Nylon sling capacity chart metric. When one sling leg lifts 1,000 lbs.
- Nylon sling capacity chart metric Use this chart for all type slings: rope, chain or synthetic web. With a wider sling body, the load is distributed over a larger sling . They are suitable for use with all three hitches: vertical, basket and choker. FEATURES AND BENEFITS: Made in USA: All Stren-Flex® roundsli Sling Load Chart. HOME. (c) For choker hitch, the angle of choke is 120 deg or greater. 50/Count) Get it as soon as Wednesday, Feb 12 Jul 17, 2023 · Now, put these value in the above formula. When connecting two or more slings always use a Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control This type of sling is sometimes called a flat eye-and-eye, eye-and-eye, or double-eye sling. Always consult your SpanSet lifting chart. Larger capacity Wire Rope Slings upon request. Many sling manufacturers include calculated charts for a load's increased tension and reduced capacity, as shown below: At rated capacity nylon slings will stretch up to 15%. DEATH or INJURY can occur form improper use or maintenance. single leg slings slings of 2, 3 or 4 legs endless slings 60° 90° 120° 60° 90° 120° 60° 90° 120° Ideal for use with lifting chain, rope, nylon and other sling applications From 1/2" (13mm) up to 2-3/8” (60mm) in diameter. Mammoth Sling Size . Adequate sling length must be established for proper sling to load angle consideration. Sling Hitches; Nylon vs. WEAR-FLEX America's Leading Manufacturer of Protective Nylon Slings ® 16 RED-CORE ECONOMY NYLON SLINGS Rated Capacity – Lbs. Polyester Please see the load rating for rated capacities for the various styles. Example: Random testing: In addition to using the above factors for calculating each sling’s rated capacity, we test randomly selected slings from production runs to make sure every new sling meets or exceeds speci˚cations and the rated capacity. The document includes details on 5 types of slings as well as an eye length chart showing the eye lengths and maximum weight capacities for slings of varying widths and ply numbers. 82 90 105 0. Slings for the industrial lifting and rigging industries from industry leader Lift-It Manufacturing Company, Inc. Rated Capacity* Over 120 1. 14 16,800 33,600 type 1 choker sling 16 19,200 38,400 18 21,600 43,200 20 24,000 48,000 type 2 basket sling 12 gage 2 1,600 3,200 3 2,400 4,800 4 3,200 6. View Double Leg RoundUp Bridle Slings MAMMOTH SLINGS. Load Capacity: Ensure the chosen synthetic sling has the appropriate load-bearing capacity for the intended lift. Conforms to ANSI/ASME B30. com and the diameter of the sling itself (d). Load configuration charts are therefore essential to calculate the capacity of your sling according to your situation. To calculate lifting capacity, first identify your material type and consider the rated lifting capacity required. In active chemical environments, where exposure could be deleterious to one or both yarn types, the sling user or competent person must make a hazard assessment. ) Note: Polyester flat web slings and nylon flat web slings look the same and are similar in color. 00 90 - 120 0. HAVE QUESTIONS? CALL AN EXPERT TODAY! (706) 750-9099 Observe rated capacity. Let's break it down: Vertical column: This shows the maximum load The document contains various charts related to wire rope, wire rope slings, chain slings, and lifting equipment standards. Interpreting Wire Rope Sling Capacity Charts. Large capacity Wire Rope Slings upon re - quest Slings can be supplied either manufactured as cable-laid slings up to 628 mm (24¾″) diameter with Calculated Rope Breaking Loads (CRBL) up to 13,000 metric tons, with hand-spliced eyes at each end or as endless cable-laid grommet slings up to 304 mm (12″) diameter with breaking loads on double part up to 6,800 metric tons. The most commonly used synthetic web slings are made of nylon- or polyester-type yarns . 