Best fm tuners ever made Simply gorgeous sound. May 5, 2005 · I tested a Yam-T2 and a SEQUERRA MODEL 1 FM TUNER($3000) to pull in an FM station 100 miles away that was being bled into from a local High Power station on next channel. I still have the T-101 it's a permanent part of my system. 5. This unit made Saul Marantz a legend. Nov 22, 2010 · Now days most of the tuners all use pretty generic chipsets and prebuilt front-end tuner modules, these generally sound very similar. Jan 1, 2022 · Accuphase has made consistently outstanding tuners over the years, from the 1970s T-100 to the current T-1200, which is probably the most sophisticated FM tuner ever made And the most expensive Sequerra has also made some legendary tuners. Nov 14, 2012 · most complex tuner), but I found the 310-E to be the best-performing Scott tuner I ever owned. Also, what was the best sounding FM tuner you have ever heard in a car audio head unit? 4 days ago · Some say one of the best FM tuners ever made…Sounds fantastic… ISSUE: movement of all three meters is *very* limited. Is the nad c427 fm tuner good? I want great sound w/ the many nearby college stations and improved reception on a distant college station. Oct 31, 2020 · The Day Sequerra FM Studio Tuner is a bit of an obsolete component now, but it may very well be the best FM tuner ever made. Jun 13, 2004 · "Sam Tellig in Stereophile raved re the sub $100 Sony. Anyone buying an FM tuner nowadays should be aware of their HD self-noise shortcomings, and also be aware that reviews of most tuners do not consider HD self-noise. May 6, 2024 · Easily one of the best sounding FM tuners ever made. " I respectfully disagree about the Sony. . True, for the price it really grabs stations, but the tone/fidelity/sound stage/presence is just not in league with the best (albeit much more expensive) audiophile tuners. Sansui, Kenwood, Marantz, MAC etc. 99 plus $120. Jan 1, 2022 · I want a post-detection filter I can feed from the scope output of a tuner into an MPX decoder. The Japanese called the hobby BCL (Broadcasting Listener). This is the current top o asking for $5850. Best, by far, was the NAD monitor series 4300 digital AM/FM tuner. And along with the Marantz 10 and 10B were sold too cheaply relative to their cost of manufacturing. Are original parts still available from McIntosh (meters, knobs, etc. Mar 22, 2021 · FM Tuners & Antennae A. Jan 25, 2024 · Pairing down my collection of the best FM tuners ever made. Dec 10, 2016 · McIntosh MR78 for sale. Marantz 10B Top Burmester Restek FM3003 Wieschoff, and mamy many others. Unfortunately this tuner is worthless for DXing though. Day Sequerra FM Reference – 1992 – Day Sequerra is re-entering the high-end audio market starting with an major upgrade to its 25-year old FM Reference. Tank-like build quality; one of the last of the big-chassis tuners. ” MD 109 SE FM Tuner. Key Features : Twin IF Bandwidth : This feature allowed users to switch between wide and narrow settings, optimizing for either sound quality or selectivity. all made some supper tuners that are better then almost anything made today. Probably all best FM tuners ever made. The phono stage was also rebuilt essentially just needing all of the electrolytics caps replaced. Mar 10, 2020 · I stand by my previous comments! I personally believe the Beomaster 5000 to be one of the best tuners ever made full stop, and not just best B&O tuner. The FM (it's FM only) is IME/O superb. Oct 3, 2010 · Yes, the best is/was the McKay-Dymek, in terms of consumer/hifi AM tuners. The Yamaha is the better of the two. The rarest of tuners! One out of five Reference Sequerra Model 1 FM Tuners made with the gold anodized faceplate in mint conditions. The tuner board is Magnum Dynalab’s best we have ever made, the TRACC MKII audio has been under development for 10 years by Zdenko Zivkovic, it features Teflon By-pass caps, fully balanced output,on board trimmers so tubes can be matched as they are listened to, WBT RCA’s, a brand new Dec 10, 2008 · Which is said by many to be the first high end FM tuner really ever made, and still highly rated by many, myself included as the finest FM tuner ever manufactured. Known to be one of the best FM tuners ever made by Onkyo, the T-9090 II is a true precision FM tuning instrument. Both came from biggest collection of radios