10 day water fast results. Reason for this fast: 1) mental clarity.

10 day water fast results You're giving me encouragement to go longer. At that time your body and mind kind of settled into the routine of fasting. fourthwall. 2 Day 4 386. I'll reevaluate then if I'll go for 14 days. 4 Day 11 373. Day One (14/9) Weight: 187. 6 Day 13 371. I’d like to be down to 210 or so by the end of May. The 8-day WF can be considered an acute form of stress for the body that increases immunity, while chronic stress impairs the body's ability to produce a strong immune response. 26M 10 Day water fast results/experience Check-in Starting weight: 200. This is 100% speculation. 24 Among the many other effects of fasting on the body, one should mention its therapeutic impact on neurological diseases or the activation of autophagy. follow my 10 day journey of water fasting. net/10-day-water-fast-results/More about The Quantified Body:Damien Blenkinsopp, the host of The Qua Dec 7, 2024 · Weight Loss Expectations. How to do a 10 Day Water Fast? In a 10-day water fast, you must drink only water for 10 full days. You look great. If you burn a mere 2000kcals a day by the end of 10 days of water fasting you would buen roughly 20000kcals because some metabolic slowdown should happen afaik, a pound of fat is roughly 3500 kcals so you would potentially lose about a little more than 6lbs in 10 days which is awesome. Like you, I also seem to have Isolated diastolic hypertension with my diastolic value always hovering around 88-92 during the fast but my systolic pressure staying consistently in the 115-125 range. Oct 27, 2024 · Join me on my incredible journey as I embark on a 14-day water fast! In this video, I'll share the reasons why I chose to undertake this extended fast, the c Follow-on videos:Week 1 (Part 1 of 3): https://youtu. Today I juiced and sipped on that. Also, read up on the testimonials of those who have attempted long fasts and learn about their experiences. May 4, 2024 · This section looks into the 10-day water fast, its history, and the changes it brings to the body. So, if you are new to water fasting, then trying a 1-day water fast will help you know what to expect. Why I Decided to Fast on Water Only For me, the 3rd day was the hardest but after 5 days it gets easier. Historical and Modern-Day Context. e. Since it is a short-term weight loss plan, the key is to balance it with exercise and good food. I discovered the benefits and dangers of fasting. I was super low energy for half of it. 10 day water only fast results. First the basics: Type: Water + salt… Sep 13, 2023 · Fasting did seem to spur noticeable short-term weight loss, the researchers found. . With no food at all. (222 to 202) DAY 10 of 100 Archived post. Just follow the steps outlined below: Select your Sex, i. And t Consenting participants of any sex, between 40 and 70 years old, with a fasting glucose < 6. 2) psychological/emotional discipline 3) detox of unhealthy cells/disease prevention Apr 9, 2022 · Hey I’m Ree-c, I'm a water faster. Test subjects involved in one 10-day controlled water fast lost an average of 10 percent of their body weight Jan 10, 2025 · Beyond Ramadan, many Buddhist practices include fasting as a means to achieve mental clarity and spiritual growth. Today marks the 100th day of my water fast, here's an update of how things are going. 5 - 1 kg. We have compiled a list of the top benefits and side effects of doing the 10-day water fasting Jun 12, 2019 · As the 7-day water fast comes to a close you’ll feel like you’re on cloud nine as you just successfully completing a 7-day water fast. Weight Loss. For the clarity of mind, better energy, and feeling of accomplishment that I have now, everything was worth it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. But what did me in was an insatiable hunger that water, vinegar, plain teas and lemon water couldnt qualm. Very nice results from a 5-day, and another 5-day. Day 1: Initial Adjustments. Overall the experience has been overwhelmingly positive. People who fasted for five days lost about 4% to 6% of their weight; those who fasted for seven to 10 days lost about 2% to 10%, and those who fasted for 15 to 20 days lost 7% to 10%. (1) Let’s discuss some of the benefits of a 10-day water fast. Example 2 (for men): You're a 180-lbs man who plans on doing a 14-day water fast. Green vegetables, cheese, peanut butter day one. Nov 15, 2024 · All in all, this was a very enriching fast. My biggest setback was Day 7-8, when I experienced a lot of back pain in the night and felt raw and unwell in the day. After 25 days and 40 pounds lost he'll probably I competed another 7 day water fast! I felt great throughout