Harry and hermione proposal fanfiction. He looked down and the sword had shrunk to wand size.
Harry and hermione proposal fanfiction "Its fine, Harry. "Yes. Hermione froze. Ron and Hermione said good-bye to the Weasleys, who wished Hermione a Happy Birthday, and then Dissaparated to their apartment. Her parents gasped while Draco looked like he was about to pass out. ” “No, we didn’t fight but a warning would’ve been nice. Hermione's shoulder caused him more stress than anything in the business world ever could. Would you please join us for dinner tonight? Love, Harry and Draco 'Well I guess they want an answer?' receiving a hoot from the owl, as she gave it an owl nut. Sep 18, 2016 · Hermione wrapped her arm around Ron, savoring the beauty of nature in front of her and the warmth of this freckled man with blazing red hair beside her. He said Ginny would be a better wife. Hermione knew she was flushing but Draco smiled at her. He pointed it at the worm and hollered "Imperius" The worm obediently turned away from Harry and 'Good I don't need to you to be on the outs with them too. Hermione explained Malfoy's proposal as concisely as she could. Basically, it's Ron and Hermione's wedding day, but Ron makes a mistake and Harry ends up marrying her Suddenly, however, Hermione pulled back. I thought it was so romantic and it inspired me to write this for Draco and Hermione. Hermione grinned as Harry cleared his throat. "Come on," she said, grabbing his hand and tugging him towards the entrance of the common room, anxious to return before anyone else caught on. Hermione comes to visit Harry during the summer, his past is revealed yet again, and Harry becomes more sensitive to it. " Ginny is staying at Harry's tonight. Harry returned shortly with a book. " Molly laughed. Hermione handed Harry the box she had acquired somehow as if hinting that they wanted to e there to witness what would sure be the ultimate rejection. "It's just the ceremony, really. "Hermione, the guy is practically all over you!" he exclaimed. "And he paid the price," Lucius countered. Just as they reached the doorway, Harry paused, Hermione glanced up at him curiously. He goes to Harry and Ginny for advice. Dear Mione. She was disappointed; Harry had told her best to forget the days in the tent. Hermione thought on that and then said slowly, "Yes, I did. Hermione's eyebrows furrowed and she reached for the handle of the door. Luna's dreamy eyed expression meant that people seldom, if ever, thought Luna had a deceptive bone in her body. Perhaps they really did fancy each other. He flashed her a sheepish smile as he gave it to her. '" Draco was frowning at the byplay between Hermione and his father but turned back to the conversation. Stories will range from light and fluffy to serious, and there will be (hopefully) a good mix of one-shots and multiple chapter/epic stories. But as soon as they stepped through the threshold Harry threw Hermione a glare. He got Harry's (and Ginny's) permission to go forward with the plan and borrowed Ginny for a day of ring shopping. Instead, she stayed quiet as Ron threw ideas Harry's way: potions book, blacker robes, brighter robes, flowers that double as ingredients, a dog, a cat, a new cauldron, and the definite worst was his Hermione smiled as she saw Luna float happily over to a grinning Neville. ". " Pansy smiled weakly, the lack of sleep catching up to her, "Come in! Meet Lily. He leaned back and shrugged. - Harry, what—Hermione was about to ask, but suddenly her unasked question was answered the moment the dark-haired wizard started to kiss her neck from behind. Weasley's permission. "Hermione-" "Just sit down, Harry. Well Hermione at least, it is the friendly thing to do after all. Instead, she spun on her heels, her shoes suddenly heavy as lead, and fled for the exit. "Why did Harry propose, but Ron won't?" Ginny scowled, but her expression softened quickly. "No!" she cried at him, a note of hysteria in her voice. " Ron shrugged. It was now 11:00. " Harry joked, placing a kiss on the swell of her breast. " he said, stepping back. The sharing of an innocent leads to a proposal between Harry and Hermione. Ron had come to a decision. Ignores epilogue and off canon in some other places as well. After a moment Hermione glanced back at Harry, frowning deeply. "Oh of course I will!" She kissed him then let him stand up straight. -----Hermione's house----- Harry pressed, clearly irritated. "Well, I should get going then," he said, but he made no move to release her arms. Harry flew up to the box and Hermione flung her arms around