99 ($8. Web Sling Width. Sling selection must be within the work load limits and proper hitches. Capacity Charts. Polyester; Eye & Eye Web Slings – Type 3 & 4; Bridle Slings; Endless Slings – Type 5; Reversed Eye Web Slings – Type 6; Triangle Web Slings – Type 1 & 2; Web Sling Hardware & Accessories; Wide Body Web Slings; Marine Slings; Wheel Nets These light-use twisted-eye web slings are made of nylon. The stretch of a nylon sling at capacity is approximately 8 to 10%. Do not, under any circumstances tie knots in the sling - this will result in loss of strength and sling damage. Inspect the sleeve for wear and cracks. 4. click to view. In the field, a nylon web sling is often commonly referred to as a 'choker', and has the advantage of being lightweight. What is the best way to check the Working Load Limit on a nylon sling? a) use the Working Load Limit chart for Nylon Webbing Slings b) use the rating tag marked on each sling c) check both (chart and sling tag) and take the best rating d) all of the above e) none of the above SHACKLES China nylon sling capacity chart wholesale - Select 2024 high quality nylon sling capacity chart products in best price from certified Chinese Nylon Medical Bag manufacturers, Capacity Electronic Cigarette suppliers, wholesalers and factory on Made-in-China. and our slings are proudly Made in USA. 400 if sides of basket are not 90 6 4,800 9,600 vertical , the rated capacity 8 6,400 12,800 must be reduced as follows 10 8,000 16,000 sling ProCraft® Polyester & Nylon Endless Web Slings Angle of Choke deg. Jul 6, 2019 · Buy Lifting Slings 3" Wide X 10' Length 2 Ply Eye, Nylon Lifting Strap, Eye & Eye, Heavy Duty, 6,600 lbs Vertical, 5,280 Choker, 13,200 Basket Load Capacity: Web - Amazon. Minimum sling length varies with capacity and sling. If the sling angle increases to 45o, the stress actually exerted on the sling would be 1,414 lbs. Catalog rated capacity charts are determined by actual tests. Please feel free to contact or sales department for help with special requirements. Made of high strength fibers that are completely encased by a tough tubular jacket, roundslings provide superior weight to capacity ratios and durable construction. Single Leg Slings (Capacity – Tons) Multiple Leg Slings (Capacity – Tons) Rope Dia. The breaking strength of an equivalent 3-ply web sling = 3X. Durante la prueba, puede hacer clic en el botón Revisar pregunta para marcar la pregunta en amarillo como un recordatorio visual para volver a visitar la pregunta antes de enviar las respuestas de la prueba. 74 30 - 59 0. Aug 4, 2021 · Depending on the lifting criterion and method, the WLL of the sling will be increased or reduced. RING OR WELD SPATTER ON ANY PART OF THE SLING. HAVE QUESTIONS? CALL AN EXPERT This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth wire rope slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. Plies and Sling Width nylon slings, lifting slings, synthetic slings, polyester slings, web slings, round slings web sling capacity chart. Treatment for Abrasion: Unless specifically requested, all nylon & polyester web slings will have an abrasion-resistant treatment applied. rated capacities shown apply only to 6x19 and 6x37 classification wire rope. Order by Stock No. ) Capacity in Pounds: 6,200 Vertical 4,960 Choke 12,400 Basket. Folding, Bunching or Pinching of Nylon Web Slings and Polyester Round Slings, which occurs when used with standard shackles, hooks, clevises or other applications THE ABOVE CHART IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASME B30. Products. Call Today: 908-351-7800 Office Hours 8am-5pm | Shop Hours 7:30am-4pm Technical Data Chart (Metric) wear-resistant nylon jackets to make them ideally suited for heavy lifts in extreme environments. 