Arma 3 ai missions. Feb 23, 2015 · WICKED AI for Arma 3 Epoch (1.
Arma 3 ai missions Dec 16, 2018 · Here is what I am wanting. Can't seem to get it to work this way. if so help would be greatly appreciated Thanks. Its now fixed and the sample mission download link in top post has been updated with fixed example mission. Its time for another update, just to note, i update this list once a month based on content released or posted in the community concerning AI. Sep 7, 2023 · I'm more of a casual player who just downloads scenarios and tries to play them, or play the typical DRO mission. arma3 Resources. Out of these missions, we’ve found Antistasi to have the most fleshed out gameplay and good strategic + tactical AI, though all of these missions have been quite fun. they work otherwise. 99 in my d Feb 5, 2023 · Description: A complete system for spawning infantry, land and air vehicles and drones within locations on a map or that are specified by custom spawn scripts. 1. Jun 30, 2020 · my plan was to have a huey make a combat landing as in vietnam, as we all know the ai are not up to it, so i attempted the unit capture/play route, no luck there could never get the script to work. I got the code below from a supportive coding A. Feb 25, 2018 · ARMA3 DayZ Mission System (DZMS) This is a purely derivative port of the DayZ Mission System to ARMA3/Epoch. 0. As for me AI companions, as appriopriate, are for static overwatch/fire support, left prone on some rear, elevated position with good view on the target area and flanks, while I'm doing the stuff alone on the foreground and can simple way switch off/on fire Jun 17, 2020 · The sample mission was broken by an ARMA update. Vcom AI 3. Forks. My unit use MCC a lot to make missions and this doesn't work on spawned units like that unless I make it run from some sort of trigger. Sep 10, 2024 · I did something similar for the Last Tango In Tanoa Heist mission for the chase sequence. 0 for enemy AI. Customize mission. We aim to replicate the Invade and Annex gamemode from ArmA 3 within FiveM, to do this, we’re able to provide the following: Enemy AI Automatic Missions Custom HQ (Based at Zancudo) Different roles such as: Rifleman Apr 7, 2013 · Ideally I'd like to have the enemy AI move from the building to the trigger, for dramatic effect. 4. Aug 1, 2019 · Ive got two AI doing an ExecutionVictim_Loop animation, but the problem is that theyre still moving. I have added functionality where appropriate (equipping uniforms for example) and stripped and replaced ARMA2 or DayZ/Epoch specific code in this implementation. . Followers 0. Oct 29, 2020 · Other than that, the AI needs certain AI features enabled (All are enabled by default though) to function normally, such as Bob enableAI"target" and Bob enableAI"autoTarget". Absolutely possible to have mixed Player and AI squads, done it a few times. Whether you are crafting epic missions or honestly looking for chaotic amusement with buddies, finding the first-class AI mod for Zeus in Arma 3 can dramatically alternate your gameplay enjoy. Jan 8, 2023 · SwitchMove DLC is a fan-made mission based on the Arma 3 2017 April Fools reveal. For the mission, just visit the sandbags. Cool fact is that if a player is commanding a tank with AI crew you can disable the audio call outs for ‘front, left, right, back’ in your controls and the like and just straight have direct control over the vehicle with WASD without any delay. is there some sort of scripting i could add into the mission ?. so basically we get in start driving, the radio plays and one of the ai sings then when we reach a certain spot the ai stops singing and the radio turns off. 1 for Arma3 is ready for release :) This version for Arma3 is not a completely new version, but a slightly improved and hopefully error-free version. For users of DZAI, you'll know exactly what to expect from A3EAI. My mission has soldiers who join the player after you accomplish tasks, one soldier I want to man a mortar and fire at targets before he joins. Make your missions run more effectively by caching your units until you need them. 1 or 1. Recently Updated; Title; Start Date; SOG AI makes it WAY easier to control your AI squad, but it requires the SOG DLC and while it's compatible with most vanilla campaigns, there are certain missions (mostly custom ones) that it can interfere with, although it's hit or miss: I understand that creating an AI that has to react to so many different things is difficult, let alone creating MULTIPLE ai that have to react to many different things while keeping the games performance high. Readme Activity. It's endless, zones keep spawning when you complete them! Yep, AI behaviour mods and anything with remotely scripted or planned AI behaviour is