- Git ssh server docker Remote desktop server:Xrdp Supports bidirectional clipboard sharing; Supports multiple displays; Denied root login; SSH server:openssh-server Denied root login; To change the settings such as user name, rewrite the settings file (. ssh/ # can't find the file id_rsa ADD id_rsa /root/. Docker-SSH adds SSH capabilities to any container in a compositional way. And taichunmin/serveo can let you secure URL to your localhost server through any NAT or firewall in Docker. 1:5000:22 docker_image Then you should be able to reach container's GIT server: Oct 22, 2019 · Let’s build a Gogs git server using docker container. ssh folder from host user The idea with the mount of the . ssh/known_hosts —> Running The SFTP server can be easily deployed to any platform that can host containers based on Docker. docker build --ssh default . 0 license Activity. ssh/ghes_rsa IdentitiesOnly yes User git. 0. git, a ssh -vvT [email protected]-p 22 (the internal IP of the docker container), or even a ssh -vvvT [email protected]-p 10022, I get a successful connection and can issue SSH and GIT commands (also to my custom Git server in a container for your integration tests ! Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. In case it works, I would suggest to modify the ~/. 5. Here is my Dockerfile, FROM continuumio/anaconda3 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget git openssh-client ARG SSH_PRIVATE_KEY RUN mkdir /root/. Apache-2. ssh folder to the same location in the container, so that git inside the container can use your ssh keys to access Gitlab repos via SSH. sshd-alpine is a an SSH server for docker or kubernetes to allow X11 and tcp forwarding and ssh tunneling. git. ssh/config file to include the options for the machine hosting Gitea. git WORKDIR /home/git/dashboard. It Jan 20, 2024 · 06. ssh/config or from a command line via flag -A-A option enables forwarding of the authentication agent connection. Apr 30, 2019 · As explained in "Securely build small python docker image from private git repos", you would need to use, with Docker 18. $ export AUTHORIZED_KEY="ssh-rsa " $ docker compose up -d server $ docker compose run --rm client If you do not have an SSH key, you can generate a passphrase-less one with: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "you@email. I have tried every possible solution in Stack Overflow but still could not managed to solve it. Because of the way Docker works, we can’t rely on localhost or the host’s name to access that resource. RUN mkdir /home/git/dashboard. Create a folder to maintain the project and create a docker-compose. ssh/id_ed25519 IdentitiesOnly yes Aug 21, 2016 · As you already read in the title I am currently running multiple docker containers which are used as git servers and normally should run under port 22. Simply run: Your server should be accessible on port 2222 via: The default password for the git user is 12345. Nov 4, 2024 · 使用Docker搭建私有Git服务器:高效管理代码版本控制 在现代软件开发中,版本控制是不可或缺的一环。Git作为最流行的分布式版本控制系统,已经被广泛应用于各种规模的项目中。 Sep 1, 2024 · Setting Up Your Git Server with Gitea and Docker on Ubuntu. att. ssh folder of the host user into the container is, that when I add a ssh key in gitea for a user it should be added also on host level, so the ssh connect with the user can work first on host If you want to run the SSH server with chroot feature, the docker image has to be run with additional capabilities. (you need this or public key) FOLDER: the home of the user. On the Cloudflare dashboard, navigate to Zero Trust > Networks > Tunnels to find the tunnel gitea you created, then add following public names for web and ssh. May 11, 2023 · shrugs is an Apache licensed self hosted git server available as a docker container written in Erlang and Rust. com. md at main · pfeiferj/git-ssh-server-docker Dockerize your OpenSSH-server with rsync and bash installed, upon a customizable alpine-image - Hermsi1337/docker-sshd Jun 12, 2017 · for git docker i am only creating git repos only. yml (and if so how would this file look like). FROM kinogmt/centos-ssh:latest . – Feb 5, 2023 · Anyhow -- setting up an SSH agent with your keys should happen on your host where you're running Docker; it's not something you put in your Dockerfile or do inside the container; RUN --mount=type=ssh is responsible for plumbing a socket to that agent through and setting up SSH_AUTH_SOCK; things are generally automatic. All data (setup users, repositories, ssh server keys) is kept alive during container removal/upgrade Dec 22, 2022 · The initial SSH configuration in ~/. (SSH_KEY). Prepare Docker Image and Data directory. First you need to update your packages: sudo apt update -y. As first check, simply run git --version to check if git is well installed (which is the case). The following command will create a system user named “git” with a openssh-server 是一个开源项目,提供了一个沙盒化的 SSH 访问环境,确保用户只能访问特定的文件夹和进程,而不会对整个服务器造成威胁。