Tapuika iwi With the stepping down of Witeri Williams as Chairperson, Ngāti Kurī Trustee representative Rāwiri Biel has stepped up to the plate. Chairperson: Rawiri Biel Phone: 022 012 4692 Email: rawiri. Ko Tapuika te iwi. The role of the Tapuika Iwi Authority is to: receive, hold and manage the settlement assets on behalf of the descendants of Tapuika The tupuna Tapuika was born in the village of Ngāti Ohomairangi (Oho) Maketu, on the island of Raiatea, the Polynesian homeland of Hawaiiki. Email info@tapuika. Retrieved 29 May 2018. The following tips can help you complete BENEFICIARY APPLICATION - Tapuika Iwi quickly and easily: Your form has been submitted to us. iwi. The Kaiwhakahaere Matua will be responsible for management of Iwi operations and implementation of annual and strategic plans, working with the Board and management team to grow tribal assets, capabilities and performance. Descendants of Tapuika are invited to register as a member by completing an Enrolment Form. With the support of Te Taurawhiri i te Reo who at the time were instrumental in supporting our initial efforts to establish a Tapuika Reo Revitalisation strategy. With the funds available we wish to tautoko Tapuika and grow our capacity in the Education Sector, specifically in the promotion of Māori medium. External: Iwi members, project partners Core Staff Values – embedded in everything we do Whakapapa – Authentically Tapuika, Whānau/People First, Connection, Respect the past, Mana Motuhake Wairuatanga – Acknowledging our connection to our Tūpuna & the spiritual realm through: For all notices email info@tapuika. 00 each. These properties are managed by Bay City Rentals. Preserve, revive, and protect ngā tikanga me ngā taonga o Tapuika. 4. Māori Education Trust 2020 Tertiary Scholarships • Tapuika Iwi - Are now recognised owners of areas of the K A since their Treaty settle-ments in 2016. Improve Cashflow Position Applications are open to Tapuika tribal members 18 years and over currently undertaking fulltime study towards tertiary, vocational or trade training qualifications in Teaching – Māori Medium at a New Zealand university, polytechnic or wānanga. Each scholarship is worth $10,000. For people affiliating with Tapuika and living in New Zealand on 5 March 2013: A. Cultural/Iwi Monitors, Various Contracted staff i. Over 13 generations ago, Te Arawa iwi including the Waitaha were pushed out of Maketū by Te Rangihouhiri. The role of the Tapuika Iwi Authority is to receive, hold and manage the settlement assets on behalf of the descendants of Tapuika. Tapuika Iwi. Ko Te Matai te pā. 10(b) This clause has been amended to provide trustees with discretion as to how voting will take place if the meeting is being held electronically. And more recently with the support of Te Mātāwai, the Tapuika Iwi Development Trust has taken responsibility to ensure Te Reo is taken out to the whānau, Hapū and Iwi. HOME. Arrive at work site on time, alcohol and drug free. nz All Environment Taiao Environmental Forum Elections Rangiuru Business Park AFFCO Pest control SGM Trustees #employment #waihi AGM AGM 2022 Ako Education Employment Grants Internship Jobs Kaituna Kōkako Kiwi KKT Mahuru Māori Mana whenua Merchandise Newsletter OKT Roadworks Scholarships Tangihanga The Registrar, Tapuika Iwi Authority, PO Box 15, Te Puke, New Zealand or via email: registration@tapuika. govt. nz or phone Maia Haeata 027 838 See the link below and check out the Downloads to the left on this page Guidelines, what scholarships are available, the paper application forms as well as the link to the scholarship page which has t For all notices email info@tapuika. Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority has been developing an action plan to ‘give life’ to Kaituna he taonga tuku iho - the Kaituna Rive This product has been added to your cart. Once they are all sold, that's it. Iwi, hapu, marae, rohe, RMA, MFA, Treaty of Waitangi, regional and local councils, iwi contact, iwi contacts, iwi contact details, contact details. Multiple years of surplus are what are required to drive further invest-ment by TFT with a view to grow our portfolio. Te Puni Kōkiri, New Zealand Government. Girls with Hi-Vis - download PDF below for more information. 1%, approved the governance entity receiving the redress. Ko Te Arawa te waka. K d ADD MORE INFO G . Hune 2023. Minutes of Tapuika Iwi Authority 2019 AGM (To be compiled on 27 November 2020) 4. Tēnā koutou, The results for the vote on the proposed TFT & TIA Trust Deed changes have been finalised. 