I saw. Register; Login; just about one of the best FM tuners ever made, the famous made-in Mar 3, 2009 · Best FM tuner was in my ex-wife's '98 Honda CRV- a factory unit- stations 150-200 miles away came in great! A collector of odd, obscure, and totally useless information! D 3 Best Vintage Tuners . DaySequerra FM Reference Signature Modification: $3800 (+ cost of tuner) ★ David Day's Signature Mod effectively addresses this ultimate FM tuner's cathode-ray tube's tendency to burn out. Total POS. Sorry for keep banging on about my tuner - it really is striking. Richard Modaferri, in reply to my letter asking if it could - or should - be tweaked, said: "This is one of the best FM tuners ever made. :tresbon: Dec 7, 2020 · These older high end tuners are very well made, right in the height of FM radio, there are many too choose from as well that would fit the bill. The MR87 AM/FM Tuner continues this legacy by allowing you to enjoy the multitude of free music streaming over the airwaves. Wrong on all counts! This low-end digital tuner wasn't actually top of ANYTHING, and $269. Sep 15, 2023 · FM Tuners: A: DaySequerra FM Reference Signature Modification: $3800 (+ cost of tuner) ★ David Day's Signature Mod effectively addresses this ultimate FM tuner's cathode-ray tube's tendency to burn out. Other good ones are TU-9900, TU-919 and the TU-717. Jan 19, 2025 · Integrated AM/FM radio tuner-AM/FM Tuner - A built-in digital FM/AM Stereo Tuner with 30 station preset memory (20 FM, 10 AM) lets you choose from a wide variety of radio, talk and music programming USB playback-USB recording and playback - Easily record an entire CD, or your favorite tracks from a CD, in MP3 format, onto a flashdrive using the Aug 2, 2017 · Some even go so far as to say that it's the best FM tuner ever made. am/fm tuner www. VERY sensitive and you could listen to it for hours on end. Our round-up above includes budget and premium options, featuring standard DAB digital radio and even various music streaming goodies. )? Please help, I need advise. 8 to 54 MHz. Although build quality and facilities are rubbish compared to newer efforts. Take a look at HH Scott late 312C and early 312D. FM Tuners: A. Why It’s a Classic: The TU-9900’s superior design and sound quality made it a must-have for audiophiles who demanded the best from their FM broadcasts. Call The Palace for your black SEQUERRA! Jul 21, 2022 · The Rare Scott 310E stereo FM tuners are considered to be the best sounding tuners ever made, Only made in a 1963 run using a professional tuner mechanism designed for radio station use, with a 15 valve output stage. The Marantz ST-74 tuner, reviewed in Vol. No more needs to be said. If you can find one for sale. Nov 22, 2010 · Check out my article in Hi-Fi World magazine from the early 1990's. Previously I have owned a Kenwood KT-615 which was a disappointment, a Yamaha CT-800? which had issues, a budget Pioneer which performed well (TX-5500, IIRC), a few NADs which were always pretty good - still have a 4130 in the garage and love it, but a 4150 was best - and, among the best, the tuner section of a Kenwood 6030 receiver Apr 3, 2015 · I de-commisioned my mint Marantz receiver that was only doing tuner duties (plan to sell it) and looked for tuners. Not nearly as rare as the rel, but they are very spendy if you can ever find one. The Best sounding Solid State tuner I've ever owned was a Luxman T-117. 025 MHz steps, this tuner has extremely high selectivity and sensitivity. Oct 24, 2012 · I haven't owned a FM tuner for 4 years. With a powerful output of 600 watts for SSB and CW, you can enjoy clear communication without worrying about signal loss. The famous Marantz 10B tuner. 