it and kept and eye on my ketones and glucose levels just as a precaution. This is very discouraging. See the complete results here: https://thequantifiedbody. Results of 10 day water fast I officially began this latest fast on the 27th of March, though I hadn't eaten for most of the day before as well. I was much less educated about fasting when I did this so I didn't follow it by the book to say the least. Chinese astronaut centre fasting study 45-day water fast results (lost 40 pounds) upvotes 21 day water fast COMPLETE upvotes Nov 9, 2020 · No matter how thoroughly we collect information about medium-term water fasting, some questions remain unanswered. Detailed account of 30 day water fast with lessons learned. I weighed myself daily but have weightless mode setup on my app so it just tells me a +/-. Took the day off walking for an hour, added baking soda to some water to ease the acid reflux, and all was much better today. Rules on what to do and not to do. w/ BEFORE & AFTER RESULTS! Disclaimer: Please do not try water fasting at home without medical supervision, I am not responsible for you or your health. Hi Friends!This is my 4th water fast and my first time attempting NO FOOD FOR 14 days with BEFORE & AFTER RESULTS! I also include results from my previous 3 When you start eating again you gain weight fast, but the weight is mostly water which is needed to store glycogen in your muscles, the glycogen is depleted during fasting. Originally started 1/10/24 by first doing the 5 day Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) program (which I highly recommend). The day before I started the water fast, I even went onto only May 29, 2023 · I Did a Five-Day Water Fast, the Results Were Incredible. She ended up extending two more days. I'm hooked. I did however had diarrhea whenever I refed. A handful of 5 day fasts and one 7 day fast. 8 and 1. Jan 20, 2024 · Studies reveal that prolonged water fast is a moderately safe therapy for weight loss and can positively affect overall health. People fast for various reasons, but if your goal is weight loss, it’s essential to understand how a prolonged 10-day water fast can help you achieve your fitness objectives. Learn about the benefits, challenges, and tips of water fasting, as well as what to drink and how to reintroduce food. Starting a water fast means you need to be mentally ready and know what to expect. I didn’t feel any headaches. These are a year old and now I’m back at the starting point. Took it easy the first week, starting at around 500kcal and working up to 1500kcal. A 21-day water fast can lead to significant weight loss, as it directly impacts your body weight, helping you to lose weight. Let’s look at what happens in the first few days of your fast. Breaking the fast: I originally planned to go for a 21 day fast but decided to end at 14 days as problems with heartburn started to return around day 10. :) Best wishes on your fast too!!! My 10-day water fasting results were not a surprise to me. After 20 days you forget about eating and you get used to it. -20 pounds. I've lost about 4 LBs so far. true. 4 Day 12 372. The first day of fasting can be tough. A small 2022 study of 48 people experiencing overweight or obesity found clinically significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure after a 10-day water-only fast and five days of refeeding (reintroduction of food). On average, I walked somewhere between 3-5 miles per day, although on days 9 and 10, I walked 10 and 15 miles, respectively. It was a 10 day water fast, and the average weight loss was 7 kilos, around 15 pounds. 1. 6 Day 5 385. Other than my stomach problems, I know myself to be in good health. Started at 3 and added 2-5 days annually. We performed a 10-day water-only fasting in male adults under medical supervision conditions with detailed descriptions in our previous publications [27,28]. Hey guys, in this video I share my experience with water fasting for ten days. Why is this ? I only drank water and nothing else. But many people also report losing 10 pounds and even up to 15 pounds. Tonight I decided to have a warm broth for dinner. I fasted for a reset and weight loss. Here are answers to a few questions related to 1 week or 10 day water fast: 1. Follow me on my Water Fasting Journey. How Much Weight Can You Lose if You Fast for One Week? Most people report losing anywhere from 10-20 pounds while on a 7-day water fast. It has taken a while to make sense of the experience. Expect to experience some side effects, particularly on the first day of your fasting journey. com After you feel comfortable with 3 day water fasts and, physically, your body can make the switch to