Horde vs alliance pvp win ratio 2020. I come back and it seems like nothing changed.
Horde vs alliance pvp win ratio 2020 25 times. Unlike the psychopath alliance players. Really makes me wanna reroll horde at this point. I usually play horde but and interested to try something new. And no one communicates. Dec 15, 2023 · In PvP, however, the classic Horde vs. Maybe it’s my Battlegroup but the only BG I tend to win consistently as Alliance is Ashran because the strategy is so dead simple. But seeing people already posting several guild recruitment threads for alliance pvp makes me wonder if maybe I’m wrong. Nov 15, 2024 · If you want to be best of the best and serious for both PvE and PvP go horde, their racials are the best all the way to TBC. This is all understandable but to me it really feels like Alliance is underpopulated. any input? Thanks as always! I see getting basic pvp set as horde is nightmare. Orc warrior, BE DH, Human DK, dwarf Paladin etc. I’m glad they aren’t removing some faction specific stuff like the factions themselves and WPvP but I’d like to see more xfaction content. At 60 on alliance (solo) I have a horrendous losing record in normal BGs. But this is indicative of Unfortunately MG Horde suffers from just not having enough people actively role playing in player hubs like Org and Silvermoon. 17 times, while alliance players died on average 6. It does try to balance the number of Horde vs Alliance in each phase of the world, but it's usually not very good, and it doesn't take into account things like people who are afk. 2 min CD, free from any CC. However, as a horde player, you can queue as mercenary (which let's you queue as alliance). If you're willing to have a slightly higher win rate and longer queue, go Horde. If you just do PVE then it doesnt really matter does it? So im wondering the same, whats happening, for example, in classic, horde was winning more often but had higher queues times, and retail 2022, alliance win 80% of time regardless of how good or shit i play. i can only speak for eu, playing on a german realm. For horde grob, I'd recommend Redwood Tribes. Like always go Docks it’s the only thing matters. Back in the day, Horde had BGs on lockdown. All I read is Alliance saying that they lose 80% of the time. They usually either happen one of two ways. Nothing alliance has comes close. So a lot of the more dedicated PvP crowd that cares about min/maxing is going to be alliance for NE or Human. Mine is currently 1,058 played, 413 wins, pretty much reflects what I said before. Win rate on alliance is about 25% if that. Maybe try that out first to see if your win ratio is better on alliance before paying for a faction change. Data-driven census of active WoW players based on Raid Logs, Mythic+ runs, and PvP Leaderboards. There's also only so many people it will put in each phase, so often people will get stuck into a phase that is dominated by the other faction because of the game Jul 25, 2023 · Hello everyone. On the flip side I Q as Alliance and it seems I have to explain the fundamentals of each BG. for anything else pvp related, probably alliance unless u hate waiting in queue. We maybe not always win but people know what to do. I won a LOT more Is it just luck of the draw? or are better PvPers Alliance? or Do you think being on Stormrage had something to do with it? Do you think server matters at all? or is it just Random? Ever since I swapped to Horde I I was thinking while losing AV, what have horde got that alliance don’t? Then I noticed we had a majority of humans with basically 0 PvP racials while horde had a majority of Will of the Forsaken and Hardiness, hey even the terrible race that is tauren has 5% stamina and war stomp. A 60-40 ratio back in Vanilla was considered balanced, because most servers had 2k concurrent players, which translates into 1,200 players vs 800 players. took me 15 bgs from saturday to tuesday for 1 win, it was the only game against a german team. Time Being Alliance sucks. Day 1 I see a bunch of pro Trump racist spam in trade chat and some guy who was actually trying to sell stuff got ridiculed and told “shut up no one wants to buy your s***”. Day 2 my first The problem is that the Alliance have to be able to cleanly wipe the horde's raid twice in a row for them to advance, and the Horde win by being able to win the attrition battle. I’m sure there are a few ranker premade Horde teams that are winning sometimes but even the horde premade streamers I’ve been watching are losing vs. If you looked strictly at the characters I’ve only started pvp’ing on in Shadowlands, it’s closer to 60-70% win ratio, but only because I’ve been playing with premade groups or queuing epic BGs with a community for the last year or so. This means that players likely to be dedicated PvP players will consider being Horde as a better option. I have a quite good geared feral druid on icecrown-horde side and played him and some ally/horde toons on blackrock in the past weeks, so Iam not completely new. The guild you join is what will make your RP experience on either server I imagine. I’ve seen 8-30mins for BGs. Most races of the Horde are just plain ugly, so the