Hail in a Blizzard
The world is brutal. Failures are like hail in a blizzard. They will pummel and crush you until you are backed in a corner, begging for your life. Just as you overcome one failure, there seems to be another that arises, calling to be addressed. Your shoulders become heavy with the baggage of your mistakes. Your body become worn while your moral slowly chips away. You find yourself in the fetal position waiting for it to end. Will the failures ever stop? Should I call it quits and return to my comfort zone, far away from the treachery of failures?
Rising from the Ashes
The hail blizzard continues to thrash. You are far from shelter, from safety. Life is fleeting, and you are on the brink of death. There seems to be a light, something shining in the fog of the wartime blizzard. This light is shining from within you. This light is what initially sparked your journey to success. Where has it been? You’ve become so preoccupied with the storm that you’ve forgotten the light that kindled within you, so the light diminished. The light has always been there. Now, you remember why you started. The light grows brighter. Now, you feel something new, something you’ve never felt before. The light grows brighter. Your muscles tighten, and you feel a miraculous power serge through you. The light sparks into a flame. You’ve never felt this type of power before. Ambition transforms into manifestation. The blizzard stops.
A New Skin
Ambition excites. It launches you into an endeavor with high expectations. When you experience failures, these expectations are injured. The plans that initially embarked you on the quest are bound to be flawed, just as is the world is. Don’t let your ambition cripple you with denial, rather let it drive you forward with change. To rise from the ashes, you must be willing to accept the change that comes with success pursuits. Holding on to old ideas will bring you to your knees while the hail crushes you.
Never live on ground level; have your head in the clouds and look down. The ground will eventually come to you.
You will feel helpless at times, only because you are living in a land of uncertainty. The longer you endure this uncertain land, the more it will become certain. Failures are the world’s greatest teachers. If your goals do not scare you, they are not set high enough. If you do not feel helpless, you are not pushing yourself hard enough. Persevere through the helplessness, and you will make the unfamiliar, familiar.