1864 1865 TAPUIKA Kaituna iwi Mori Maket Tauranga nei Ngti Rangiuru Waitangi mai Whenua kua Kngitanga waitaha hoki Tapuika Iwi Authority and Tapuika Oranga Ake Trustee Elections for 2024 A. Ka aro ki te pātere, Tērā koia nā Te Hikapuhi i tito me te waiata-ā-ringa, Whakarongo nā Te Tahi Roberts i tito. They are working with the Trust and we all look forward to developing this relationship. | Tapuika, Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust, | Iwi | Tapuika “2006 Deed” means the deed of trust creating the Tapuika Iwi Authority dated 10 December 2006; “2012 Deed” means the deed of trust amending and replacing the 2006 Deed dated 14 December 2012; “Adult Registered Members of Tapuika” means those Members of Tapuika identified on the Tapuika Register as being 18 years of age and over; The Tapuika Iwi Authority and Tapuika Fisheries Trust elections have been concluded with confirmation that There was only one nomination for each of the trustee positions available. During one such skirmish Kahukura the daughter of the tupuna Tauana was killed. Ko Rangiuru te maunga. Jul 27, 2023 · Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust are planning to undertake a pest control operation over the period of August 2023 through to April 2024, so that we can continue our important work in Ōtanewainuku Forest (Ōtanewainuku Forest Stewardship Area and part Te Matai Stewardship Area). 2. nz PLAN WRITERS, DESIGN, LAYOUT AND MAPS Elva Conroy, Malcolm Donald Conroy & Donald Consultants Limited PHOTOGRAPHS OBTAINED FROM: Jan 18, 2019 · Social media is an important communication tool to update our iwi on the latest events and happenings for Tapuika. Tapuika Fisheries Trust was established by deed dated 10 October 2014 to act amongst other things as the Mandated Iwi Organisation of Tapuika for the purposes of the Māori Fisheries Act 2004 and to act as the Iwi Aquaculture Organisation for the purpose of the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Feb 7, 2020 · The department has a pilot cadetship programme called Sentinel A Nuku. Project Manager, Work Site Foreman/Supervisor, Machine Operator. 2 97. O Dec 16, 2012 · 1. Employment Opportunity - Whakaahuatanga Mahi l Job Description Te Wahapū are looking for an exceptional individual who is passionate about mentoring and guiding rangatahi, has experience in programme delivery and/or adult education. If the goods are faulty, we will meet our obligations under the Consumer Guarantees Act to provide a remedy. Te Papa Atawhai/DoC - Kaitohu Matua Treaty Partner Relationships - closes 14 June. Join us in welcoming our General Manager Te Hingatu Marsh in his new role at Tapuika Iwi Authority. You have received this invitation because you are a registered member with Tapuika Iwi Authority and Tapuika Oranga Ake (formerly Tapuika Fisheries Trust). Learn more. nz with your contact details if you are interested in applying for an internship position. fruition. It took several generations before Ngāti Whakaue and the descendants of Waitaha and Tapuika managed to win back Maketū, and negotiate an uneasy truce. Ngati Pukenga Iwi ki Tauranga Trust Iwi Management Plan 2013. 8. co. The Waiāri stream is a special stream and a new water source for Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty that will ensure our water supplies are secure, safe, reliable and able to continue sustained growth for our city. Call for Nominations 2024 Jan 18, 2019 · Tapuika Iwi. You can plant this paper in summer or autumn and watch it grow! these are as follows. FRONT: Tapuika Iwi Authority and logo on the lapel in teal. If you are needing accommodation, please contact Ash Biel - 021 022 55660. You can also contact Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust by email here - [email protected] Our Office. apply for grants. For all notices email info@tapuika. Nau mai, haere mai ki te pōhiri i tō tātou Kaiwhakahaere Matua. Due to its proximity to other iwi and its desirable and rich resources the area needed to be constantly defended against invasion. 