Enneagram 4 careers. Explore Type 4 Career Path Series.
Enneagram 4 careers Best Type 4 College Majors; Best Careers for Type 4 Women; Best Careers for Type 4 Men; Core Values of the Individualist. The reason is the individualistic side of the 4 with the head space of the 5 makes a really great combination for creativity with a touch of high thinking. You understand the meaning of hard work, diligence, and professional certifications. The Enneagram is divided into three overarching types: Heart, Head, and Body. 4s often pursue careers in the arts or helping Feb 7, 2024 · In conclusion, both Enneagram Type 4 wings can thrive creatively but in different ways. The Enneatype 4 character has as their passion Envy, which looks at what others' have and creates a desirous feeling for them, and as their fixation, False-deficiency, which is an existential viewpoint that convinces them that they are inherently less than others, especially for not having what they have Aug 3, 2020 · The Individualist: Enneagram Type 4 Careers. Enneagram Type 4, known as "The Individualist" or "The Romantic," is focused on identity, self-expression, and emotional depth. Deeply analytical thinkers and strategists. When this type finds that special person, they cherish the relationship, tend to be very protective and secretive about it, and generally treat it as very special. They want to be recognized for their individuality and to express themselves authentically. Balancing self-care with their natural inclination to express is key for Type 4s to thrive in their careers. Enneagram 4 – The Individualist. I am getting my yoga teacher training also but do not consider it a career. This is not a good job for type fours. Those with an Enneagram type four wing three personalities are likely to identify the most with the traits of type four but may also display type three traits. The first thing to note is that we've got to be careful not to pin on just 1 type what's a common characteristic of a shared triad - being creative, tending toward introversion, often lost in pondering or imagination, being somewhat sensitive, at times feeling somewhat resigned, a need to have unstructured time to oneself etc. e. Top 15 Enneagram Type 5 Careers. Below is a list provided by The Enneagram Institute of famous people who could be considered to be Enneagram Fours. . Worst careers for Enneagram Type 4. </p><p>Additionally, Type Fours will enjoy coming up with their own business ideas and using Type 4 potential careers and roles. it feels like every enneagram type has issues that can be easily Enneagram Type 4 Wing 5 Career Choices What are some of the common career choices for Enneagram 4w5? Although people with other types find themselves in these lines of work, and those identified as 4w5 may work outside these areas, here are a few likely spaces in which this type will be successful (or not): Jul 5, 2024 · 7 Best Career Fits for ENFPs . Understanding these dynamics can help Fours navigate both personal and professional spheres more effectively. Compared to most enneagram type 4’s, this one is not very concerned with their public image and hence do not worry too much about how others will think of them. Find and save ideas about enneagram 4 careers on Pinterest. They tend to be more emotional and self-expressive than other Type 5s. Enneagram Type 4: The Individualist. I struggled for a long time with major changes throughout college trying to find the “perfect fit” for me. What is an Enneagram personality type? First things first, Enneagram tests are similar to the classic Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. Even though they are rather flexible, Nines are also highly sensitive. Still searching for your dream career path? Take our free career aptitude test! Jan 1, 2024 · Type 4 Careers. This field allows you to explore various forms of visual and performing arts, from painting and sculpture to As a 5w4 sx/sp this career path works really well for me since I'm good conversationally 1-on-1, I can keep a cool detached head about my client's emotional difficulties, I don't care if they like me or not-meaning I can be very honest and more helpful, I'm a good listener, and I really enjoy the systemic way of thinking that is the basis of relational therapy and many trauma treatments. Moreover, Type Four women need to be passionate about their work and have the chance to express their unique insights and perspectives. Here are some of the worst careers for enneagram type 4. Feb 27, 2023 · Enneagram 4 careers refer to job options that help them use their creative mind and work with independence. Here are some of the best careers for you to explore: Creative Arts: Your deep emotional sensitivity and artistic expression thrive in careers such as writing, painting, photography, or music. They regularly apply alternative, out-of-the-box approaches to problem-solving. Posted by u/Supermarket-0 - 1 vote and no comments Enneagram Type 4 Careers They can be excellent designers, decorators, writers, painters, musicians, “thespians,” and “divas. ENFPs are known for their creativity, enthusiasm, and