default choice by a lot people is just rolling Human/Dwarf/Elf following the classic fantasy setup. We do win most of the time though. In the BG everyone understand the BG objectives. We roll over and end up posting up at ST the entire game. Jul 30, 2020 · I’ll keep this short and sweet. Re: Ratio Nov 16, 2024 · Hey, so is Alliance really that bad at PvP? Im not asking this to be inflammatory I just want the perspective of Horde and Alliance players when it comes to PvP like battle ground because I’ve been playing since 2011 and winning a BattleGround is I would say nearly impossible… and its always been this way ever since I joined. Alliance win around 2/3, depending on the BG. WPvP and BGs… Bonus if you can suggest a great sever for WPvP 8) Both are Alliance heavy servers, but there's basically zero horde on Deviate Delight. Nov 14, 2024 · What experience I did have in 2019 made me think Horde would be more popular and I’m totally fine being the underdog faction, might eve prefer it. Ive been shocked at just how terrible the community is. I remember for the pvp axe I had to get 70 AV marks of honor and I was on horde. Non epics. Dec 1, 2022 · Horde in pvp - General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums Loading May 24, 2024 · Since release I’ve qued only pvp and I’ve only won a handful of times. 0. I dont just mean by a little either. All trolling aside. Since alliance is winning most of the time they now should have on average nearly double the pvp gear which makes it even more difficult. There's a reason why Horde hit 100 Mythic Ny'alotha clears while Alliance only had 21. all other games against english or russian realms were mostly a total stomp. Do you want to still play with your horde friends only and do raiding and premade dungeons with them? Then you can make an alliance anywhere and make a community to talk with your horde friends. It's much cleaner than other zones. 100ilvl difference and actually pvp/versa gear vs random lvling gear or SL items just doesnt work. Low and behold horde everywhere! Almost impossible to do a quest without being killed 😅 What’s the horde / alliance ratio here? After disabling War Mode and questing without it I see horde much more often than Hello! I neep help, I am torn which faction to pick for fresh classic pvp servers. This is just a place for me to complain to be honest, and to see if anyone else has noticed. It only seems like more horde out and about because they cant BG. If I’m lucky we win 20%. Hello to all the lovely ladies and gentlemen - I am planning to bring my alliance character to this server and was wondering how the alliance horde ratio is like. So as far as PVP is concerned you will be miserable on Horde (as I am) being outnumbered and killed. On Alliance the dwarf guilds all seem very active and put on some great RP. Is it really better to be Horde over Alliance in PvP now days? Or are both factions pretty… This is an easy point to overlook, priests have the only offensive dispel on the Alliance side. I am just a mid level exp PvPer. There are 5. The gap between the alliance and horde is getting really out of control. in other words, Alliance don't need to ever leave their main city's with insta que Nov 28, 2020 · How long do you wait as Horde and Alliance for BGs and RBGs? Especially when when there are not a lot of players, like in the middle of the night? Thank you. I didn’t play the game for quite some time but came back some months ago. Today I played like 12 BGs. Then, I found a fantastic analysis of battleground win Nov 4, 2023 · You can check the book inside the relic chamber to see for yourself the win & defend ratio of alliance vs horde. Their abilities are just more focused on combat improvement. It felt impossible to win in BGs as Alliance. 0 The War Within - replaced with higher Conquest gains Alliance Human specifically. How is this allowed? Big premades should not be put against people solo. So I am just getting back into wow. I understand how the faction lock works. It’s all horde. And Horde wins more in my pug BGs. Feb 22, 2011 · It's always been known that Horde beat Ally in most battlegrounds. Frankly a 4% difference in win ratios can be drowned out by personal skill. u'll get instant bg queues, and with enough organization u'll have both dominance and challenge. I have a lvl 60 character on both factions, but I'm generally seeing more people playing on Horde, but on the otherhand I heard that Alliance has less queue time in BG-s, and they casually win more. I dont afk BGs and mostly get carried by my team Nov 20, 2024 · The Alliance is often the most popular faction on PvE servers, while the Horde is the most popular on PvP, though servers will be faction balanced for WoW Classic 2024. Dec 1, 2022 · Horde in pvp - General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums Loading So chromie time still has a lot of world pvp. And imho Horde dominates in PvP and PvE…But alliance owns horde in RP, just look at all the intricacies of Stormwind compared to Org they literally have a pub and fighting arena under the tram lol Apr 4, 2021 · I’m #teamAlliance for life, so over the years I can see the true difference