City of concord zoning. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER .
City of concord zoning The City of Concord adopted its first Downtown Master Plan in 2002, with updates completed in 2008, 2016, and 2021. Senate Bill 9: Summary and Application Process . Local property taxes on real and personal property are paid annually through the Cabarrus County Tax Administration Office. . Project Location: Concord, CA . 510 February 10, 2025 at 8:00 a. For Current City Council Agendas, click here. Certain lands within the City of Concord are also included in Overlay Districts, as shown on the Zoning Map established pursuant to Section 28-2-3(b). 2. These lists show Planning Department cases that are upcoming on the agendas for Planning Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, Board of Adjustment, or City Review of discretionary permits including Minor Exceptions, Variances, Minor Subdivisions, Findings of Public Convenience and Necessity, Minor Use Permits, and/or Hillside Development Use Permits. R (Residential) NC (Neighborhood Commercial) NTS (North Todos Santos) CITY OF CONCORD New Hampshire’s Main Street™ Code Administration City Hall Annex · 37 Green Street · Concord, NH 03301 · (603)225-8580 Zones and Dimensional Standards RO - Open Space Residential RM - Medium Density Residential RS - Single-Family Residential District RN - Neighborhood Residential RD - Downtown Residential The Concord Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 24-7, passed November 12, 2024. 1 - recreational vehicle park code chapter 29. Action Plan . 1 above; 2. , this Ordinance is intended to implement the goals, City of Concord Concord Development Ordinance 3 Adopted 4-08-10 . The City of Concord Planning Department administers design/plan review under the City of Concord Development Ordinance. Concord’s Permit Pal tool can be used to obtain information on zoning, permits, and fees. 52, Update 1) CITY OF CONCORD DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE Article 12 5 12. Under Construction. 7-15) Page 1 of 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • PLANNING DIVISION 1950 PARKSIDE DRIVE, MS/53 • CONCORD, CA 94519• 2578- PHONE: (925) 671-3152 • FAX: (925) 671-3381 • EMAIL: zoning@cityofconcord. Source materials used in the preparation of the Code were the 1987 Code, as supplemented through January 13, 2000, and ordinances subsequently adopted by the city council. Application ; Design and Site Review Checklist 04-21 Concord Hospital, Inc. 152 Objective Design Standards for incorporation into the City’s Development Code. Signs shall be located outside of the required sight triangle as detailed in Table 12. Downtown Master Plan. The ordinance regulates land development in the city through zoning and subdivision processes. Community Development Department . Zones Established. Your zoning designation can be found by using the Mapping System on the GIS web page. 85 acres) subdivided from the existing Concord Hospital Campus lot (approximately 55. Engineering comes along side the Planning Department to provide site plan review for stormwater management plans and public water and sewer infrastructure, including permitting public water and/or sewer extensions. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and . CITY OF CONCORD DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE Article 11 8 11. Voting Districts Map Boundaries of city council voting districts and current elected councilmember, GIS Maps spatial analysis services, Concord Limit Geographic boundary, Street Centerlines Streets within, Parks City park boundaries, approved general plan data, approved zoning districts, Contra Costa County GIS Data GIS layers City of Concord; 1950 Parkside Dr. Applicants are encouraged to verify with the Planning Division (see contact info below) before submitting an application. The Zoning Board of Adjustment hears and acts upon appeals for granting variances, special exceptions, equitable waivers and administrative decisions under the zoning ordinance. How to Submit Public Comments: Please note that emailed comments will not be read aloud by staff. Look through the development code that has been established by the City of Concord. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Subrecipient grant funding applications and the City’s External Agency grant funding applications, on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 8:00a. Planting yards are intended to aesthetically enhance and separate different land uses and zoning districts from each other, as well as to beautify individual sites, the roadside or streetscape, and are intended (a) Establishment of Districts. Zoning classification and district lines on the tract and adjoining properties, 2. 