ability to connect with others. The professional world offers 4w3s a vast platform to marry their creative insights with their drive for achievement. Average Base Pay: $38,166 per year An actor interprets characters that are written in a script and brings them to life on the stage, television, or even the big screen. Executive assistants. (5) Use the subject line: 'Botox Quarterly' (so we can see that you are paying attention). Find environments that encourage innovation Feb 21, 2024 · Type 4 is a Heart Type. As creative people, they thrive in fields where they can contribute new ideas and find personal significance in their work. Aug 19, 2019 · Here are the Careers You’ll Love, Based on Your Enneagram Type Enneatype 1. They enjoy creatively expressing themselves and building relationships with coworkers. Careers to avoid for Enneagram type 9 include CEO, lawyer, investment banker, prosecutor, army officer, and the like. </p><p>People with the Type Four Enneagram also tend to enjoy careers that allow autonomy and flexibility, making them well suited for the freelance career path. Jul 5, 2020 · Enneagram Type 4 Careers: Best Jobs for Enneagram Type Four The Enneagram is a categorization of personality types based on how people perceive and respond to the world and information they gather, as well their own emotions. Enneagram 4 Careers 4s love creative pursuits but they also thrive in work environments that let them be themselves and retain their autonomy. The 4w5 brings a unique blend of creativity and analytical thinking to the professional realm. Corporate management roles often require a level of conformity and interpersonal engagement that may be challenging for 4w5s. A Type 4 can often struggle in their work, due to their desire to participate in work to which they can ascribe deeper purpose, making daily tasks feel uninteresting. Making career decisions that align with your Enneagram Type can lead to greater satisfaction and success. This article will explore different career options for the Enneagram “Type 4”. May 24, 2024 · These Enneagram types enjoy freely expressing their original perspectives and creative visions by running their own businesses. Enneagram Type 3 Wing 4 (3w4) individuals are known for their strong work ethic and focus on career success. Alternative career paths for Enneagram Type 4 individuals include creative fields, artistic and expressive careers, helping professions with emotional connection (like Enneagram Type 6 careers such as emergency service providers or healthcare professionals), and entrepreneurship and self-employment. Their Enneagram Relationship content was co-developed with marital therapist turned relationship coach Christa Hardin (MA). They don’t do well in mundane, 9-5 office jobs and aren’t afraid of the unpredictable nature of independent careers. Type 1, known as ‘The Improver‘, is characterized by a well-developed sense of integrity and balance. Enneagram 4 Careers. Aug 4, 2024 · Trên đây là một số chia sẻ về nhóm tính cách Enneagram type 4 mà Kabala Career muốn gửi đến bạn. Im a 4, and for a short answer to kick it off: my attention to detail and sensibilities had me decently happy working as a construction worker on historical restoration projects, a landscaper designing and picking out plants etc, and as a mason selecting the stones in an artful way etc. They appreciate recognition for the quality, scope, and distinctiveness of their projects. Corporate Management. They might also excel when they are managing a team based on their passions and strengths. Aug 13, 2023 · Enneagram Type 4, are often creative, introspective, and passionate, driven by a desire to be unique and to express their true self. May 25, 2023 · Every Enneagram type is surrounded by two adjacent types called wings. Given these characteristics, Type 4 individuals may resonate with careers that allow for self-expression, creativity, and emotional depth. The learning style of an Enneagram 4. Fine Arts is a perfect major for Type 4s who thrive on self-expression and creativity. When Things Go Wrong May 18, 2021 · The 4w5 Enneagram: The Free Spirit. The Enneagram type 4 wing 5: The Bohemian, is a subtype resulting from the encounter of the type 4 and 5, which means that to the amazing capacity of creation within the 4s inner atmosphere we add the limitless speculation of the 5s. Best Careers for Type 4 Women; Best Careers for Type 4 Men; Best High-Paying Careers for Type 4s; Fine Arts. When I look up careers for type 4, I see artist, painter etc. org The Science Jul 26, 2024 · Enneagram 4 females seek careers that do not limit their creativity and autonomy. Modern Enneagram Passion and Fixation. This is because they perform better in individualistic roles. My cousin is a 4w5, she does photography, but really specific portrait and mostly abandoned places landscape photography. May 23, 2023 · The concept of platonic love was probably created by an Enneagram type 4 personality. The test offers nine different results, Type 1 through 9, with different characteristics. Core values are the guiding principles that shape a Type 4's