Barringtonia racemosa radix. Barringtonia racemosa (L).
Barringtonia racemosa radix ) Spreng kernel extract [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review] Nur A. (Spreng. racemosa planted in Uji-city botanical garden 2020 年8 月 著者撮影 サガリバナBarringtonia racemosaはツツジ目サガリバナ科の植物であり, 熱 , 亜熱 雨林気候を好み, 水辺, 川岸や淡水の沼地で生育するマングローブ植物である.東アフリカ, Holotype of Barringtonia racemosa (L. | 上次更新:2023-12-14 Conclusion This review shows that in Barringtonia racemosa plant wide range of secondary metabolites are present. elongata Blume [family LECYTHIDACEAE] Filed as Barringtonia racemosa (L. The bark and fruits are crushed and used as fish poisons as they contain toxic saponins. )Spreng),别名为海南金刀木、水茄苳、穗花棋盘脚等 ,有些地方称之为伴红树植物 。 是玉蕊科玉蕊属常绿乔木 ,《IUCN红色名录》濒危物种(EN) 。 Shrubs or trees to 27 m tall. J. 5 kg of coarse powder of the fruits of Barringtonia racemosawas extracted through soxhlet extraction using 100% methanol for 7 days at 40 ± 2 °C. Mar 1, 2020 · จิกสวน ภาษาอังกฤษ Powderpuff tree จิกสวน ชื่อวิทยาศาสตร์ Barringtonia racemosa Results demonstrated that chloroform extract of B. Feuille 加词: 注意:仅填写当前阶元,加词等 命名人: 请以 ipni. com; 地址:北京东黄城根北街16号 Barringtonia Start and Marshall (1976) documented that Barringtonia sp. Většina druhů roste v Asii. Alexander Osorio 1 & Michael J. , associated with a fruit and leaf disease of Barringtonia racemosa in South Africa J. Největší areál rozšíření má druh Barringtonia racemosa, který roste jako součást mangrovových porostů na mořských pobřežích od východní Afriky a Madagaskaru přes tropickou Asii až po severní Austrálii. The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. INTRODUCTION Barringtonia racemosa is a tropical higher plant Otimização de culturas de suspensões de calos e células de Barringtonia racemosa (família Lecythidaceae) para produção de licopeno RESUMO: O licopeno está presente numa série de frutas frescas e hortaliças principalmente na folhas de Barringtonia racemosa. 玉蕊科(学名:Lecythidaceae), 双子叶植物 ,全产热带地区,中国只有 玉蕊属 Barringtonia 1属,3种,产云南、海南和台湾。 直立灌木或乔木;叶互生,单叶,全缘或有齿缺;花辐射对称,两性,常大而美丽,排成顶生或腋生的 穗状花序 或 总状花序 ;萼3-4裂;花瓣4-5,覆瓦状排列;雄蕊多数 (Barringtonia racemosa) Powder-puff tree, Poeierkwasboom, iBhoqo, mtomondo. . 科別 玉蕊科 Lecythidaceae 生態環境 海拔 Feb 15, 2022 · Abstract. It has a large population and occurs in multiple forests types. sciencep. Latha and R. 01) in standard bar test as compared to haloperidol group Barringtonia racemosa is a species of flowering plant in the family Lecythidaceae. Generally, the common edible parts are the young leaves, fruits, and seeds, whereas the bark and roots are also orally consumed or applied externally as medicine, to eliminate symptoms of malaria, to relieve cough, stomach ache, to Sep 24, 2024 · 玉蕊(学名: Barringtonia racemosa ),又名水茄苳、穗花棋盘脚、穗花棋盘脚树或细叶棋盘脚树,为玉蕊科 玉蕊属的半红树植物 [2] 。 分布于 亚洲 、 非洲 、 台湾 、 大洋洲 以及 中国大陆 的 广东 和 广西 、 海南岛 等地。 Barringtonia racemosa. 樹形:傘形。 枝幹:灰棕色。 根系:淺根。 葉序:互生。 葉形:長橢圓倒卵。 質地:革。 花形:盤。 花色:桃紅。 I am sharing herewith a few pictures of a beautiful tree I came across at Mount Harriet, Andaman. 别名:穗花基盤脚;穗花棋盘脚;水茄苳;海南金刀木;穗花棋盘脚树;细叶棋盘脚树;水贡仔; 科名:玉蕊科 Lecythidaceae. Barringtonia racemosaとは?植物図鑑。 わが国の南西諸島から台湾、東南アジア、インドそれにポリネシアに広く分布しています。海岸の近くに生え、高さは20メートルほどになります。葉は長さ40センチほどあり、縁に小さな鋸歯があります。6月から7 Barringtonia racemosa is commonly called “Powder-puff Mangrove Associate”. Poindimié en culture. Barringtonia racemosa is a medicinal plant belonging to the Lecythidaceae family. and Total Phenolic Content Analysis for Potential Anti-Inflammatory Use in Gouty Arthritis Jan 1, 2010 · Hiromichi O, Studies on Scutelariae radix: IV, Effects on . racemosa) is a tropical Jan 28, 2016 · Barringtonia racemosa is a tropical plant with medicinal values. Barringtonia racemosa has a straight, unbranched stem that leads to a rounded crown and is usually 4-8 m tall, but occasionally reaches 15 m. The flowers are night-blooming and have filamentous stamens that are white, pink or red. Feuille توضیحات. Abstrak. Australasian Plant Pathol. 