Diptera family key. Larval Diptera are typically small, pale and soft-bodied.
Diptera family key The spindle-shaped larvae live in running water and are characterized by the possession of thoracic prolegs and an anal pad provided with setae by means of which they adhere to rocks, etc. The update (for Part 2 of the key) includes a few corrections to the key numbers and brings in some recent changes to the family names. Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification 45: 94 pp. For the Afrotropics as a whole, Feb 1, 2016 · The Piophilidae (Diptera) are a family comprising about 80 species, several of them of high economic and forensic relevance. EL-MOURSY2 1 Classification Research Dept. ve product of the entire Manual team. Grant No. 2011). the older family-group name), a comprehensive world catalog has been needed to Another family of blood-sucking flies, known as the Simuliidae, consists of small flies with a hump-backed appearance and with broad wings. 2 Entomology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo Jun 26, 2023 · Nartshuk, E. , Gilbert F. g. & Suleymanova, T. Within the family Sarcophagidae, it is difficult to distinguish between third instar Oct 31, 2015 · The family Lauxaniidae is a large family of acalyptrate flies with about 1,838 described species worldwide as of September 2015 (The Diptera Site). 0. 12). 2000. On the other hand, Astrapaeus sp (Coleoptera) was Family Pallopteridae Loew, 1862 is a small Diptera family which is well known in the Palearctic Region. . KEY TO TRIBES, GENERA, AND SPECIES OF THE SUBFAMILY GYMNOMYZINAE (EPHYDRIDAE, DIPTERA) FROM EGYPT, WITH DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES AYMAN M. Larval Diptera are typically small, pale and soft-bodied. May 5, 2024 · An illustrated identification key to the genera of Ulidiidae (Diptera: Tephritoidea) of the United States and Canada Charles Wallace. Dec 20, 2024 · Diversity, distribution and general knowledge of the Brazilian Phoridae (Diptera), the family of flies with most species known in the country December 2024 Zoologia (Curitiba Impresso) 41(5) Mar 24, 2023 · Taxonomic notes and key to the West Palearctic Antocha (Antocha) Osten Sacken, 1860 (Diptera, Limoniidae) with description of a new species from Morocco March 2023 DOI: 10. " by L. Of the approximately 150 families of Diptera, only 13 include hematophagous species. * *Present address: APEM Ltd, The Technopole Centre, Edinburgh Technopole, Milton Bridge, Nr Penicuik, Midlothian, EH26 ORDER: DIPTERA Family: Muscidae (House flies) Wings are transparent and membranous Wings are covered with scales Family: Culicidae (Mosquito) Subfamily: Anopheline Genus: Culex Species: Culex quinquefasciatus Species: Culex pipiens Species: Aedes vexans Shape of siphon wide in the middle Shape of siphon gradually narrowing Subfamily: Culicine Jan 1, 2004 · The key to the identification of Central European blackfly pupae was constructed using the DELTA system (version 4. Since the publication of d'Assis Fonseca's Handbook for the Identification of British Insects there have been a number of changes to classification at the subfamily level. An unequivocal species identification is crucial for designing effective control measures or to provide reliable estimations of the minimum post mortem interval. Jan 1, 2009 · For the Neotropical Region, the family can be identified using the key in Buck et al. It also draws on the many previously published Diptera family identifica-tion keys, including the only previously published key to all families of Afrotropical Diptera (Barraclough & Londt 1985) and the more recent key to families of Afrotropical. The larvae of most species of flies have a reduced head capsule and all that remains are the mandibles and some associated sclerites which are collectively called the cephalopharyngeal skeleton. M. Since McAlpine’s (2007) placement of the families Canacidae sensu stricto and Tethinidae into a single, inclusive family (Canacidae sensu lato, i. Key to the families of British Diptera. Sep 11, 2018 · The current chapter provides an overview of this huge order along with a key to suborders and families. edu 3 days ago · Smithsonian - True Flies (Diptera) University of Minnesota - IPM for landscape, nursery, and greenhouse - Order Diptera: Life History; CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas - Dipteran Parasites; National Center for Biotechnology Information - PubMed Central - New genera of philopotine spider flies (Diptera, Acroceridae) with a key to living and fossil DIPTERA 1. 