going to make for a bad time. Jul 30, 2021 · I have arma 2 and OA installed and working together. AI can utilize enhanced movement to move around Mar 18, 2013 · to install: add the whole atlis_tanding. Keep in mind that you can't delete your current mission, so you need to ask for landing before new task starts. I have an idle stopper, and it kind of works Apr 20, 2018 · 3 second ago – New Update : Monopoly Go Dice Link Free - Free Monopoly Dice Link app fast Dice Link Monopoly Go Dice Link Free - Free Monopoly Dice Link app fast Dice Link Dice Link can help you to get the very first fans for the Dice Link videos, you will get to the key page and attract more fol Mar 30, 2014 · MCC Sandbox 3 is a dynamic mission creating tool for Arma 3 (SP/MP) About GAIA in MCC GAIA stands for Greater Artificial Intelligence. By v0lus, April 6, 2014 in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING. 3. Developed by Arma community veterans, the easy to use modular mission framework provides everything that players and mission makers need to set up and run realistic military operations in almost any scenario up to Company level, including command, combat support, service support and logistics. 0 is an AI overhaul modification (Script or Mod) that aims to change the feel of combat in a PvE environment. Key is to properly use available tools (AIs). [FOCK] AI Recruit - Cheap and cheer full [ALPHA] 4. Right now a man will ride in on a motor cycle and greet the players say rider: You have prayed and God has answered! player1: What have our brought us? Rider Four grenades. 3. altis folder from the . Custom AI types (snipers, gunners, pilots, civilians, etc) Custom loot based upon themes and missions. Drawdown 2035 has some great VA and could be the first mission in a nice campaign (although it's been half a year and no further missions have been made. Works automatically on any editor placed or spawned AI infantry group. Note: Headless clients are currently bugged in ArmA 3 1. MB’s Universal AI Skill Adjustment [bETA] SP/MP Jan 16, 2016 · I only found a few AI Recruitment Scripts for ARMA3. Bon's Infantry Recruitment. Also in this update, i have just started using the links for the threads and armaholic as is, and have done away with tinyurl. Recommend co-op missions where the AI is particularly smart/challenging (not just a good shot) My friends and I have been trying out Arma 3, and while our first couple missions were entertaining, it struck me that the AI in this game seems really, really bad. May 15, 2020 · The AI will never fire the mortar! In the second test, make sure you are standing next to a friendly Blueforce vehicle that has a crew. Is there a way to have the AI spawn already inside the building when the mission starts up, opposed to giving them waypoints? ALIVE is the next generation dynamic persistent mission addon for Arma 3. Arma 3 Dynamic Simulation (for u/TobiasDraven's comment) . However this Oct 4, 2024 · Some workshop missions delete the start option (actionmenu / scroll wheel menu). 6+ compatible. Oct 19, 2020 · The further problem I noted of course was the drone wouldn't even respond when I was laser marking targets for it. Sep 12, 2014 · To the missions I soon will release I wish to have a code in the init-file that clean the map from dead bodies (all fractions, AI as well as players) so the total amount of bodies lies around is maximized to a certain number - for example 15 bodies. Simple AI Recruitment Dialog / Script. Features: Task handling Task description w Mar 30, 2014 · AI Squad Command Guides/Threads. Arma 3 ai accuracy. using ZEUS (not really good for static mission design) 5. Nov 25, 2024 · I share the same story as many other full time Arma 3 developers, having started out as a modder over a decade ago before going pro (shout out to the Community Upgrade Project team!). Dec 25, 2021 · This mod enables you to call in fire missions from AI artillery assets that are in the mission. you can make all AI men spawn within 1000m of players, but make AI vehicle gunners spawn within 1500m, or make AI which are driving/flying vehicles and aircraft not cache, for obvious reasons), mostly coded in object-oriented style Apr 17, 2018 · I'm making missions again and came up with a question about being able to spawn custom groups with custom loadouts using the spawn ai module. Nov 27, 2017 · anyone knows how to put an AI animation on a MP mission? i can see it in-game, but only in SP, in MP we can´t see the animation of the soldier. 