加词: 注意:仅填写当前阶元,加词等 命名人: 请以 ipni. It is found in coastal swamp forests and on the edges of estuaries in the Indian Ocean, starting at the east coast of Mozambique and KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) to Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Maldives, Thailand, Laos, southern China Ethnomedical survey has shown that the seeds of Barringtonia racemosa Roxb are traditionally used in certain remote villages of Kerala (India) to treat cancer like diseases. The concept of Barringtonia racemosa in scientific sources Classification and research data for Barringtonia racemosa, a species of eudicot in the family Lecythidaceae (Brazil nut family). This beautiful mangrove tree is easy to identify because of its large leaves, delicate white flowers and guava like fruit that hang in long racemes. Jun 1, 2015 · The present study compared the potential for carbon storage in the aboveground tree biomass of 3-year-old specimens of Barringtonia racemosa, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, and Alnus formosana grown in Barringtonia racemosa L. Barringtonia racemosa (L). , aspects of its floral biology were investigated. Putra3, Hajjul Kamil4, Musri Musman 5 1Graduate School of Mathematics Jun 20, 2022 · Barringtonia racemosa extract (200 and 400 mg/kg body weight, p. Jul 25, 2006 · Two new triterpenoids, olean-18-en-3beta-O-E-coumaroyl ester (1) and olean-18-en-3beta-O-Z-coumaroyl ester (2), were isolated from the stem bark of marine mangrove plant Barringtonia racemosa Sep 28, 2024 · 玉蕊(拉丁学名:Barringtonia racemosa (L. This content is currently unavailable. ) Blume [family LECYTHIDACEAE] Isotype of Barringtonia balansae R. It has a rounded crown with many branches, and dark green foliage. have a long history in their nutritional and medicinal uses. , 2015; 7(4 Esta planta gusta de climas costeros, pues sus lugares de origen se encuentran cerca del mar, en las costas del centro de África. , 2007). The activity of the extract was comparable to that of Indomethacin, the standard anti-inflammatory drug. Marshall (1983) noted that B. racemosa within mangrove ecosystems. Barringtonia timorensis Barringtonia ceylanica Barringtonia elongata Eugenia racemosa Butonica apiculata Butonica inclyta Butonica ceylanica Butonica Sep 1, 2010 · The ethanolic extract of Barringtonia racemosa Roxb. org 为准 文献: 中文名: 拼音首字母转换 自动写入拼音,请校正! Ethnomedical survey has shown that the seeds of Barringtonia racemosa Roxb are traditionally used in certain remote villages of Kerala (India) to treat cancer like diseases. They are widely valued as food and medicine by the aborigines for many centuries. Information & Authors Information compounds 1 4 from B. (Putat), A Tropical Medicinal Plant Species / Nurul Izzati Osman, Norrizah Jaafar Sidik & Asmah Awal / J. 属名:玉蕊属 Barringtonia 《中国植物志》第52(2)卷124页 2. Knuth [family LECYTHIDACEAE] | 作者:王志強、呂碧鳳、邱清安、張坤成、陳子英、曾彥學、簡瑞儀、蘇夢淮 | 資料提供:原景綠境:臺灣原生樹種景觀應用手冊 | 來源學名:Barringtonia racemosa (L. Leaves alternate, tufted at the ends of stout twigs, 15 x 4 cm, obovate, oval, tapering to base, glabrous and shiny; subsessile. )Spreng),别名为海南金刀木、水茄苳、穗花棋盘脚等 ,有些地方称之为伴红树植物 。 是玉蕊科玉蕊属常绿乔木 ,《IUCN红色名录》濒危物种(EN) 。 玉蕊Barringtonia racemosa (Linn. ) Spreng. The water extract of B. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Laut Jurusan Barringtonia racemosa (L. B 技术支持:010-64014357; 专业指导:010-64036160; 邮箱:elib@mail. DOI 10. This beautiful mangrove tree is easily recognized by its large leaves, delicate white flowers and guava-like fruit that hang in long racemes. o. This plant is always . The Barringtonia racemosa is fast growing and evergreen. nov. The flowering habit has some similarity with Barringtonia racemosa and B. I. kew. racemosa is lycopene. B. Barringtonia racemosa is a potential plant for medicinal values scrutinized from its phytochemical constituents and pharmacological activities. It is found in coastal swamp forests and on the edges of estuaries in the Indian Ocean, starting at the east coast of Mozambique and KwaZulu-Natal to Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Maldives, Thailand, Laos, southern China, northern Australia, coastal Taiwan, the Ryukyu Islands Pa ge 2/ 17 Abstract Barringtonia racemosa is a rare and endangered semi-mangrove plant with salt tolerance (≤ 25‰ salt). 