00 for shipping is about $375 too high. would indicate. New Price $99 However after the repairs/restoration and alignment, the tuner performs incredibly well in all aspects and competes sonically with some of the best FM tuners ever made. Mar 6, 2020 · Sure there are many vintage scopes with a cool built in oscilloscope like the Marantz 10B or the Sequerra FM Studio - but this one is actually affordable!Th Jan 8, 2025 · The LDG AT-600PROII Tuner is designed for efficient antenna tuning across a wide frequency range of 1. Share | Previous | Next. Feb 27, 2014 · The best tube FM tuner ever made by all reports was the Rel Precident. I agree that the FM tuner info site is an outstanding resource Sep 10, 2008 · I will never claim my tuner is the best ever, but compared with the modern hybrid tuners the Marantz 2060ML easily outguns the sub-500 quid sector of the market. This unit was designed and constructed in the mid 1960's and features all vacuum tube circuitry. I've heard/owned several well-respected tuners by Sony, Pioneer, Kenwood, Technics, Akai, and even a strange one from the 70s badged as a Wien (who made both a matching amp and an 8-track player in the same Cyrus-style half-width chassis). Which is why REL left consumer Hi Fidelity. With 25, 50 or 75µs deemphasis, separately adjustable stereo and muting threshold, oscilloscope outputs, 25Khz or 50Khz tuning steps and high-tech C-MOS processor, the B760 can keep up to fifteen stations in memory and also automatically Nov 18, 2008 · Hailed by audiophiles as one of the greatest tuners ever, the Sony XDR-F1HD is arguably the best--and most affordable--way to add HD radio to any stereo system. There is an fm tuner info site that has ratings and recommendations. Shipping weight approximately: 70 lbs. Dec 26, 2021 · I compare my tuners to 70's boomboxes, the best are the multi-band models. A bold claim I know, but the reason for that sound quality is because it uses a matrix Mar 28, 2015 · Bought this new in '78. I have both an ST-Z35 (sounds wonderful) and an ST-Z55. Dec 26, 2020 · I expect the Rotel RHT-10 I have coming to be my best ever. 8 No. Both do a great job. com The MR89 is the latest in a line of superb McIntosh tuners including the MR78 from the 1970s that many still think is the best tuner ever made. I know of two people who have changed to one in preference to a Yamaha CT-7000 which is another model that is often touted as one of the best tuners ever made. All switches and functions work as they should. Jan 20, 2025 · I don't think an MR-88 is the answer to your issue. This is one of the best analog FM tuners ever made. and price accordingly. it just plain embarassed (stock) a mac mr-65 i used to own, and the mods i made (well documented on the FM yahoo board and fmtunerinfo's web site) really made a helluva difference. The 10B consistently ranks high in shootouts among the best tuners of all time, and rivals the performance of more advanced solid state designs for both selectivity and sensitivity. THE BEST FM TUNER EVER MADE? A FINE EXAMPLE FULLY TESTED McIntosh components are so well-built that even their tuners often weight as much as or more than others' power amps Dec 9, 2023 · The reason I ask is that's it's a nice relaxing tuner but far behind Tandberg 3001 which admittedly is one of five best FM tuners ever made. As was also noted, the vintage AM-FM vacuum tube tuners deliver more performance than today's analog AM stations can muster (due to bandwidth restrictions). The Gamma V is a favorite of the TunerInfoCenter website (see below). Best SS tuner, Sequerra Broadcast Monitor (the FCC uses this tuner for measurement and assessment of FM signals, most went to the FCC and broadcasters) Other special mentions: Jul 21, 2004 · The following is a list of tuners that I presently own, all of which I believe are worthy of consideration as some of the top tuners ever made: Revox B261 -- A behemoth of a tuner; beautifully built and great sounding -- the tuner website that did the shootout is a wonderful addition, and great benefit to this hobby. The Marantz Model 10B had been around for a little bit, and the McIntosh MR78 had just come out a year before, so there were three all-American made tuners that are now considered the best tuners ever made. Sep 11, 2010 · Best new tuner, the McIntosh MR 88. Looks nice as well and has quite a few features including wide and narrow band. Let's see what we can come up with. It uses a modern circuit lifted from cellphones to improve reception. I have owned the Sansui TU919 and still own the Kenwood L-02T but in terms of sound quality the DA-F20 is "The One" to own. If I had money I'd buy top 10 of them. However, this is a beautiful tuner th Jul 28, 2022 · Classified: FOR SALE - Magnum Dynalab MD108 FM tuner asking for $2800. But you need to be in a strong signal area. Another neat feature is the ability to connect two separate antennae so the user could A/B co 🔥 Record on YouTube is during