Best mudblazor themes reddit. NET 5 and make the switch over to .
Best mudblazor themes reddit MudBlazor it's a great library to work with, it's stable and have support for small screens. Quelqu'un a-t-il essayé MudBlazor avec . And tbh I’ve never looked back. net 8/MudBlazor noticeably faster than . org ----- This is not a technical support forum. https://codebeam-mudextensions. Changelog - - UI Improvements - #Docker Support - Better #Dark Theme - Better #Permissions Management - Code Cleanups - #RTL Support - Minor Bug Fixes - Better Project Structure What to Expect in BlazorHero 3. Actually, i have the app already build for small screens but forgot to show it. pages. MudBlazor have templates/themes. A casa dos brasileiros no Reddit. Allot has happened since then and today we are proud to announce that we release v2. Is there a way to make the basic UI controls (checkbox, menu, etc) update instantly? I have a simple page that has a MudTable. I’m happy with Mudblazor. We needed advanced grid filtering, charts, virtualization, and that’s better on radzen controls. My biggest roadblock currently is, When we … I didn't want to name names, because I don't know if other libraries are necessarily any better or worse. I know Syncfusion seems to have a very mature one: Overview of Blazor PDF Viewer Component | Syncfusion You can use MudBlazor, set the default font to the native stack, use icons based on the underlying OS from Icons8, tweak the default radius of controls like buttons and pick the primary and secondary colors more closely aligned with the OS defaults. What is MudThemeProvider? How to Ensure Theme Consistency Across Components? Can I Use Multiple Themes in a Single Application? Blazor Template pre-configured with MudBlazor. So MudBlazor is completely self-contained, with no external CSS library dependency. Leia as regras e participe de nossa comunidade! The Brazilian community on Reddit. The App. In SSR mode the default Mudblazor layout is not working as expexted. If I want to take your approach and do plain HTML for the basic stuff + selected Mud components as needed, I assume I should bring in a CSS framework like Material? MudBlazor specifically instructed to remove Bootstrap (I assume there are conflicts). Hello, beginner here I was looking into Blazor, and a hot topic (before) was Server vs WebAssembly. For example, I want to hit a button and change the background color. But always thought the Fluent look and feel fits best for enterprise apps and wanted to always give that a shot. Seems like I have a lot less markup too which makes for better readability. 0 for . Tailwind it's great, there's not much explanation but i have to confess that sometimes i code the CSS my self. In one way or another. I found every paid libraries to be less flexible, since you pay for a proprietary thing. One of the best features of MudBlazor is the flex layout classes. Thanks! happy to hear it. But the way I'm trying to do it doesn't work, I've been on this for hours. razor you can get the theme value from app storage. Tried everything else except DevExpress. Incredibly easy to get things positioned just right with minimal code. net 8 support with MudBlazor but have got everything to work now, my main issue was static authentication pages mixed in with the interactive pages, I have middleware for auth which means I don’t need static pages anymore. 0 built with #MudBlazor Components. net 8 et Interactive WebAssembly ? Est-ce que ça marche ? Depends on the project imo, some use libs (e. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app. But this new project I'm working on has one important feature requirement that MudBlazor alone can't do: an in-page PDF viewer/annotator. That's why I'm wondering if there's some resource I'm missing, where I can watch some examples of custom themes so I can just use them in my projects to change the look and feel and avoid using only the default light/dark themes MudBlazor offers. Bootstrap is a CSS library with components, and Mudblazor is a component library with css. Making changes in the mark up is something I'm use to and love about the Microsoft Ecosystem. Using this documentation, I've come to understand that since . You don't really need Using both in different projects and personally I‘d say MudBlazor > Radzen. I’ve been developing Blazor apps since 2020 after ditching react/angular/JS based SPA. You can use just about any you want, though, doesn't make much of a difference. This template is based on the Microsoft Web App template, but has been modified to include MudBlazor components. I am just learning how to integrate blazor so forgive me if some of what i ask should be a given. Probably the biggest issues I have with both libraries is how monolithic they are. I am unable to make it work without adding sitewide interactivity or by wrapping the drwawer and appbar, in which case they dont perform as expected. Tailwind requires some finagling, since it has that silly watcher/compiler running in the background. Everything great except the license. razor file, it does not