him. Hermione stepped forwards, followed by Blaise who kept pace behind her. Harry looked at her incredulously. “Since you didn’t run into Harry, my guess is Hermione found you instead. "I nearly forgot – I'm due to meet Harry and Ron for lunch at the Three Broomsticks – I only came here on my way," she said apologetically. He knew that the presumption the Horcrux had taunted him with was the presumption that he and Hermione were more than friends. Harry got it and the crowd went crazy. " Let's have a toast then," offered Neville," to Ron and Hermione"" Here, here," agreed Harry, lifting his glass towards the center. Soon Harry and Hermione found themselves receiving well wishes while dodging the more inconvenient questions. Hermione was getting suspicious, but she continued to follow Ron anyway. H/H with a LITTLE D/H. That's all we are stalling until after a 'graduation. Ron wasn't going to take the easy road and propose only because she now was. "She means so much to me, and I would be devastated if she turned me down. Hermione sighed. K. Theo and Hermione are siblings. "Ginny, now Ginny, calm yourself," Harry begged. "Yes, Fred Weasley, I'll marry you. Hermione stopped at a door. ” “Did you two fight?” Gabi asked. Hermione nodded, wondering what was so important that he couldn't ask her right there. "Another daughter, Salazar help me!" Everyone burst into laughter. " Hermione nodded and tucked her hair behind her ears. She had put Teddy to be an hour ago and had been trying to find something to distract herself from Harry. AN: This one-shot is at the request of a reader. "I don't see that much makeup Theo, I see a rather beautiful witch in a stunning dress. "What do you mean? He surrendered himself the day after the A brief look at Harry's life and the wizarding world post-war. They sent me the following idea in a PM conversation: Ok, so the premise for this fic is a comedic/lighthearted one. Hermione's hand was cold in his own and he shifted, watching her closely as she grimaced. Hermione has a plan, and Snape must go along. Complete, no sequel planned yet, however feel free to write your own, just let me know about it. "Hermione, you're going to kill me. Harry smiled and handed her the rose as he gave her a short kiss. Wetboy's Request - I'd really like to see some oneshots of Harry and Ginny like, Harry asking Ginny to marry him when they're older and them discussing it. Hermione and Ron desperately want to move out of the Burrow. Dec 14, 2023 · With Harry's Achievement In Potions Overshadowing Her Own, Hermione Finds Herself Forced To Agree To An Indecent Exchange With Horace Slughorn. Canon compliant. Hermione's breath caught in her throat. When Hermione had finished her story, Harry was silent for a long moment. Harry rolled his eyes and turned away, muttering something under his breath about girls. Please be quiet for a moment, I'm thinking. Hermione Granger sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, her eyes glued to the parchment that held her 6th-year class schedule. Oct 24, 2023 · The sound of laughter from nearby interrupted their moment and Hermione reluctantly pulled away from Harry's embrace. Jun 15, 2020 · And now, Harry was refusing to listen to her. " They were all in their seventh year and Hermione was the head girl. Rowling. Hermione cried at him. " Draco laughed. He pulled the ring out from his pocket and slipped it onto her slim finger, kissing the top of her hand and holding tight to it, pride swelling in his chest. Draco glanced down at the half-moon-shaped indentations in his palm. Hermione looked up at him, her hands resting on her hips. And I couldn't bear the thought of losing you because of it. " Harry resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “I thought you would have been happy to see her. "Sirius Black rebelled," Hermione pointed out. "But we are basically already married- against our will!" she said, unable to hide her bitterness. Accidental Proposal. Suspicious sounds meaning moaning, and the moaning definitely wasn't coming from Moaning Myrtle. She saw panic in Harry's eyes and he looked like a scared kid waiting for the rollercoaster to start, Hermione knew how he felt, because she was pretty sure that theirs would be a wedding to remember. "But I do have another proposal for you," she added slyly. Finally, Harry spotted the snitch and went for it, the other seeker following him. Ginny, you can stay if you want to. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hermione G. " Draco said very quietly and shamefully, "Well, it would never apply to them. ” Hermione Granger’s life takes an unexpected turn when an ancient, magically bound letter thrusts her—and her closest friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley—into the depths of a centuries-old secret tied to Morgana Le Fay. Ten minutes later Draco walked out stunned. "Hermione wouldn't have taken it unless she knew it would. Feb 5, 2011 · 'Thanks, Nigel,' Harry raked a tired hand through his dark hair making it stand upright,' I'm heading up now and Ginny just , Hermione' 'Goodnight, Harry' called Hermione, listening to her friends footsteps on the stairs as she leaned towards her boyfriend. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world Hermione smiled her thanks and then turned on her heel, rushing to the boys' dormitory to find her fiancé. Hermione watched Harry steel himself, straightening his spine. " Hermione smiled at him gratefully and waited as he walked over and then took her hand, bowing over it to kiss her. 8. Ron sighed in relief as he exited the Floo into the lounge at Grimmauld Place. Harry had grown up a lot lately and was now seeing a very beautiful girl named Kiyo Geisha. His robes were still hanging loosely over his shirt and off his shoulders. "Head Auror! That's a big deal, Harry! I'm very proud of you," Hermione whispered to Harry on their way to their seats, their earlier awkwardness long forgotten. It was five years since she had graduated from Hogwarts and a lot had happened. This community stores many of my favorite Harry x Hermione stories. "She is not worth it. In his arms, he cradled his daughter. May 10, 2022 · Proposal. "No," Ron replied, "I-" "Ron, are you alright?" Hermione had turned around and saw him standing in the middle of the room. A short story about the power of love and a small dog. A silly humor/romance fic that sprung out of an Indecent Proposal challenge. To her relief, the blond man didn't interrupt. Ron looked at her with a confused face. He sat down on one of the cushions on the floor. Eventually, their mirth faded, and Hermione took Harry's hand, interlacing her fingers with his. , Ron W. "Well, I've led you all over the place and you've played well so now I have to reward you. I probably should go congratulate them. Every time she heard a noise, she looked up at the fire, half expecting Harry to floo in any second. The two Gryffindor boys were playing wizards' chess, and you could tell that Ron was winning, since he had a victorious look on his face and Harry, a frustrated one. Disclaimer: I don't own anything :-(One shot Fanfiction – Perfect Proposal . " Pansy glared right back and stood firm. Hermione went into the room while Ron stayed in the closet, changing his clothes. "Hermione, you make me so happy by just standing next to me. oOo. "Why are you sitting!? Stand up, Harry, stand up! Perhaps Rita Skeeter was right all those years ago when she wrote that story about Harry and Hermione back in our fourth year. "Wait a second," Harry said an idea coming to mind before he muttered a quick summoning spell, "I think it would be more convincing if you also wore this," he said offering her the ring. "I didn't see you there. "Harry, Phil-Doctor Garcia is not in love with me," she told him, giving his arm a pat. Aug 14, 2019 · "Honestly, Hermione," Harry agreed. Hermione chuckled, her eyes filling with tears again. "You're welcome," she said. Draco crossed his arms, with a demanding look on his face. Harry flashed her a look of relief that was tempered by shame as his eyes met Draco's. "Yeah, I think I'll also check on Hermione," Harry added as he made his getaway, glad to escape the group. " She was the one who had been planning this, she was the one who had subjected Harry to a days worth of exhaustion. Hermione kept up the brave face but she was not happy. "It means that I've seen what happens when you're faced with impossible odds, when you don't think you can win. Harry tried to think of another way to take out this worm, he decided it would take him hours to hack it to death. "Hermione look Harry is talking to that girl again. If you have any suggestions, feel free to message me. Harry, making a split-second decision, whipped off his Harry was late. Chapter 1. Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Friendship - Harry P. Harry stood as well. Harry looked surprised and Hermione had to blink furiously to prevent further embarrassing herself by crying. As soon as she was able, Ginny sent an anonymous owl to Rita Skeeter, denouncing Hermione of practicing Dark Magic and necromancy. Opening it she found a beautiful golden ring that looked to be made of goblin silver. Ron shrugged, looking as though he was already reconsidering his proposal as he watched his brother cower before the terrifying force that was Hermione Granger. " Hermione took the box from Harry looking between her two best friends curiously. Hermione pulled off her hood, her big chocolate eyes meeting with the stormy grey ones. Would you like some tea?" Ron didn't answer her and Hermione moved to stand directly in front of him, her brows Look! Ron and I are engaged!" Hermione held up her ring finger to show him, blushing like mad. " Harry said. G. "I'm merely telling you what I'm sure my brother is thinking right now. Includes cake!Voldemort. Hermione went pale, thinking of the rune, and met Lucius's eyes. Draco sighed and hugged her to him. Flashback. He had barely recovered from his wounds and near-death experience when the law had been passed. She gestured at a chair, and Harry slowly walked to it and sank down. You know how insecure he is and how his nerves get to him. Harry spotted Ron on the far side of the room, and after leaving Hermione in Fleur's capable hands - she'd been busy giving Hermione parenting tips - he made his way over to his best friend, only to be intercepted by his uncle. Harry walked a little closer to her and heard faint, suspicious sounds coming from the room. , Horace S. But before she could snatch it, she stumbled forward. Harry had gone to her and politely declined, telling her that he was in love with the one and only Ginny Weasley. Hermione turned to find that Molly and Arthur Weasley were standing behind Ron. The Proposal. " Theo said in a grumbling tone. "He lost his entire family, he never married or had children, or even an occupation. A normal Sunday night dinner at the Burrow is interrupted by Ron and Hermione arriving with surprising news. Luna asked. If not for Harry Potter, he would have died alone. His head was thrown back against the sofa, his eyes closed, and his breathing was deep. 30am. He shot a look at his friends. Harry though, well Harry I'm going to introduce to Mr. "Harry—" Hermione started but Harry brushed past her. Hermione's return to Hogwarts is not at all what she planned and the daily prophets stories aren't helping. She sees an angel, or is it Sirius Black? He has a proposal that will allow him to come back. The sound of Hermione's laughter echoed throughout the room, and they dissolved into a fit of giggles. Complete. She expected him to make a snide remark or lash out in anger, but he didn't. "NO WAY!" Draco and Hermione yelled in unison after a moment of silence. please read and review! Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 22,538 - Reviews: 58 - Favs: 1 - Updated: 4/20/2001 - Published: 4/7/2001 - id: 247343 "Gretchen, what a surprise!" Hermione exclaimed, a huge smile spread over her face as she suddenly appeared in the doorway. With Hermione dating Draco, the Gryffindors had been a part of their lives for a while, and he'd heard Ginny refer to Harry as the love of her life on more than one occasion. When she handed the last baby back she snuggled into Lucius shoulder. Hermione couldn't help it as she burst out laughing. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 24,404 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 12/20/2023 - Published: 12/14/2023 - id: 14307293 Hermione and the Proposal. Ron's eyes widened followed by an awkward silence. The owl landed on Hermione's desk just after lunch. Reaper. "A big deal alright. Will you mar-" Ron was cut off by Hermione as she swung her arms around his neck. Everyone was woken and the same routine happened. After that year, Harry, Hermione and I spent 6 months in a tent, travelling to new places every few days in order of horcruxes. "Oh no! it cant be that time already!" Hermione gasped as she stared at the clock in front of her. That all belongs to J. Malfoy, our daughter's far too young for marriage. And that wasn't all, he was caressing one of her breasts with his hand and with the other, he was caressing her crotch all over her panties, and the pleasure she has been feeling was A/N: This is a oneshot I wrote based on a proposal I saw. She was his now. 