testing of Pioneer TX 9800 - Blue Line Stereo Audio Tuner ! Best Ever Tuner Made By Pioneer ? | Pioneer SA 9800 Pair |On serie Fm Tuners Ever Made BEST Sharp CD-BHS1050 350W 5-Disc Mini Shelf Speaker/Subwoofer System with Cassette and Bluetooth, AM/FM Digital Tuner, USB Port for MP3 Playback, 350W RMS Power Output and 875W Peak Power, Remote Included Aug 20, 2019 · This was the finest tuner NIKKO ever made, and among the best FM tuners ever made, by anyone. The MR89 features exclusive McIntosh radio frequency circuitry that is capable of receiving both strong FM signals from nearby stations – Nov 22, 2010 · But when 'performance' is the issue statistical measurements are not a substitute for my experience and judgements. Yamaha T-85. I am the second owner of this world class tuner. Are you using an antenna appropriate for your location? Nov 29, 2021 · Best FM Tuners, FM Antennas, Music Streamers, Integrated Amplifiers, Internet Tuners (magnumdynalab. I never spent more than £150 on a S/H tuner and went through loads over the years. Jun 23, 2022 · “The McIntosh MR78 from the 1970s is considered by many to be one of the best – if not the best – tuners ever made. The Consumer Electronics Hall of Fame: McIntosh MR 78 Tuner"A young engineering genius used a computer to design a filter and the result was the greatest FM tuner ever built" That engineering genius was Richard Modafferi, Feb 20, 2020 · The best sounding tuner I've ever heard is the Mcintosh MR-67. e. I believe their best ever tuner is some vintage Kenwood model that really looks impressive. A Dynaco FM-3 built from a kit and an Accuphase T-101 bought new in the early 1980's. More broadcast equipment than consumer product. -600. In our opinion it's definitely in the top five. Available mainly in silver, black being added at the end of the production run - silver looks better but then black on this unit looks better, too. Makes listening to FM radio a whole new experience. These are rare as hens teeth though, and tend to sell for big bucks. Yes, yes, yes, even if it is written "SONY" on it ! The amount of bass, the stereo width, depth, separation and overall "musicality" truly are unbelievable. The XDR sounded like the digital machine it was. in an FM tuner section before. (originally sold for 500. They both have the tube like sound. The internal battery has been replaced and the preset switches have been replaced. The tuner board is Magnum Dynalab’s best we have ever made, the TRACC MKII audio has been under development for 10 years by Zdenko Zivkovic, it features Teflon By-pass caps, fully balanced output, on board trimmers so tubes can be matched as they are listened Also, otherwise it wouldn't be worth making such a fuss, the ST-A7B is one of the best FM tuners ever made. The Marantz ST6000 is good; I got a cosmetically-challenged one on Ebay for $10. This tuner is regarded as the best tuner ever built period. Jul 13, 2019 · Looking for a modern fm tuner. Best FM tuner ever made, the redoubtable REL Precedent. 7, was described as having "butter-and-marmalade appearance and AM performance, but dry-toast FM. I can listen everyday, all day. It isn’t the prettiest because it looks more like an early Scott Solid-state component than one from Scott’s golden age, but it was very stable and had that slight euphonic tube-given warmth that made even the rudest music sound listenable The Marantz ST-74 tuner, reviewed in Vol. Found a great deal on a rare B & K TS-108 tuner that sounds awesome. The MR-78 is one of the best FM tuners ever made. Mar 2, 2012 · Probably the best FM tuner ever made is the MR78 Mcintosh. The other reason is that although I have Tandberg 3001 and Accuphase (T1000 and T101 ) Sansui TU999 and a few other tuners, I would like to have a clean Naim stack without additional box on a cupboard. Mar 17, 2022 · FM Tuners & Antennae A. :tresbon: Another Yamaha statement - perhaps not "the best FM tuner ever made" - but is there such a thing ? One of the best FM tuners at any rate AND one of the most well designed - same as a Sony ST-A7B. My main tuner. 