8 Read More » Endless slings therefore can be rotated to provide a much higher number of contact points for where the sling contacts the load. 7% at the rated load capacity (working load limit) of the sling. EXAMPLE: EN1-0901 X 10 ft 3 ft. The chart specifies the diameter and construction of each sling size, its safe working load capacity in kilograms or metric tons, the standard loop or eye size in inches, and the corresponding Note: Polyester slings are available upon request. , an increase of 41. Round slings made with Polyester core yarn will stretch 3%. Chain_Load_Chart_tnail. base price. Jul 1, 2011 · Lift Sling Straps, JCHL 6. Metric load chart is available upon request and sling lengths can be made in either feet or meters. Inspect slings weekly or even more frequently depending on how often slings are used. Refer to manufacturer specifications and charts to select the correct sling. Angle of Choke Degree Rated Capacity % Over 120 100 90-120 87 60-89 74 30-59 62 0-29 49 This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth Wire Rope Slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. 2 1. It provides measurements in meters, tonnes, and millimeters for cutting wire rope of different sizes, safe working loads for wire rope slings with 1 to 4 legs, working load limits for G80 chain, conversions between inches and millimeters, and lists of lifting equipment Description. To this, add the price of each additional foot over 3 feet. Aug 15, 2024 · It shows how much the rated capacity of the sling should be reduced to due to the angle. Choose•material,•coatings•and•wear• pads•to•fit•your•load Choose•nylon•or•polyester•material Both•materials•are•heavy•webbing pacity Slings, and in - termediate sizes upon request. 3. Endless polyester and nylon sling straps are also referred to as continuous loop slings. pin Ød mm chain dia. 92 0. Nylon Web Slings, Classes, Uses, and Limitations. (See sling efficiency chart) Balanced load control not only is essential but critical in preventing slippage and maintaining center of gravity load control! RATED CAPACITIES MAY VARY AMONG MANUFACTURERS. The nylon web sling capacity is always highest at a 90 degree angle of use and smallest at an angle of 30 degrees or less. F pacity Slings, and in - termediate sizes upon request. Also known as intermittent-use web slings, they have thin webbed constructions that are cost-effective alternatives to standard endless web slings for lifting, securing, and pulling applications that are done occasionally. Do not exceed sling rated capacity. base price = $13. Braided Polyester slings will stretch 9%. 5. uk 6 3. Never mix the WLL of slings in one lift. 90 Degrees 60 Degrees 45 Degrees the angle between the sling legs reduces the lifting capacity. 866 SAFE-LINE PROTECTIVE NYLON SLINGS 8 Safe-Line Slings are available in two web strengths and both have perma-nent black line identification. 99 $ 16 . Showing all 6 results. Higher capacity slings are available. 65 0. More. 000 105 120 0. (1000 Lbs. For Slingmax® multi-part slings, the diameter of the sling is the total finished diameter of the combined component ropes. To achieve the full working load of the wire rope sling the recommended minimum D/d ratios are in Table 1. They have the following properties in common: Strength; Convenience, Load protection, and; Economy. 87 60 - 89 0. Choose the type of nylon sling (endless or eye & eye), the type of eye WEBBING SLING LOAD CHART Single, Double, Three & Four Ply with Soft Eye End 100%: 200%: 140%: 80%: Flat Polyester Single Ply: Capacity: Width Inch mm: Colour Oct 4, 2022 · Toll Free: 866-444-9990 Español: 844-871-5153 Local: 319-213-9180 Hours: M-F, 7am - 5pm CST Contact Us Angle of Choke deg. 4 0. 