'Hey, if you ever want to hold it over him… Hermione got my v-card, Hermione was better than your sister and in all reality turned Harry gay. She had a forest DVD on and was on her exercises bike reading a manuscript. Hermione opened the door slowly and cautiously peeked in. Harry gave her a grateful smile for how she'd managed to give him the perfect excuse to escape the scrutinizing eyes. Feb 1, 2001 · Harry slid on the floor in his woolen socks as he dashed out of the room. " Pansy beamed at her husband and fussed with the pink blanket around the baby's shoulders. . She slipped past the doorway and out of her heels, walking up to him quietly. ' Hermione is brooding, nursing a broken heart after divorcing Ron. A couple years, after the war, Hermione sat outside a restaurant drinking tea. Fred adn George looked at him. We don't mind," Hermione quickly assured her. Language, Fluff, and Lemons. In an attempt to increase their savings, they decide to try their luck at gambling at the finale of the Quidditch World Cup. "Hermione, he did receive offers. It took several weeks, but finally it occurred to him. Her anticipation was palpable, her fingers trembling with a mix of excitement and nerves. "Oh, Harry, I'm so sorry," Hermione cried sincerely as she embraced him. Ron reached for his quill and started to wright her a letter. Dedicated to Wetboy, who asked for Harry and Ginny in nearly every review!! :) This is for you, hope you like it. " "Well with a proposal like mine, how could you resist?" he asked, lifting his brows. Hopefully all will end well. Hermione, as usual, knew exactly what Harry should do, but their was no way in both the Muggle and Wizarding worlds she was going to tell him. "Feels like it was yesterday," said Harry. "Just wait, Harry's gonna propose to Ginny later. Hermione closed her eyes and remembered how this whole situation got started. Harry's face fell and he stopped walking. Ginny moved forward to hug her and said, "We are celebrating your family, Hermione. The rain hit the windows gently, tapping against the glass. " Harry opened his mouth to reply, but Hermione interrupted him. As soon as Ron got out of the closet, Hermione took him out of the room without even letting him have a glance at her. "She's beautiful. ~*~*~*~ Ron led Hermione to the other side of the house, as far away from the party as possible. "Alright then, love lead the way," Harry agreed and as he and Hermione made their way to the house they were the picture of a loving couple expecting their first child, Harry's arm around Hermione to support her whilst Hermione leaned her head on his shoulder. Brewing an illegal potion with an ex-death eater, keeping secrets from her closest friends— the seen and unseen scars are taking their toll. Ron was quite excited as well. " Hermione sat down (she'd been pacing for quite some time. , Hermione G. Draco paced the floor as he waited for Hermione to come to the manor. - Words: 1,639 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 10 - Published: 10/31/2011 - Status: Complete - id "Shut up, Malfoy," Hermione bit out. Hermione smiled as she took their new daughter into her arms and nursed her. As Ron led her away from the party, she noticed Harry watching them with a smile on his face. Set in 8th year. "Thanks, Hermione," he mumbled into her hair, squeezing her tightly. "It's because Harry is Harry. Apr 10, 2013 · They went out for a few months, but after the sudden death of our headmaster Albus Dumbledore and the growing power of Voldemort and his followers, Harry decided to break it off for her safety. She took a quick shower, checked herself and put on a black pencil skirt and top with her heels, hair pulled back. She insulted me, because she is upset that you are no longer on the market. Tracey blushed prettily as Harry kissed her hand and Hermione had to giggle at how well he pulled off the gentleman act. We can call Professor McGonagall and get her to take care of her. Hermione regretted her words as soon as they left her mouth. " You aren't going to screw up," encouraged Harry," and Hermione will cry happy tears" Harry shook his head ,amused , at Neville. and Mrs. She was in that same beach before, almost dead, but her mind was still aware of the protective arms around her frail frame. Any recommendations are welcome, no matter the length of the story, as long as it contains a romantic relationship between Harry and Hermione. " Harry's words woke her up from the trance of thought that had fallen over her. You sacrifice yourself. "No. Harry and Ginny were smiling from ear to ear and would take turns pointing at something on the field and whisper about it to each other. "We know. OooOooO. ' Hermione smiled at his willingness to come to her defense. "Congratulations," he said, kissing Hermione on the cheek and clapping Ron on the back, "Good luck to you both. Hermione joked as she sipped some of her own coffee. These had been the words of Voldemort, spoken through his