1, Temple University, Phila. Some folks feel this is the best FM tuner ever made! I have seen them priced from as little as $700 to $1700 for units that claim to be in near perfect shape. These 2 were the only Tuners able to produce Stereo from the Distance Station. Out of production (unfortunately) but one of the finest tuners ever made. I currently have a '90s Rotel RT940ax tuner. Now I want to start the search for one. Other AM sections I regularly listen to on my other sound systems include: NAD AM/FM Stereo Tuner 4020A; Jul 27, 2013 · Technics made a lot of good tuners. SEQUERRA MODEL 1 FM TUNER. H. Would like to know if these are in fact as good sounding as the specs. Jan 22, 2025 · Analog Dial: The TU-9900’s large, precise tuning dial made station selection smooth and accurate. What sort of reception problems are you having, and did they always happen in this location? The MR-78 is certainly a classic component, but given its age it may benefit from an alignment. Definitively one that mixes well typically analogue looks with digital synthesizing digits. FM is the best audio format ever conceived. I am considering getting a Mac MR78. What I've always been missing is a great AM tuner for this setup. Scott 350B. The MR78 from the early 1970s is considered by many to be one of the best – if not the best – tuners ever made. It cost over $400 1956 dollars (Marantz and McIntosh weren't making tuners then). All lights and functions work great. DaySequerra FM Reference Signature Modification: $3200 (+ cost of tuner) ★ David Day's Signature Mod effectively addresses this ultimate FM tuner's cathode-ray tube's tendency to burn out. Jun 13, 2004 · though i hate to sound like a proud modder / owner, i am willing to put my recently aligned kenwood kt-8300 up against most anything. " The latest offering from Marantz, the ST551 (footnote 1), has not quite as sweet AM or appearance, but its more palatable FM makes it one of the best-sounding tuners encountered. mcintoshlabs. See the list of tuners mentioned, the pros and cons of each, and the personal preferences of the respondents. The 108T Signature Edition shares the same internal architecture as our MD109 tuner. The MR89 AM/FM Tuner carries on with this tradition of tuner excellence by letting you enjoy the abundance of free music streaming over invisible airwaves. It has the wooden case, This tuner has been rebuilt and realigned, quality vinta Dec 13, 2017 · I dont own any Kenwood tuners, can you guys rank the best #15, the list I have is from FMtuner info 1-L-02T 2-KT-5020, KT-990D 3- L-1000T 4-KT-917 This particular tuner series came out in 1974 at a time where there was some pretty fierce competition. Oversea units might have mulit-band tuners but the identical USA Models will only have AM/FM. What made it a keeper for me is its overall quality. Considering the dire quality of the FM broadcasts, it seems makes the purchase of a modern high-end tuner appear pretty extravagant and an almost pointless exercise. I have owned all the top domestic tuners in the world (mostly US made) plus some broadcast monitoring receivers costing about £35K in the 1960's (the cost to make these today would be in the hundreds of thousands of pounds). All documentation for the upgrade is included. It is still regarded as the best tuner ever made. The tuner board is Magnum Dynalab’s best we have ever made, the TRACC MKII audio has been under development for 10 years by Zdenko Zivkovic, it features Teflon By-pass caps, fully balanced output, on board trimmers so tubes can be matched as they are listened to, WBT RCA’s, a brand Marantz 10B Vintage Analog Tube Tuner - Top 3 Tuners Ever Made - Highly Collectible - See Video Sale price $0. The Sansui TU-X1 was perhaps the best tuner ever made. Their RT-990-BX is said to be similar. Better sound than any of the Marantz, Mcintosh, or Fisher. Also my Scott T4000 that I scored for about $10 off of the Bay does a very good job. Don't want the hassle of having vintage tuner aligned, plus shiny silver face is out of character with rest of my system. As far as Macs go, the MR-67 is the tuner to die for. Nov 15, 2023 · A top tuner. Jan 1, 2022 · "The 109 Signature Edition is not only our best FM Tuner but the best in the world. Jan 1, 2022 · I've owned only two tuners. The unit Oct 24, 2019 · The new filter, the new FM detector, and other improvements added up to the MR 78 having the narrowest IF bandwidth ever achieved in a stereo tuner, the company claimed. Oct 9, 2000 · A discussion thread where users share their opinions and experiences on various FM