behavior and choices. With their energetic and outgoing personalities, they thrive in careers that allow them to express their ideas and work with people. Enneagram 4s are creative people who want to stand out and create a name for Aug 5, 2023 · The Enneagram Type 4 wing 3 (4w3) is a unique personality type that combines the characteristics of both the Enneagram Type 4, known as “The Individualist,” and a touch of Enneagram Type 3, called “The Achiever”. On the other hand, careers in corporate management, such as operations manager, can be stifling for Type 4s. The Enneagram Type 4 personality type is commonly known as the Individualist. Hy vọng rằng, bài viết đã cung cấp đến bạn nhiều thông tin hữu ích và giúp bạn có định hướng nghề nghiệp phù hợp. They are conscientious, ethical, and committed to improvement—not just in themselves but in everything they engage with. A career as a research analyst in many fields can also be fulfilling. Enneagram 4 Careers Type Fours tend to thrive in environments that allow them to remain autonomous and be authentically themselves. This blend of characteristics creates individuals who are driven to express their individuality while also striving for success and recognition in various aspects of life. Enneagram 4 types always aim for distinction. Apr 8, 2021 · Here are some of the best jobs that will suit someone with an Enneagram Type 4 personality: Actor. Nov 1, 2023 · Remember that the right career path for you is one that allows you to explore, learn, and contribute your unique insights to the world. Enneagram Type 4 Careers and Hobbies Best Jobs for Type 4s Take the enneagram quiz and find out what your perfect work-at-home career is based on your enneagram type and personality! #type1 #type2 #type3 #type4 #type5 #type6 #type7 #type8 #type9 #ideas Holly - The Work at Home Woman - USA Remote Jobs (4) Take the Enneagram personality type and screenshot your results to include with your resume. These traits make them well-suited for various careers where they can harness their imaginative and empathetic nature. Enneagram Four with a Three-Wing: “The Aristocrat” Enneagram Four with a Five-Wing: “The Bohemian” Key Motivations: Want to express themselves and their individuality, to create and surround themselves with beauty, to maintain certain moods and feelings, to withdraw to protect their self-image, to take care of emotional needs before attending to anything else, to attract a “rescuer. Worst Careers for Enneagram Type 4’s. Prince: The iconic musician is known for his unique style and individualistic approach to music. Enneagram 4 Self-Preservation Subtype; Enneagram 4 Social Subtype; Enneagram 4 Wing 3 (4w3 ) Enneagram 4 Wing 5 (4w5 ) Famous Enneagram 4 Personalities; Navigating Career Paths as a 4w3. In my experience, a mix of personality, mental and emotional health, preferences, and personal values determine how long you'll last and how much you'll enjoy it. . Sep 20, 2021 · Wondering about what types of careers are best for you, based on your Enneagram test results? If you’re a Type 4, these are the best Enneagram type 4 careers (and the worst!). I hope I’m happier and can transition to a career like yours. So, it may seem that an Enneagram Type 5 career is destined to flourish in whichever profession they choose, but things are rarely that simple. This deep-seated desire is born out of a feeling of being different from others, and they seek to bridge this perceived gap through self-expression and by embracing their uniqueness. The Enneagram is indeed uniquely good at helping you select a career/job, since it focuses on your core motivations and fears. I didn't mean to overgeneralize previously about 4s not being fit for medical work; obviously the decision to pursue medical studies should go beyond Enneagram types. Aug 19, 2023 · The Best & Worst Careers: Type 4w3 Enneagram In this section, we will look at all the jobs that are either a best or worst fit for the type 4w3 enneagram and why! Best Jobs This Pin was discovered by Elizabeth Hall. Contact us for help finding your next career today. Enneagram Careers for the Individualist (Enneagram 4): Fine Artist; Creative Writer; Musician; Graphic Designer; Interior Designer; Gourmet Chef; Enneagram 5 – The Investigator. I’m a 4, and working in a high stress inner city school is draining the life from me. This enneagram type is a combination of traits mostly from the enneagram 4 with some traits from the enneagram type 5 as well. My accurate personality type from PersonalityData. Core Career Need: Accountability and responsibility. Feb 9, 2025 · These careers align well with Type 4's core values of authenticity and creativity, offering environments where they can thrive without compromising their individuality. You’ll see a 4 positively buzzing when they receive attention from their peers, have their vision understood by superiors, are surrounded by genuine and open-minded colleagues, and have a boss and colleagues who take the time and effort to get to know Aug 17, 2024 · What are Enneagram Type 4 careers? Enneagram Type 4 careers are positions that suit