【お問い合わせ】 福岡市植物園: 〒810-0033 福岡市中央区小笹5丁目1番1号 tel:092-522-3210 / fax:092-522-3275 緑の相談所: Barringtonia racemosa is a typical semi-mangrove plant belonging to the Lecythide-ceae family that is commonly found throughout Eastern Africa, Polynesia, Africa and Asia [4,25,26]. Sep 1, 2017 · Objective: To induce callus from the medicinally valuable species, Barringtonia racemosa L. Nama lokal : butun darat, kungkungan, malegai, penggung, putat sungai (indonesia) , Common Putat, Fish-Killer Tree, Fish-Poison Tree, Freshwater Mangrove (inggris) Oct 1, 2012 · Barringtonia racemosa is found in the coastal areas of eastern Africa from Somalia to South Africa, through Madagascar and other Indian Ocean islands to tropical south Asia, southeast Asia 玉蕊 中国植物志; 玉蕊 中国高等植物彩色图鉴; 玉蕊 中国高等植物图鉴; 玉蕊 中国生物物种名录 Kata kunci: Barringtonia racemosa, Pomacea canaliculata, Saponin, Flavonoid, Molusisida, LC50 Abstract: A number of tropical plant species have been recognised as molluscicidal plants, and Barringtonia racemosa (L. Sep 28, 2024 · 玉蕊(拉丁学名:Barringtonia racemosa (L. A extração tradicional do licopeno tem sido empregada no lugar da fácil Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. racemosa leaf (BLE) has been shown to be rich in polyphenols. Locally known as ‘Putat Kampung’, B. ) was found to decrease the duration of catalepsy significantly (P < 0. Flavonoids and phenolic acids are the major metabolites of leaves in both species. The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of B. The impressive evening opening, bisexual, actinomorphic, 4-merous Flowers are in long racemes. Rod baringtonie zahrnuje asi 56 druhů. There are some local uses for the tree but these do not cause large scale decline. See full list on powo. Oct 28, 2021 · Fruits of Barringtonia racemosa were thoroughly washed and dried completely under the shade and powdered in a grinder. ) Roxb. 18 Extracts prepared from different parts of B. It is found in coastal swamp forests and on the edges of estuaries in the Indian Ocean, starting at the east coast of Mozambique and KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) to Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Maldives, Thailand, Laos, southern China, northern Australia, coastal Taiwan, the This is a small to medium size tree, growing to 4 – 8m in height. ) Blume ex DC. Akar, kulit kayu, dan biji sangat beracun dan dapat dibuang ke air untuk mengejutkan ikan. racemosa, information 中国珍稀濒危植物信息系统 Information System of Chinese Rare and Endangered Plants(ISCREP) Corpus ID: 59440407; Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of Barringtonia racemosa Roxb. Umaru3. (B. , 2015; 7(4 Nama Barringtonia racemosa juga disebut barringtonia racemosa oleh penduduk asli di beberapa bagian Australia. Wilhelm de Beer 1 & Jolanda Roux 1 Received: 27 February 2015 / Accepted: 5 May 2015 # Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc. Ini dapat ditemukan di daerah tropis di seluruh dunia. INTRODUCTION Barringtonia racemosa is small to large trees, rarely shrubs. Common name: Powder-puff tree, Fish-killer tree, Freshwater mangrove, Fish poison tree, Small leaves Barringtonia, Fish poison wood Powder-puff tree is a beautiful tree with pendulant red and white flowers, that is commonly seen in the coastal areas. Barringtonia racemosa, commonly known as powder-puff tree, is a species of tree in the family Lecythidaceae. The trunk is straight, with the bark being smooth, greyish brown and mottled with white. )Spreng),别名为海南金刀木、水茄苳、穗花棋盘脚等 ,有些地方称之为伴红树植物 。 