tuners, from vintage to modern models. Mar 1, 2010 · That REL Precedent posted earlier on is the best tube era FM tuner ever made. ) and a Denon TU-800 AM/FM tuner circa 1989 bought used for 200. Many believe this to be the best tuner EVER made. On the other hand, at least an FM tuner won't cost you an arm and a leg to use and keep going, like open reel. It had a serious cult following among radio geeks. Aug 15, 2020 · The best digital tuner by far which I have had in my system is Rotel's RHT-10, very quiet on all stations. The tuner which inspired Sidney Smith and Saul Marantz when they designed the 10b, the tuner which sank the original Marantz Company. Sansuit TUX1 ,Squerra Ref. Also the best HD tuner as well. The panel of experts has some of the best technical people in the business and includes people who've owned, repaired, and modified hundreds of tuners. Great reception and specs but sounded like early Redbook DACs While I can't claim to have listened to all the kilobuck top-of-the-top unobtainium tuners, of the tuners within my budget (or luck) the best SS tuner I've owned was the Sony ST Apr 28, 2016 · Restoring an Eico ST-97 I recently rebuilt another Eico ST97 Stereo FM Tuner, what some people consider to be the best sounding FM tuner ever made. Jun 25, 2018 · The FM tuner is a Yamaha CT-7000 FM Stereo Tuner. Classified: FOR SALE - Accuphase T-1100 FM Tuner The very best FM Tuner ever made by Accuphase. All jazz WRTI, 90. Jun 21, 2022 · 🔥 Record on YouTube is during testing of Pioneer TX 9500 VS TX 9500ii - Best Ever Tuners Made By Pioneer ? | Pioneer SA 9500 and SA 9500ii Pairs |Here you w Jan 1, 2022 · My restored Sony ST-5000FW FM tuner is highly regarded on TIC and has a wonderful sound, but at lower volume levels the HD self-noise and background hiss can be really distracting. 00 Regular price (/) Free Shipping on *ALL* Electronics (Excluding Speakers, Contiguous 48 US States Only) Jun 29, 2017 · The DVA-9965 had even better specs. USAM Dec 10, 2008 · Most Tuners that aim for exceptional SNR specs do this. BUY IT! This particular tuner series came out in 1974 at a time where there was some pretty fierce competition. Jul 8, 2020 · The Tuner Information Center (TIC) has the most comprehensive information on vintage FM tuners of any site on the web. Nov 22, 2008 · OK, I have an itch, although I have no idea why. Sony XDR-F1HD X MD 108T SE FM Tuner . check out the Sansui TU-X1 for example of one of the best tuners ever made, IMO of course. In conjunction with the MPI-4 or a regular scope, and a good yagi antenna on a rotator, it was and is unbeatable. Twitter 5 Facebook Email Reddit LinkedIn Share. Switching circuitry has been added to allow the CRT to turn off when not needed. The worst sounding tuner I've ever owned was some old Sony quarts model. Mirko Essling measured 56dB in stereo separation and it sounds as such. for the CD section and what looked like the same FM tuner. Used – Excellent. USA~ONE OF THE BEST TUBE TUNERS EVER MADE! Used – Very Good. I purchased the T2 and still have it. Not the best FM tuner ever made but part of the very good ones. It violated one of McIntosh's internal commandments, i. Sony XDRF1HD. Thank you. Personally, I always thought the '70s era Pioneer tuners (9100, 9500, etc) looked very nice in an equipment cabinet. I think it's one of the best and sweetest sounding FM tuners ever made. So when some US-based Hi-Fi Tuner Assessment setup tries telling me with great authority that a Naim Nat-01 might be the 17th best or 30the 'Best Tuner Ever', I can tell with certainty this is B*****T! Skyebridge Dec 25, 2023 · Tandberg 3001A Programable FM Tuner With rosewood side panels, power cable, Coax cable antenna adapter, 4 replacement lamps(not pictured), and original manual. Just about as good as it gets, with vertical and horizontal scope outputs. But there were a lot of nice looking FM tuners from that era. SHARES. ). I have one and it's one of the best tuners I ever used for performance. "This tuner is one of the very best JVC tuners ever made and one of the very best made by any brand in the golden vintage audio era!!" Oh, really? Welcome to the Rogues' Gallery, Sluggo. Both these tuners are very sensitive and are available on the used market for reasonable money. McIntosh has a long and distinguished history with tuners. H. Excellent fidelity, really usable selectivity (40 wide, 110 narrow, can you believe). It inspired the Marantz 10 tuner design. 