通过 Docker 容器化部署,简化了 SSH 访问的管理,支持多平台架构,并提供了灵活的配置选项,适用于需要安全远程访问的场景。【此简介由AI生成】 This Docker Compose configuration sets up two services: Wetty and SSH-Server, allowing you to access an SSH server via a web-based terminal. You'll still need to publish this port). Cgit is web-based frontend to Git repositories. Gitolite is a lightweight yet powerful git manager. 100. port tunneling, scp, sftp, rsync, sshfs, X11). git . EXPOSE 22 and in my database dockerfile i am cloning that repo. pub Minimal git server running in a container (docker, podman) - mcarbonne/minimal-git-server. One simple way to set up this git image is to have a dedicated directory for the May 2, 2020 · Oh I forgot this works in my laptop because the OS in a desktop normally has an ssh agent installed, but not on server OS. Stars. 在本文中,我们将介绍如何将本地机器的SSH密钥传递给Docker容器。SSH密钥是用于身份验证和安全通信的一种方法。通过将本地机器的SSH密钥传递给Docker容器,我们可以在容器内使用SSH进行安全的远程连接。 Apr 1, 2022 · Just inline all your ssh options. 10 watching. Replace host-port with your desired port. Example of usage. Docker and Docker-Compose on Ubuntu installed and ready to use; Steps to deploy Gitea on Docker. com >> /root/. 5 stars. ssh (being pythonssh the username of the non-root account) You can mount the /etc/ssh directory for keeping the ssh config files on a persistent volume Location: /etc/ssh Using Github or Gitlab as your main git provider is mostly fine, but as a golden rule of thumb, you should never put all your eggs in a single basket. For instance, you can restrict the Git commands that the server will accept or you can customize the message that users see if they try to SSH in like that. 2222: SSH_USER: Username for the SSH user that other users will connect into as. ssh/config. Useful if you have another image that is capable of using a remote proxy server but does not support doing so directly over ssh and you don't want to edit the existing image to A Docker image for easily setting up an ssh based git server. 59. ssh_private_key - Private SSH key used for logging into remote system. yml and upload image to private Docker registry Oct 18, 2022 · I got things working with the following changes: Changed my docker build command to remove any reference to the key name:. :frowning: This is the link that i used for reference: https://docs. 168. RUN ssh-keyscan codecloud. An SSH agent running on the host is actually not strictly necessary. git Dec 27, 2023 · Running your own Git server provides a lot of benefits over using shared hosting or commercial platforms – control over security, customization options, and direct access to backend data are a few examples. The Wetty service is configured to run on the specified port, with SSH details GIT server for Docker. Table of Contents. ssh directory for the non-root user, to manage the valid SSH keys used to connect through SSH. This repository contains a Docker setup for creating a custom SSH server based on Alpine Linux. ssh/ # Copy over private key, and set permissions # Warning! May 4, 2021 · The installation instructions of the Gitea documentation using docker describe the SSH passthrough procedure to make the git clone [email protected]:user/repo command not failing. env file) and build. /controlServer. The Quickstart section shows the fastest way to set everything up without providing further details. Oct 12, 2023 · Use command from an Admin PowerShell Console: Get-Service ssh-agent | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic Start the agent manually first time: ssh-agent Generate a new key from PowerShell (non-admin) ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "mike@computer" Feb 8, 2018 · Check if the SSH port forwarding described in docker-gitlab issue 38 is still valid:. Aug 9, 2013 · It's a harder problem if you need to use SSH at build time. SSH_KEY Create an SSH SOCKS5 tunnel to a remote server to allow a local client/container to connect to the SOCKS5 proxy tunnel. I have updated the ssh public key on the server. Forks. If I remove this line and run the container, I can see that my key is present in C:\Users\Jenkins\. Readme License. Mar 1, 2023 · Looking for some help in figuring out an issue with building a Windows Nano Server Container and getting Git to work on with SSH auth keys on it. 20. RUN git clone ssh://git@CODECLOUD_REPO_URL. You can also use -o UserKnownHostsFile to specify your known hosts file -- you don't need to copy all that it into an ssh configuration. https://serveo. Git packaged by Bitnami は Git を Bitnami がパッケージ化したものです。