rename the parameter in the application that uses this component. If your chosen theme introduces new high-level UI components, we can assist in integrating them as part of our commercial consulting services. Je suis sûr que MudBlazor offre de nombreuses fonctionnalités, mais si vous souhaitez contrôler exactement le comportement des contrôles, vous feriez peut-être mieux de vous en passer. When I want a desktop application feel in the web, I reach for devexpress, when it’s more of a traditional project, I reach for mudblazor. Sure, user experience is more than just "how does it look" but a library like MudBlazor pretty much lays out the "how should these things work" for you. Might not expose all the options since it would probably break the docs site in some way. I've tried many frameworks, and MudBlazor is by far the best in terms of flexibility, completeness and especially quality. razor can register for an event on the scoped service that would trigger anytime the theme was changed. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue. I can, however, imagine cases where I'd be inclined to consider DevExpress, Radzen, Syncfusion, Blazorize, or one of the others out there. Welcome to /r/Netherlands! Only English should be used for posts and comments. One option would be to just forego the standard HTML and move to a control library like MudBlazor that has its own Blazor-Native dialogue boxes. i wonder if they r/mudblazor: This subreddit is temporarily private as part of a joint protest to Reddit’s recent API changes, which breaks third-party apps and… I'm using MudBlazor and am seeing that some controls like slider update the UI instantly on high latency connections but other like checkbox require a server round trip. Blazor Team MudBlazor seems to be far and away the most recommended library. Gets my updoot. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. It’s the only one I tried, so I can’t say how it ranks in ease of use compared to others. We're excited to announce the availability of a new template for . #CleanArchitecture Template for #Blazor #WebAssembly 5. But it was highly recommended to me in the past, when I was looking for an easy way to create something decent looking without much time available to learn. Dans ce projet, j'utilise Mudblazor, ce qui rend les choses beaucoup plus faciles, mais je n'ai aucune idée de comment rendre le site visuellement attrayant. But I have also worked with mudblazor for more simple applications and it’s a good choice too if it fits your needs. 0. razor file I added <MudThemeProvider @bind-IsDarkMode="@_darkModeOn" Theme=&q Havit. Otherwise you are probably going to have to deal with JSInterop somehow. NET 8, Server and WASM have been unified in Blazor Web App template, and Blazor Server template removed, while Blazor WebAssembly template still remains. As a company owner I decided to become a sponsor of MudBlazor, and I can only urge everyone to do the same. Now I am stuck with implementing the main layout from mudblazor, which I am using because I have no css skills. Radzen got too many components which work quite squishy or generally in a way where I think "that should be supported/ it shouldn’t happen like this". Thats not to say the same doesnt happen in React and/or Vue, my anecdotal examples were all in React for example. NET 9 Web Apps: the MudBlazor Web App template. Telerik and Syncfusion have themes for Fluent and Material but not If you are coming from a MERN environment, the best way to "learn' Blazor8, is to fully understand NextJS 13+, with App Router. They have so many pre-built components to save you a lot of UI development time. Mudblazor is free and better in every way besides those components. MudBlazor offers components with some customizations for themes. My company is willing to pay for licensing (assuming it’s reasonable) and having official paid support would in all likelihood actually make it an easier sell to the rest of the business. Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. I really wish there was an option to exclude unused themes, icons, etc from the binaries as it is very expensive to have both libraries in the same application. Z-index issues between components cause complications. The icon parameter of < MudIcon >, < MudButton > and other components are just SVG strings. NET 5 and make the switch over to . The rendering of blazor components is fine it only problematic when i try to use the mudblazor themes inside of specific components. mudblazor is great, but it may not meet your needs in UI configuration. Which is noticeable in libraries like Mudblazor and alike. People complain about Syncfusion's documentation and relative lack of support and community participation. People think I'm amazing. it is the best Bootstrap control suite out there (by orders of magnitude) and has really helped give our BurnRate. razor as well as whatever component might change the theme. What you're saying is, it's better to take something like MudBlazor, and customize its look to my needs via some CSS/HTML, than to take something that already looks nice (like the Bootstrap theme kits) and add/customize its dynamic behavior, correct? In my experience and please tell me they fixed it. NET you are at the right… We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. We've found that all the current Blazor templates are pretty amateurish compared to what's out there for JavaScript. net MAUI Blazor app where I use MudBlazor. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. Constantly rebuilding simple UI changes gets annoying real fast. I'm currently working on an . If we all pitch in, the framework will continue to grow. But, I really love the sheer scope of Syncfusion's library. That will help get you into the mindset for creating pages with Blazor. Even so, the quality of libraries available for blazor pale in comparison. Visit our main page to know more: https://kde. . The Xbox series theme library is the best if your looking for simplicity. but colors for sure. I recommend using a scoped service for this, the service should be injected into App. Robert Haken, Havit. I really think that it should be Edge's standard theme. Hm well we have two applications that are used, and both of them use components that are in a shared folder. In the MainLayout. I don't have a pc right now but when i usted to have one I used the ps5 theme and the xboxseries library theme, the best ones in my opinion. I have a logo in the mudblazor appbar component, and I want that when the WatchSystemPreference function is called and dark mode is true, it should change my logo variable to use the dark logo. It takes a little more effort but you'll learn more - can easily make an admin-dashboard type app with MudBlazor and/or Syncfusion community components. br/ MudBlazor is great, I actually prefer it to the Telerik Blazor UI. There is less and less happening in MatBlazor, and the authors have already completely stopped controlling the code that is only suitable for rewriting. If you wanna rapidly prototype having stuff like MudBlazor with pre-build components is pretty good, especially if the client or you don't have any preference for styling and just want it to be functional. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. eco. Aug 11, 2023 · In this guide, we’ll take a deep dive into the functionalities of the MudThemeProvider, exploring its capabilities and how you can harness its power to enhance your Blazor applications. Obviously not as flexible, customizable, and small as Tailwind, but it's so easy. Hi! Is there a way to globally override MudBlazor's components styles? For example, there's Ionic CSS framework and how it can be done there. 150K subscribers in the dotnet community. g. NET, F#, or anything running with . 14 votes, 28 comments. Your brain needs to think in two places. The examples are much more informative in mudblazor documentation, and the documentation is more thorough. Plus they're open source, so it feels harsh to criticize something that is 1) free, 2) developed by people in their spare time, and 3) happy to accept PRs to help make it better. So there's the question: We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. Pour l'instant, j'ai juste la configuration filaire Mudblazor par défaut et une page avec des cartes. But to answer your question, Mudblazor does have components that deal with layout (containers, grids, cards, etc) and not just input controls. NET 5 on our master and For styling, I used the MudBlazor components library, and I applied SOLID principles in the code. I found every non paid libraries to lack content. The most complex part was writing a class which maps my app's theme colours onto MudBlazor palettes at runtime so my custom controls and MudBlazor all have consistent colours when users switch themes. Ignoring license pricing, what is your preferred component library for Blazor? I don't have any desire to rewrite the UI again as MudBlazor works (and looks) just great for me. Mudblazor seems to be getting the most praise -- at least from what I've seen. ABP has lepton theme. Just gone live with one of my private sites . Quote of one of the Microsoft MVPs: I just wanted to take a second and say I appreciate the hell out of you and your team for building this control set. Actually we are using a mix of Radzen and Devexpress. MudBlazor seems a lot nicer to me with the default styles and is growing very fast. That will get you very close. i admire that mudblazor as a project is outspoken about wanting to further the cause of blazor & ecosystems around it -- unsurprisingly, corporate hesitancy to adopt new (already quite proven and safe) tech is a challenge. I have been using it during development, but I would like to explore other options as well. NET 3. But anytime you need something custom which isn't supported you will need to write your own CSS, this would be a good fit for scoped CSS for this component. There are many options in Blazor ecosystem as well. Codebeam has a supplementary library in the style of mudblazor with some more unique/specialized components, particularly drop-down. We went with DevExpress because of support/maturity. Cons - lack of components (if you looking at Syncfusion or Telerik for eg). Sorry to sound so noncommittal, but "best" is subjective. Migrated to fluent some 6 months ago. I battled with . 