ketosis without much fuss, then it’s time to consider a 7-10 day water fast. Male or Female; Enter the intended duration of your water fast in days. Final weigh-in will be tomorrow. After 10 days you stop feeling hungry but you get the hunger pains every day. be/OrYsP8LiVOYThis is a timelapse of my fat loss during a 28-day water fast where I lost about 32 pound Jul 5, 2019 · Hey Guys and Girls! In this video I will be showing you a day by day break down of how I felt and what I noticed throughout each day of this water fast. When I started eating again I gained back 10 pounds went from 163 down to 132 up to 142 and I ate regularly for a month and am now on a 2 week water fast with exercise to get rid of most of what was left from the original 32 day water fast. 16 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, a week. Starting weight: 87kg final weight: 77kg Type of training: Calisthenics Electrolytes: Only magnesium Drinking: Osmosis water with minerals and high quality unsweetened Nov 21, 2020 · Your estimated 7-day water fasting results: 150 lbs * 4. The longest I’ve fasted is ten days. (Correction, my Apo-B number came down There are plenty of books on water fasting to help you with that. I only lost 0. I've done hundreds of 24 hour fasts. Weight Results: Day 1 394. Ha! RELATED: Why I’m Not Eating Any Food For 14 Days: Water Fasting For Health (PCOS, Fibroids & Endometriosis) Considering my obvious lack of discipline, I am somehow still optimistic that I can do this. In brief, 60 interested Chinese participants were invited for further screening and 44 participants dropped out due to age, weight, BMI, underlying health conditions or religious beliefs. Reason for this fast: 1) mental clarity. Like I said, fasting is different for everyone. May 27, 2024 · As the name suggests, a 10-day water fast is an extended fasting period where you go without food or caloric beverages for 10 full days, consuming only plain water. Jul 7, 2024 · I love how I feel after doing an occasional fast, and will continue to incorporate fasting into my wellness regimen – doing quarterly water-only fasts in addition to daily intermittent fasting and the occasional 5-day Fasting Mimicking Diet. Started with juice fast then progressed to water only fast. Nov 20, 2024 · Now that my first ever extended fast is over, I wanted to share what I learned, what my results were, and what questions remain. I hope to reac Jan 5, 2024 · Prolonged fasting includes fasts of five, seven, or even forty days. Jun 1, 2024 · In the following blog I will share the recent 10 day water fast results I had, and I will outline the reasons why a water fast is good for you, the preparations for fasting prior to it, during it, and after it, as well as the pros, the cons, and my overall reflection in the hopes that it will help you in your own water fasting journey and a massive WARNING. Heyyy guys! I decided to post this video as soo many people requested it! I have done my longest fast ever - 10 days!!! No food, only water and tea and some Eligibility included males and females aged 40–70 years with a body mass index (BMI) between 25–40 kg/m 2 and fasting glucose <7 mmol/L and/or hemoglobin A1c <7% who were approved by a physician to water-only fast for at least 10 consecutive days followed by the standard refeeding period of no less than half the duration of the fast Jun 15, 2020 · I’m on day 3 (water fast) of my 7 day detox. 8 Day 8 378. Some muscle loss also, but that came back after a few days of refeeding. Through the ages, the practice of fasting has evolved to meet various goals. I’d like to ask the people out here who have fasted that long about the differences they experienced between 7-10 days of fasting compared to 21 days. I am alive and well and I think better off than I started ten days ago. One of the most talked-about results of a 21-day water fast is weight loss. I MADE IT 10 DAY WITHOUT FOOD! Follow me on this water ONLY fast… because we are on the Fastrack to Health. I'm on day 2 of another 7 day fast and I'm hoping I have way more energy this time. 6 Day 3 388. Now, I typically do a five-day water fast once a quarter and a longer seven-day water fast to start each year off. 4 Day 10 375. 