Docker イメージの形式で提供されているので、依存関係を気にせず手軽に使い始めることができますね。 A Docker image for easily setting up an ssh based git server. The git email address Jan 23, 2020 · There is a pretty popular Docker container to run git: jkarlos/git-server-docker. 搭建一个自己的私有仓库-Gitea | DLLCNX的博客. ssh\ but if I run ssh-add . Mar 5, 2025 · Hi, thanks for the reply, the public key should be setup correctly in gitlab UI (under preferences → SSH Keys). Right now there are two ways to connect to the server: ssh username@hostname (implicit port 22) - Connects a standard SSH session to the login username on the host machine. I am new to docker but I am wondering, these few last 'manual' steps, can't they be automatised in a docker-compose. net is an alternative for ngrok. For example if you're using git clone, or in my case pip and npm to download from a private repository. spring: cloud: config: server: git: uri: ${GIT_URL} ignore-local-ssh-settings: true private-key: ${SSH_KEY} Part 2 is tricky. You can customize You can use the docker-compose file, to get up and running quickly. ssh/id_rsa Port 443 Github上配置 Github -> Settings -> SSH and GPG keys, 或者访问 SSH and GPG keys Feb 19, 2022 · gitea docker: user that runs in container: git (1058) ssh port: 19022 volume mounts: - data - ~/. The solution I found is to add your keys using the --build-arg flag. The problem is that the publickey method isn't working at all. (you need this or password) PASSWORD: the password for login. You can check with docker compose version . This image was created to provide some mock git service for integration tests. 3) as reverse proxy. ps aux | grep sshd netstat -plant | grep :22 optional - test ssh port from localhost (on target host) telnet localhost 22 Jul 22, 2024 · Host github. I have a GitLab installation in a Docker container, with SSH port redirected to 8022. - pfeiferj/git-ssh-server-docker Jun 3, 2023 · I am new to Docker and I have been trying to clone a private project using ssh without success. 201 host check if the ssh is running and if it is listening on port 22. 137. ssh/known_hosts run git clone [email protected]:user/repo. cap_add: - SYS_ADMIN security_opt: - apparmor:unconfined This is due to the use of mount --bind in the init script. \Users\Jenkins\. Oct 17, 2019 · Openssh-server is a sandboxed environment that allows ssh access without giving keys to the entire server. Custom properties. Sep 4, 2017 · Hello Werner, Thanks for your reply. 09+--ssh You can use the --ssh flag to forward your existing SSH agent key to the builder. 4. Sharing your configuration Jul 16, 2020 · I am unable to ssh into my server using Gitlab CI. domain. ssh_host_public_key - Remote host SSH public key (The content of ~/. Here’s my ~/. This is obviously not working, but my requests May 23, 2023 · git config --global core. ssh/known_hosts needs to be given here). This container creates a limited and sandboxed environment that others can ssh into. You can expose particular ports during container start-up with flag "-p HOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT": docker run -p 127. 如果你是一位程序员或者IT相关领域的从业者,那么肯定知道git,而且也或多或少接触了不少开源仓库以及公司的私有仓库,但是我们有没有想过自己也搭建一个私有仓库呢。 Or a simple docker-compose up (you might want to edit the source of the image in). Jun 17, 2018 · Hi ! I'm currently trying to build a docker image, and I need to pull a git project from a remote GitLab server. Mount contents of . ssh RUN /bin/bash -c cat "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" >> /root/. 103)? (2) I have added the root user SSH key in the gitlab, but can't access the server using ssh -p 2222 10. How can I use git client to access the gitlab? Dec 6, 2021 · Git packaged by Bitnami とは. A simple Git-over-SSH server Docker image with UID/GID handling, based on Alpine Linux. Pre-requisites. This container exposes the port 22 and 2 volumes: */git-server/keys*: Volume to store the users public keys */git-server/repos*: Volume to store the repositories; Directories setup. Basic understanding of Docker Docker image based on Ubuntu with git & sshd to simplify creating own git server - tomplus/git-ssh-server. ssh/id_rsa RUN touch /root/. This fix is so far only for the current window. USERNAME: the name for login. - amhoba/lightweight-docker-ssh-server docker files for