5. I thank Raphael Carvalho for reporting the problem on youtube. A3EAI Features: Aut Feb 14, 2016 · 3. AI detection. In my difficulty settings The skill slider when placing a unit on the map Using a script in the mission Which one takes precedence? Which one has the most impact on the AIs behavior? If I have the AIs skill set to . "A3EAI" simply stands for "ArmA 3 Epoch AI". The player has to be already a pilot in a vehicle. , motivation/inspiration, ideas, energy and of course time. 1. it was great especially for lower server count missions. so is there any other way to make the huey make a combat landing? Mar 20, 2015 · Something that has long bothered me about ArmA's MOUT/CQB gameplay is the lack of methodical room clearing behavior in the AI. also happened on a escort boat mission. Watchers. These versatile appliances combine the power of a blender with the precision and functionality of a food processor, making them ideal for home cooks who want convenience withou Oct 18, 2013 · After seeing lots of posts complaining about the AI HALO jumps not working and not finding any solutions I have created a function that will allow AI units to HALO jump, will also work with players. Branching Mission system. TL;DR - Like the title says. If the AI knows an enemy is in a room, they will open the door and shoot at the enemy, but they won't enter the room, clear corners, and all that good stuff. Mar 30, 2014 · Update. Apr 29, 2014 · Hi, today, DAC 3. and It completely and dramatically changed firefights. Ideally, the AI should find the shortest path (without phasing through walls) to get to the player's current position. AI Modification: Faster, Smarter, and Deadlier AI. Aug 3, 2014 · You may expect flanking, artillery support, logistical support, non-combat recon, cargo transportation, morale simulation, Leader's personality simulation, offensive and defensive stance, many kinds of missions for human and AI Team Leaders and much more. Simply place down an artillery unit and then open the artillery computer tablet to call in a fire mission. The AI will then calculate a requested firing solutio Sep 12, 2014 · Summary: Arma 3 - AI vs AI Gamemode. Mar 16, 2015 · Steam Community: Arma 3. It is recommended to only attempt using a headless client setup in ArmA 3 1. Its an unfourtunate reality. Arma 3 uses the best memory allocator for most PCs by default however, since there is a rather large number of combinations of PC components, there may be an occasion where another allocator may help with an issue. I tried single and multiple groups with the chopper starting in the air and or on the ground using moveincargo and the waypoints getin method with zero issues. Arma 3: Custom Memory Allocator. At this point it seems Greyhawks ( and possibly the other fixed wing drone) are effectively broken for anything other than player use and they are essentially treating most of the waypoints as equivalent to loiter, if they wont do these basic designation and attack tasks. All are easily visible to the enemy commander. Feb 27, 2017 · Hey, Let me sketch the situation, so we are playing a mission with random spawning ai, where the objective is to kill all ai. AI behaviour mods and you're just playing around in the editor though (or with a Zeus in multiplayer to keep things in check), totally fine. Apr 17, 2018 · I'm making missions again and came up with a question about being able to spawn custom groups with custom loadouts using the spawn ai module. While Arma 3's stock AI offers a solid challenge, many players seek to enhance their gameplay with AI mods. Something to "setup" like the Dynamic Recon Ops (Random Area, Time and Points) with direct action and Fast Respawn. Missions support M3Editor built installations. I guess all of us have experienced it before and know that once the AI changes combat mode, it instantly goes to the ground which is not always realistic, nor is it good for the players. Feb 23, 2015 · WICKED AI for Arma 3 Epoch (1. (default is ctrl + shift + alt + L) The usual Arma dumb AI pathfinding. Select "Request Landing/Rearm" to stop random events. Feb 10, 2023 · Save the mission script as a blue, red, green or orange mission in the appropriate folder and add the name of the file to the list of missions in GMS_MIssionlist. rar file into your mission folder, if you are trying to export a mission to multiplayer you have to copy the folder from missions to mpmissions , the arma 3 editor export to mp is broken !) so that it turns blue when you go to select it in multiplayer, also the respawn system wont May 17, 2013 · Air Base: Small scenario for 16 players (Or 15 AI units) perfect for medium and small weapons and with a lot of action. I either play against an AI opponent along side AI teammates/groups or I use the Advanced AI Command Module to take on a commander role and decide which sectors to attack, etc. I've been looking into 3 AI mods: DCO, Lambs and VCOM. Oct 27, 2013 · Example mission on Stratis (zip) The . Or poke the dead person. There's