60-day fasting results. This was my longest fast to date. During the fast, I consumed some himalayan sea salt, black coffee, some hi-ball caffeinated water, and copious amounts of water -- easily over a gallon each day. Can't imagine what it's like for an obese person to fast, they'd lose 2 LBs a day and feel like a feather! May 17, 2022 · How to Use the Water Fasting Weight Loss Calculator. com/journeytohealdarkness https://journey-to-heal-shop. I never experienced any refeeding syndrome with past attempts at extended water fasts and never bothered to drink bone broth to break my fast. 8Lbs End weight 186. I never expected the intensity but honsetly i wish i had endured it. While it may offer health benefits such as cellular repair, metabolic reset, and improved insulin sensitivity . How different are 7 day water fast results and 10 day water fast results? The results of 1-week and 10 day water fasts are almost similar. Doing a 90 day fast I weigh around 480 pounds so I have enough fat on me for this fast and I’ll be making sure to take my electrolytes I’m already over 2 days in lost 3. Why did I decide to go for 10 days? Weightloss, primarily. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Just completed my 10 day (236 hours) fast. 6 Day 7 379. 5 / 100 = -6. Though I've done intermittent fasting and later switched to doing rolling 72s - I plan on starting my own 30 day water fast tomorrow to lose weight. It also seems my eyesight has gotten a little better. Started with IF and then began extended fasts. I’ll probably break fast tomorrow by juicing and a smoothie for lunch. I am seeing some of the people in this sub posts incredible results with fasts ranging from 3-14 days. Mar 3, 2025 · Update on day six of a ten day water fast. Thank you for your kind words. To all those who are still fasting, I hope this is a little motivation for you to follow through :) Pictures were taken just before water fasting and just after water fasting. 2 I started my fitness journey at 244lbs March 23rd and have been doing Keto OMAD every day since. Oct 14, 2022 · Five‐day water‐only fasting decreased metabolic‐syndrome risk factors and increased anti‐aging biomarkers without toxicity in a clinical trial of normal‐weight individuals. I started with a shorter fast of 24 hours to begin and then worked my way up. Other ways to make a success of your water fast to get the most benefits include: Hello All! I am new to this sub but I wanted to know what's your experience been like while 30 day water fasting. 25 The So it was no food of any kind for ten days and about 128oz of water per day. It combines ancient traditions with modern Feb 28, 2017 · Note: After my last 5 day water fast I didn’t get a cold or any sickness for over a year (I used to get sick every month or two before I fasted). I suspect the 10 day fast will greatly strengthen my immune system as well. Mar 25, 2024 · Study results indicate that you can lose significant weight by water fasting. Sleep: During my 10 day water fast, I had trouble getting to sleep often but once asleep I slept well. That will give you confidence to take up the 10-day fasting challenge. 8 In all, in 14 days of fasting I lost 25lbs which is right on the money for where I thought I would be. I've been fasting for several years. You can estimate your weight loss results by taking the value from the third column in the table for a 14-day water fast and multiply it by your current weight. The first three days are horrible as others will tell you. When I tried a 4 day fast, I was so disappointed in the results that I didn't think it was worth doing a 10-14 day fast. I completed this fast on 6/15/2020. I've done multiple 72 hour fasts and it's odd that I get puzzled what to do with the time I usually spent cooking and eating. A typical individual may expect to lose anywhere from 10 to 30 pounds, depending on various factors such as starting weight, metabolism, and adherence to the fast. Published May 29, 2023 at 3:28 AM EDT Updated May 31, Emma Roberts did a five-day water fast that she said left her feeling amazing. My average day consisted of 100+ oz water, 1-3 scoops fasting salts, 8oz coffee with splash heavy cream, 12oz lacroix, bone broth in the beginning and on workout days (mild to moderate exercise) Mild symptoms of hunger, headache, mild fatigue that all went away with more electrolytes. There are a lot of benefits to water fasting, but also you do have to be caref Nov 7, 2023 · The Results of a 40 Day Water Fast. I was able to drop 26. 1kg (20 lbs) over the fasting period. I consider this a dirty fast as I sometimes had calories to flavour my water but don’t think they’re enough to break the fast. Dec 9, 2024 · A 3-day water fast can lead to weight loss, primarily through the loss of water weight and glycogen depletion, rather than fat loss. There are not so many changes in difficulty between let's say day 10 and day 30. I did hit a few random days where intense hunger cravings hit me out of nowhere, but they were all past the 10 day mark. Water Fasting Is Not only for Detox & Weight Loss it's a Lifestyle for me. #waterfast #20daywaterfast #waterfasting #diet #weightlossAfter 20 days of waiting, I can finally share my 20 day water fast with you all! The journey has be The next few days a conspicuous amount of weight is taken back, which is not fat of course but plain water: the glycogen in our muscles that got depleted comes back, and every one mole of glycogen binds with three moles of water, hence the rapid decline in weight (and lot of peeing) the very first days of fasting, and rapid (partial) recovery right after. 