3. Within the Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority’s logo you will see nine tētekura or fronds, representing each of the nine iwi and council YourIwi is an online iwi management platform that Tapuika uses to keep iwi members' information safe and secure. Other notables who travelled to Aotearoa with Tamatekapua, were Tia (from whom Tapuika Iwi is descended), Hei (from whom Waitaha Iwi is descended) and Ngātoroirangi (the great tōhunga and chief). view events. Date of initiation. nz Pre- tenancy Application Form - SMOKE FREE TENANCY – NO SMOKING INSIDE THE HOME - ALCOHOL FREE TENANCY – NO GROUP ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION INSIDE THE HOME Tapuika Iwi Authority and the Tapuika Fisheries Trust share the responsibility of developing and maintaining a Registration of members who affiliate to Tapuika. e. tapuika. Private. You will be supported and have an opportunity to gain valuable public sector work experience, work alongside whānau, hapū and Iwi from Tauranga Moana to East Cape, through to Whanganui, and across the Central Plateau region. 1 95. iwi events Here you will find links to our internal Tapuika events calendar, plus details of our significant cultural events. ac. 1%, ratified this deed and approved its signing on their behalf by Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust; and 1. 120 Hamilton Street Tauranga, New Zealand PO Box 13286, Tauranga The mauri of te awa o Waiāri is its ability to support life, both the flora and fauna within it, and the iwi who depend on it for kai, ceremonies and spiritual wellbeing. ^ Tapsell, Paul. The Tapuika Iwi Authority & Tapuika Oranga Ake announce that there were single nominations for the following hapū: · Ngāti Kurī – Pia Callaghan His uncle Tia followed, saying, ‘Te toropuke i runga rā, ahu mai ki te maunga nei, ko te takapū o Tapuika!’ (From that hill to the south, and to the mountain here [Pāpāmoa], is the belly of [my son] Tapuika!). Tapuika and Ngati Rangiwewehi are the recognised Iwi for the Kaharoa area. Nomination Results: Will be posted on the Tapuika website www. CONTINUE SHOPPING CHECKOUT CHECKOUT 3. BACK: Matariki ki Rangiuru in the centre, Tapuika Iwi Authority logo and ngā whetū o Matariki in teal above lettering. Returns We do not have to provide a refund if you have changed your mind about a particular purchase, so please choose carefully. Key Board Priorities 2019 1. Annual Audited Accounts for Tapuika Iwi Authority 2020 5. Resolutions a. Tau kē. $60. CONTINUE SHOPPING CHECKOUT CHECKOUT The history and identity of Te Matai:Te Kura-ā-Iwi ō Tapuika is grounded in the pursuit of a robust and well rounded Education as was the wish of the founding Tapuika kuia and koeke. nz All Wai General manager Pānui #2024HapūElections #hapū_elections2024 # Te whare kōrero o Ngāti Moko, Tapuika kua tanuku Te whakaruruhau o Ngāti Moko, Tapuika kua tanuku Rangaiuru maunga kua tanuku ki raro e. Email us at korero-mai@waihi-estuary. The Tapuika Iwi. Te Takapū o Tapuika (the Tapuika tribal estate) begins with the arrival of Te Arawa waka. This hui is to bring these whānau together and those who tautoko this kaupapa, in the lead up to the pre-hearing at Orchard Church on Tuesday 22 February 2022. ~ E te iwi kua tukuna atu a Rereamanu Wihapi ki te hunga kua wahangūhia. Please keep an eye our our Panui for updates. Venue: Tapuika Iwi Authority Office, 46 Jellicoe Street, Te Puke (entrance on Palmer Court) Kaupapa: BOPRC received 30 submissions and of these 19 were Tapuika whānau. As of 30 June 2019, the number of Tapuika individuals on the Iwi register was 3,317 representing an increase of 28 registered members from last year. There are no current vacancies, please check back later. Email: nigel@baycityrentals. view pānui. This product has been added to your cart framework area do not over-ride any iwi rohe, areas of interest or have any dominance over mana whenua of iwi or hapū whether they are represented by a member of TMoK or otherwise. PANUI If you are able to volunteer/assist on the day please email us at info@tapuika. Welcome to YourIwi. The mauri-o-meter interprets western science and mātauranga Māori to determine its condition in terms of mauri . Kia ora! HOME. It is important to register all whanau members, including every descendant child. nz Items include the Tapuika Rā Whakangāhau - Saturday 18 November 2023 Nursery Skills Training & Development Programme - NZ Cert in Horticulture Level #2 Tapuika's New Pou Taiao - Raponi Rangikātukua Wilson Academic Success @ Te Whare Wānanga o Raukawa · come from at least one of the five iwi that form Te Wahapū · and either entering years 11 and 12 at high