got a 2nd FPP reporting through the same broker, and HA is seeing those updates fine. I’m using hassio (or whatever it’s called now), running perfectly well in a VM. BTW they are sonoff devices flashed with Tasmota. There is probably another way to set the mode. In this section you will find some real-life examples of how to use this sensor. 4 on a RPi4. yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It works fine. A MQTT device can reset the current state to unknown using a None payload. ; @home-assistant rename Awesome new title Renames the feedback. But that action is not getting to the switch in home assistant. Garage door control unit uses MQTT and is coded by me. However, every time I restart HA, the Shelly defaults to ‘unavailable’. I’ve set this up repeatedly and I’m not getting the desired result. That’s what MQTT’s last will and testament is for. Valve controlled by states . The issue I have is the ADAM unit changes state but I can’t get ha to recognise the reply correctly, Hi, I have just started using HAwhat a great project! Thanks for starting it! I’m using a Controllino (a PLC based on Arduino) to control light/rollers in my home. I have setup mqtt on it, and assigned a login/passwork. An MQTT Sensor will report unknown when there’s no payload. Post your template switch’s configuration so I switched from ZHA to Zigbee2MQTT a couple of months ago and everything has been working very well. I come from a HA Docker container version back to HAOS. No success so far. not using glances), and sent it to HA using MQTT. My HA config: switch: - platform: mqtt name: "Bedroom light" state_topic: Hi all, I’ve been using HA for a few months, and got a few Aqara switches/buttons and a few lightbulbs. As the MQTT discovery is deprecated, I’m attempting to move them to tasmota (setoption19 0). This is not a discovery issue after HA reboot as I already have automation’s in setup to discover them after HA reboot and that works fine. 0(release-sonoff) flashed with SetOption19 On. I have added a MQTT device to my new HA set-up. dzungpv (Viet Dzung) September 30, 2017, 10:38am 1. The native Shelly integration (for me at least) does not trigger immediately when a switch is turned on/off, but it does update properly via MQTT, which is why I have created it. Issues that bingobob reported started to appear as well ie HA reports the switch on but it’s actually not, so better the devil you know and switched back to 6. Though I did restart the watermeter, so it published all once more, and still the sensor would show unknown. I created a mqtt switch for this by doing the following : mqtt: switch: - unique_id: Test name: "Test Relay" state_topic: "shellies/shelly1-xxx I’m running into an odd problem with Zigbee2MQTT. yaml), similar as I’ve done for many other mqtt switches with tasmota However, after reloading my I have ESPEasy firmware on some devices. The add-on can also receive Webhooks to obtain the device's status. zfpgdq pnvyrw byqeh tinsn smourhg zceccr bmznsv mxnuof wkhuqv iowt