50 Actual Sling Capacity = Rated Capacity x Reduction Factor The radii values apply to round-slings that are fully tensioned to their rated capacity We manufacture Webbing Slings upto115 tons capacity as per EN 1492 :1 2000 standards and ASME B30. Type 6 (RE) — Reversed Eye slings have protective webbing over the entire body and eyes. How to Calculate Sling Capacity Using Sling to Load Angle. Back to top Nylon Slings Sling ratings based on commercial fittings of equal or greater capacity. Learn more How to Buy Master Link Assemblies w/Shortening Hook - Single Leg Sample Part Number for a Double Leg, Oblong Link, Sling Hook, and an Endless sling with a maximum capacity of 4500 lbs at a 60° and 4’ legs: Sling configuration: DOS Leg Type Code: ENR1 Sling Length bearing point to bearing point Final Part number: DOS-ENR1x04’ *TRIPLE LEG AVAILABLE. Other pad materials are available (see page 14). Covermax outer Cover Red inner Cover K-SPEC Load Yarns Outer Cover 25,000 This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth wire rope slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. Columbus McKinnon (CM) Capacity Chart. 7 1. This type of sling is commonly referred to as a twisted-eye sling. Vertical Capacity Choker Capacity Basket Capacities Size (Width) Minimum Recommended Pin Size . This chart illustrates how the stress in a sling increases as the angle increases (all angles are measured from the vertical). Avoid sharp edges and exposure to acid, alkali, sunlight and temperature over 180°F. Types 3 & 4 Slings are eye and eye web slings offered with 1-4 Ply options. Loop Size 2 Legs 3 Legs 4 Legs 60° 45° 30° 60° 45° 30° 60° 45° 30° 6 x 19 XIP IWRC 1/4″ 0. One black line identifies slings with 1/2 ton rated capacity per inch width of each sling leg. Various procedures can be used to minimize the effects of ultraviolet light and sun light: Store slings in a cool, dry, and dark place when not being used for long periods of time. Download Catalog. Sling-To-Load Angle is always the angle between the sling leg and the horizontal surface. Our nylon slings are made in the USA - fabricated in our Atlanta facility. The breaking strength of an equivalent 4-ply web sling = 4X. It is essential to determine the right web sling capacity to prevent overloading, which can lead to accidents and damage. HOLES, TEARS, CUTS, ABRASIVE WEAR. 4%. Slings are made to a tolerance of ± 1"+1% of the specified length, and can stretch 1% at rated capacity. Type III. It also provides an overview of our available Services, such as our Training, Load-Testing and This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth wire rope slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. When one sling leg lifts 1,000 lbs. Type IV %PDF-1. It also provides notes on features like Monster-Edge coating, tapering of wider slings, and treatment options for nylon versus Nov 4, 2023 · Web Sling Capacity. Work at Liftex. sling leg(s) Reductions in rated capacity as a function of angle of choke Angle of Choke (degrees) Angle of Choke Reduction = or > < Factor 120 180 1. 906 30 0. OR SNAGS THAT EXPOSE THE LEAD CAR. jpg Slings:For Synthetic Web and Round Slings in (kgs) for normal use and equally loaded slings to EN1492-2. Untapered eyes are available upon request. 500 70 0. Top Quality Nylon Slings. 5'X2 Heavy Duty Flat Eye Lift Sling 13,000 lbs Capacity Lifting Straps Nylon Tree Saver Recovery Strap Web Sling Winch Strap 2-Pack $16. PLEASE NOTE: Capacities shown include both paths and are for one complete sling. Share. dlhonline. Note: Capacities and weights are listed in pounds. Contact Us. Ratings based on straight pin diameter one-half the sling width. Approximate Weight Per Foot . CONTACT US Rated Capacities for Slings Use the following calculator to determine the rated capacity required by the sling(s). Flat lifting slings capacity charts • back to top • • back to top • • back to the other end of the sling and the sling is choked around the load being picked up. 1 0. Grade 100 Chain Sling Capacity Chart 1 & 2 Legs. While one- and two-ply thicknesses are the most common, three- and four-ply slings can also be made. These charts typically display load limits for various sling angles and configurations. The chart specifies the diameter, construction, safe working load, standard loop or eye size, and diameter for slings ranging from 8mm to 52mm in diameter. Factors Affecting Web Sling Capacity Material of the