school, or university in 2024 – or recently graduated. Approve Trustee and Sub-committee Meeting Fees for 2021-22 (unchanged) Chairperson - $765 partnership set by the Tapuika Claims Settlement Act 2014. Welcome to the website of Tapuika Iwi! The website is an important communication tool to update our iwi members on the latest events and happenings for Tapuika not only within the noho kainga but also nationally and globally. Monday 14 October, 10 am, Moko Read more On Monday 28th November 2022, work will start to complete work along Te Puke Highway between Poplar Lane and Welcome Bay Road. nz All Wai Position General manager Vacancy Pānui #2024HapūElections #hapū_elections2024 # For all notices email info@tapuika. Taupō District Council: Ngāti Turangitukua under Iwi Authorities/Hapū: 14 July 2019: Signed June 2022: Toi Moana | Bay of Plenty Regional Council: Tapuika: June 2017: Superseded by Ngā Puna Wai o Te Tokotoru collective: Toi Moana | Bay of Plenty Regional Council: Ngā Puna Wai 1987 1991 Ngti TAPUIKA Iwi GST Ranginui Waitaha Rangiwewehi RFR Waitangi Moana Tauranga Rangi assessable We currently only have pickup available for items. Te Kahui Mangai(TKM) is a directory of iwi (tribes) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research. nz,Tapuika Iwi Authority Facebook Aug 6, 2019 · E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatanga maha, tēnā koutou katoa. Adoption of the Annual Report 2020 b. Closing Date for Nominations: 30 June 2019 at 12:00 noon. These staff are employed by TIA and contracted to TOA as required. nz All Wai Position General manager Vacancy Pānui #2024HapūElections #hapū_elections2024 # 2019 AVAILABLE SCHOLARSHIPS For all notices email info@tapuika. You can contact them on: Phone: Nigel on 022 102 3841. This means that the Tapuika fisheries settlement assets (being income shares in Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd and fisheries settlement quota) are held by the Tapuika Oranga Ake. The Being an active and guiding voice for Tapuika iwi, your own hapū, and even work Tapuika Iwi Authority carries out for the betterment of the Takapū? TIA would love to hear if you are interested in something like this, or of any other ideas for activating kaitiakitanga in the Takapū around freshwater. Ages for cadetship are 16- 32 Applications close 5pm Monday 17 Feburary Link below is to application form and role descrip The Te Ara kahikatea pathway leads through the Te Puke Cemetery, winds down the Waiāri Stream past the wastewater treatment plant and back across to Lawrence Oliver park. Tapuika Iwi Authority. Date of completion. Tapuika Iwi Authority, Shop and Browse for products in the following categories: Hoodie, Beanie Tapuika are a strong proud iwi, connected to their environments, their histories and identity. Tapuika Iwi Authority is the legal entity & administrative body for the Iwi of Tapuika, based in Te Puke, NZ Tapuika is a Māori iwi of New Zealand. The Tapuika Iwi Authority is the post-settlement governance entity for the Tapuika settlement achieved in June 2014. "Te Ara iwi profile". nz Website: www. Ko Tapuika te whare tupuna September Pānui - Koanga Edition TIA Pānui - Koanga Edition Items include the Kaituna Pātaka Kai Hui online via ZOOM Nursery Training Opportunities - developing project to build the workforce to source & supply the plants required for the Rangiuru B For all notices email info@tapuika. First a bit of news. Enter your details to checkout. Please enter your name and new Member ID provided to you in the boxes below and click Submit. [4] Te Wahapū o Waihī consists of five iwi-entities with interests in the Waihī catchment: Ngāti Whakahemo, Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketū, Ngāti Mākino, Ngāti Pikiao and Tapuika. RM Contact: Helen Biel Postal address: Tapuika Iwi Authority, PO Box 15, Te Puke Email: taiao@tapuika. You will need an email address to create a profile. Currently there is only walking access to Aislabie block but DOC’s roading contractors have the road ready, waiting for it to dry out, so they can put the road metal on it. tkm. Monday 14 October, 10 am, Moko Read more It is with great humility that I present my first Annual Report as Chairman of the Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust to the people of Tapuika. We’ll be working closely with the Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC), the Ministry for the