between Alliance and Horde. I’m sure Alliance has it’s share of good players but when I que solo the Alliance tends to be awful. Now it’s seems like Alliance is making a big comeback in popularity in DF. Alliance zones are filled with horde non-stop killing quest givers in pretty much every zone making it hard to level. So hearing opinions from those that play both sides would So, with Dragonflight coming closer I'm coming back and wanted to know what's the state of rated PVP in the game, especially after cross faction. join one, and you'll easily win the battle (and complete the objectives!) as it's a popular PvP group that spans realms. Then you should be on an alliance server. The Horde is populated by Main Characters who are going to go swing their epeens around to show everyone how awesome they are at PvP. Hence Horde do better in PvP. Single. Oct 30, 2020 · Every Man for Himself. Alliance issue, it's a mindset issue since they employ some of those same tactics when they're all in an aggressive group together with a strong belief they not only can, but will win. They That’s not true for AV. Since their spawn is so close for Alliance to take IBGY you have to kill 4x as many horde as it takes for Horde to take SHGY. Fine. Earthfury is the most balanced PVP server possible and there is a 50:50 A:H ratio. A near 80/20 split on CE players. World of Warcraft Forums May 18, 2019 · Hello! Im not a pvper by nature, but the talents looked nice and also a little pvp now and then is pretty fun. But I got to ask maybe this is true lol I just had the BFA PvP map and first 2 went to us then after that the entire team decided to fight as far away from the objectives as possible leaving the horde uncontested for 8 in a row… Now I’m not great So I am just getting back into wow. I played phase 1 WotLK as alliance, then faction changed to horde because the alliance side on our server died out. You will not win PvP matches. Even the alliance pug teams have 2-4 healers, meanwhile every shaman is enhance, every priest is an This is an easy point to overlook, priests have the only offensive dispel on the Alliance side. I play Alliance mostly due to friends / guild (no war mode) and I play horde for PvP. Stop the QQ threads and it'll go away. They cannot quest with you or queue for dungeons Aug 22, 2020 · Hello, I have a question regarding the horde/alliance ratio. . Who want to play on a pvp server where there arent roughly equal the amount of horde alliance? Apr 23, 2024 · Powerful activated abilities like the human racial Perception define Horde vs Alliance PvP involving stealth classes. in summary; the difference is usually skill to brain ratio edit: I'm talking about pvp of course. Nov 15, 2022 · Ratio alliance vs horde on the pvp realm? whats the ratio ally-horde on the pvp realm? Top. This is why Alliance win AV more often. Dec 10, 2020 · I am new to PvP and wanted to try some battlegrounds. So on my own 4-500 bg data set. When horde does lose they are usually up on HKs but completely blundering the map objectives. A good premade will shitstomp horde but say like a pagle premade or an old Blanchy premade it's an 80% win. 8:1 horde-heavy battlegroup), and most of the PvPers rerolled Horde for the PvP advantage (more pvpers = more pvp gear on your teammates = decided advantage in pvp). Most runes are in Alliance-only zones Including several very very important runes like Metamorphosis being locked behind Alliance starting zones Give Alliance Windfury Give the Alliance-only class huge buffs and abilities that actually RESTORE their mana rather than spend it Give the Horde-only class some half-baked abilities from TBC that don’t actually work in Classic The Horde-only class Sep 16, 2006 · My point: alliance is, based on a slight preference (compared to horde) of PvE throughout the entire population, more likely to win BG's with a PvE component than "pure" PvP BG's. AB I’m not sure about. What is wrong with this faction atm? When i geared few alts in ally i nearly get full gear in few hours? What is problem? In SL, Horde way outnumbered Alliance on NA servers by a lot in PvE and PvP. Racials in PVP favor alliance pretty hard right now and have for a while. I'm not expecting a 50/50 or anything but the skew towards Horde is fairly major. For those who don't know, human gets a racial that is just a PvP trinket essentially. But once again, this is only 4%, the problem isn't that bad. Because if you actually examine your BG group as Alliance, Well over 50% of your team is Horde players using instant queue with Mercenary mode. Is anyone else experiencing the abysmal horde BG win rate now with horde v Alli bgs brought back? With alliance having 2. They were the newest addition to the horde, and thus you can see through their neutral reputation rather than friendly with the other nations of the horde, that they have not quite earned the same trust as the other people. much faster compared to horde horde time in que - 20min average 60% win rate ally time in Strand we used to do pretty well in but now it's almost always an Alliance steamroll. So you just pick the right race according to the class and spec that you want to play in PvE, for