Web Sling roundslings by the rated load as shown on the sling identification; never by color. To determine the actual capacity at a given angle of lift, multiply the original sling rating by the ap-propriate loss factor determined from the table. Mechanically Spliced Sling Capacity Chart More Info; Minimum Sheave and Drum Dimensions More Info; Recommended Applications for Wire Ropes A choker hitch is where the eye on one end of the sling is passed through the eye on the other end of the sling and the sling is choked around the load being picked up. 45 Adder price per foot Roundslings are ideal when you are looking for a light-weight sling that can lift heavy loads. 342 60 0. D/d in Eye D/d in Body Gator-Laid 1:1 5:1 Gator-Max 1:1 5:1 Jan 4, 2022 · For example, if the breaking strength of a 1-ply web sling = X, then… The breaking strength of an equivalent 2-ply web sling = 2X. 1 Rated Capacity = Minimum Breaking Strength / 5. Basket Sling Angle in Degrees Reduction Factor* 15 0. 3 2″ x 4″ 1. Tel: 0845 270 2919 -INT: 00 44 161 223 1990 Email: sales@dale lifting. Polyester Round Slings. 940 35 0. saltwatersling@gmail. The chart specifies the diameter and construction of each sling size, its safe working load capacity in kilograms or metric tons, the standard loop or eye size in inches, and the corresponding lings nlimited rigging supplies vertical 8,000 16,000 21 ,500 28,700 40,700 46,000 51 ,500 59,200 vertical 10,000 19,800 26,700 35,600 50,500 The Complete Guide to Wire Rope Sling Load Capacity Chart (8mm to 80mm) When it comes to heavy lifting in industrial settings, wire rope slings are an indispensable tool. 9 SPECIFICATIONS THE ABOVE CHART IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASME B30. co. (2000 Lbs. rated capacity in tons of 2,000 lbs. 97 2. 9 SPECIFICATIONS WORKING LOAD LIMITS (LBS) ONE PLY Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 Type 5 Vertical 90o Choker 90o Vertical Basket 90o Two Legged 60o Vertical 90o Size (Inch) 1 1600 Jan 27, 2014 · Nylon is unaffected by grease and oil, and the material has excellent chemical resistance to aldehydes, ethers and strong alkalies. and Length Sling Width Inches Choker @ 30˚ Vertical @ 90˚ Basket @ 90˚ 3 Foot Base Price Adder Per Foot EN1-0601 1” 1760 2200 4400 $10. Lift-It® Endless slings are available in either nylon or polyester webbing, polyester is the standard material on all models. The angle of the sling can reduce the capacity of all the rigging due to sling tension. 5 %âãÏÓ 387 0 obj > endobj xref 387 34 0000000016 00000 n 0000002243 00000 n 0000002345 00000 n 0000002858 00000 n 0000003629 00000 n 0000004250 00000 n 0000004287 00000 n 0000004471 00000 n 0000004585 00000 n 0000004697 00000 n 0000004980 00000 n 0000005563 00000 n 0000005837 00000 n 0000006476 00000 n 0000007468 00000 n 0000008284 00000 n 0000009139 00000 n 0000009981 00000 n In the catalog, you will find product information and specifications for our Wire Rope Slings, Web Slings, Round Slings, Synthetic Rope Slings, Sling Protection, Alloy Chain Slings, Wire Mesh & Chain Mesh Slings, as well as Tie Down Equipment. at 0o, the sling stress is also 1,000 lbs. Each fractional foot is charged as a full foot. RUD StarPoint Dimensional Chart CCISCO provides information on synthetic slings including nylon and polyester slings. How is the Lifting Sling to be attached? If there are no lifting points, then the lifting sling will have to be Item: Web Sling - Strap Sling Type: Endless Strength: Heavy Duty Width: 2" Length: 8' Material: Nylon Vertical Hitch Capacity: 10,200 lbs Choker Hitch Capacity: 12,800 lbs Basket Hitch Capacity: 25,600 lbs Chain & Sling Load Charts are A6 in size and provide the following useful information: Chains:Working load limits (tonnes) for Grade 100 & Grade 80 to EN 818. 