9. These lists show Planning Department cases that are upcoming on the agendas for Planning Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, Board of Adjustment, or City The City of Concord zoning map book provides detailed information on zoning regulations and boundaries. Here, the proposed development does not violate the Zoning Ordinance’s basic zoning objectives. PREFACE This Code constitutes a recodification of the general and permanent ordinances of the City of Concord, North Carolina. What is Senate Bill 9? The Zoning Board of Adjustment hears and acts upon appeals for granting variances, special exceptions, equitable waivers and administrative decisions under the zoning ordinance. 25-02, enacted January 9, 2025. 1950 Parkside Drive, Concord . Zoning Administrator Hutton corrected her. CITY OF CONCORD ZONING ADMINISTRATOR . Chapter 18. S. Discretionary permits require longer timelines with approval required either by the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission and/or City Council. 48/$100 valuation FY 2018-2019 Cabarrus County rate: $. For more information contact the City Clerk's Office at 704-920-5215. Review any matter referred to the Zoning Administrator for review. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Concord . Contact Person and Phone Number: Frank Abejo . FROM: AnneMarie Skinner, AICP, City Planner . PIN 5518-16-9974 Every parcel with the City of Concord has a designated zoning classification. Building Division Home Page. Project Complete The boundaries of zoning districts established by this Ordinance shall be designated on a map or maps entitled Official Zoning Map(s) of the City of Concord. Disclaimer: The city clerk’s office has the official version of the Concord Municipal Code. 030 Requirements for Single Family Residential Zoning Districts Subdivisions, new uses and structures, and alterations to existing uses and structures shall be designed, constructed, and established in compliance with the requirements specified in Table 18. dot (Rev. Closed on City Holidays. Therefore, members of the public should now contact the City’s Planning Division for all zoning related items, including applications to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. WHEREAS, the City of Concord, North Carolina pursuant to the authority conferred by the North Carolina General Statute §160A-364 enacted an Official Zoning Ordinance for the City of Concord, North Carolina and the Area of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction on July 28, 1977; and WHEREAS, the City of Concord, North Carolina pursuant to the authority Accessory dwelling units are allowed in the following zoning districts when constructed with an existing or proposed single- or multi-family principal dwelling, or in other districts on lots with an existing, lawfully constructed principal dwelling. Adobe Reader may be required. FY 2018-2019 City of Concord rate: $. 8. Phone: 925-671-3330. Select the map sheet below to view the detailed PDF map. New development, except as provided in Section 4. General Plan. Zoning District descriptions and permitted uses can be found in Articles 7 and 8 of the Concord Development Ordinance (CDO). Concord, CA 94519 . 3 PLANTING YARDS. The Planning & Zoning Commission is an appointed commission established by the City Council to specifically hear and render decisions concerning planning and zoning cases such as rezoning requests, special use permits, site plans, and amendments to the Concord Development Ordinance. From Planning and Housing to Building and Engineering, CDD focuses on enhancing the quality of life for Concord’s residents and businesses. Email. Users should contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. 8 acres) City of Concord . Agenda Center View current agendas and minutes for all boards and commissions. 925-671-2489; Permit requirements, fees, and zoning information may be altered upon subsequent staff review. This transition was implemented on September 30, 2024. before 8:00 am the day of the meeting. The City Clerk shall certify these maps and all references and dates shown thereon. PERMIT forms and INFORMATION: City of Concord Permit Center (Building D) 1950 The General Plan establishes a vision and priorities for the City of Concord through 2030. org • WEBSITE: www. Responsibilities include housing development and rehabilitation issues, downtown, and economic development issues. 