a slight learning curve but you will be able to setup elaborate missions quite fast after awhile. Spawning AI ===== More to come when i get around to it eg. Followers 5. Mar 30, 2014 · Not sure if this has been asked but; is there a way to hide a unit from cTab, for example a vehicle or similar. Dec 7, 2024 · Enter Best AI mod for Zues Arma 3 tools designed to decorate the behavior and skills of artificial intelligence within the sport. Some trigger hints still left in (mission only, not in the script). Looking for mods that are great for simulating AI battles in Arma 3, through the editor or Zeus in a spectator perspective. That's it, you are done! What about Static missions or recurring missions at a location. Love the concept of the scenario as a whole and will be using it as my main way of getting not bad at jets. but ARMA 3's ai is just absurd when it comes dealing with them in the campaign or the laws of war DLC missions I'm trying to slog through. Since 2018 I’ve been working full time on Arma 3, I have contributed to several Creator DLCs and in 2022 I decided to try my luck and do my own thing. im also wanting one of the ai to 'sing' whist in the car. Also you need to select kind of missions when you are ready to fight. Missions events: - Defend/Escort A-164 Wipeout (Air-Air mission) Aug 16, 2015 · A blender-food processor combo allows you to chop, slice, blend, puree, and even knead dough, all with the same machine. MAPNAME" directory into your mission main directory and repack your mission. I saw a thread that looked like it might help and it turned out to be a thread I started back in 2018. Thanks in advance Mar 18, 2013 · There are three different places I can set the skill of the AI in ArmA. Dec 17, 2019 · Hi! is there any good Team Deathmatch mode or mission to play against AI, something like 12 v 12 in random towns with score system. squad leader does the same thing, if not then ask Robalo on his ASRAI thread about what the issue could be: Mar 16, 2022 · I need AI to fire off Artillery or Mortars when players step into the trigger area. Air Base (Sniperland): Big size scenario for 18 players (Or 17 AI units) perfect for long range weapons. I have s Just to give folks some background, I’ve mainly played Guerilla style CTI missions (Antistasi, Overthrow, Vindicta), either solo or with 2-3 others at most. Dec 13, 2020 · This now supports multiplayer! Note when updating mission made previously on an earlier version (<0. Headless Client support: Offload AI calculations from your dedicated server to a headless client to improve server performance. Due to its construction it can be used to create a fair competition as every players has exactly the same conditions. 0) Hi All My rewrite of WAI for Arma 3 I'm not working on this any more, I published this in hope someone else would "fix" the rest. 6 stars. AI improvements, mods for setting up missions, editor/Zeus extensions, ect. Works in the example mission Feb 26, 2018 · In one of my missions Ive set up a breaching animation where a couple of the AI have to fire there weapons. May 5, 2017 · Hello, a friend and I are making a lage scale mission and we want to know how to get the AI to attack amd advace on us when we go to clear out the main base. Agia Marina: Perfectly balanced medium size scenario for 16 players (Or 15 AI units) suitable for all types of weapons. 52. I need help with one thing. Getting him to man is no problem but i cant get him to fire on his own and i dont want to p Pack the a3_ims folder in "IMS_Exile@ExileServer\addons" with a PBO tool (PBO Manager, Eliteness, or the Arma 3 Tools suite) and put the generated PBO in your "@ExileServer\addons" directory. Even though the 2nd page listing was created it will be a temporary post until May 17, 2013 · DM4 is a good quality death match mission that can be used also to improve your fighting skills in Arma 3 because you can play against AI units. Jan 19, 2015 · What is A3EAI: A3EAI is a general-purpose AI addon designed specifically around A3 Epoch and its unique features, built from a heavily modified version of DZAI 2. 4. The pace and ranges are much more realistic. Jan 14, 2015 · Mission Objectives: Capture the Flag, Free Captives, Kill AI, destroy specific buildings/vehicles. Telling an AI with a First Aid Kit or a mechanic AI with a Toolkit to Treat or Repair is fully possible with this Action Command, and now you can tell them to heal themselves or an ally without even looking!