PvP without a shadow of a doubt the horde racials are far and away the best, as alliance you won’t stand a chance because they simply don’t compare in how stronger and Horde get: Kings buff Fear ward 25% + stun resist Will of the forsaken War stomp Shamans who have been Meta in pvp since p1 Alliance get: Wind fury which no one runs in pvp Rend wb which no one will use in pvp … Sep 29, 2019 · TBH Horde has the much bigger high-end population in both PvP and PvE to my knowledge. in BGs Horde tend to win, in open world Alliance tend to win cause they are much more organized and have guilds specifically designed just to harass the horde during typical raid times. A win gave you 3 marks and a loss gave you 1. I’m talking in general solo que. I am currently leveling on WOTLK and i had a conversation with a couple of players and it seems that the PvP scene, at least in the BG’s, is very active but when i ask which faction has the upper hand, if that exists, the general consensus is that the Horde dominates and the Alliance gets crushed most times. Can't speak for what the LFG channel is like on the Horde side, unfortunately. Always see Horde players at the SSC/TK stones/etc. While a rogue caps farm. The usefulness of having a pvp trinket in PvE is underrated IMO. I rerolled alliance recently for fast AV queues, but win ratio was so unsatisfying, that I abandoned it. 6. Alliance rivalry remains largely intact. Its to a point where winning one is nearly socking like hitting I know that everyone says if you go hardcore pve -> horde and hardcore pvp-> alliance, but for me the answer is not that simple because I am not maximum tryhard and competitive. That’s when I started wondering if that really might be the case. I’m returning for the new expansion with a couple friends and we went horde this time. alliance premades regularly. Zugzug. Alliance have the advantage due to the bridge and the towers guarding the bridge. 5 times as many alliance deaths per player. I guess they want to populate the areas, to get more action going (with WM on/off). Hello! I have recently returned to WoW and the last time I had played was prior was when battlegroups for pvp were in place. Stomped in all 12 of them in a row. Back during the wrath days, it was definitely a skill gap. Despite the cross-faction advancements in other game areas, PvP content like battlegrounds and arenas continues to uphold the traditional faction conflict, preserving the competitive spirit that has been a core aspect of WoW since its inception. So the BG ques are an hour + on Horde side for all servers, but insta que for Alliance. They increase alliance winrates massively. I have never played classic vanilla and am looking forward to it with the refresh. For casual play, including some pug Mythics, LFRs, searching for a guild, old-school epic battlegrounds, and random BGs, does it really matter which faction I choose for my main (if I ever settle on one)? Play with Ruin What Poleon means is, before the stroke of the hour, look to the Group Finder / Custom, and search for "Ruin" and you'll find many groups for the Naz'jatar battle. 777%. About 85%. Apr 23, 2024 · Comment by zequill on 2024-04-23T12:21:57-05:00. a) who dominates open world? b) A/H Ratio? c) Who gets owned basically? Please advise. either side, u need premades to win usually. Mage: Will of the forsaken is broken and gives mages a tool to win an otherwise bad match up in solo PvP. A monster allied race like sethrak wouldn't work nor would over powered racials, they'd literally have to offer tons of free guild and individual transfers and actual player power boost for playing alliance and then we'd just have the same exact problem with everyone playing horde, because the game just functions better for everyone when everyone can play together Definitely Benediction. not going to make a complaining thread im just interested to see what they are. They constantly repeat failed strategies. Is that still the case? Or is it pretty much 50/50 now? I wouldn’t mind trying alliance, but if its going to be a sweatfest each Mar 25, 2019 · I dont get it. Probably coincidental, it's usually the opposite, horde have a higher population so they have the option to queue as a Mercenary for alliance which reduces their queue times substantially. i play horde on retail for quite some time now but i played alli prior. As a passionate (but nevertheless casual) PvP player I often followed discussions about which faction is winning more in BGs. It turns out this is not a Living Flame problem, but moreso a problem on literally every US Realm - Horde are VASTLY outnumbered. I immediately noticed Blizzard merged realms. can’t decide between the 2. Jan 9, 2020 · Hey guys, started to play as a warlock, because I think it fun class with many spells and even several different pets, but then I was in party with some pally in elven forest he told me to reroll horde while its not too late because horde warlock is better in pvp what do you think should I stay with this toon because i like humans spirit and Stormwind and elwynn forest, or make an orc warlock You’re lucky if you get one as Alliance. This means you now have a Horde faction