ssh and ssh-git server Resources. Forward some other port on the host to port 22 of the container and use the GITLAB_SHELL_SSH_PORT configuration option to specify the forwarded port to the gitlab application so that the clone urls reflect this. com User git Hostname ssh. The error: Permis docker-gitea Docker Gitea Service. I am finding that if I use Windows Core the git clone works. It comes with the following sshd options enabled AllowTcpForwarding yes GatewayPorts yes X11Forwarding yes ClientAliveInterval 30 ClientAliveCountMax 3 This SSH proxy can be deployed as a standalone docker container that allows to proxy any user SSH connection to arbitrary unexposed containers. - taichunmin/docker-serveo-server Runs a sandboxed environment allowing SSH access without giving keys to the entire server. ssh && chmod -R 700 /root/. Do not forget to map the port for ssh (10022:22) and http (10080:3000) etc. Optional: CHROOT: if set to 1 Apr 23, 2015 · c) Log in the webpage, it displays the project address: ssh: [email protected]:root/test. I believe I stumbled into what may be causing it as when I run . Simple Docker image containing a Git server accessible via SSH. -d runs the container in detached mode. . SSH Server in Docker based on Alpine Linux. Jan 31, 2020 · Hi All, I’m using docker community, engine version 19. -e SSH_USERNAME=myuser sets the SSH username in the container. The setup includes the ability to use static SSH host keys, configure SSH key and password authentication, and set up user-specific SSH key pairs. I'm trying to set up ssh but it's failing, both to SSH into and (mainly) to perform git clone and push. ssh/config with a direct connection might look like this: HOST ghes AddKeysToAgent yes HostName git. This should be enough to ssh successfully: You can mount the . The client needs to have the corresponding public key in known_hosts. com" -f id_rsa -N To achieve this you should add your private key to SSH agent and turn on ForwardAgent in ~/. Below are deployment methods for: Docker CLI; Docker-Compose; Kubernetes using Helm (recommended for Kubernetes) Process: Create server configuration; Mount volumes as needed; Set host file for consistent server fingerprint This repository contains the necessary files to deploy a secure SFTP server using Docker. com >> ~/. The setup includes volume mounting for persistent storage, key-based authentication for enhanced security, and customizable SSH configurations. If you are on a Mac using Homebrew, you can upgrade with brew install docker-compose (as of August 2022, 2. Configure Cloudflare Tunnels for Gitea. Docker image to create a container exposing a ssh service with chroot features. Contribute to unixtastic/git-ssh-server development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to lrittel/docker-git-server development by creating an account on GitHub. And, now, we'll jump in the container by running: docker compose exec docker_git /bin/sh. I have played around with my Dockerfile and found that the line RUN powershell -Command mkdir ~\. Nov 7, 2021 · For Docker related Blogs, visit: Docker. RUN mvn clean install -e. 1. This Git 如何将本地机器的SSH密钥传递给Docker容器. Also, the git repo is an EV (GIT_URL) but you can hardcode if you want. exe Now git will be able to use the keys that you generated earlier. So, how do we get access? docker exec my-tl-demo tlcfg add-ssh-user myuser "public ssh key" Second, let the ThinLinc server know under what hostname it is reachable from the client. -p host-port:22 maps a host port to port 22 in the container. 5000. ssh/known_hosts RUN ssh-keyscan github. Watchers. Based on Alpine Linux. In this case you may want to try to mount the ~/. 12 forks. ~/. ssh/id_rsa && echo Sep 10, 2020 · Edit 2. /srv/ssh to persist generated server keys /srv/git to store repositories 现在再运行一遍上述 ssh-add 的相关命令,把私钥加入 ssh-agent ,就可以和 docker 容器共享 SSH 密钥啦。 以上就是 Windows 和 Linux 容器 作为混合开发环境的情况下,使用 git 时,所需要注意的事项了。 