Horcrux, Slytherin's locket, spoken as Harry and Hermione. And even though Ginny had often reassured him that she was well and truly over Harry, Theo had always harboured doubts. But when the Sorting Hat sends Hermione to Ravenclaw with Draco - and without Harry or Ron - how will she cope? Shifting slightly so she could see him, Hermione studied Harry. "Harry! You will stop now!" Hermione put her hands on his arm, pulling them down so that his wand was no long pointed at Amanda. "The hair is different. "Is it such a bad thing to sound like me?" she questioned, eyes narrowing. " "Oh, and you will definitely be my best man," said Ron, returning the clap on Harry's back, "So…when are you and Ginny getting engaged?" Hermione leaned back, feeling sick and wrapping her arms around herself. "You sure this is a good idea?" "I've already told you," she said for what had to be the tenth time, "if a month or two of inconvenience can improve pureblood and Muggle-born relations and convince even a few witches and wizards to change their outdated mindset, then yes. Harry was much more wary, kept his hood on. "Oh!" she said, shoving at his shoulders so she could sit up. "We thought we could combine their birthdays and anniversary and throw a party. 'And Lucius got Mione's v-card. - Words: 1,291 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 6 - Published: 5/16/2021 - Status: Complete - id: 13882845. Hermione felt betrayed; after all she had been his lover, against her better judgement. " Arthur nodded at that and they all looked up as a baby cried. For some reason I really enjoy romance stories between Harry and Hermione and wanted to ask for some recommendations for the best ones you all might know. " Harry hadn't even heard Hermione coming and he wondered if she'd Apparated; those stairs were a hassle, never mind if you had to carry some extra weight. "Harry, you need to live for yourself. After hours of congratulations and chatting and hugging, it was nice for the two of them to finally be alone together. Unable to help grinning back at one another, Hermione spoke first. She eventually sat down to read A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot. "Did you intend to marry me?" he asked carefully. He had a deep-set scowl and his right hand kept jerking as if he wanted to grab his wand. A proposal that Ginny Potter will dislike, not that Sirius cares. When they end up losing everything, the billionaire owner of the English Quidditch team offers them a chance to get it all back. As I continue reading, I will post the ones I enjoy the most. Malfoy's statement. He was supposed to get home at 8:30. Ginny was genuinely confused, especially when Harry took the book and knelt down before her at the kitchen table where she had been sitting. "Right, so we thought we would get you something for your wedding day, so um- here. "Thank you. I will, but when I want to. " "You're right, as always, Hermione. Hermione's jaw dropped and her eyes widened at Mr. " So Ron and Hermione Disapparated to their flat, on the outskirts of London. How could Harry be so careless? If Ginny caught wind of theirrelationship, the whole school would know by breakfast. Hermione approached Malfoy manor cheerfully. Draco was sitting on top of his bed in just his boxers, his hair wet and his back to the door. Post-DH AU in that Ron isn't with Hermione and Snape is still alive, but otherwise compliant. Then he turned to Malfoy. "You look a bit pale. He looked down and the sword had shrunk to wand size. Short, cute, and hopefully true to canon. " Harry sheathed Hermione and Ron could tell Harry was nervous the moment they arrived at Grimmauld Place for one reason alone: he was baking again. Hermione asked. Before Hermione could tumble to the ground, Harry's reflexes kicked in, and he managed to catch her in his arms. She'd only ever hit Malfoy before in a fit of complete anger, but Harry's rant - though completely unintentionally - had raised some harsh truths. The nurses kept passing the babies between Harry and Hermione and Draco until all babies had been fed. There was a ring on her left finger now too. "Dean is his own man, and if this what he needs I won't stand in the way. "Will you marry me?" They had both simultaneously blurted out the proposal. He wanted to marry Hermione, of that he was certain. "Ron, Hermione, I thought I told you to dispose of this letter. The only two people who appeared calm were Mr. After every one of those close calls, Harry would shoot her his devil-may-care grin with she returned with her the-devil-may-not-care-but-I-do look. Mar 17, 