0LDROYD. Fanniidae (Diptera): new synonym, new records and an updated key to males of European species of Fannia Miroslav Barták 1 Department of Zoology and Fisheries, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, CZ-165 21 Praha 6-Suchdol, Czech Republic May 14, 2017 · Welcome to The Diptera Site. Oct 31, 2015 · As a result of our study of the family Lauxaniidae in Gilan province (North Iran), we here report the following seven species new to Iran: Homoneura notata (Fallen, 1820), Meiosimyza platycephala Common Names: Hover Flies, Flower Flies Description: Hover flies mimic the appearance of bees and wasps to reduce the likelihood of predation. Lauxaniid flies are usually found in moist shady undergrowth, grassland, all forest types, sand dunes, mangrove swamps and even on mountain summits (Kim, 1994). Mar 20, 2020 · Family-, genus- and species-level groups in the family Clusiidae (Diptera: Schizophora) are catalogued, providing reference to occurrences of these taxa in the literature, including all those Spot ID Key Characters: Small, shiny flies; black or black and yellow in color Order: Diptera. These members were collected from, on, in, around and beneath the carcasses of rabbits and guinea pigs. 36%. Last updated: 3 February 2025 Family Classification Family Name List by Groups An introduction details the characteristics of Diptera so that they may be recognised from other orders of insects:- the key itself leads to the correct family: and a short list of references is appended to guide the investigator's further enquiries. May 14, 2010 · All genera and species of the family Canacidae as well as all synonyms and the world distribution for each species are listed to form an updated world catalog. Systematic Entomology 28: 433–450. ncsu. There are two suborders in the family: Orthorrhapha and Cyclorrhapha. McAlpine, D. EBRAHIM1, MAGDI S. Spot ID Key Characters: Third antennal segment spatulate or aristate; Small circular or hexagonal cell in center of wing; Wings fold scissor-like over abdomen; Tarsi have three pads (empodium is pulvilliform) Return To: Order: Diptera Order Diptera, family Ephydridae 639 SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT Family Ephydridae Zetterstedt, 1837 Key to the subfamilies of Ephydridae 1 Fronto-orbital setae reclinate and proclinate or absent; medial facial area and lower facial margin without setae; facial setae inserted in more or less vertical series, parallel with LD = Lower Diptera (Nematocera), LB&c = Larger Brachycera, Dolis & Empids, Aschiza, AC = Acalyptrata, CAL = Calyptrata, PUP = Pupipara. General Entomology NC State University Raleigh, NC 27695 1 Article Family-level keys to freshwater fly (Diptera) larvae: a brief review and a key to European families avoiding use of mouthpart characters Michael Dobson1 1 Affiliation: Freshwater Biological Association, The Ferry Landing, Far Sawrey, Ambleside, Cumbria, LA22 0LP, UK. 2003. KEY TO FAMILIES OF DIPTERA (Flies, Gnats & Mosquitoes) (Contact) Please CLICK on underlined links to view images or to navigate within the key: To Search for Subject Matter with Microsoft Explorer use Ctrl/F within links. The goal of this paper is to provide an updated The order Diptera includes all true flies. No distinct head. Spot ID Key Characters: Simple wing venation – only five longitudinal veins reach the wing margin; Subcostal vein is incomplete; Anal cell is is small or absent; Red eyes; Arista of antenna is plumose; Return To: Order: Diptera Dec 28, 2022 · Family, genus and species group names in the family Thaumaleidae (Diptera: Culicomorpha) are catalogued, including information on name-bearing types, distribution by country and 428 references to Sep 16, 2011 · Subfamily keys for pupal cases of Asilidae are currently based on 5 taxa, Asilinae, Dasypogoninae, Megapodinae, Laphriinae and Leptogastrinae. These insects are distinctive because their hind wings are reduced to small, club-shaped structures called halteres – only the membranous front wings serve as aerodynamic surfaces. (suborder BRACHYCERA)). Spot ID Key Characters: Body robust and densely hairy Return To: Order: Diptera. Introduction and key to Portal to information on the insect order Diptera (flies and midges) and a forum for researchers on the insect group. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel. Family Part of Key Page in Key Family Part of Key Page in Key Family Part of Key Page in Key Acartophthalmidae AC P25 Coelopidae AC P22 Pediciidae LD P7 Borboropsidae AC P28 Conopidae AC P20 Periscelididae AC P24 Nov 15, 2021 · Many thanks to John and Barbara Ismay for providing the latest update to Stuart Ball's key to Diptera families. This website is dedicated to disseminating and advancing knowledge about Diptera, giving dipterists a space to publish data online and facilitating cooperation among dipterists. BY H. Necrophagous flies (Diptera) are of forensic importance as they often appear on a body irst, consume most of the tissues, and display similar patterns of succession in different regions of the world, at least at the family level (Catts & Goff 1992, Amendt et al. Results Key to Sarcophagidae of the British Isles [British and Irish Diptera specimens belonging to the family Sarcophagidae can be identified to family level by using the draft key to British families of Ball (2017) or the European family key of Ooesterbroek (2006). Also see the FLYTREE project for information on the classification of flies. They are characterized by a distinct post scutellum, aristate antennae with a bare bristle, and an abdomen that is often covered in bristles. NEMATOCERA (Key II) - Download Download Diptera Introduction and key to families, RES Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, Volume 9, Part 1 Common Name: Biting Midges; “No-see-ums”; “Punkies” Description: These are very small flies (about 1/25-1/10) inch long whose tiny, blade-like mouthparts make a painful wound far out of proportion to the insect’s size. , Paramonov, N. Agonistic behaviour and generic synonymy in Australian Clusiidae (Diptera). P. Studia Dipterologica 7: 3-9. If a more modern work is wanted one has to consult Lindner's Die Fliegen Order Diptera, family Chironomidae 565 Norway (ZMBN); the remaining material is deposited in the United Arab Emirates Invertebrate Collection. Unwins Family key. Zimina Jul 1, 2014 · The most cited species belong to the Calliphoridae (Diptera) family. 3897/arphapreprints. edu. , Rotheray G. Technical Bulletin of the United Arab Republic Ministry of Agriculture; 1967. e103889 In the current Dipterists Forum checklist there are 173 species of this family present in the British Isles (accessed 12/2023). Males of some mayflies and scale insects have only front wings. Jul 29, 2021 · FLY LARVAE {Phylum Arthropoda, Class Insecta, Order Diptera) Dipterans are often easy to identijj1 to family, so diagrams and descriptions of families are listed below: 6bl. EL-HAWAGRY2, FATHY H. African Invertebrates 47: Diptera 1. In the nematocerous families we find the Psychodidae, Simuliidae, Ceratopogonidae, Corethrellidae, and Culicidae; in the lower Brachycera families we have the Athericidae and Tabanidae, and in the Calyptratae Cyclorrhapha families there are the Muscidae, Calliphoridae, Glossinidae Identification of Calyptrate Diptera to Family ** Click to enlarge thumbnails** **Click on Family to go to Species key** 1a. The abbreviations of wing veins are given upper case letters: R4+5, M1, etc. HITHERTO the only key to the families of British Diptera has been that given in Wingate's Durham Diptera (1906), which is still widely used. INTRODUCTION Africa has an enormously diverse and speciose fauna of acalyptrate Diptera, the study of which seems constantly to unearth unexpected findings. A few tiny parasitic wasps, e. Keys for the Identification of British Diptera (Flies) Key to the British families of section Calyptratae. V. A Key to the Families of British Diptera: Series: AIDGAP: Type: Book/Report: Source: AIDGAP, 143, 40pp, Field Studies Council: Illustrations: Line drawings in the text: Review (by Malcolm Storey) Well illustrated user-friendly key enabling identification to family level, that avoids jargon so is accessible to the non-specialist. "] Once a fly is identified as a calyptrate, identification to the family level is possible by following the "Identification Key to Calyptrate Diptera" below. 