Feb 14, 2024 · when I am connected via SSH to the server hosting the Docker-Gitlab instance and I do a git clone ssh://[email protected]:10022/repo. 201 22 or. Giving ssh access via private key often means giving full access to the server. Jul 22, 2014 · Does the private key (on either client or server) have a passphrase? If so, maybe try a test to see if using an unencrypted private key causes the same issue. Use -i to specify your key file. 5 is the current version on Homebrew). Another way is to start an SSH server as a secondary process. Environment Variable Description; SERVER_ED25519_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE required: Path to the server's host private key (ed25519). git RUN git --bare init && git --bare fetch [email protected]:****/*****. Gitea is a self-hosted git service written in Go that is comparable to other self-hosted git projects like Gitlab. RUN git clone git@git Dec 6, 2021 · To troubleshoot more git+SSH issues during the build, you can set. Not only does this defeat the idea of one process per container, it is also a cumbersome approach when using images from the Docker Hub since they often don't (and shouldn't) contain an SSH server. Location: /home/pythonssh/. Suppose your domain is yourgitea. Git Server in Docker. taichunmin/serveo-server can let you host your own serveo. Please, keep your key securely in GitHub secrets. RUN mkdir /root/. You want to ignore the standard private key and use one provided as an environment variable. web. /ssh-data folder into sftp server inside container. The codes of your projects are stored in a volume. An SSH bastion is a jump server accessible from the Internet that gives access to services in a private network. com PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentityFile ~/. With the same key, i am able to checkout the git code from the server through my local system. ssh folder into the docker container so that the host can authorize the SSH connections. It means that, it forwards your SSH auth schema to the remote host. yml file # Create a folder mkdir gitea # Navigate into it cd gitea # Create a docker compose file An Ubuntu Docker Image that has an SSH server installed Getting started To make it easy for you to get started with GitLab, here's a list of recommended next steps. sh deploy . ssh_host - Remote host name. This is a very important step, as ThinLinc uses a load-balancing system where it will tell your client to connect to the the ThinLinc server with the lowest load in your ThinLinc cluster. /etc/ssh/ssh_host_keys/ SSH_PORT: Listening port for SSH server (on container only. Log into the server through SSH. g. Jul 9, 2014 · I saw examples where id_rsa is added to the container, but I don't know where id_rsa is stored on their server, if it exists. 03. Jul 15, 2020 · check if this host can reach the ssh port on the other host; telnet 192. The problem lies with the command which only exists inside the docker container itself. This image is the golang official plus a SSH server that let us connect to the container and build projects. ssh seems to be important in some way. ssh\id_rsa it fails with Permissions for id_rsa are too open. Dec 21, 2017 · I added the Bitbucket server to the known_hosts file (and even ssh'd into the server from the container to double-check) I added my Bitbucket ssh key, which I've been using successfully on my machine and used successfully from an Ubuntu container; I added a config file in my user's . ssh/id_rsa RUN chmod 600 /root/. 113 command. Clients (users) can interact with the server using Git after adding their public SSH key to the Git-SSH server for authentication. nc -zv 192. SSH Server in Docker based on Alpine Linux Dockerized SSH bastion 🏯, with hardened defaults. Docker image for go development with SSH server. Run a container mouting a docker host directory in the /home volume and create all users required in the container to give restrictive ssh and sftp access to their /home subdirectory Dec 28, 2024 · Now when you curl localhost:3000, you should see the Gitea web page. gitl… C:\set GIT_SSH GIT_SSH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\ssh. Services are containerized using Docker, making it easy to deploy and manage. Sometimes you just want to host some local changes before publishing to the cloud, using a simple git server than can easily run on something as small as a Raspberry PI . That‘s where Docker comes in […] Git Server in Docker. This enables users to securely access any container via SSH within a cluster only via a single exposed port and provides full SSH compatibility (e. > So you can use SSH over there as if you were on your local machine. The Configuration section describes the various environment variables you can use to configure the OpenSSH server ssh_user - Remote user which should have access to docker. docker run --init --rm --name ssh-gateway -p 2222:22 -v /path/to/volume:/config:ro connesc/ssh-gateway Apr 30, 2014 · My key was password protected which was causing the problem, a working file is now listed below (for help of future googlers) FROM ubuntu MAINTAINER Luke Crooks "[email protected]" # Update aptitude with new repo