people with this personality type. it’s not that i want to be special, but i also don’t want to feel like people could easily replace me? i know when i’m emotional it puts people off because not everyone is publicly openly temperamental but it bothers me a lot. Here are some of the most common possibilities to consider: Actor: The performing arts is a natural fit for Enneagram 4s. They often feel unique or different from others and seek to understand their true self. Aug 25, 2023 · Though it may not seem so at first, there are many inspiring Enneagram Type 4 career paths that would support Enneatype Four’s greatest assets. Essentially, an Enneagram The primary desire of an Enneagram Type 4 is to find their unique identity and significance. We will review all applicants and reach out if you are a good fit for the next step in the process. For Enneagram Type 4 individuals, a career in the arts or creative professions can be incredibly fulfilling. she is about as 4 as 4s get. This page will explore the best and worst jobs for 4w5 women, offering insights and guidance to help them unlock their true potential and achieve a fulfilling career. Enneagram 4 Celebrities. In terms of career development, it’s important for them to channel their motivation toward roles that align with their values and passions. Some of the best career fits for ENFPs include being a: Social Worker; Marketing ; Public Relations Aug 17, 2023 · Enneagram Type 9: Careers to Avoid. Type Fours should be given roles in which they can make the most of their creativity, authenticity, search for purpose, and expressiveness to make a positive contribution. She is passionate about helping people improve their relationships, careers and quality of life using personality psychology. As an Enneagram Type 5 individual, you possess a unique set of traits and characteristics that make you exceptionally well-suited for certain career paths. As they navigate their career paths, they Jul 26, 2024 · Enneagram 4 Male Compatibility. Prince’s music often delved into deep emotional territories, reflecting the introspective nature of Type 4s. Definitely Google these words below to access Rowe's very good and detailed 4 document that has great thoughts on jobs and careers of all types: Google for PDF document: enneagram-type-4-description russell rowe career What careers are best for Enneagram 4? Enneagram Type 4 individuals excel in professions that enable them to unleash their creativity and connect with their deep emotions. Posted by u/Equivalent_Yak7259 - 4 votes and 8 comments Sep 26, 2024 · Potential Careers for the Enneagram type 4 Graphic Designer: Expressing creativity and originality through design caters to their artistic nature. They do well in jobs that give them the freedom to carry out their ideas and when they are surrounded by people who understand and affirm their unique vision. Musician: Creating and performing music allows for emotional expression and uniqueness. You can chat with her on X or Threads @meganmmalone. Aug 18, 2024 · Relationships and Career for Enneagram 4 The unique perspective and emotional depth of Enneagram 4s significantly influence their approach to relationships and career choices. Feb 4, 2022 · If you’re a Type 4 seeking a new occupation, these Enneagram Type 4 careers are a great start to doing your own research and soul-searching to find the perfect career that fulfills you. Here is a list of jobs that are best suited for the type 4 enneagram: Actor; Personal Trainer; Hair Stylist; Writer; The best careers for Enneagram Type 4, the Individualist, align with their unique personality traits and allow them to express their creativity and emotions. Job Type: Full-time Jun 16, 2022 · A Four’s career aspirations are not limited to the arts. Individualistic, unique artists and creators. Most often, enneagram 4s are proficient in jobs that allow novelty and innovation. Your career requires clear-cut progressions and stepping stones to advancement. We will cover its description and discuss the characters, relationships and careers. An INFJ and Enneagram 9, Megan lives in Dallas, Texas, with her husband and daughter. true. Jobs and Careers for the Enneagram 4. I do not want a career :-) While there are unlimited sources to suggest careers/jobs based on your personality (just google it), they are of varying degrees of simplistic, stereotyped and focused mostly on external behavior or thought processes. These people will hate not being able to meet their high standards. Their wings, which are the adjacent types on the Enneagram, add nuance to how Type 4 expresses its core Feb 20, 2025 · She currently manages educational content development at Truity. Fours always try to do their best in everything they do. Enneagram Type 4s feel most fulfilled when their work is both creative and beautiful. Their empathetic nature helps them understand others’ requirements and perfectly meet their responsibilities. generally speaking, It feels like i can’t be loved, or at least not in the way i want to be. So, these are some of the combinations that seem to work most smoothly: Enneagram 5 