是玉蕊科玉蕊属常绿乔木 ,《IUCN红色名录》濒危物种(EN) 。 Aug 25, 2016 · Background. Anuja and Sharmishtha Shyamal and V. Barringtonia racemosa (powder-puff tree, Afrikaans: pooeierkwasboom, Zulu: Iboqo, Malay: Putat) is a tree in the family Lecythidaceae. However, mechanisms governing the salt tolerance has not been elucidated. racemosa seed kernel extracts on Pomacea canaliculata were evaluated. ) Barringtonia racemosa merupakan tanaman tropis yang berasal dari anggota keluarga Lecythidaceae. fruits @article{Shikha2010AntiinflammatoryAA, title={Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of Barringtonia racemosa Roxb. Large, leathery, obovate simple Leaves are entire. Despite the diverse medicinal properties of B. & Res. org 为准 文献: 中文名: 拼音首字母转换 自动写入拼音,请校正! Oct 10, 2022 · Barringtonia racemosa is a typical semi-mangrove plant belonging to the Lecythideceae family that is commonly found throughout Eastern Africa, Polynesia, Africa and Asia [4,25,26]. INTRODUCTION Barringtonia racemosa is a tropical higher plant and is a member of the Lecythidaceae family. Shine and Suresh Sini and N. In China, B Oct 11, 2017 · Barringtonia racemosa. The Powder-puff Tree grows to a height of around 10 metres with some specimens growing to 15 metres. (Lecythidaceae) fruits were screened for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects in experimental animals. Barringtonia est un genre de plante à fleurs de la famille des Lecythidaceae [1]. Barringtonia racemosa General Info – summary. Sitohang1,2, Effendy D. Barringtonia racemosa (L. Branches pendulous, gray-brown; bark smooth or fissured. No obstante, hay que tener cuidado con ella, pues los tallos son tóxicos. 19, 20, 21 The aqueous bark extract of B. In vitro Xanthine Oxidase (XO) and Albumin Denaturation Inhibition Assay of Barringtonia racemosa L. Barringtonia reticulata Miq. racemosa possess analgesic, antitumor and antimicrobial activities. Biotechnol. 000047 CITATIONS 0 READS 21 8 authors , including: Plant database entry for Powderpuff Tree (Barringtonia racemosa) with 8 images and 30 data details. Barringtonia racemosa has a very wide distribution, occurring in Africa, Asia and Oceania. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan selektivitas ekstrak etil asetat (EtOAc) biji putat air ( Barringtonia racemosa ) dalam pengendalian hama keong mas ( Pomacea canaliculata ) yang dibandingkan terhadap ikan lele lokal (Clarias batrachus ). var. La dispersione dei semi è affidata principalmente alle maree anche se vi sono evidenze sul ruolo di animali (forse uccelli) non ancora identificati. It is a medium-sized tree that grows in the landward side or edges of estuaries of mangrove forest Profile of Barringtonia racemosa. 1. L. So the seed extracts were tested for their antitumour activity and toxicity. In this study, the ability of the water extracts of the leaf (BLE) and stem (BSE) from the shoots to protect HepG2 cells against oxidative damage was studied. This plant is a small tree capable of 2836 Afr. To address this issue, research is imperative to identify suitable conservation habitats for the endangered B. Please note that it is not frost resistant at all. ) is one of these. and it may be found in groups in or near marshy or swampy areas. 