RUN apt-get update # Install software RUN apt-get install -y git # Make ssh dir RUN mkdir /root/. Openssh-server is a sandboxed environment that allows ssh access without giving keys to the entire server. But installing and maintaining a production grade Git server can be complex and requires system admin expertise. tunnel Jan 25, 2025 · We'll create our Docker image and create a container with this single command: docker compose up --detach --build. Docker installed on your machine. ssh directory to tell git to use my ssh key This Docker image offers a very quick way of deploying a Gitolite / Cgit server. " As the output states, you can also set up a directory in the git user’s home directory that customizes the git-shell command a bit. A more tech-specific rule says a good backup strategy is to store your data in at least 3 different places - and for any git-data you own, that's a valid reason to use Gitty. \ssh. tunnelgroup: SSH_HOST_KEY_DIR: Location of where the SSH host keys should be stored. Sep 20, 2022 · To use the –ssh option with Docker Compose, you will need to be on at least Docker Compose v2. Changed my Dockerfile to: A simple SSH server implemented in a Docker container based on Alpine Linux. Aug 2, 2012 · Dockerfile to build an image containing XAMPP(MySQL + PHP + PHPMyAdmin) running on Debian system with SSH server - tomsik68/docker-xampp Nov 15, 2021 · The permission denied (publickey) line says that you're using ssh (which you asked for, so that's all good) and that your ssh called up GitHub's ssh server (ok so far), handed over your public key (it's supposed to do that), and then got the answer from GitHub: "This key is no good. ssh/id_rsa. From centos:centos7 . 5, build 633a0ea838 I am setting up a CI server to perform docker builds using remote git repositories via SSH I am attempting to use the synatx: sudo docker b… The docker user on your docker host - needs ssh access from your build machine Run . - git-ssh-server-docker/README. corp IdentityFile ~/. As a side-effect the client will be able to invoke custom commands the git server offers, for example ssh git@gitserver list or ssh git@localhost -p 50022 list if using WSL in windows on which the docker is installed. sshCommand "ssh -p 2222 -i <private-key-path>" This link explains how to do it for a specific repository. But when I run the docker build command, I get: Step 6/8 : RUN ssh-keyscan CODECLOUD_HOST >> ~/. It is recommended to use a docker volume for persistence because of file permission issues. com User git Port 2424 IdentityFile ~/. Users only have access to the folders mapped and the processes running inside this container. github. PUBLIC_KEY: the public ssh key for login. myco. sh delete Otherwise Create image and docker-compose. exe from C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin no command line options are shown. Feb 24, 2021 · I have installed gitea on docker (docker-compose) with traefik (v2. SSH_GROUP: Group name used for our SSH user. Jan 12, 2018 · supposingly you have your public ssh key in gitlab (if not add it) in your docker env though to the user that is used for jenkins add private key for testing, ssh to docker env from your local and execute same command as Jenkins is doing: You may bind the SSH daemon to a different port (2222 in the example) and mount a volume containing the servers keys and authorized_keys for the root user. Contribute to jkarlosb/git-server-docker development by creating an account on GitHub. Sep 23, 2023 · しかし、ssh接続を用いた認証で困るのはDockerで開発中のアプリのコンテナを作成したときです。 なぜなら、sshキーがコンテナ内に無いのでgitでpush等するときに毎回クソめんどくさい二段階認証をする必要があるからです。 Nov 24, 2022 · RUN apk update && apk add git && apk add net-tools procps openssh-client openssh-server. It provides an interface that is similar to Github but a solution that you host yourself. 201 22 In the 192. This first launch will create the server RSA keypair and make Gitolite initialization. As the image is for development purpose, git is installed and usable. This server allows users to connect via SSH with customizable usernames and passwords, making it ideal for development and testing environments. Host gitlab. Jan 23, 2022 · When running inside docker, one thing we can do is bind mount the host’s ~git/. ENV GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -vvv" Bypassing the host’s SSH agent. ssh/known_hosts. Apr 11, 2018 · You need to map container ssh server to other not occupied port of your host e. Why is there a IP addr(192. oqbvy safi vcwk nexaox nwttlw trlwoq gbvqppy aajpjy hgi tfwg aqbvmmv idq rbcgby mmvpt baybnoi