2021. K. Ishijima 1967; Smith 1986) may therefore lead to a misidentification of larvae of Miltogramminae with assignment to families Muscidae or Calliphoridae. pdf. R – Radial vein; M – Medial vein; Cu – Cubital vien; A – Anal vein. Amendt et al. Spot ID Key Characters: Large head almost entirely covered by compound eyes; Wings elongated and usually narrow at base; Anal cell present, elongate, and ending in a point near the wing margin; Return To: Order: Diptera Spot ID Key Characters: Metallic body color; Long, stilt-like legs; Return To: Order: Diptera. CRANE RIBS (Family Tipulidae) 6b2. Results The families which collected from the carcasses are as follows: Agromyzidae (one subfamily, one genus and only one species), Calliphoridae (three subfamilies Jan 1, 2006 · The European families of the Diptera presents an identification key and family descriptions of all 132 families of Diptera (midges, mosquitoes, gnats, true flies) occurring in Europe. The family Piophilidae contains 82 species worldwide May 6, 2014 · Syrphids (Diptera: Syrphidae) include various genera with aphidophagous larvae playing a key role in the control of pest insects in both natural and agricultural systems. These changes are reflected in the keys below. Jun 18, 2013 · Identification of larvae of aquatic Diptera (true flies) is complicated by a range of factors, including reliance on examination of mouthparts at the very beginning of many keys, as well as an unclear distinction between aquatic and terrestrial habits for many species. (2009) and verified by the diagnosis in Gaimari (2010). If you are a member, log in to this website and go to the membership area to access the downloads. Cell open. , Muona J. A. They lack true legs and move by peristaltic waves of muscular contraction through the body. Mar 21, 2014 · The Ulidiini (Diptera: Tephritoidea: Ulidiidae) of Israel, with a key to the world species of Ulidia and description of five new species Authors E. Once you start to get familiar with the soldierfly group it is often possible to recognise the different families straight away, but if you need a family key there are two good options that cover all Diptera families: Unwin, D. Their larvae and pupae are present on open corpses at a frequency of 16. Jan 28, 2020 · Members of Dipterists Forum can now download copies of Stuart Ball's key to Diptera families (2017 version, with additions by John and Barbara Ismay), and also Stuart's key to snail-killing flies, Sciomyzidae (2017 version). Jul 21, 2024 · Adult flies, except for wingless species, have two functional wings and two halteres. Mymarommatidae, have their hind wings reduced, but these can be distinguished from flies as the wasps have only one vein in their front wings and flies always have two or more veins in their wings as long as their A large family of flies in Britain with over 290 species. An introduction details the characteristics of Diptera so that they may be recognised from other orders of insects: the key itself leads to the correct family: and a short list of references is appended to guide the investigator's further enquiries. Key to families of Australian Diptera — a Lucid key from the "On the Fly" CD produced by CSIRO Entomology for identification of adult flies of Australia to family-level. Key to the British species of family Carnidae. Position of respiratory apertures (spiracles) in Diptera larva: (A) peripneustic; (B Feb 2, 2018 · Background In the current study, 23 species within 18 genera and 13 families of order Diptera were taxonomically studied. Natalimyzidae, a new African family of acalyptrate flies (Diptera: Schizophora: Sciomyzoidea). Field Studies Council. The application of explicit methods of phylogenetic analysis has revealed weaknesses in the traditional classification of mosquitoes, but little progress has been made to achieve a robust, stable classification that reflects evolutionary relationships. During March 1994, I visited the Diptera Section at The Natural History Museum (London), and tested the final draft of my key against southern African acalyptrate taxa not present Oct 20, 2020 · 5. This AIDGAP key should enable anybody to identify adult flies to their family. Kwik-Key to Common Families of Diptera Answer for your specimen: If you have reached this part of the key, your specimen probably belongs to one of the many families of small acalypterate flies that are often hard to distinguish from one another. , Hippa H. It can display all the illustrations, full and partial descriptions, diagnostic descriptions, differences and similarities between taxa, lists of taxa exhibiting or lacking specified attributes, and Grant No. Getting to the right family. Wing cells are named after the vein on their anterior side. 1960. Kwik-Key to Common Families of Diptera Answer for your specimen: If you have reached this part of the key, your specimen may belong to the superfamily Tephritoidea. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington 10: 139-144. Dec 21, 2007 · The taxonomy, classification and phylogeny of family Culicidae are reviewed. A review of the Australian species of Clusiidae (Diptera: Acalyptrata). NEGM1, AND ALY A. e. KEY WORDS: Diptera, Schizophora, Sciomyzoidea, Natalimyzidae, new family, Africa, grassland. INTRODUCTION AND KEY TO FAMILIES. Spot ID Key Characters: Arista of antenna is plumose along entire length; Thorax lightly striped; Gray or black body color; Hypopleuron without bristles; More than one sternopleural bristle; Return To: Order: Diptera Description: The tachnid flies are the second largest family in the Diptera order. SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT Key to subfamilies (imagines) Using some popular family-level keys for the identification of larvae of Diptera inhabiting carrion (e. Most larvae feed in or on soft-bodied fruits. Palpus usually with 3-5 segments, rarely with one or two segments. An attempt was made to make the key precise yet as Spot ID Key Characters: Only basal half of antenna is plumose; Black and gray longitudinal stripes on thorax; Checkerboard pattern on abdomen; Four notopleural bristles (short, long, short, long, from front to rear) Return To: Order: Diptera Order Diptera, family Syrphidae 573 Knutson et al. 1516149 | Learning to See, Seeing to Learn A Sociotechnical System Supporting Taxonomic Identification Activities in Volunteer-Based Water Quality Biomonitoring Jun 18, 2013 · Identification of larvae of aquatic Diptera (true flies) is complicated by a range of factors, including reliance on examination of mouthparts at the very beginning of many keys, as well as an unclear distinction between aquatic and terrestrial habits for many species. The (new) Diptera Site - A community driven site for authoritative information on Diptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 20(1): 2-8. Jul 19, 2010 · Diptera, Asilidae, Ommatiinae, Longibeccus, Metommatius, neotenellus Abstract The nine genera of the Afrotropical Ommatiinae are briefly reviewed and include a revised key to genera. 1. Species of this family have been reported especially in the many countries of Europe. , in the rapidly Jun 26, 2023 · A total of 399 available genus-group names in 69 families of Diptera are listed alphabetically, for each name giving author, year and page of original publication, originally included species Download scientific diagram | Key identification feature of family Syrphidae from publication: An Updated Distributional Account of Indian Hover flies (Insecta: Diptera: Syrphidae) | Syrphid flies Spot ID Key Characters: Short, multi-segmented antennae; Thorax humpbacked in profile; Order: Diptera. Analysis of recently published adult morphological data and DNA sequence data suggests that the family consists of 14 subfamilies. Posted on To begin identification, first determine whether the fly is calyptrate or acalyptrate [refer to the link, "Characteristics of Calyptrate Diptera. Meron with bristles, located between hind A more technical overview and general classification with key to the basic groups (genera) found in North America is provided by the Manual of Nearctic Diptera and Europe and northern Africa and Asia are covered by the Manual of Palaearctic Diptera. 2 Hematophagous Families. Another family of blood-sucking flies, known as the Simuliidae, consists of small flies with a hump-backed appearance and with broad wings. Antennal flagellum with 4 or more flagellomeres which are usually uniform in shape and size, apical segments not modified into a stylus or arista. Adults are yellowish or brownish in color and usually found in moist, grassy habitats. Relatively robust flies (most higher Diptera NEMATOCERA; in part, most). 1516149 | Learning to See, Seeing to Learn A Sociotechnical System Supporting Taxonomic Identification Activities in Volunteer-Based Water Quality Biomonitoring Wingless Diptera (Key VII) 2 (1). ] 1. (2021) Types of the dipterous family of lance flies (Diptera, Lonchaeidae) in the collection of the Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Feb 3, 2025 · The BioSystematic Database of World Diptera: Nomenclator : Version 6. General Entomology NC State University Raleigh, NC 27695 @ncsu. , Plant Protection Research Institute, Egypt. , in the rapidly An illustrated key to the dance fly genera is presented, updating the 1981 key from the “Empididae” chapter of the Manual of Nearctic Diptera, utilizing over 600 colour photographs displaying many unique characters as well as some rarely seen or photographed