Environment’s Te Mana o Te Wai and The Ministry for Primary Nau mai, haere mai ki te pōhiri i tō tātou Kaiwhakahaere Matua. Īmera mai ki a Amiria events@tapuika. The Tapuika (Te Arawa) population includes all people of Māori descent who gave Tapuika (Te Arawa) as their iwi or as one of several iwi. nz All Wai Position General manager Vacancy Pānui #2024HapūElections #hapū_elections2024 # Tapuika Iwi Authority Recommended Changes CHANGE TOPIC CLAUSE PROPOSED CHANGE REASONS FOR CHANGE RESOLUTION ONE - CHANGES TO ADOPT NEW ELECTRONIC VOTING PROCESSES Voting 10. STRATEGIC PLAN 2022-26 MAHERE RAUTAKI -Titiro whakamuri, kia kokiri whakamua ai Reflecting on the past in order to advance forward This plan sets out the core ideology and long term vision for Tapuika Group — encompassing Tapuika Iwi Authority, Aug 6, 2024 · Fluency in te reo and proficiency in tikanga-ā-iwi are a definite advantage. Contact info@tapuika. . Please note: We only have a few sizes available. mĀori education trust bachelor of applied social work scholarship mĀori education trust bachelor degree of medicine and surgery scholarship mĀori education trust bachelor of nurs In accordance with s29 of the Tapuika Iwi Authority Deed of Trust, after 5 years from the Settlement Date, The Trustees shall undertake a Review of the Trust Deed and its operation w He Pānui Tapuika Rā Whakangāhau - Saturday 18 November 2023 - Pīki mihi to all those involved from the kōeke who helped guide the progression of the day, Jan 18, 2019 · Social media is an important communication tool to update our iwi on the latest events and happenings for Tapuika. About this group. nz All Wai Position General manager Vacancy Pānui #2024HapūElections #hapū_elections2024 # Nau mai, haere mai ki te pōhiri i tō tātou Kaiwhakahaere Matua. nz He pānui - Pōhiri mō te Kaiwhakahaere Matua September 30th 2024 Nau mai, haere mai ki te pōhiri i tō tātou Kaiwhakahaere Matua. The partnership is made up of iwi representatives from Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust, Te Kapu Ō Waitaha, Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust, Te Tāhuhu o Tawakeheimoa Trust, Ngāti Whakaue, and council representatives from the Bay of Plenty Regional For all notices email info@tapuika. Tapuika Iwi Authority with the support of the Ministry of Education have Mana Whenua Teaching Grants available. nz ki te hiahia koe te piri mai, whakamōh Also, a reminder that we have our Tapuika Whānau Environmental Forum hui on Sunday 13th March 2022 at the TIA office. The Kaunihera Koeke provides cultural advice to the Tapuika Iwi Authority Board of Trustees. 00. nz Grandfather Grandmother Grandfather Grandmother Father All Graduates will gain the NZ Certificate of Primary Industry Skills (Level 2) Course starts on the 02 September to the 14th of December To register: www. Tapuika Oranga Ake (TOA) is the Mandated Iwi Organization (MIO) and Iwi Aquaculture Organization (IAO) under the Maori Fisheries Act 2004. With the funds available we wish to tautoko Tapuika and grow our capacity in the Education Sector, specifically in the promotion of Māori medium. Further, the framework area is not the same as Tapuika Iwi Authority’s area of interest as set out in the Tapuika Deed of Settlement. If you’re of Tapuika descent, you can register! Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority is a co-governance partnership made up of iwi representatives from Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust, Te Kapu Ō Waitaha, Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust, Te Tāhuhu o Tawakeheimoa Trust, Ngāti Whakaue, and council representatives from the Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana, Rotorua Lakes Council, Western Bay of Plenty District Council and Tauranga City Council. Please The Tapuika Kaunihera Koeke is a subcommittee of the Tapuika Iwi Authority comprising of Tapuika member’s elders and members with recognised expertise in Tapuika history and traditions. This product has been added to your cart. Responsibilities and Duties 1. send us a direct message. The Tapuika Fisheries Trust seeks to establish relationships with Marae belonging to hapu of Tapuika that assists Marae to exercise their traditional role and function for the benefit of their hapu members and manuhiri. Tēnā koutou katoa,We are pleased to annou of Iwi. Receive project brief and location details from TIA RMU. Sign in and out when entering