and Enneagram 1: One’s reliability and strong intellect allow Fives to put their guard down and I’m a 4w3 and going into a career in sales (graduating from college this May). It means they want to live a meaningful life from their career. Some of the best Enneagram Type 4 careers can be Nov 5, 2023 · Career Ideas For Enneagram 1: The Improver. I love how the career offers flexibility and a high degree of autonomy, plus the potential for growth is great for the 3 side in me. Type 4 personalities are known for their creativity, innovative thinking, imagination, and emotional awareness. Scar: You have no idea. ” They can distinguish themselves in any field that requires creativity and style. I’ve been a teacher for 15 years. Oct 28, 2023 · The best Enneagram Type 4 careers allow them to be authentic, empathetic, and creative. But the 3 in me still wants to make hella $$ lol 😂 (I sound like an asshole) Any 4w3’s found a career where they can focus on feelings, embrace the dark side of human emotions, feel fulfilled, and still make bank without being a famous artist? People with an Enneagram four personality type would try to avoid letting people down at all costs. This personality type is typically strong with creative endeavors and seeks not only to make a living financially but to bring about a sense of meaning and beauty to their work. Understanding these values is crucial for selecting a career path that aligns with their intrinsic Enneagram Type 4 - The Individualist - Type Fours are often reserved and sensitive, they opt to express themselves via creative outlets. Type four personalities are creative and innovative. Similarities And Differences. Their inclination towards introspection, coupled with a thirst for knowledge, makes them well-suited for careers that allow for both emotional expression and intellectual exploration. For example, the characteristics of a Type 4 personality are 13 votes, 10 comments. Enneagram Type 4 wing 5 (4w5) and Enneagram Type 4 wing 3 (4w3) share some similarities but also have significant differences. The artistic realm allows them the freedom to express their deep emotions and unique perspectives, providing an ideal landscape for their creativity to flourish. No one fits neatly into any box, so an Enneagram Type 4 can enjoy a career as an administrator or in the hospitality industry helping others. Because of these character traits, good choices for Enneagram Type 4 careers most likely include art, design, project management, or helping professions. Please notice that while they may share similar motivations and characteristics, their careers are various and in a wide range of w Aug 13, 2023 · Top 20 Career Fits for Enneagram Type 4 Careers Enneagram Type 4, are often creative, introspective, and passionate, driven by a desire to be unique and to express their true self. Feb 4, 2025 · By aligning their career choices with their Enneagram traits, 4w5 women can find roles that not only fulfill their professional ambitions but also resonate with their personal values and passions. Enneagram 4 careers are often those where Enneagram 4 types are left to their own devices. They tend to be suited to careers in the following areas: As an Enneagram Type 4, your unique characteristics and experiences make you well-suited for certain careers. He’s perpetually overshadowed by his brother Mufasa and seethes with bitterness. Strengths: Type 4s are imaginative and creative. Oct 26, 2019 · The Individualist (Enneagram 4) is an intense and creative artist, who works with tangible objects or intangible ideas to find meaning and discovery in themselves and in nature. Ideal Careers: Feb 4, 2025 · Navigating Career Choices: Practical Tips for 4w3s. Aug 17, 2024 · What are Enneagram Type 4 careers? Enneagram Type 4 careers are positions that suit people with this personality type. To determine what your personality type is, you can take the Enneagram test. Enneagram 4 is not interested in managerial positions or power Feb 3, 2025 · Enneagram Type 4 Wings. Best Enneagram Type 4 Careers. inexpressible) originality can leave team members confused or frustrated, particularly if the Four is in a leadership role. They are excellent at understanding the feelings of others, even when those feelings are not expressed out loud. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Aug 17, 2023 · Enneagram Type Five, or the Investigator, doesn’t lack skills or knowledge when choosing a career path. Enneagram Careers for the Investigator Jul 1, 2024 · Enneagram Type 4, known as the Individualist or Romantic, is one of the nine personality types within the Enneagram of Personality system. Here are 20 potential career fits for Enneagram Type 4: The Arts and Creative Professions. Enneagram Type 4 Careers Matches. Enneagram Type 4 Careers: Ideal Jobs for Individualists. Enneagram Type 4, also known as the Individualists, are characterized by their creativity, high emotional intelligence, and desire to express their unique identities. ” Aug 31, 2019 · Enneagram Type 4 Careers. These careers may conflict with the natural tendencies and values of an Enneagram 