819 20 0. Sling Material: Unless specified, nylon webbing will be standard. Ød mm dia. Flat Webbing Lifting Slings are made from high tenacity polyester webbing, colourcoded for ease of identification for lifting They are available in four basic types: Simplex, Duplex Triplex and Endless. Whether you’re in construction, shipping, or manufacturing, understanding the exact load capacity of your wire rope sling is essential for safe and efficient lifting. Polyester webbing is also available. accommodate a crane hook on slings that are 3" and wider. Nylon Slings. Web sling capacity refers to the maximum weight a web sling can safely lift. Dura-Web 2000 slings are not tapered in any width. Using the example above, if the slings angle is 60°, then the lifting sling is reduced to . 49 * Reduction factor for sling rated capacity in a choker hitch. ALWAYS CHECK THE IDENTIFICATION TAG TO DETERMINE IF THE POLYESTER ROUND S. uk Web: www. 3 , Cordage Institute CI-1905, and Web Sling & Tie Down Association WSTDA-RS-1HP . Never use damaged slings. As an example, a horizontal sling angle of 30º will increase the tension factor by 2 times therefore doubling the weight felt by the sling and all related rigging. Type 5 (Endless) slings are NOT tapered unless specified on order. 48 1. Simplex Slings are manufactured from single thickness […] STEP 5: HOW TO PRICE A SLING. As the sling-to-load angle decreases, so does the rated capacity of a sling. 9 standards. 65 1. Vertical Choker Basket Approx. 866, or 86. 30 $1. Columbus McKinnon (CM) Endless Synthetic Sling Capacity Chart. 58 0 60 0. Inspection Remove sling if you detect: Crushing Flat spots Deformations and abrasion Wire breaks Inspect the eye for wear and wire breaks. They differ depending on the type of slings. Buy. Endless polyester and nylon sling straps are also referred to as continuous loop slings, type 5 slings and/or grommet slings. Rated capacities basket hitch based on D/d ratio of 25 . Calculate sling prices by using the minimum bearing to bearing 3 ft. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases RS360 and larger capacity roundslings feature a bulked nylon cover and polyester load yarns. The Slings Unlimited Nylon Sling Builder allows you the ability to create the type of nylon sling best suited for your application. Each synthetic material has its own unique properties. 4. The rated lifting capacity of the sling must often be greater than the weight of the load to be lifted. You will need a sling or slings with a rated capacity equal to or greater than the rated capacity required for the corresponding rigging technique. Polyester Round Sling Capacity Chart. 6%, of its total effective capacity. The chart includes the diameter of the rope in millimeters, its construction, safe working load in kilograms or metric tons, standard loop or eye size in inches, and the corresponding diameter of Rated Capacity = Minimum Breaking Strength / 5. The capacity of a web sling is affected by various factors. 2 ply - 2" x 2' - Eye & Eye Flat Nylon Lifting Sling quantity. com 203 Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control metric tonnes dia. Rated Capacity: Sling Details Slings left in these conditions could see excess wear and may even totally degrade. They are made with top quality, heavy duty, 9,800 pound per square inch American made nylon webbing. The selection includes endless lifting slings, endless round lifting slings, twisted eye & eye lifting slings, and flat eye & eye lifting slings. CTS SUCH AS THE FOLLO. Inspect for kinks as they will reduce the sling capacity. 62 0 - 29 0. 50 Our nylon slings are made in the USA. • See Sling Angle Load Chart to determine loss of capacity due to lift angle and sling configuration (hitch) • NEVER expose sling to temperatures above 194 degrees F (90 degrees C) • Remember: Exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet light degrades sling strength. Determine the load of lift. 1-800-299-0900. 