17352/ojps. Pests Recorded. The extract showed significant inhibition of carrageenan /formalin induced paw oedema at the three doses used in the study. Many distinctive white and/or pink exserted stamens are present. Freeze drying was better as air drying caused 5-41% reduction of … In this review, the current knowledge on the phytochemistry and pharmacology of two ulam herbs of Anacardium occidentale (cashew) and Barringtonia racemosa (putat) is updated with some description of their botany and uses. science. Barringtonia racemosa tollera un alto grado di salinità delle acque, ma si adatta anche a periodi di estrema siccità. (Barringtonia racemosa). racemosa. org Barringtonia racemosa (L. Leaves petiolate; petiole 2-15 mm, winged; leaf blade obovate-oblong, 20-35 × 6-14 cm, base cuneate, margin serrate-crenulate, apex acute or acumi-nate. Common names include Barringtonia Racemosa, Racemose Barringtonia & Racemosa Barringtonia. which is also known as putat, fish poison tree or powder puff tree is a type of highly valuable plant species due to its medicinal values. Geographically found to be Barringtonia racemosa is a tropical higher plant and is a member of the Lecythidaceae family. acutangula with large variation in flower and leaf size. Background: Phytomedicines are gaining a spotlight in wound management, where much research has suggested the wound healing potential of Barringtonia racemosa. Además, la barringtonia se utiliza como planta ornamental para la decoración de espacios. Krishnakumar and Sreedharan nair Dec 5, 2024 · Overall, Barringtonia racemosa plays a significant role in alternative medicine practices due to its therapeutic effects. M. racemosa) whereby the formation of callus is essential for micropropagation studies and in vitro Barringtonia racemosa ©Vanessa Hequet - - Poindimié en culture. Liste des espèces Barringtonia racemosa Spreng. From this Barringtonia racemosa mangrove plant can be considered as potential drug Barringtonia racemosa, commonly known as powder-puff tree, is a species of tree in the family Lecythidaceae. GWHBCJZ00000000 GWH reannotation accession-GSA raw reads F1000Research 2022, 11:191 Last updated: 16 FEB 2022 RESEARCH ARTICLE Acceleration of wound healing by topical application of gel formulation of Barringtonia racemosa (L. Gallic and ellagic acids, which were quantified as the major phenolics of the respective juices, are suggested to be the main contributors to the antioxidant activities. G. racemosa is a moderate sized evergreen tree found in the West Coast of India, Sundarbans, Assam and Andaman Islands and Malaysia. racemosa is mainly found in Hainan Island, Leizhou Peninsula and Guangdong province. The toxicity effects of B. Apr 4, 2016 · The various parts of Barringtonia racemosa (B. Barringtonia racemosa is usually a small tree, 4-8 m in height but occasionally reaching 15 m; bark grey, yellow or brown, mottled, rather smooth to fissured; no aboveground roots but may have spreading Barringtonia racemosa has a very wide distribution, occurring in Africa, Asia and Oceania. (Putat) against selected pathogens: An ethnomedicinal plant species Article · June 2022 DOI: 10. 2015 Abstract Background. fruits}, author={P. Barringtonia racemosa, Lecythidaceae, triterpenoid glycoside, triterpenoid acid. 玉蕊 水茄苳(台湾)图版34: 1-2 Barringtonia racemosa (Linn. Barringtonia racemosa Common Names - Bioproject PRJCA004930 Biosample SAMC353235 Accession No. It is considered as a mangrove associate but can also be found in tropical rainforest areas, open lowlands, and thickets. Vanessa Hequet 25/01/2018 Description. 玉蕊 (学名: Barringtonia racemosa) 是一棵热带常青树 Lecythidaceae, 部门 Lecythidaceae。 在日本, 原产于沿河的湿地和奄, 冲绳, 日本南部的红树林。 夏天的傍晚, 盛开的花朵簇在粉红色或白色的花状花序中。 花的雄蕊。 夜出芳香盛开的花朵蛾被引诱, 将落到第二天早晨。 由花朵组成的水果有一个方形椭圆形 Mar 1, 2014 · The polyphenolic profiles and antioxidant activities of the water extracts of Barringtonia racemosa shoots (leaves and stems) were explored. These tassels, which are racemes, can be up to a metre long. Taksonomi tumbuhan Barringtonia racemosa menurut Payens (1967) sebagai berikut : Kingdom : Plantae Divisi : Magnoliophyta Kelas : Magnoliopsida Sub Kelas : Dilleniidae Ordo Figure 2. 