4w5, potentially leading to dissatisfaction and stress. Their natural introversion, push/pull method of relating, and pursuit of an intuitively-known (i. I want to continue making music and writing on the side. We will also compare 4w3, 3w4, and 4w5. Aug 5, 2023 · Career Development. Enneagram 4 male compatibility with other Enneagram types is defined by the quality of intellectual exchange that they can achieve. The Individualist is described as the sensitive, withdrawn type. For example, the characteristics of a Type 4 personality are Aug 4, 2019 · The Enneagram can help uncover stress and growth areas to guide you on a career journey tailored specifically to your strengths. Type Fours with Type Twos: Tend to be both romantic and caring. I’m not pursuing a career. They dislike people or things that are basic, so they prefer taking the road less traveled. Scar is a darker depiction of the Four’s envy. is common to all three of the withdrawn types. Feb 4, 2025 · Worst High-Paying Careers for 4w5: Misaligned Paths. Enneagram Type 4’s can take a pessimistic view on the world. The stress is really affecting my health. Personality type and career preferences have a strong connection, and personal satisfaction plays a huge factor in this equation. Enneagram Type 5 Wing 4 personalities are curious, creative, and reserved. Here are some practical tips for 4w3s: Leverage your creativity: Seek roles that allow you to express your unique ideas and artistic talents. Nines should generally avoid jobs that expose them to high levels of risk, stress, and conflict. Type Fours with Type Ones: Tend to be both organized and creative. Explore Type 4 Career Path Series. I’m in the service industry and am pursuing a fulfilling creative life separate from how I make money. For them, a career is not bread and butter rather a life in itself. Oct 31, 2024 · As an Enneagram Type 4, you should add structure to your life to help you stay focused. Whether it’s setting goals for your creative projects or developing routines, structure can provide a sense of stability that allows your imagination to flourish. 1. Nov 1, 2023 · These top 15 Enneagram Type 4 careers provide a wide range of opportunities for you to express your individuality, creativity, and values while finding deep meaning and fulfillment in your professional life. The Four wing will intensify the Five’s need for introspection and make them even more introverted. 4 %äüöß 2 0 obj /Length 3 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xœÝ]Y«ìÆ ~7Üÿ0Ï œ¨[ L àܳ„:¹ Career Paths and Professional Insights for the 4w5. This describes 9 different enneagram or personality types, and each one possesses certain core beliefs which are what […] Jun 16, 2021 · Enneagram Type 4 Careers: The Best Jobs. Enneagram Type 4 Wing 3. Thank you! **no phone calls or DMs. Enneagram 4s struggle in careers where they don’t feel their talents are being Dec 20, 2022 · Famous Enneagram Type 4’s & Their Career. I have started another grad program for elearning design and plan to also teach English and Spanish online. They are expressive, dramatic, self-absorbed, and temperamental. The key features of a rewarding career are individuality and self-expression. They like to express themselves through creative outlets such as art, music, and writing. Nov 21, 2023 · Enneagram 4 career choices. Click here to find the Type 4 & Type 1 couple pairing guide. A career in marketing, or as an editor will allow type 4’s to work in open-minded teams. If you scored the highest for the Five Enneagram type but also achieved a high score for the Four Enneagram type, it means you are a Five with a Four wing. Individuals with Type 4 exhibit creativity, passion, and a distinct sense of self-expression. Sep 10, 2021 · By Samuel Posted on September 10, 2021 Posted in Career Advice No Comments on Enneagram Type 4 Careers- What is Enneagram 4? Personality types and traits are something that interests not just psychologists but even common people. If you are an Enneagram 4, you might be wondering which career paths are best suited for your personality type. These people are indispensable in the creative industry, the arts, and the social sciences thanks to their unique, deep insights and original approaches. Enneagram 4 Relationship Compatibility . Oct 28, 2023 · In this article, we’ll discuss the Enneagram Type 4, mentioning what they’re like and what Enneagram Type 4 careers might best suit you. Some of the great career options for people with Type 4 to consider are photographer, graphic designer, writer, hair stylist, artist, performer, etc. It is a creative pursuit. Oct 3, 2024 · Simba: You’re so weird. %PDF-1. Here are a few: Similarities: Both types are highly introspective and driven by their emotions. They’re self-aware, reflective, and sensitive individuals motivated by desires to find Jan 1, 2024 · Type 4’s will thrive working with attentive, genuine and open-minded peers who understand their vision. Enneagram type 4s feel like they are different than everyone else. xgmr pqvi crhbril vyspd tkacx kwq triyjj hdut oda ccn kfkik bplgji tefoch qjwg wuois