2. This extra webbing reinforces the nylon sling and protects it from wear, resulting in an exceptionally strong and rugged sling. The chart below shows the capacity reduction of a sling used in a choker hitch. Textured nylon wear resistant webbing is standard for these eye treatments. However, nylon slings are not suitable for use with acids and bleaching agents, or at temperatures in excess of 194°F. ENDLESS ROUNDSLING CAPACITY CHART & ORDERING Part Color Color Part Number Vertical Choker Basket 60° 45° 30° Minimum Length Approx. Always consider the sling angles when making a lift. 423 65 0. Rated capacities are affected by angle of lift (sling to load angle) measured from the horizontal when used with multi-legged slings or choker/ basket hitches. 574 75 0 Need a custom sling or something that you don’t see on our site? We can customize your order to get you exacly what you need. 7. Remove sling if you detect: Crushing Flat spots Deformations and abrasion Wire breaks Inspect the eye for wear and wire breaks. Angle of Choke Degree Rated Capacity % Over 120 100 90-120 87 60-89 74 30-59 62 0-29 49 Vertical Basket Hitch: A vertical basket hitch is where the body of the sling supports the load Endless sling strap ends can be tapered and reinforced on request. Capacity charts for most slings manufactured by Liftex. These slings are designed to handle heavy loads, serving as an essential intermediate component that connects the crane to the load in a manner that the crane hook alone cannot achieve. Rated capacities based on pin diameter no larger than natural eye width or less than the nominal sling diameter 10. 9 chapter 6, NAVFAC P-307 section 14. 259 55 0. Sling made with both loop eyes formed as in Type III, except that the loop eyes are turned to form a loop eye which is at a right angle to the plane of the sling body. Weight of Load (lbs) Number of Legs Supporting Load 90 8 Consider the operational environment to ensure the chosen sling material aligns with the conditions for optimal performance. No se preocupe, el test no está medido en tiempo, así que relájese y concéntrese en las preguntas y lo hará genial. Nylon web slings stretch slightly to absorb shock. 71 60 90 0. ) Two black lines identify slings with 1 ton rated capacity per inch width for each sling leg. DURING USE: Synthetic Web Slings: Synthetic web slings offer a number of advantages for rigging purposes. Suerte en el test. Specify the sling code and length in feet (bearing point to bearing point). 866 25 0. The term “Rated Capacity” does not represent the sling’s lifting capacity under all lifting conditions or at any time during the working life of the sling. Larger capacity Wire Rope Slings upon request Polyround Sling NLIMITED RIGGING SUPPLIES Vertical Capacity (lbs) 3000 6000 9000 12000 14000 17000 22000 26000 Polyester Round Sling Capacity Chart Nylon Slings; Polyester Round Slings; Wire Rope Slings; Shackles. This chart is based on a 5:1 Design Factor (DF); but any other DF can be fabricated. • Be sure sling capacity tag is in place and can be easily read. Slings manufactured using nylon materials stretch approximately 6% to 10% at the rated load capacity (working load limit) of the sling. WT / FT Slings (802) 1" Poly Slings (4) 2,6,8" Poly Slings (14) 3,4,12" Poly Slings (29) Chain Slings (409) Poly & Single Path Sling (1) Wire Rope Assembly I (345) Sorbent Products (11) Speedbinders (3) Vehicle Recovery Products (27) Bubba Rope (27) Wire Rope Products (107) Cuttin Tools & Accs (4) Galv Aircraft Cable I (8) Sleeves (15) SS A/C Cable I Nylon Slings; Polyester Round Slings; Wire Rope Slings; Shackles. Wire rope sling capacity charts might seem daunting at first glance, but they're actually quite straightforward once you know what to look for. Twin-Path ® Extra slings with K-Spec ® core yarn stretch less than 1% at rated capacity, about the same as wire rope slings. Diameter Approx. Sling WLL at a 60-degree angle = 2000kg x 2 x 60 degree = 2000kg x 2 x 0. Call us at 909-469-2251 for all of your industrial lifting sling needs. orvc ndqqvb dvdam ihdl yxmzw lxypp ozr hlda fgx kajfy udg vflsdfg yxbz wqxdtw jve