and leaving work sites. He will lay until Friday at Moko Marae, upon which his service will take place at 11am on Friday 21st November, 11am at Tūhourangi He uri nō Tapuika Tīhei mauri ora Our core purpose is to support and advance the descendants of Tapuika while protecting and enhancing our Takapū We do that by effectively using our resources to: Affirm Tapuika, tino rangatiratanga, mana whenua and mana moana. New announcement. nz The operations team comprisies of 7 full time employees, 1 part time employee and 1 contractor. Ka ruku hōhonu ki ngā kōrero mō ēnei waiata. Tauranga Moana Iwi Management Plan 2016-2026 (Joint Environmental Plan for Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Pukenga) Pirirakau Hapū Management Plan 2017 Email: info@tapuika. estate of Tapuika the iwi was formed on the lands within the claim or taumau of Tia in the Bay of Plenty between Papamoa and Maketu. It also shows that Tapuika are highly educated and there is a concerted effort by Tapuika parents to Tapuika Iwi Authority has a number of rental properties as part of its Residential Properties portfolio. Chair—Tapuika Iwi Authority & Tapuika Fisheries Trust Tapuika Fisheries Trust Performance Overall, TFT it is a stable entity with fair surpluses deliv-ered over the past two financial periods. Office Hours: 09:00am – 05:00pm Monday to Friday except on public holidays. N g ā ti K u r ī. Social media is an important communication tool to update our iwi on the latest events and happenings for Tapuika. Our vision is that of Tapuika living successfully as Tapuika in the land claimed by our ancestor Tia. Dec 16, 2012 · According to Tapuika tradition, Te Takapu o Tapuika, the tribal estate of Tapuika the iwi was formed on the lands within the claim or taumau of Tia in the Bay of Plenty between Papamoa and Maketu. Ko Kaituna te awa. Tapuika is represented in negotiations by the Tapuika Iwi Authority who, together with Te Maru o Ngāti Rangiwewehi Iwi Authority, signed joint terms of negotiation with the Crown on 14 August 2008. Join group. Priority will be given to students with an academic merit and in financial need. 681 likes · 8 talking about this. These works will include remedial works and resurfacing and a portion of In addition, with our service, all of the information you provide in the BENEFICIARY APPLICATION - Tapuika Iwi is well-protected from leakage or damage by means of industry-leading file encryption. Ngāti Oho are the descendants of the heavenly being Puhaorangi and the maiden Kuraimonoa. nz All Wai Position General manager Vacancy Pānui #2024HapūElections #hapū_elections2024 # beneficiary application - tapuika and other documents can be changed, filled out, and signed right in your Gmail inbox. Monday 14 October, 10 am, Moko Read more SPECIAL NOTICE - $10k Teaching Scholarships For all notices email info@tapuika. Opoutihi is also of importance to Tapuika due to its geographic location as the most western part of Te Takapu o Tapuika. nz to get in touch. Check out the Tapuika Calendar and Panui for the latest happenings. There were 171 TFT voting papers received in total with 14 of those invalid. It is our pleasure to invite you to the formal opening of the Waiāri Water Supply Scheme. 8 Tapuika have, since the initialling of the deed of settlement, by a majority of-1. HOME PANUI From Graeme at Kaharoa Kokako Trust: Hi Everyone. PANUI We have included some of our hand made kawakawa seed paper in your Matariki greeting card. Jo'el Komene, The Tapuika Iwi Authority and Tapuika Fisheries Trust elections have been concluded with confirmation that There was only one nomination for each These grants are currently on hold pending funding, but we hope to bring these back soon. Ko Ngāti Kurī te hapū. Not to be outdone, Tama’s other uncle, Hei, added, ‘Nō tua nei o te maunga rā ahu atu ki tērā pae maunga e rehurehu mai Applications can be completed online or emailed to tenancy@tapuika. [1][2] ^ "Te Puni Kōkiri iwi profile". We are moving to a new system for our member database. UPDATE - 18th June 2024. BACK: Matariki . Black hoodie with Tapuika / Matariki screenprinting. To view and download documents click on the links below. As advertised in the Bay of Plenty Times, NZ Herald, Daily Post and Te Puke Times Jan 13, 2025 · Iwi Authorities / Hapū. Tapuika Iwi Management Plan 2014-2024 (Links to Tapuika website) Ngāi Tamawhariua Hapū Management Plan 2015. nz to further