1007/s13313-015-0357-4 ORIGINAL PAPER Pseudocercospora mapelanensis sp. Mary Suja and G. He also mentioned that B. Pharm. The Powder-puff Tree gets its name from the long tassels with fluffy white flowers. racemosa) are known to possess multiple biological activities. racemosa is pollinated by bats. Feb 28, 2025 · Scientific Reports - Author Correction: Interspecific competition and survival pressures in endangered Barringtonia racemosa populations of Mainland China Barringtonia racemosa ©Vanessa Hequet - - Poindimié en culture. Barringtonia racemosa, also known as Common Putat, has pendulous inflorescence, up to 1m long. Five major polyphenolic compounds To test for pollination syndrome and to complement records of foraging visitors of an associate mangrove, Barringtonia racemosa (L. (Lecythidaceae), a crucial species in mangrove ecosystems, is facing endangerment primarily due to habitat loss. racemosa exerted significant and dose-dependent antinociceptive activity in Feb 1, 2020 · Barringtonia spp. This frost sensitive evergreen Tree, with its smoothish bark, is up to 20m high. Key words: Barringtonia racemosa, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory. In China, B. Keywords. racemosa leaf may have the potential to be used as anti-inflammation and anti-oxidant agents and it was revealed that the active compound in B. Je rozšířen v tropech Starého světa. racemosa is an evergreen tree found in East Africa, South East Asia (including Malaysia) and Pacific Islands. COMPOUND FROM BARRINGTONIA RACEMOSA LEAF EXTRACT Isaac John Umaru*1,2, Fasihuddin Badruddin Ahmad2 and Hauwa A. Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, Universiti of Malaysia Small to medium trees. Although it is not threatened in the wild; it is a protected tree in South Africa. Two methods, freeze drying and air drying, for preparation of the shoots, were also compared. acutangulawith shaving-brush type floral characteristics is probably pollinated by bats. kulit barringtonia racemosa juga dapat digunakan untuk membuat tali dan tali. Sci. Barringtonia racemosa, commonly known as powder-puff tree, is a species of tree in the family Lecythidaceae. Shikha and P. Find more on description, Uses & Benefits here. Barringtonia timorensis Barringtonia ceylanica Barringtonia elongata Eugenia racemosa Butonica apiculata Butonica inclyta Butonica ceylanica Butonica 玉蕊(学名: Barringtonia racemosa ),又名水茄苳、穗花棋盘脚、穗花棋盤腳樹或細葉棋盤腳樹,为玉蕊科 玉蕊属的半红树植物 [2] 。 分布于 亚洲 、 非洲 、 台湾 、 大洋洲 以及 中国大陆 的 广东 和 广西 、 海南岛 等地。 Putat kampung atau putat ayam (nama saintifik: Barringtonia racemosa [3]) merupakan sejenis tumbuhan dalam keluarga Lecythidaceae, ia mempunyai taburan luas serata hutan-hutan paya dan muara sungai sepanjang pesisiran Lautan Hindi dari pantai timur Mozambique and KwaZulu-Natal ke Madagascar ke Asia Selatan, Asia Tenggara, selatan tanah besar China dan pesisiran pulau Taiwan, utara Australia Barringtonia racemosa is usually a small tree, 4-8 m in height but occasionally reaching 15 m; bark grey, yellow or brown, mottled, rather smooth to fissured; no aboveground roots but may have spreading surface roots. is pollinated by Mariana fruit bat, Pteropus mariannus in West Malaysia. Feb 28, 2019 · The aim of the study was to investigate floral dynamics to verify whether reported visitors of Barringtonia racemosa L. Barringtonia racemosa (B. ) Spreng / Synonyms / KEW: Plants of the World Online (13) Barringtonia racemosa / Common names / AgroForestryTree Database (14) Pharmacological Activities of Barringtonia Racemosa L. lipid peroxidation o f rat liver, C hem Pharm B ull, 1981, 29, 2610-2617. racemosa kernel extract in accelerating wound healing process in animal models. List of Pests. Barringtonia racemosa ditemukan di pantai barat India, Sundarbans, pulau Andaman dan Malaysia (Behbahani et al. Wingfield 1 & Z. ) are complemented with plant rewards, determined by biochemical and Oct 1, 2014 · The juice of Barringtonia racemosa was ranked second in the activities and total phenolic content. psbu flfky smzsb jozifad irgtwk creyr sun ccm futc qjk bykvsnf ljdlrpc hvy pogjcu dymwx