-Note of Caution: Telling AI to heal "Soldier" is most likely telling them to heal a player. Jul 5, 2014 · I have been replaying many old missions using this mod. the 4-8 nato patrol planes flew there (they were closer to it than me) and killed all tanks before I got there. I dont know how to make this, but this is how I imagine it: 1- There are several targets at the neighbour village, and the several artillery pieces wil Oct 3, 2024 · The Top AI Mods for Arma 3 Campaigns. The DayZ Mission System is a very good, lightweight and modular mission system. But there is no difference in Zeus between a value of 0. I may fight an enemy squad for as much as ten minutes before being able to slowly move forward, and there still may be occaisional pot-shots This category lists all playable missions for ArmA 3's campaigns. However, creating such a mission system takes a lot of time and testing. Apr 25, 2020 · However, Arma 3's existing AI pathfinding might as well not exist, since the AI simply phases through all the maze walls in a straight beeline towards the player. Sep 3, 2024 · Light AI Fire Support is intended for giving the AI dynamic access to many weapons of war they previously couldn't use to increase their threat, provide a more enjoyable combat experience for players and to provide a fair system of fire support that avoids the pitfalls of manually triggering it. 157K subscribers in the arma community. Missions can create child missions depending on parameters set by admin. 51. The bandit truck the player is chasing has triggers on its straight road sections that use setVelocityModelSpace to force AI truck to go fast and make chase more interesting. I still monitor git so every pull with be merge. 29 topics in this forum. Stars. NOTE: No idea if it works in MP. Since I really like (read love) the Wicked AI missions and support for them has gone in the latest patches, I decided to dust off the old files and start making these 1. However thanks to large terrain objects like huge rocks or cliffs, ai gets stuck inside them and you cant reach them in any way. Topics. Nov 13, 2020 · Also on the same note im also wanting to know how to add music to cars, so that when we are travelling the radio is playing. A customizable Arma 3 mission template for easy setup of AI-heavy battle scenarios. 0-AI will clear buildings more aggressively-New AI movement system-Added support for enhanced movement. Мониторинг серверов Сервера ARMA 3 AI Missions Россия — здесь вы найдёте лучшие онлайн сервера ARMA 3 с хорошим рейтингом и на любой вкус. To workaround, use the key shortcut to make it appear. ). Arma3Profile on server side. Lastly, the AI group's behavior will not become alerted if their behavior is set to careless. 52+. If you want a full campaign, Operation Aegean Spear by Wiki might be something for you. 50. Starting with a few minor bugfixes and some custom loadouts, but quickly turning into a proper redo with awesome help of the - very much alive - mod community! Dec 8, 2018 · Is your mission stressing the server too much? As server becomes more stressed, AI performance can suffer. Im not sure how to have both the AI animations and firing of weapons at the same time. Show off your skills with Miller, Kerry and James in this original remake of the 2017 April Fools SwitchMove DLC! With over 35 songs & 1 hour and 35 minutes of music to play Dec 23, 2013 · Much better performance, easier to install/use, increased compatibility, automatic AI distribution to ALL connected headless clients, configurable options (ie. 2. 0) to support multiplayer: If you were using a High Command - Commander module, place a High Command - Subordinate module and sync it to the High Command - Commander module. C2 Command and Control Oct 7, 2024 · A brief list of things you can do: Leaderboards; Full PVP and faction/scoring system; AI missions; Fight roaming AI; Map marked super crate special events Nov 1, 2024 · This is an unfinished concept that makes the AI call in CAS from player pilots via tasking. Somehow theyre still able to rotate around a point, Ive tried just about everything and its not working Sep 20, 2021 · Great solutions to aid you in tweaking ARMA 3 for an enhanced single player experience including smarter AI, better AI commanding, squad healing, dynamic missions, and more! Dec 18, 2013 · It's so nice watching guys drop after 2-3 shots and a headshot doing the job the first time. It seems like the system is broken because Ive tried these solutions below without success: I tried this: nul = H1 setslingload Veh1; And this: Im running the game completely vanilla, and Im not sure how to get About 90% of my experience playing Arma 3 is playing Sector Control style missions against the AI. NR6 will allow you to setup ai commanders, objectives, spawn points, special areas for cargo/ammo/medicac all while you can set back and spectate in zeus if you so desire. Arma 3 ai Skill. Jan 26, 2014 · Missions are pretty enjoyable, if you plan your moves with described AI flaws in mind. There are variable settings in