00 Jun 10, 2020 · Well I guess the best one is the one you own , FM broadcast has been a integral part of my system for 40 years and quality over the air live broadcast there is nothing can touch it for sound quality , Having owned serval FM tuners my short list ( and I’m only speaking for myself ) was a Accuphase T100 early 1980s into 1990s replaced by a Accuphase T109 then 2005 a Sansui TUx1 which I About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Dec 26, 2018 · visit my website: http://highfidelityinvestments. Now sits in my father's system with a stereo 20 and Kef concertos. It has a gigantic display, huge tuning up/down buttons, and a slim rack-mount design, with a heavy metal case. 00. The Japanese and Europeans were much more into listening to 4+ bands of radio signals. I got one for $50 a few years back. Accuphase T-1100 FM Tuner The very best FM Tuner ever made by Accuphase. Dec 10, 2008 · Best FM tuner ever, REL Precedent (an engineering work of art, more like broadcast equipment than a consumer product, Inspired the Marantz 10 and 10b). Day Sequerra FM Reference – 1992 . Oct 10, 2008 · Favourite tuner is my mkII Cyrus Tuner, the one built in the same heavy metal chassis as the later One and Two amps and operated by remote. The MR89 features exclusive McIntosh radio frequency circuitry that is capable of receiving both strong FM signals from nearby stations – Oct 14, 1999 · I own both a Yamaha T-2 FM tuner circa 1978 (bought new for $800. T2 is one of the best Solid State Tuners Ever Made in IMHO Feb 5, 2025 · DAB/DAB+ tuner integration should be standard for any digital radio, but it's worth checking whether the addition of Bluetooth streaming, FM radio tuner and/or the ability to set presets is important to you. Well, that's a huge statement in itself, but my question is, how does it compare with the tuner in the later CR-2020 receiver? As a later era unit, you can say that Yamaha may have used some design elements of the CT-7000 in the CR-2020, and they may have used later ICs that May 13, 2017 · If your thinking of going "old school" and want the best then black case, white face Sansui's from the 70's are highly sought after. I can't say I have ever seen better specs. when live local broadcasts come in (studio banter, etc), its spooky real. This Day Sequerra was originally born an FM Studio, having been upgraded by it's original owner and David Day to a Reference Classic. For LOCAL PICKUP ONLY in Brooklyn NY, 11215 Zenith S-50684 AM/FM Tube Radio In Excellent Restored Condition. This is the current top o Photo. MCINTOSH MR78 FM TUNER. > Tuners > Return to Ad. With 6 gangs, 9 ceramic filters, and 0. com/Can’t leave it on any music without the YouTube police getting me. Feb 6, 2010 · Sherwood tube tuners (many of them are equal to much of the top 5) HK Citation tube tuners (could be interchanged with Fisher in the Top 5, among the best of them) Dynakit tube tuners (Competitive sonically with the best, not as good on RF capabilities) Leak Troughline (England's best FM tuner, MPX decoder inferior to the best. Another cult favorite tuner with excellent sound. General:The Marantz 10B remains one of our all time favorite FM Tuners. Kenwood KT-8300 (1977) Jan 22, 2025 · Overview: The Sansui TU-9900 is often considered one of the best analog tuners ever made, featuring advanced engineering and excellent sound reproduction. The 109 Signature Edition is not only our best FM Tuner but the best in the world. The other king of the FM tuners is the Marantz 10B. com) In terms of reception the best to worst on my collection: 1) Sony XDR-F1HD (not using now but worked great with both type of antennas) 2) Accuphase T-101 (use indoor St-2) 3) Sansui T-9900 (use unknown indoor antenna) am/fm tuner www. Nothing fancy, just good tuners. , it was expensive to build, and later Mc tuners are good but not in its category. Nov 16, 2008 · Hi to all, Can somebody do a list of all time best tuners (tube,transistor,etc) and best looking tuners from the past and current (if any manufacturers still bother to make high quality tuners) and not necessarily most expensive. uujvu axeu bzwsvlur xtyjn ksuo jjebt snji gwnbo ynpalre bxld vxk aop lbf dnt nnwe