99 mmol/L and/or hemoglobin A1c < 7% and a body mass index (BMI) > 25 kg/m 2 who were approved by a non-research clinician for water-only fasting for at least 10 consecutive days followed by refeed of at least 5 days were eligible for inclusion May 18, 2020 · To prepare for the fast, I started by adopting 16:8 intermittent fasting for a few days, then progressing onto eating 1 meal per day. Cured my Diabetes & Eczema through fasting. 17, 22, 23 Prolonged fasting appears to be Nov 9, 2023 · The impressive outcomes and enduring advantages of a 21-day water fast encompass weight loss, health enhancements, and mental clarity along with emotional growth. After the 10 day mark, I knew I was at the point where refeeding would be a concern. 15 pounds down after eight days (haven't done today's weigh in) but most importantly (for my purposes), my energy is fantastic. You basically have become a non-eater, your new default state. I’d like to work my way up to doing a 21-day fast. The biggest milestones and stages in difficulty are at the beginnings of the fast. When you begin a water fast, you lose mostly water weight for the first two days. Then an annual spring or summer fast ranging 3-30 days. My ketones are nowhere near as high as yours though. Meat on day 2. Let’s explore the daily breakdown of what you can expect during this fasting protocol. Jul 18, 2024 · What to Expect During a Water Fast: A Day-by-Day Breakdown. Embarking on a 40-day water fasting journey can yield a range of results that vary from person to person. Days 2-3 were probably the toughest but also when my motivation and commitment were at their highest. That's why if you do a short water fast and lose 10 pounds in 3-5 days, you gain it all back, it's all just water weight. But if I skip for another day I feel bad. I'm on day 3 of the fast and am down to 138 as of this morning (average 2lb loss daily). Transition to Ketosis. Like hovering between 0. It’s my second extended fast but last and first one was a 3 day water fast in 2017. Let’s see how I feel tomorrow, lol. For instance, 5 days of water fasting or Buchinger fasting lowered weight by 4–6% from baseline. I lost 13. Using the calculator is pretty easy. Recently, the 10-day water fast has gained popularity for its benefits of water fasting. If this is your first time attempting a fast, really do your research and listen to your body. an extended 10 day water fast. Many of you have reached out to ask. During my own experience with a 40-day water fast, I achieved significant outcomes in terms of weight loss, improved skin condition, and mental clarity. &nbsp; 14-day Water Fast Notes: During the last 2 weeks of December 2022, I undertook a 14-day water-fast (only consumed water and electrolytes). Jai February 12, 2025. New experiences https://buymeacoffee. 8 Day 2 393. It was a great experience. 2 litres minimum of So I did 8 days of a 10 day water fast. I just finished a 9 day fast today. ) Another woman came for three weeks and walked 10 miles a day. 33 votes, 11 comments. Oct 11, 2024 · Another supposed benefit of short-term water fasting is blood pressure reduction. See full list on calathleticus. Oct 17, 2024 · To minimize potential challenges during the 3 day water fast, consider scheduling it on days when you have less workload or fewer commitments. comI've fou I'm on day 4 of a 7 day water fast. By the end i had a lot of pressure to eat by my friends when we went to dinner. I broke my fast with one large honey crisp apple, one large Asian pear and a glass of watered down 100% cranberry juice. 5. You go girl!! Those are some amazing results! I did a 7 day fast at the beginning of the month and made the mistake of doing it during the week leading up to my period. As you were 133LBs at the start (which is quite lean), i was the same (6 ft 4 184 lbs). 6 Day 14 371. So it's been just over one week since I finished my 10 day water fast. Jan 17, 2024 · A personal account of a 10 day water fast for detoxification and weight loss. 8 lbs in just 10 days!Also please like and subscribe to see more challenges I do in the fu I did 5 day fasts (Monday-Friday) all year until late August when I had gall bladder surgery. I am a 5'10", 28 year old female. I'm going to regularly integrate fasting into my health routine-one-day fasts on Mondays, and also look forward to trying another 10-day fast later with better prep next time. If you are not in good health, a 10-day water fast may affect you differently. (Wow. 4lbs after one refeed meal on the night of day 10. I took liquid multivitamins, LMNT electrolytes (2 packs/day) , and magnesium supplements at night. 