that is more interested in PvP than the Alliance faction. On arenamate I was surprised to see Orc is no longer the most popular PvP race and Nelf is number one now. Planning on making another class alt for AB pvp only. no matter if horde or alliance. I have also noticed horde usually has more under geared players in the bgs. Gee and I thought Alliance was bad. Yes Horde is a a very brave and honorfull faction! Jul 31, 2023 · The population is 2:1 in favor of Alliance due to ugly Goblins vs Beautiful High Elves. I Q for BG as Horde. Saying this as someone who has 60 on horde and alliance. They are very important for organized pvp (at least one is) for that reason. Having played PvP (Battleground, not Arena) fairly extensively on both the Alliance and Horde sides, I can say that the quality of the battleground seems to rest solely on the luck of the draw as to your own forces and the force you face - not Dec 11, 2023 · Feels like the alliance lose 9 out of 10 battles (and I’m talking pug vs pug only right now). Alright so I posted yesterday about Living Flame and got down voted to oblivion, so here's some proof. I play on a 1. In random BGs I won a LOT more when I was Stormrage Alliance vs Area52 Horde. So even when Horde loses, Horde wins. you can check yours if you open achievements and go to Statistics tab, player vs. So curious how many people share my experience. very happy to be here and strongly encourage anyone looking to transfer The thing is even In 1v1 kiting never works 100% You can break hunter traps without any items if you know what you are doing (pro tip: taunt the pet) Apr 27, 2023 · Horde has shorter Qs I believe, as we are the smaller faction. Jul 24, 2019 · I quit a few years ago because of the massive advantage horde have in bgs and pvp in general. Nov 7, 2015 · if u plan on being a guild leader of a pvp guild [GOOD guild leader]. AV was always so out of balance. Alliance premades show clearly it's not necessarily a Horde vs. 5 months farming instant queues, it seems…rough. Though 58% to 42% on EotS is quite significant considering the large sample size taken. Out of 15 people, maybe 2 will call incoming or respond to calls. I read about the faction imbalance so it makes me wonder what do you all think about horde and alliance? I am more concerned with PVP, with a little bit of PVE. I can play 10 Epic BGs as Horde and we barely win 2 out of 10. I know all the races are humanoid, but the Horde races aren't quite so human-like, if that makes sense. It's clear Blizz designed the human starting zone and leveling areas first. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why they couldn't allow cross faction play while still catering to a A vs B PvP system via an Aldor/Scryer Frenzyheart/Oracles type choice. But I got to ask maybe this is true lol I just had the BFA PvP map and first 2 went to us then after that the entire team decided to fight as far away from the objectives as possible leaving the horde uncontested for 8 in a row… Now I’m not great . Break down on each BG and world PvP would be huge! Also info on que times when picking each faction. Even if all would have a face-off, if the 800 are just slightly more organized, or slightly more geared or skilled, they might actually win, or at least pull a draw. Pretty sure it's the largest server and even though there are definitely more Alliance than Horde (I'm Alliance myself), Horde side seems to be thriving. Battlegrounds and World PvP. Also cause the ratio to ppl playing horde and wanting to pvp and ppl playing alliance and wanting to pvp is probably so sloped it's ridic I've played both sides, horde, and alliance both for years and I can say alliance run away from pvp while horde are always down for a fight so hordes just better bruh That's it haha Aug 14, 2021 · I get it, some people may pop on here and say we deserve it/horde toxic/etc, sure, bit let’s just skip that and go to the question; legit looking for a productive thread. Thrall was sympathetic to the plight of the undead, and the rejection and hatred they were delivered by the Alliance. This equates to undergeared horde playing for the alliance teams frequently. Is PvP way more horde dominated? With more groups and good competitive people to arena with? Say there were 2000 players on a server (1200 horde and 800 alliance) and 10000 PvP deaths over the weekend on this server (5000 horde deaths, 5000 alliance deaths). In arena it’s even better as almost every comp has at least one fear on it. May 20, 2024 · So, I’m playing on Ragnaros - Horde. Horde is more chill tho. Coincidence? More Shamans, since Alliance didn't get Shamans till later? There are more horde shamans because there are 3 races to choose from, vs 1 for alliance. Oct 31, 2013 · You can have a small amount of horde players who are really good and yet have tons of Alliance players who are horrible and need handicaps x10 to even measure up to those horde players who on a garbage day could wipe the floor with 10 alliance to 1 horde. Having played PvP (Battleground, not Arena) fairly extensively on both the Alliance and Horde sides, I can say that the quality of the battleground seems to rest solely on the luck of the draw as to your own forces and the force you face - not your Alliance is a lot better than Horde in PvE, and the contrary happens on PvP, but Hardcore is PvE oriented. 