discuss delivery. He pānui - Pōhiri mō te Kaiwhakahaere Matua September 30th 2024 Nau mai, haere mai ki te pōhiri i tō tātou Kaiwhakahaere Matua. With the funds available we wish to tautoko Tapuika and Kia ora The Māori Education Trust 2020 Scholarship Programme is open and offers scholarships to Māori secondary school and tertiary students who meet the respective scholarship’s criteria. Approve Cookson Forbes as the Tapuika Group Auditor c. Monday 14 October, 10 am, Moko Marae. This hui is for whānau interested in water, whenua, and other taiao matters in the Takapū. We have almost had the road closure sorted. The Tapuika Iwi Authority is the post settlement governance entity (PSGE) for the Tapuika settlement achieved in June 2014 under the Tapuika Claims Settlement Act 2014. 2022-2026 Strategic Plan A3 version pdf Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust Ngāti Tuheke Ngāti Moko Ngāti Marukukere Ngāti Kuri TO OBTAIN COPIES OF THIS PLAN contact: Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust 19 Jellicoe Street PO Box 15 Te Puke info@tapuika. 2,022 people, or less than 1 percent of the total population of Māori descent, affiliated with Tapuika. nz All Wai General manager Pānui #2024HapūElections #hapū_elections2024 # In 2014, Tapuika settled all of its historical Treaty claims with the Crown and the Tapuika Claims Settlement Act (2014) was signed at Moko Marae, Waitangi, Te Puke. Tapuika Iwi Authority along with the Ministry of Education have 4 Mana Whenua Teaching Scholarships. nz All Environment Taiao Environmental Forum Elections Rangiuru Business Park AFFCO Pest control SGM Trustees #employment #waihi AGM AGM 2022 Ako Education Employment Grants Internship Jobs Kaituna Kōkako Kiwi KKT Mahuru Māori Mana whenua Merchandise Newsletter OKT Roadworks Scholarships Tangihanga Tikanga Wānanga - 27th April @ Makahae Marae Nau mai, haere mai ki te pōhiri i tō tātou Kaiwhakahaere Matua. Any pātai, email events@tapuika. You can also submit relevant events for our inclusion in the calendar. 2022-2026 Strategic Plan Full Version pdf. - 7 June. Tapuika Fisheries Trust was established by deed dated 10 October 2014 to act amongst other things as the Mandated Iwi Organisation of Tapuika for the purposes of the Māori Fisheries Act 2004 and to act as the Iwi Aquaculture Organisation for the purpose of the Māori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Office Contact Details: 19 Jellicoe St, PO Box 15 Te Puke: Ph 07 5735 351. biel@gmail. You can use pdfFiller's add-on to do this, as well as other things. This is a great opportunity to showcase the amazing women we have in our business, from a crane operator, apprentice drainlayer, geotech engineer, surveyor, drone operator, contract admin, TMS, machinery and general roading operators. Monday 14 October, 10 am, Moko Read more. nz. Rā Whakangāhau o Tapuika 2023 Saturday 18 November 2023 Piki mihi to all those involved from the kōeke who helped guide the progression of the day, to our numerous tamariki and pēpi who enabled Tamanui-te-rā and his light to shine on what was a beautiful day of celebration for the iwi. Following the settlement, the Tapuika Iwi Authority (TIA) was endorsed by the Tapuika people to act as their Post Settlement Governance Entity. This Education is now embedded in Tapuikatanga where the Tapuika identity will be articulated and reflected in the Kura’s environment, planning and daily Therefore we determine AROHA BECK as the duly elected Central/Lower North Island Taurahere Trustee on the Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust and Tapuika Fisheries Trust Boards. A YourIwi membership profile will allow you to: update your details. Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Mānawatia a Matariki. com. Join us in welcoming our General Manager Te Hingatu Marsh in his new role at Tapuika Iwi Authority. The data shows that the closer Tapuika are to their lands, the more connected they are to their identity and the more well they are. He Pānui Tapuika Rā Whakangāhau - Saturday 18 November 2023 - Pīki mihi to all those involved from the kōeke who helped guide the progression of the day, Ki te whei ao, ki te ao mārama, tīhei wā mauriora!Haere atu he tētēkura, haere mai he tētēkura, hoki mai, ki tō ūkaipō, hei kaiwhakahaere matua mō a tātou Iwi. mskdf nbdjg gxncix jexshw zbzg uaoqn yzy awopa upco fmdt
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