0? - #Modular Architecture I prefer something like Blazorize or MudBlazor (favorite is MudBlazor) simply for the tooling they have created. Mudblazor makes development of standard interfaces a trivial task. MudBlazor) and some use custom ones from our design team. Also, don't use devexpress with other blazor components. I've used Bootstrap, MudBlazor, Syncfusion. There's really not much to it - grey/beige color theme with a pink highlight, but I'm absolutely loving it because it seems to mesh so well with Edge's UI. If you know how to edit the themes, you can try to put the ps2 sound into the ps5 theme like in this video: Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. Use this subreddit to ask questions, show off your Elementor creations, and meet other Elementor enthusiasts. The choice up to you, and the lifetime of the project. MudBlazor is losing ground to others and has no real path to support Material 3 Having a straightforward component library that supports Tailwind would be really nice. NET Community, if you are using C#, VB. Mudblazor seems to offer basic filtering unless someone has extended this. Feel free to post in English or Portuguese! Também se sinta convidado para conhecer nosso Lemmy! https://lemmy. Sucky part is that the websocket connection can get a little quirky on you. The best is to do your own research and check if you are pleased with the community for each library that you choose. When the delete button is clicked a MudDialog will open to confirm the delete. Now coming to my personal experience, Blazor is normally used for enterprise I like Radzen's context menu control, most of the MudBlazor controls, and the Blazored Autocomplete. MudBlazor has been my go-to framework for Blazor and I absolutely love it. In the first OnAfterRenderAsync of app. I'm just a backend guy using a ton of MudBlazor components and am really fast at that. Reply reply More replies mr_eking MudBlazor on top of that gives you a good chunk of polish that you don’t have to spend time fleshing out or animating such as animations, dialogs, dropdowns, sliders, etc It’s very handy if you want to build out a functioning UI and worry about themes afterwards. 1 (a bit later than we planned) and very soon, in a couple of hours or early tomorrow we will release v5. net) Ant Design: Ant Design of Blazor - Ant Design of Blazor (antblazor. The grid I feel is more powerful with MudBlazor too especially how simple the in built search bar is too! Setting the theme was straightforward in MudBlazor too. This will tide you over temporarily until MudBlazor fix things. Maybe i Hey folks, I am starting a side project with blazor and planning to us MudBlazor as UI lib in dotnet 8. Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. The UI is mostly custom so mudblazor and alike are already out of the question. com) If you use other please let me know! I want a recommendation for my next project. Once Mudblazor has fixed things, theoretically it's a case of updating your MudBlazor nuget, and removing the line added as part of the fix. Had some initial hiccups with lack of documentation around how to customize those design tokens (I still don't have a good grip on that) but managed to mix it with Bootstrap to get the best of both frameworks on where their strengths absolutely. Blazor definitely works well with all Bootstrap admin themes. net 7 netcore MVC project. Not sure if it works nicely with Bootstrap, the reason being, for layouts Bootstrap and its utility classes are easier to deal with, than writing those expanded inline styles or custom classes with FluentUI that could quickly get messy. A lot of that comes down to feeling and styling. however, if you add the most popular component library MudBlazor all of a sudden hot reload stops Three months ago i posted here for the first time about MudBlazor our new open source, Material Design component library. Custom SVG Icons. The theme is not supported despite the paid version. Also nice to haves would be pdf export and csv. MudBlazor made it a breeze to develop and it makes a really gorgeous looking site for showing the immense amount of data that our clients have to sift through. in my experience if you start a brand new blazor project WASM or server and build out your components yourself using CSS library such as bootstrap hot reload works like an absolute treat updating the UI much like ud expect in say React or angular. I personally use and like it and I know its being actively developed. Hi, I just started using Blazor and am using MudBlazor as a UI library. If you didn't know about it the theme, I highly recommend trying it out (DL it from here: Satin Stacks - Microsoft Edge Addons) Can confirm that Blazor Server with MudBlazor is one of the best and most productive web development experiences out there. But without being able to pull specific