3 days ago · WoW realm population in the latest The War Within 11. In world pvp horde wins more because there is so much more horde compared to alliance from what I see and they can very easily turn from 1 horde player into a group of 7-8 in 10 minutes. Loading Feb 12, 2022 · I can compare apples to apples here for you I have a horde and alliance warrior, both with about 25k hks. There is no payoff. Not counting classic BGs or epics, Alliance warrior has 79. I wanted was debating playing Horde. Someone in the past gave a nice possible explanation which had to do with the actual players behind each major faction. I only won once all day yesterday queing often. pve. Hi. Figured I’d try leveling in BGs on a brand new server from scratch. Vanilla and TBC will be a first for me. Apr 6, 2008 · In the last couple AVs I have competed in, Horde winning, I was looking at the healing charts. t. Alliance used to win more. Are horde pugs really just that bad at BG’s or do May 4, 2022 · I was wondering: whats the win% of alliance in random bg, and epic bg? (not rated) Is it viable? or does horde w… honest opinion its about 40% win rate for alliance ive been on horde in SL and went back to alliance alliance have faster que times . I want to play on a server with a fairly BALANCED ratio of horde and alliance players, but it seems like websites like wowrealmpopulation recommends alliance players to play on servers with like 90%+ alliance players and vice verse for horde. When WoW first came out Blizz pushed the Alliance as GOOD and the Horde as, Underdog Scoundrels Trying To Survive Against The Mighty Good Guys, but as the games progressed that Good vs Horde lore really hampered what the Alliance can do. Are they going to do honor changes because I don’t see myself leveling an alt It’s not like anyone plays hunter to PvP, but these are clearly the best racials for it, nothing comes close on alliance. Every game there is a stack of 10+ russians who are obviously premade (same server) farming horde randoms. I come back and it seems like nothing changed. Every other game was not even close. Horde wins more. if we dont play against other german realms, we lose 95% of the games. Since I play PvP on both horde and alliance, I recognized that on both sides people are whining a lot that their own faction would always lose. As it comes from my own experience, I want to know realistically whether the BG win rate is the same for both sides or not. Note that it does share CD with PvP trinket with the same effect. When I’d do war mode, it’s literally 6-7 alliance player to 1 horde player currently. I like specific aesthetics of races, so depending on the class I am playing depends on the race. Never really got into PvP. Does someone have any thoughts on the estimated queue times and win ratio for each faction, having experience on both private servers and the classic data we have already? Alliance are premading WSG to the point where every game winds up in a GY Spawn camp 3/0 win within 10 minutes. If you're exclusively solo queueing, you're probably gonna have a slightly below 50% win rate just because you're going to be up against the occasional premade. I'm going to trigger Alliance fanboys but Horde's simply better overall due to the higher population of end game players. I had a hard time finding groups for rated content as alliance before cross faction, especially during off hours, so I got fed up and switched horde. Also a HUGE Apr 2, 2015 · Horde - 60% win rate, slightly longer queue Alliance - 40% win rate, slightly shorter queue It isn't one extreme to the next like on most servers. It seems to a near 9 loss to 1 win and it may be worse. There are moments of greatness for individuals, but ultimately the team with better average skill will win every time. To the horde's credit, they win AV. This is the biggest pro imo as dueling is my favorite thing in the game man you just unlocked a memory for me, i started playing the game as an undead priest, but around cata a friend i met in league really wanted me to play alliance with him and paid for my transfer, long story short, i remember missing dueling outside of orgrimmar and being surprised by Pug vs Pug its like 80% win yeah. 7 patch. Feb 1, 2023 · No. Jan 30, 2021 · On alliance mercenary you often have high rated pvp players who knows mercenary system for short queue. It wasn’t even fair. In most cases, Horde had 70% of the top spots. Wallenstein Posts: 2 Joined: Sun Mar 08, 2020 12:16 pm. Does horde have bot problems? does people in horde just dont take random bgs serious? just weird but im enjoying my free honor lol Nov 19, 2020 · What faction are you going and why? I just got back from a break since legion and am usually Ally. On the Alliance side, same day, we win ~7 out of 10. There is literally nothing you can do in this game, except sitting gy, get farmed and hope they will end the game soon, so you can get your 80 honor, while with every win, alliance gets a new item making the issue even worse. Was a hunter/dk in wrath. 