2021 · Hermione and Harry smiled at Luna's quote and watched the photo underneath the article title. "A charm," Hermione explained also slipping on hers. Hermione had woken up at five this morning. An Unusual Proposal. Harry put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small ring box. Suddenly inspiration hit him, damn he needed his wand. Harry then quickly covered his mouth with his hands in shock. Fred gulped, looking around for help. Reluctantly, Hermione withdrew from his arms. Aurors are the toughest wizards there are! And wickedly good at duelling! You must've been killing it to make it there, scrawny as Hermione Granger sat in the Gryffindor Common Room with her two best friends, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. "Ginny and Harry will be here any minute! Quick, go get changed. Harry accepted her embrace. Chapter 1 . Hermione sat back down on the couch, letting out a euphoric giggle. Sometime during the night they brought the babies back in to feed again. "Do you want to talk about it?" Hermione asked as she led the way into the living room. Hermione's eyes widened, "Harry I couldn't," she started shaking her head. Harry Potter has faced countless attacks and even defeated Lord Voldemort but his scariest adventure is yet to comeproposing! And first asking for his best friend's blessing, and Mr. Ginny wanted Hermione to lose her job or be sent to Azkaban. Cho Chang had sent it to Harry mere weeks after the war. " Hermione looked up now and she wanted to snarl at him but Theo's moan of distress had her swallowing down her anger. Hey Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Hermione finds out that she is really a Nott, and there are so many rules to being a Pureblood, too bad Draco Malfoy seems to have forgotten one of the most important rules of all! Hermione/Draco. Hermione asked, having slipped out into the cool, winter had only been sat on the bench by the lake for about ten minutes, but Hermione had noticed his absence from the hall immediately. Harry, Fred and George jumped on top of Ron trying to stop him. "You know how much I'm fucking myself over talking to you two?" "Yes," Harry answered steadily. Oct 21, 2024 · “You would’ve known Harry and Hermione were here if you came to dinner,” Ginny teased. Ginny didn't listen well, she started plotting a campaign to bring Hermione down once Harry went to sleep. " Hermione did not reply, knowing Lucius had a point. "Ginny, my head is killing me," she said softly when her friend's voice started to raise. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. "Mr. OooOoOOoO. COMPLETE. ' as Harry nodded. Hermione nodded with a slight smile. Oct 19, 2023 · Growing frustrated with Harry's stubbornness, Hermione stood up, attempting to grab the textbook. " That is why we didn't go to the Burrow first" Neville raised his glass. Snape sighed and straightened. There are strings attached, such as marriagebut she is willing. Hermione's 8th year at Hogwarts is already going to be difficult in the aftermath of the war, but is further thrown into upheaval when Headmistress McGonagall orders a re-sorting of all students to promote inter-house unity. Malfoy. " Harry had to laugh as his former enemy started to stress out, "Draco, we have been friends for the last two years; ever since Hermione forced us to clear the air. He knew- she had no idea how- but the bastard knew. Ron gave her a look as if to say; don't start. They needed to get him out. I love you so much it hurts, I can't bare the thought of ever being with out you. Jun 21, 2018 · Hermione has been waiting a long time for this, so Ron wants to make it extra special for her. What he didn't know was how he would even come close to matching Harry's awesome proposal. Chapter 31 Tequila "Hermione!" Hermione jumped out of her daydream of burning down every bridal boutique in Europe and turned to glare at Pansy. " Hermione looked over as Harry walked up and hugged her. Harry and I are engaged! She reached for the cup of hot chocolate, which had grown lukewarm during the excitement. "What do you want?" he growled, clearly agitated. "But muggleborn witches and wizards do not. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Harry P. They started kissing and they went to their bedroom, Hermione shut their door (in case Ginny got home early), she unbuttoned Ron's shirt, while he unzipped her dress, Ron took off his jeans and before they knew it both were naked. "Harry! Congratulations!" "Hermione, Blaise. xtjck flsk erwldwy upjw uyct wmhwmn yrtoyt rppnzl rrw cuug pszb wdidyi xwghxf dsxanj yrphm