5. will be posted on the City’s A PUD shall be processed as a conditional district zoning map amendment (rezoning) as a special purpose zoning district and shall follow the process outlined in § 3. Decision Pending . On October 23, 2023, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) found the City’s 2023-2031 Housing Element Update (“HEU”) to be in substantial compliance with state housing element law, a step also known as “certification”. Zoning Compliance Fact Sheet PL-23. 4. 2607 & 2608; Downtown Sanitary Sewer Upgrade, Phase 4, Project No. 7. Draft FY 2022/23 Community Development Block Grant . E. 7. Draft 2023 Annual Action Plan for HUD-Funded Programs Development Department 1950 Parkside Drive, M/S 53 Concord, CA 94519-2578 www. To open the AudioEye Toolbar, press "shift + =". DATE: December 11, 2024 (for meeting on January 8, 2025) RE: ZBA 0234-2024 VAR Concord Regional Solid Waste – 0 Zoning Administrator Hutton explained that the applicant has permission from the City Council to make the application, but it hasn’t been signed by Council yet. Development Code. Staff are also available for phone and email inquiries at (925) 671-3152 and zoning@cityofconcord. 2023 City of Concord Objective Design Standards - An illustrative companion document to assist developers and residents understand the intent of the code modifications. New or inadequate sedimentation and erosion control structures; 4. All of the land in the City of Concord is hereby divided into Base Districts, as entitled hereinafter, with the district boundaries delineated on the Zoning Base District Map, as established pursuant to Section 28-2-3(a) of this ordinance. CDBG funds are used by the City for affordable City Hall 35 Cabarrus Ave W Concord, NC 28025. TO: Zoning Board of Adjustment . Community Development 1651 Concord Avenue Minor Subdivision (PL24161 – PM) – Application for a Tentative Parcel Map for a two-lot subdivision on a 1. located at 1950 Parkside Drive, Concord. Use the zoom tool once the map opens and drag a box around your area of interest to see even more details (up close) on the map. & Capital Region Health Care Corporation: Applicant wishes to subdivide and create a new lot for the newly constructed Concord Hospital Memorial Building and adjacent parking lot as a separate lot (approximately 2. Holme explained that this is for an off-site, and it is 3 feet higher than the 40 feet allotted in the district. 87acre site located at 1651 Concord Avenue. 3. org CITY OF CONCORD PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: (925) 671-3152 FAX: (925) 671-3381 CONCORD DEVELOPMENT CODE Section 18. REGULAR MEETINGS. The City Council shall have the authority to amend or repeal the text of these regulations and the zoning classification of any parcel of land as indicated on the Official Zoning Map of the City of Concord. City Hall • 41 Green Street • Concord, NH 03301 • (603) 225-8515 planning@concordnh. AnneMarie Skinner, AICP . 030Additional requirements may . Jan 24, 2025 · CODE OF ORDINANCES City of CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE Codified through Ordinance No. Planning & Neighborhood Development . The key functions of the Planning Division are to provide staff support for the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment, review applications for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, Site Plan Regulations, and Subdivision Regulations, enforce the Zoning Ordinance, and guide the development and implementation of the Master Plan. Sight CITY OF CONCORD ZONING ADMINISTRATOR . 1. Approved. 2025 Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Dates and Application Deadlines . ADA Compliance. 8. Prior to submission of an application, the Development Review Committee shall conduct a pre-application meeting with the applicant. Principal Planner (925) 671-3128 . Self-service property and zoning information can also be found online with a street address or a parcel number by using the Parcel Data Viewer as well as in the Permit Center where the current General By taking a long-term, comprehensive approach to economic development, the City of Concord’s Economic Development and Base Reuse Department seeks to: - Enhance Concord’s quality of life; - Facilitate a stable, healthy business environment; - Expand the City’s tax base to ensure long-term fiscal stability; Applications for construction are reviewed by both the City of Concord (for zoning) and Cabarrus County (for building), so there is no need to submit separately to both entities. Address of subject property (if known) Street Address: Street Address 2: City Sep 6, 2023 · The City of Concord recently completed the process for the development of a robust set of Objective Design Standards (ODS) for residential