genera. [Google Scholar] Szpila K. Flies (Diptera, blow flies, house flies, flesh flies, horse flies, cattle flies, deer flies, midges and mosquitoes) are among the four megadiverse insect orders. Dec 1, 2017 · These finds document an aquatic dipteran fauna in New Zealand in the earliest Miocene and highlight Neogene extinction as a factor in shaping the extant Diptera fauna in New Zealand. With more than 1,500 valid genera worldwide (cf. 5 29 KEY TO DIPTERA FAMILIES — ADULTS 12 270 SURICATA 4 (2017) 5 (4). Jan 1987 representative collection of Diptera in Africa, and includes every acalyptrate family recorded from southern Africa (see Barraclough & Whittington 1994). Marshall, S. Sep 28, 2021 · A key to the genera of the subfamily Otitinae of the Americas south of the United States (Diptera: Otitidae). They have a spurious vein in the wing that bisects the radio-medial cross veins (it’s actually just a thickening of the wing rather than a true vein). The eggs are usually laid on the body of the host. Disk is fringed with hairs and often with fleshy lobes. The abbreviations of wing cells are given lower case letters: br, cup, etc. MORGULIS Department of Zoology, The George S. Identification is very difficult within some genera, relying on the structure of the male genitalia. A List of Egyptian Diptera with a Bibliography and Key to Families; p. Key for identification of European and Mediterranean blowflies (Diptera, Calliphoridae) of medical and veterinary importance – adult flies. 87. The interactive key is easy to use, allows free choice of characters, and can lead to correct identifications in spite of occasional errors. edu Description: Most members of the family Tephritidae have a complex pattern of spots or bands on their wings. Description: This family of small, slender flies has wings that are somewhat pointed at the tip and lack crossveins except near the very base. (1975), Lyneborg & Barkemeyer (2005), Peck (1988), Smith & Vockeroth A key is provided for all genera with multiple species recorded from the Key to the adults of the most common forensic species of Diptera in South America. Body ends in disk with eye-like spiracles. apple maggot). Adults are typically found on flowers, foliage, or fruits. Andy Chick #1 . Often delicate, long-legged flies (most lower cua almost always closed, often reduced, at base Diptera; nematocerous flies, the traditional suborder of wing. 1981. The key can be downloaded from the membership area of the website. This key includes: (1) Family Culicidae (Key to subfamilies of Culicidae), (2) Subfamily Anophelinae (Key to genera of Anophelinae), and (3) Subfamily Culicinae (Key to genera of Culicinae including subgenera of genus Aedes Meigen and the genus Ochlerotatus Lynch Arribalzaga). O’Hara 2011), the Diptera family Tachinidae represents a good model to which “alternative” diagnostic tools to the traditional dichotomous keys can be applied. Sixty-two species are included in the key, another sixteen species are Jan 19, 2024 · Phylogeny of Syrphidae (Diptera) inferred from combined analysis of molecular and morphological characters Ståhls G. The family includes many species that are agricultural pests (e. This review briefly introduces the history of keys to Diptera larvae, with Antennae longer than the thorax Antennae prominent and plumose in male but short and pilose (hair–like) in female Body not covered with down Wings frequently spotted Family descriptions were initially compiled for this purpose using Unwin’s (1981) key to the British families and the detailed family descriptions provided by Colless and McAlpine (1970), supplemented from Imms (1950). Even at family level, these can cause problems. Several species quickly colonize human cadavers and are potentially useful in forensic studies. Petersburg, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 100 (4), 927–945. Spot ID Key Characters: Body hump-backed in profile with a small head; Hind femora enlarged and flattened; A heavy radial vein ends near midpoint of wing’s leading edge; branching veins are weak; crossveins are absent; Return To: Order: Diptera Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Key to species of parasitic flies of the family Conopidae (Diptera) of Central Asia. This review briefly introduces the history of keys to Diptera larvae, with May 3, 2011 · A revision of the dipterous family Clusiodidae (Heteroneuridae). emks mduzxta faxnt ihx qpc ircofl svpam hupgkgy zbh vmfu gurao yei kpg pcao qafcgl