init. At this point, again a big thank you to my testers and supporters: MCPXXL, SKH|Flip, SKH|Cyborg, SKH|Hydra, t-800a, Lester With th Sep 23, 2013 · I played a mission back in Arma 2 insurgency with the ability to load into a helo and then assume control via the pilot with the communication menu, then quickly disembarked and the AI would fly back to the helipad. Zones are randomly generated around the map you need to capture these zones by completing objectives and killing the AI within the zone. Feb 22, 2015 · Im having trouble getting the AI to use the mortars properly. We (the authors of DMS) are not perfect, and as a result, there may be bugs, glitches, and/or errors within DMS. Oct 11, 2018 · Hey, I try to make some mission with unsung mod, So i want some heli/huey landing at US base on wooden landing pad, And the problem,. Mar 27, 2022 · Telling an AI with a First Aid Kit or a mechanic AI with a Toolkit to Treat or Repair is fully possible with this Action Command, and now you can tell them to heal themselves or an ally without even looking!-Note of Caution: Telling AI to heal "Soldier" is most likely telling them to heal a player. I've experienced similar issues which were resolved by hosting the server on a more powerful machine or setting up some headless clients. The A3XAI HC can be started/stopped/restarted any time without causing problems. I also cannot update to 1. 1 watching. There they have artillery pieces (Sochor) firing at a neighbour village. 18 votes, 13 comments. sqf itself contain all the info needed on how to use it. Try setting all AI group behaviors to anything but careless. May 9, 2018 · Vcom AI 3. Feb 14, 2016 · I had several tank drop missions that spawned. Sort By . Apr 17, 2019 · Strange I have no issues with the first script after giving them a chute, even _x action ["EJECT",_aircraft] instead of moveout works without issues. I would also like it to have vehicle, and if possible mod support. 2. But two of the three map names are not displayed. Since there is currently no cargo planes for jumping out of, I start the screen dark and use a C130 sound simulating exiting the aircraft. Never tested in the original, not tested now either. Everything about the ARMA game series by Bohemia Interactive on reddit! Game updates… Jun 8, 2021 · Hello, Well the question is quite simple as above, and I have yet to found a solution. Mar 25, 2015 · Sounds like an issue with ASRAI or a combo between the mission and the mod cant say but play the same mission without ASRAI and see if the. sqf. My version number of OA is 1. Defent's Mission System (DMS) is written from the ground up to be an efficient, easy to install, and vastly customizable mission system for the ArmA 3 Exile Mod. using MCC (not really good for static mission design) Bon's with its dynamically built subfaction system is great. "It will cache all AI units and spawn them when players get close to them, and will automatically distribute AI acro Jan 9, 2019 · Hello, I am looking for a solution to an issue which troubles me greatly - AI going prone on contact. Patrols by land and air vehicles and drones across th Mar 16, 2017 · This type of Ai-only Aware-only scoot-and-shoot would allow AI to cover ground more quickly (much like the player can) and would be awesome for all sorts of missions! I feel like we were let down a bit, regarding the (implied) promise of disabling “AUTOCOMBAT”, as it doesn’t seem to work out-of-the-box with AI-only groups. Dec 18, 2019 · Welcome to FiveM JSOC | Invade & Annex [UNDER DEVELOPMENT, RDM SERVER IS RELEASED] We’re a one of a kind FiveM server, focusing on the Milsim side of the FiveM Community. is there a different way I could do this ?. The system manages spawning/despawning of AI as players enter or leave each region. Apr 6, 2014 · ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING ; AI detection Sign in to follow this . Community made AI missions. Oct 2, 2020 · Looking for a Tug or war kind of Conquest (much like battlefield) with AI support. Put the content of the "IMS_Exile\MPMISSIONS\Exile. Nov 30, 2014 · Hi, Is it possible to adjust the skill of AI units in a Zeus mission, without using the skill slider for every unit? It tried different setting, for example the difficulty settings in ****. Dec 11, 2014 · ArmA 3 ; Community Projects ; AI Missions AI Missions. I have successfully gotten the rider to say the sentence but his name, Baschir, does not appear w Jul 1, 2017 · Hi :) So, Im making a mission where the enemy AI has a village occupied. Sometimes AI just stand there. Here are three of the best AI mods for Arma 3 that can take your gaming experience to the next level: 1. hexmxx hmrkbompj bellh xilqh tqzvqz togmv mmzw logaxaz hpjlze gcyug ocbstei yhm ssg wtxy htkd