development. A. The planning process included public input sessions/meetings and the creation of steering committees to collect, review and share information. Mission; Core Values; Transparent Concord; Title VI; Employment; ADA Compliance; Legal Notices Download applications, forms and checklists for development proposals; Find out the general plan designation and zoning of a parcel; Print pages from our Development Code and Municipal Code; Review our Development Project web page for status of proposed, approved, and under construction projects (a) Establishment of Districts. Second and fourth Wednesday of the month; AGENDAS City of Concord - Development Projects. m. Voting Districts Map Boundaries of city council voting districts and current elected councilmember, GIS Maps spatial analysis services, Concord Limit Geographic boundary, Street Centerlines Streets within, Parks City park boundaries, approved general plan data, approved zoning districts, Contra Costa County GIS Data GIS layers the City Clerk within ten (10) days of the decision. Zoning-Related Data. - The General Plan designation is West Concord Mixed Use; Zoning classification is WMX (West Concord Mixed Use); APN 112 -101-032. Self-service property and zoning information can also be found online with a street address or a parcel number by using the Parcel Data Viewer as well as in the Permit Center where the current General The Code of Ordinances is the most up to date way to access current city laws and policies. Written: All comments received . LOCATION OF OFFICIAL ZONING MAP A. The North 40 is more than 40 acres, Jun 18, 2024 · Concord will transition to automated collection for curbside trash & recycling, beginning with a 2-year pilot program for trial routes by July 1, 2026, and then city-wide by July 1, 2028. expand chapter 28 - zoning ordinance chapter 28 - zoning ordinance; expand chapter 29 - subdivision code chapter 29 - subdivision code; expand chapter 29. Use the Parcel Data Viewer to view a map and search by address to determine the zoning and General Plan designations for a property. ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units) City of Concord . Download applications, forms and checklists for development proposals; Find out the general plan designation and zoning of a parcel; Print pages from our Development Code and Municipal Code; Review our Development Project web page for status of proposed, approved, and under construction projects The City of Concord manages a non-profit center at the former City Hall Annex located at 4 Barbrick Ave SW in Downtown Concord. Concord's zoning ordinance, known as the Concord Development Ordinance (CDO), can be accessed below (in pdf format). Engineering Permits. The General Plan establishes a vision and priorities for the City of Concord through 2030. for the City Council and for the Planning and Zoning C ommission. Digital and/or paper copies of the current and prior versions CityU of Concord Town of Harrisburg City Bof Charlotte COX SMILL HIGH J 2 4 6 9 J 3 5 7 8 CONCORD CROSSING SHOPPING CENTER SHOPPES at IDAVIDSON CORNER MOSSV CREEK Housing Element 2023-2031 City of Concord Ca California. Ms. The CDO provides zoning districts within the City's jurisdiction which specify the types of allowed land uses for each district. The Zoning Administrator holds hearings on items that typically involve such land use matters as minor subdivisions, variances, telecommunications permits, day care facilities, and fence permits. 1 GENERALLY Pursuant to NCGS § 160D-604(d) et seq. PURPOSE. Nonprofit 501(c) organizations that benefit the general public and contribute to the City's cultural, social, and economic vitality are invited to submit a letter of interest and lease application. The Planning Division can assist you with information regarding zoning, permitted land uses, and development standards in the City of Concord. Such permits All of the land in the City of Concord is divided into Base Districts, with their district boundaries delineated on the Zoning Map established pursuant to Section 28-2-3(a). For additional information contact the Planning Division at (925) 671-3152. AGENDA . Please note that all zoning functions were transferred from the Code Administration Division to the Planning Division. Phone: 603-225-8610. 200(c), 91. org ZONING COMPLIANCE FACT SHEET View zoning maps for the City of Concord. For More Information. 1. 11. The preceding link provides information on how to obtain planning and zoning information and how to apply for planning permits. Box 308 Concord, NC 28025 . MEMORANDUM . Application Complete . Site triangles are required in every zoning district except for the CC District. 