14 day water fast. Water fasting can help shed those extra pounds and reduce your calorie intake. 5 Very motivated today, trying not to let myself dwell on the past and thoughts of 'I should have started this weeks ago'. ----- Aug 5, 2020 · 3 Day Water Fast Results (Before & After) Now if you’re doing this 3 day fast for weight loss then you can expect to lose 3-6 pounds. My advice is to start simple – try a basic 18- to 24-hour fast and work your way up from there. 5kg probably just water weight but it’s going good nonetheless I’ve been going gym and doing around 30 min cardio and a lot of weight lifting even though I can’t build muscle as you can’t build it off fat I’m Apr 8, 2019 · Water fasting that lasts 2 or 3 days can be challenging, especially if you have never done a water fast before. https://www Feb 6, 2024 · In December I did a 10-day water-only fast at True North Health in Santa Rosa, California. Dozens of 72 hour fasts. 10 day water fast results tracked via blood ketones, glucose, weight, hormones and cognitive performance panels. Intermittent fasting alternates periods of eating and fasting within a day, typically a 16 hour fasting window followed by an 8 hour eating window. Jul 31, 2019 · But, the woman who stayed in my room before me had come for a 30-day fast, brought her dog, and planned to confront her emotional eating problem. So now that day 7 was flat, I think I'll regain less weight back as I gained some of that water weight back on day 7. Hi, I am doing water fasting for the I spent 10 days without eating anything and only drinking water, i. So it's been a little over a month. I felt like I had the flu on day three. 18, 23 Moderate durations of fasting (7–10 d) typically produced greater weight loss (2–10%), 16, 19–21 while very long durations of fasting (15–20 d) produced the greatest weight loss (7–10%). A little lighted headedness still stays. 6 Day 15 369. I’ve already lost 6lbs. I went into the fast from a Ketogenic diet, so I experienced no adaptation problems. MY 10 DAY WATER FAST for a spiritual, emotional, and mental cleanse! FULL BEFORE & AFTER RESULTS of 10 Day Water Fast Results- Two Week Post Water Fast Updat I am primarily water fasting, with the occasional black coffee and 16 calorie broth (which I actually stopped after the first 3 days). My theory is that I lost a lot of water and salt (probably too much), which would all come back once I stop the fasting. Agai Hello everyone, i just finished a 14 day water fast and want to share stuff that i measured throughout it background: 33M 181cm (5'11"), when i was 25 i started on my journey to become fit, lost some weight at first, joined the gym and fell for the bulk and cut routine and everytime i cut i got to a point where i was really slim everywhere but my stomach, that fat pouch just refused to go, so I stayed in ketosis after breaking the fast but other than that nothing too restricting. I originally planned to fast for at least 10 days, but by day 10 I felt I could keep going and had the free time to devote to it. In Japan, fasting retreats are becoming popular as a way to reset the body and mind. Day 1. 225 votes, 62 comments. I would do it again and plan to do another 10 day or even longer fast at some point. Lost 52 lbs Doing OMAD while I'm home on disability Once I go back to work will probably do: OMAD Tuesday-Thursday Fast on Monday and Friday IF Saturday and Sunday Once a month, 5 day fast I'm 3 days into my first fast. This is limited to 60 days (2 months). Didn’t weigh myself but I guess I was probably around 120kgs/265lbs on Day 1. Good job and I commend your discipline, but only drinking water for a 10 day-long fast doesnt sound very Here's an interesting newish study by the Chinese training centre for their astronauts. Down 140 lbs (from 480 to 340). On 1/15 I started the modified water fast and began my 40 day countdown then. 6 Day 9 377. Mar 4, 2025 · Infographic: The Benefits And Side Effects Of Doing A 10-Day Water Fasting. First time in many years. Jul 26, 2020 · Anyhow, I will start tomorrow (the first day of my 14 days fast) on a better note. 8 Day 6 383. I lost 9. 8 lbs. Info Fasting experience: My first water fast was in 2001. gpbiwc emxvbsv tgla owwk klqj pwge ifmkem kknyp osyj gpcqzfu jwsi cdwla lekydga hhzyfgj rvyug