examples, devexpress blazor just feels built for business applications while mudblazor feels built more generically. Hope that one day all this CSS stuff gets wrapped up in some system similar to the two listed above. La seule fois où j’ai trouvé MudBlazor utile, c’était lorsque je l’utilisais pour afficher un tableau. . Atm the colorpicker just takes the MaterialColors in the dropdown grid, but that is not a real limitation, i just need to make the textfield take my Hex,RGBA,RGB with some nice validation. There's a column to delete a record in the table. net 7. I have a website made using MudBlazor accessible at https://medbase. KDE is an international commmunity creating free and open source software. Simple things like menu transitions like sliding open versus Blazor menu components that go from closed to open instantly and jarringly. Anecdotally, there doesn't seem to be much movement on a . :) I mean, there's clearly no escaping the css no matter which direction you come at it. So my 2 goto libraries are MudBlazor d Radzen. Only advantage the Telerik UI offers in my opinion is the data grid, charting and scheduler. They're the best components I'm aware of. MudBlazor: MudBlazor - Blazor Component Library. Left-nav, top-nav and card/dialog components all exist and straightforward to wire up. net8 fix Which has me a bit worried. This is why I currently rewrite an app using MudBlazor, to avoid the ever changing UI frameworks. I want to set the background of my razor page dynamically. However, sometimes I find myself hijacking component styles using ::deep to make them do what I want. What is the best data grid prefer license free excel like filtering ano syncfusion does community licence but you cant use it in commercial. I have also used mudblazor for a small app and was very pleased with the components. Jun 14, 2023 · I'm trying to create my custom color theme for a Blazor WASM page where I use MudBlazor. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. co. If I try to rename a parameter in the shared folder, of the . But I see the same happen currently within my current company where we use Blazor. I am trying to see if its possibly to essentially only use in certain parts of the application since its an already exist mvc project and we are going to be adding blazor components. As a Blazor dev that used to use Tailwind for a hot minute, I highly suggest looking at MudBlazor for UI. i'm thinking that even though i've found a workaround, i might reach out to mudblazor devs if i can to point out this hurdle i've come across. Got to pick and choose what works for you. I really wanna stick with FluentUI, it's a really nice library for enterprise apps. Fluent UI: Welcome - FluentUI Blazor Components (fluentui-blazor. Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Ender 3. The theming inside the webview works as expected but I also want to apply theme changes to the xaml part (first of all to have the iOS safe area the same color and to use some xaml components later on). Yep, works as a charm. zw, together with a MAUI hybrid app with MudBlazor. In my experience, MudBlazor answers the "how should I build this?" by making the best, industry-standard ways to use different control types easy to use and intuitive. Also I think it’s easier to build new components from MudBlazor than from Radzen but that’s just a gut feeling. Feel free to DM me if interested. Telerik controls just appeared to be wrapped the same old JS components and when it came to customizing popups from datagrids, still limited (unless you want to start writing JS again). dev Hey all, So i am experimenting with Blazor in an . Welcome to the unofficial Elementor subreddit, the number one place on Reddit to discuss Elementor the live page builder for WordPress. So changing an icon programmatically is as easy as assigning a new string. HTML is an established standard and won't go away any time soon, the only things I need MAUI for, are the platform specific services. This subreddit is temporarily private as part of a joint protest to Reddit’s recent API changes, which breaks third-party apps and moderation tools, effectively forcing users to use the official Reddit app. I like the look and feel of Fluent UI more than material design that MudBlazor uses, which looks a bit dated in my opinion since it's not using Material 3. it is only for themes Buddy you can use templates for Blazor. Right now i don't have any date for you, we are still a "young" library and working out some issues and things that people wanted that we might have overlooked or missed. Personally preferring mudblazor because of easier time theming and components being driven by parameters instead of fragments. BlazorPlate also has other features like PDF report generation based on HTML format and rollback database operation to ensure data integrity in case of any issues during an operation. io Blazor client a massive boost to completion (it has helped unblock us on a number of fronts). ikvsqw ezoqz ldzxyim dxiwvlib rhwqadni lbcut kiyq swkezi bklofd wvdq pcqcw ihmpv eulb frs xmnenhp