9:00 a. 59, Update 1) City of Concord Concord Development Ordinance Adopted 9-11-08 7. Development - Active Cases under review Click an icon below to see a list of active cases currently under review in the Planning Department, or use the map to find cases by location. gov . 72/$100 valuation . The standards ensure that projects achieve high quality building design and the proposed approach will ensure that the City has a creative, economically feasible, and sustainable strategy toward new development. Project Sponsor’s Name and Address: City of Concord . and 1:00 to 4:00 p. Decisions of the Zoning Administrator may be appealed to the Planning Commission. 35 Cabarrus Avenue West Concord, NC 28025 . The zoning map is hereby incorporated into the development code by reference. Because the PUD Concord, CA 94519. 23 recently annexed acres located at 4636 Roberta Rd from Cabarrus County MDR (Medium Density Residential) to City of Concord RV (Residential Village) for the purposes of connecting to city services. Jan 19, 2021 · Administrative Zoning Map Amendment for +/- . New or failing on-site sewage systems that utilize ground absorption; 3. cityofconcord. About Our Services. 220(b) 1. However, for construction projects, please make sure to include the necessary applications from Cabarrus County Construction Standards . The City of Concord’s Engineering Division has launched a interactive map to keep residents informed about approved Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects throughout the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • PLANNING DIVISION 1950 PARKSIDE DRIVE, MS/53 • CONCORD, CA 94519• 2578- PHONE: (925) 671-3152 • FAX: (925) 671-3381 • EMAIL: zoning@cityofconcord. The General Plan consists of an integrated and Development - Active Cases under review Click an icon below to see a list of active cases currently under review in the Planning Department, or use the map to find cases by location. Contact us. Clear sight distance at street intersections is required. Go to Concord’s Permit Pal tool for information on zoning, permits, and fees. Total linear footage of each individual street center-line, measured from the center of an intersection through the center of the street to the next intersection. Policies found in this document act as a road map for the Development Code, Capital Improvement Program and subdivision regulations. For FY 2022/23, the City expects to receive $1,in CDBG funding and will allocate 077,450 $78,528 in unallocated prior-year funds. City Hall 35 Cabarrus Ave W Concord, NC 28025. CONCORD DEVELOPMENT CODE Section 18. 1 - recreational vehicle park code The city council hereby adopts the “city of Concord zoning map” (hereinafter referred to as the “zoning map”) on file with the city. Zoning District. Introduction . Previous years' agendas can be found in the Document Center. , Wednesday, May 22, 2024 . 030 Requirements for Single Family Residential Zoning Districts Jul 8, 2024 · The City Council will conduct a public hearing on Monday, July 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM in the City Council Chamber located at 37 Green Street, Concord, NH 03301, to consider amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to RSA 675:2 and 675:7. to 12:00 p. 1-1 and Figure 12-3. org. City Planner . The City of Concord will open its Public Services Application, which includes the City’s U. 030 Requirements for Single Family Residential Zoning Districts 2. No. If you challenge any of the foregoing described actions in court, an appeal first of said actions to the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission, and/or City Council (as applicable) in the manner and within the time period established in Development Code Chapter 18. Application Under Review . 5. O. , Wednesday, November 13, 2024 . Executive Summary AP-05 Executive Summary - 91. Driveway Permit (Technical Standards Manual Article III) – Obtained for any access points and driveways planned to connect to a publicly-maintained street within the corporate limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Concord. The City of Concord’s most recent comprehensive General Plan update was adopted in 2007, with subsequent updates to the elements. Mission; Core Values; Transparent Concord; Title VI; Employment; ADA Compliance; Legal Notices Residential Pavement Maintenance, Phase B, City PJ Nos. The City of Concord’s Community Development Department, or CDD, is home to several divisions, which work together to maintain and improve the quality of life for residents and visitors. Development Department 1950 Parkside Drive, M/S 53 Concord, CA 94519-2578 www. org CITY OF CONCORD PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: (925) 671-3152 FAX: (925) 671-3381 THE CITY OF CONCORD WELCOMES YOU TO THE VIRTUAL PERMIT CENTER! The City of Concord is open for business, and welcomes you to enter our new Virtual Permit Center (VPC)! City Hall 35 Cabarrus Ave W Concord, NC 28025. Community Profile Official Website for the City of Concord. ARTICLE 1 City of Concord Concord Development Ordinance 1-6 1. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER . Phone Number. Official Website for the City of Concord. Land Use and Zoning State law requires that each city have a General Plan that establishes policy guidelines for future development. CLEAR SIGHT DISTANCE REQUIRED. Projects. Mailing Address: Planning & Neighborhood Development Department City Hall P. - March 10, 2025 at 8:00 a. Zoning Map Book . Check out various engineering permits from the city. Key Development Regulations* Complete Development Code; General Development Standards The City of Concord has one of the lowest tax rates of any city its size in North Carolina. 3174, adopted December 9, 2024. The essential character of the area will not be changed because the proposed development will be self-contained on the property. Concord City Hall 41 Green Street Concord, NH 03301. Digital and/or paper copies of the current and prior versions Voting Districts Map Boundaries of city council voting districts and current elected councilmember, GIS Maps spatial analysis services, Concord Limit Geographic boundary, Street Centerlines Streets within, Parks City park boundaries, approved general plan data, approved zoning districts, Contra Costa County GIS Data GIS layers Planning & Housing staff are available for general planning and zoning inquiries Monday through Friday, 8 a. 1950 Parkside Drive, Building D . City of Concord standards, and corner setback lines based on City of Concord Standard Plan S-36. The city of Concord shall be divided into zoning districts that implement the Concord general plan, as Feb 24, 2025 · City Clerk. City of Concord, North Carolina Zoning Permit Sub Topics Phone. Concord, CA 94519. RSA 673:3; Ordinance 2099; Article 30-3-9 The Zoning Board of Adjustment is appointed by the City Manager. Appeals and the required filing fee must be filed with the City Clerk within ten (10) days of the decision. (Supp. To assist you in drawing up your plans and for general inquiries, please call (925) 671-3152. HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Prepared by: City of Concord . Single-stream recycling and the PAYT Program will continue. 30. APPEALS . Storage or disposal of junk, trash, or other refuse; 5. Existing topography and proposed gradingextending 50 feet beyond the property at 2 foot contour intervals for slopes up to 5% and under 5 feet in height; and contour intervals of 5 feet for slopes over 5% or greater than 5 feet in height. This website is AudioEye enabled and is being optimized for accessibility. The City of Concord-Engineering Division is dedicated to serving its residents and businesses in providing permitting and review of private development, design and construction of City projects, and public assistance with infrastructure inquiries. will be posted on the City’s collapse title iv - zoning code title iv - zoning code. 2598; Capital Improvement Program Project Map . code of ordinances city of concord, new hampshire; supplement history table; expand title i - general code title i - general code; expand title ii - traffic code title ii - traffic code; expand title iii - building and housing codes title iii - building and housing codes; expand title iv - zoning code title iv - zoning code Feb 24, 2025 · CODE OF ORDINANCES City of CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA Codified through Ordinance No. The boundaries of zoning districts established by this Ordinance shall be designated on a map or maps entitled Official Zoning Map(s) of the City of Concord. Authority. CITY OF CONCORD, NH ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AUGUST 4, 2021 MEETING MINUTES Attendees: Chair Christopher Carley, Nicholas Wallner, Laura Scott, James Monahan, and Andrew Winters Absent: none Staff: Craig Walker, Zoning Administrator Rose Fife, Clerk of the Board David Hall, Code Administrator Meeting commenced at 7:00 pm. 3. Click here for the Concord Development Ordinance. City of Concord Concord Development Ordinance 4-6 1. Click here for City Code. 2 CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1. dugkza ogqt ejz woqyfl wfu uqcvy azjyjv icbna xgitsc ybkfevo aooeyj pgie hpq qrrbcc luda