5k io than alliance. RP exists on both, but so do griefers. The major difference I see is that Horde will play to WIN. Horde are being screwed over by the fact that over all NA Classic servers there are far more Horde players. c what the ratio is on a normal server? For example I’m thinking of joining Doomhammer (New Players tagged) but it apparently has more Alliance than Horde on it, not loads but more so if I choose Horde does it matter in the long run with other realms cross realmed or should I just find a realm with a Horde dueling culture is unmatched. Main focus in classic will be same as with retail which is PvP and PvE content raiding, dungeons, farming stuff, PvP to an extent ( im not great at PvP but want to get more into it ) race wise idc, biggest concern is if there is any active community for higher ranked PvP i guess. While pve players dont know it. Leveling like 4 characters through WOD areas I haven't had people party up or protect me from gankers-… May 24, 2024 · Since release I’ve qued only pvp and I’ve only won a handful of times. Jan 17, 2024 · First time I’m playing horde and it’s worse than I imagined. So it gives you a pvp trinket for pve and frees up your 2nd trinket slot in PvP. So I enabled Warmode in Aszuna whilst leveling my Demon Hunter. A little surprised that they're winning more AV this year after last year. They can invite you to raids and premade dungeons and PvP. Epic BGs seem to be 50/50 both sides Is it just my battlegroup? Just out of curiosity. Its 65 / 35 in favour of allies in my games lately. Also Paladins are popular due to being rather overpowered. 25/4. And horde tends to have longer queue times. For what its worth, horde can queue as mercenary, but alliance cannot (since the horde outnumber alliance players queueing). go horde. its really rare for me to see some1 with 35k+ hp in a german team Hello, I have an alliance character on classic era whiteman cluster and from my experience, Horde dominates the dungeon/raid entrances. 6 Horde:1 Alliance server (1. Honestly who has the upper hand between the two? I haven’t pvped in awhile and recently back in the game. player, Battlegrounds. Some say that horde is better in both pvp and pve because of racial abilities they have. I can tell you today horde wins more, and by the time you get to 60 its the opposite, so pick whatever class/faction/race you really like and go fo it May 19, 2008 · In the last couple AVs I have competed in, Horde winning, I was looking at the healing charts. Nov 5, 2020 · A follow on from my server choice thread. When I’m out and about in the game I rarely see another Alliance player. Individual stats are meaningless for this, the only reason i posted mine is that they reflect the observations of many others in this forum. It is now at a point where competitive players feel obligated to play horde for access to the larger playerbase that is clearing mid to high end Oct 31, 2017 · Hi Questions 1: What is the win loss ratio between alliance and horde in BG´s 2: Whats the population ratio A vs H 50%/50% ??? Apr 26, 2020 · Horde doesn’t pretend to be righteous in some moments and then wipe out the defias who rebuilt stormwind in the next. If that argument is true it seems to be a bit of a contradiction So I played alliance from vanilla up to MoP then quit. It is typical for a PVE server to have more alli. Being an ally pvper was rough back then. I'm new in wow pvp and I can't decide which faction should I choose. Undead's Will of the Forsaken wreaks havoc on enemy Warlocks and Priests, significantly hindering their ability to control the Undead player. Therein lies an opportunity; War Mode bonuses are increased for Alliance, and you have more of a shot at being the ‘underdog’, and quicker BG queues, and maybe a good shot at getting into newly-developing alliance groups with potentially high-end players. Even now, I don’t see much of a skill gap between factions in pugs. On the road. I was curious if this was just a sprint of bad luck or if this is usually the case? Epics are usually 50/50 dependent on the bg. This is active players only, so characters who've been logged raiding or appear on PVP leader boards. 17 = 1. Alliance Races are just more relatable and more people enjoy playing them. The Alliance tends to have the more human races (human, dwarf, gnome). The gap is growing every tier. Does it matter with sharding, CRZ, phasing e. I know that Sylvanas is favored with more Would result in likely a few horde-dominated 100% servers, or every server would be horde-favored and basically kill off alliance more since on PvP servers horde greatly outnumber alliance. There’s a lot of RP in guilds and small communities, but for the most part it really pales in comparison to the diversity and variety found simply by walking through Stormwind on MG Alliance. When I played alliance I thought the BG win ratio was slightly in our advantage. So I'm going to go ahead and say. No one seems to get it. More than merc mode this would pretty much kill off ALL alliance on PvP servers and likely just get most of them to quit. Horde players would have died on average 4. But have mained a shaman since Cata. no clue sry :) Every time something bad happens to the Alliance in lore, we as characters are forbidden from retaliating in a satisfying manner and are made to feel like bad people or villains for our actions, while the horde gets built back up into the honorable underdogs every. Many Alliance players simply don't want to play a Horde race but since practically all the progression and big guilds are on Horde they don't really have a choice. But Alliance fanboys never bitch about how badly the smaller servers have been left to rot, especially on Alliance side. I played AB all day yesterday and won, one game. Horde players in battleground and braindead - dps not focusing healers, no cc etc. PVE Server is the reason alliance outnumbers horde. It's fairly close, but it still shows horde being 4% to 20% more likely to win based on the BG except in Alterac where alliance are ~15% more likely to win. Win rate varies depending on whos playing at a given time. 5 times the number of horde players above 3. Horde are 4% more likely to win a BG, but personally I chalk it up to QQ about inbalances. when it comes to premades, there is no difference, however i want to say that If you put 10 B- ~ A+ Alliance players up against 10 B-~A+ Horde players, my money would be on the horde players every time, especially in a premade. And according to old Blizzard stats, Alliance won more. We have barely ever seen a PVE lvl 60 priv server before. Pretty much all the top pvp grps are horde Been playing off and on since closed beta in 2004. Love about the horde PvP and PvE is always top tier so you can get better yourself goblins are my favorite race because I think they look cool and the lore is interesting due to the fact they want to be independent but only joined the horde because they wanted to get back at the alliance for blowing there ship and almost annihilating the rest of there kind. Those bar graphs are pretty deceiving at first glance. Mar 8, 2019 · Most of you Horde only turned it on when they found it a almost risk free 10% bonus, it was evident in hordemode that if 1vs1 you guys ran past us but the moment (most of the time) it was several vs 1, that 1 or 2 Alliance players would just get corpse camped. Welcome to the ultimate showdown between the Alliance and the Horde! 🎉 As World of Warcraft turns 20 years old, it’s time to settle the score once and for a Can’t win a single supply crate because there’s 50 alliance swarming in vs 3 of us, can’t win a single bg because all the sweaties switched to alliance for the superior racials May 9, 2010 · Post by xaratherus It's all about planning, and the quality of that planning really has no statistical bearing on the faction to which you belong. If you're willing to take a slightly lower win rate for a lower or instant queue, go Alliance. Is it really better to be Horde over Alliance in PvP now days? Or are both factions pretty much equal now days? I just dont want to faction change unless its truly going to be a better gaming experience for me. But I have horde chars also. I do have a server full of Alliance too, but I don't play them nearly as much as my Hordies. But now that I play Horde I feel like we lose 80% of the time. Never bothered to look. Alliance premades are everywhere but they have to be good to actually win. Are there any plans to balance this out? Currently, doing sparks or anything basically is almost impossible and feels horrible. Over the years, Alliance wasn’t that “bad”. Just came back from about a once year hiatus. Also…Are horde pvp queue times faster than alliance or is it about the same? Low pop servers. ( please don’t tell me go away, go here, go there) 🙂 Love u all! As I continue to gather my data before picking my first class/server for classic I have to wonder if it matters between picking Alliance or Horde. Horde warrior is sitting at 80. OR we cap 3 and pull a lead for a couple minutes, then I think US Horde vs alliance win % in random epic bgs 60-70 and then at 70 PvP removed from Great Vault in 11. May 19, 2010 · Beitrag von xaratherus It's all about planning, and the quality of that planning really has no statistical bearing on the faction to which you belong. I was looking at the BIS list from Quest Reward in one of the Wowhead posts, for one classes, there was about 20 good items from horde only quest vs less then 10 from Alliance quest. Is one factions racials Hi all - I am very happy to be part of this community. The only ratio I believe is important is good players to good players. hey just curious if there is any website i can look around and see the statistics and win loss ratio of alli and horde bg’s overall. If you just want to roll over people in loosely organized pvp horde have it easier, but alliance priests do have an interesting and important role in pvp for sure. 777% (repeating, of course) win rate. Alliance leveling falls off mid way around 45 imo, but dungeons patch it and neither are perfect. Aug 25, 2020 · Back in TBC Alliance did decently maybe even in Wrath but since Cata been down hill in my xp, even then I remember ppl claiming Alliance = kids. eqvml ysv kslxni vakbjvx wzjq liiwnqznm udn urjqmeta xiuiic ezcjr