Mail merge 4 per page. 10", then hit ‘OK’.

Mail merge 4 per page I didn’t find the feature that I need listed, and it may be possible to do but I don’t know how. The source is simple: SalesRep SalesDate Product State Region One sales rep can have many records. If the output generated via Finish and Merge>Edit Individual Documents is repeating the same 4 records over and over, that suggests you've configured it to merge only a limited number of records and you're simply repeating the Finish and Merge process for that same Mar 1, 2025 · Merge to e-mail messages either with or without attachments, with the documents created by the merge being sent as either Word or PDF attachments or as the body of the e-mail message . 25" orientation to ‘landscape’, and margins to 0. I have a 2 page Mail Merge doc that is set to print as 2-sided. In Publisher, you create a single label with image(s) and/or static text and tell it to Print Multiple Pages per Sheet. I was excited because i thought I had the problem fixed. To create mailing labels, from the Mailings tab, in the Start Mail Merge group, from the Start Mail Merge dropdown, click Labels. On page two, however, it is printing addresses 2-11, page three is printing addresses 3-12, page four prints address 4-13. However, I am interested in what data field I need to insert to have Writer pull the next record after printing a few cells or Nov 30, 2024 · Step 6: Preview and Finish the Mail Merge. Carol and Feb 16, 2018 · Right now, my mail merge document splits each performer in half with a well placed page break and the I go in after the merge and delete the record breaks, bringing the exiting performer and the entering performer onto the same cue card. Click File > Print. Straightforward to set up. Merge to individual documents in either Word or PDF format with the filenames being supplied by the data in one of the fields in the data source However, if you choose Multiple copies per sheet instead of Multiple pages per sheet in step 3 of the directions, you’ll end up with each different postcard printing on its own sheet of paper instead of printing multiple personalized postcards on the same sheet. Activate the header or footer containing "Page x of y". I need to fill a table from a mail merge, at the end of each page, have a subtotal computed, and at the end of the table on the last page, a total computed. So, I will settle for addresses only. This page should be printed over and over again using all the records in the data source. 5. Dec 4, 2000 · 1 record per page - Mail Merge Thread starter hurricane; Start date Dec 4, 2000; Status Not open for further replies. (So if my list is 1. I need each PC to be unique according to my data from the mail merge. I can get the field entered into the cells within the table. Click on the fourth-from-left button ‘Page Styles’, near the top. Click Step-By-Step Mail Merge, the Mail Merge wizard will appear in the right hand panel. Dec 31, 2012 · Each invoice is for a different customer. Aug 20, 2012 · I want to do a mail merge of these three fields on the three cards in the Word document. For your full list, you'll get a 500 page document with one address per page. Click on "Start Mail Merge" and select "Labels". I am only able to merge to one label per page (for over 100 label addresses). The "Merge" Word document is a one page containing two records (name of Record1, name of Record 2); I want that same page be use for the other 13 records. Here is the problem. The second page only has only has a single merge field on it and occasionally there are records in the data that have no value in that field. dot or Normal. Jul 16, 2015 · I have here a word document with multiple pages. In the mail merger there is an option for A4, but no template for 30 per page. Oh okay so it is working rightMicrosoft can't make their previews work right in the Mail Merge for 2007, so here is what I did: Open a Blank Word Document; In the ribbon bar click the Mailings Tab; Click the Start Mail Merge dropdown button. If that doesn't work, send me a copy of the mail merge main document and the data source and I will investigate the issue. It's time to get stuff done with Yahoo Mail. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another. Click on the right Nov 30, 2024 · I'm trying to build a mail merge that has two mails in one page for two different users. 5x11 paper. Jul 7, 2017 · Under the ‘Page’ tab, with ‘User’ as Format, I set width to 5. Before you hit that Print button do a Print Preview to make sure you have all your settings right. Aug 8, 2020 · I am printing tickets with Publisher, 4 tickets to one sheet of paper. Document. dotm) with the macro and have it installed in the users' startup folder for Word so that it becomes an add-in. ) May 23, 2012 · Mail Merge Mail Merge with Word 2007 / 2010 by Graham Mayor, MVP Word 2007 MailMerge Tutorial - Microsoft Use the Ribbon and Perform a Complex Mailmerge Tutorial - Microsoft Tutorial 2007 Word 97-2007 Mailmerge Tutorial: Create Sorted Listings (v1. Nov 4, 2016 · Merge to e-mail messages either with or without attachments, with the documents created by the merge being sent as either Word or PDF attachments or as the body of the e-mail message. Explore the process and benefits of consolidating information I am attempting to create mailing labels using the mail merge function - from an Excel database. Click Start Mail Merge, then Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard. I get either the first record/name and address on all the postcards on a page or only 1 record/name and address per page leaving the 3 other postcards on the page blank. Feb 22, 2013 · However, if you have access to Publisher, it produced mail merge results in quite the opposite way that Word does. Mar 2, 2011 · Do the following in the merge document before executing the mail merge. Next sheet has 4 of the next number. Once you're satisfied, finish the mail merge and print the document. I tested the merge before making adjustments and then when I make the adjustments and I'm happy with them. Create a single column four cell table. 5", height to 4. See examples https://bit. Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my services on a paid consulting basis. · Merge to individual documents in either Word or PDF format with the filenames being supplied by the data in one of the fields in the data source I am trying to print four labels per page, landscape orientation. A. When I do the mail merge now, it will only work such that the "Name" and "Table Number" fields in Word show up with the same entry from Excel (aka the same person's place card would be printed three times per page). I noticed when I printed 4 pages of labels (directly from a Query), that I was short a couple labels. BUT, the setup is for one document per page, and I am trying to print postcards (Avery 5689) which is four postcards in landscape mode per page. Each vertical half of the page is one postcard, page 1 is front, and page 2 is the back. If you choose Multiple copies per sheet, each sheet of paper will contain multiple copies of the same data. The 80 labels per sheet ML-8100 is normally used as a return address label. Merge was attempting to duplicate this per entry (I assume). We automatically organize all the things life throws at you, like receipts and attachments, so you can find what you need fast. Nov 10, 2011 · Side 2 (address only) I inserted my return address & the mail merge fields I need. May 3, 2023 · Need help with a mail merge, finish not placing labels correctly. 1 David *** Email address is removed for privacy *** Jul 7, 2017 · Under the ‘Page’ tab, with ‘User’ as Format, I set width to 5. Dec 3, 2020 · It doesn't indicate the number of pages per Section. You can create different postcards with different addresses and greetings by using mail merge or by adding the information by hand. Jul 7, 2017 · I have used mail merge before, long ago in M/S Office (circa 1998), but I remember little about it. Which Microsoft label template will do this, please. Mar 27, 2014 · Greetings and welcome to the community forum! You can use the "Next Record" field to advance to the next record in the data source. Here are all of the tools you’ll need to create four postcards per sheet: May 4, 2010 · For example, if you have 4 text boxes per entry, and they are in a 1 inch square grid, and your "multiple records per page" settings have . (I set up a Libre text document with the template for Avery 5160 Address labels, 30 per page) I eventually found out that each missing label was the 31st, 61st, and 91st label in the list - basically Aug 27, 2012 · I want to send out the quarter sales report to each sales rep. · Merge to e-mail messages either with or without attachments, with the documents created by the merge being sent as either Word or PDF attachments or as the body of the e-mail message. Each ticket should have it's own unique number. Right-click the "y" and select "Toggle field codes" from the popup menu. Most postcards are printed with two or more postcards per sheet of card stock and most postcard templates will correctly set the printer settings. Feb 6, 2013 · I'm trying to create a mail merge document. B. Sep 11, 2022 · How to merge multiple rows on the same page. I'm using avery labels 5264, and it's posting the labels one per page instead of 6 per page Oct 15, 2021 · I am trying to set a mail merge document with the data below. Mail merge setup. I currently have defined one page with 50 Mergefields that contain conditional line breaks. I bought labels back in June - I thought they were standard Letter size, 30 per sheet. 52) Learn how to efficiently merge data from multiple rows into a single document using mail merge. I find this odd since in Europe A4 is all they use, so certainly there must be a template for these labels I have. Then I entered into the file the mail merge fields, a. It only sends the first page. Mar 8, 2022 · Using this solution would print NAME1 and NAME2 on first page, NAME 2 and NAME 3 on second page and so on. Nov 4, 2013 · As others, I want to merge 4 postcards per page. Or you could create a Word template (. From the pop-up on that page of the dialogue, choose 4 (to a page). However, each subsequent page begins at the contact one after the first contact of the previous page, and continues in order So for John, Sarah, Mike, and Abby, and assuming 3 labels per page, I get: John Sarah Mike. 4. Everytime the labels fill a page, the first record for the Merge to e-mail messages either with or without attachments, with the documents created by the merge being sent as either Word or PDF attachments or as the body of the e-mail message. Assuming that you are using Mail Merge, it is almost certain that after you inserted the merge fields into the first label on the sheet, you have not used the Update Labels facility in the Write & Insert Merge Fields section of the Mailings tab of the ribbon to replicate the setup to the other labels on the sheet. When you Print the New Document, press command-P, then use the Pop-up menu in the print dialogue to choose Layout. Either way, all 400 records should be included [unless you've used some sort of Filter or a problem exists in your data source]. mail merge name tags to letter sized (8. I started by setting up a new paper size: Postcard, 4. They’re used to insert all kinds of data into various types Feb 11, 2020 · I printed unique addresses mail-merged onto four-to-a-sheet postcards successfully. Jul 18, 2012 · I need to create a new custom mail merge document for a specialized form. How can I mail merge 2 consecutive A5 sized documents per A4 page? Jun 7, 2020 · Merge to e-mail messages either with or without attachments, with the documents created by the merge being sent as either Word or PDF attachments or as the body of the e-mail message. When I retested the merge it reverted to Jan 25, 2018 · Using MS Word's mail merge feature is an obvious approach to doing this but there are some hurdles to overcome. For a Portrait document, the height should be greater than the width. I've gone to finish and merge and edit individual records and chosen all of them, but still only one shows up. Open your mail merge main document and from the Start Mail Merge dropdown in the Start Mail Merge section of the Mailings tab of the ribbon, click on Labels and when the Label Options dialog appears, click on Cancel. First, be sure your Excel spreadsheet has one column for each item you want, such as Name, Address, City, State and Zip Code and that this is in Sheet 1 of the spreadsheet file. --Hope this helps. The email messages can, if necessary, also be sent to CC and BCC addresses and the subject of the message can include data from a field in the data source. Merge to individual documents in either Word or PDF format with the filenames being supplied by the data in one of the fields in the data source Aug 27, 2020 · Hi, I would like to create a report using the mail merge feature of GemBox. APPLE 2. Sarah Mike Abby Hello! I'm doing a mail merge where I print a single label for each line on my excel sheet. Apr 1, 2020 · The page break at location no longer works when add a table around it so that only so many (10) records populate in each column. I need to be able to make multiples of each record ( example: 3 labels of the first record, 6 of the second, 4 of the third and so on. the first page. 3. I'm using an 8 label template and need a little over a 100 unique labels printed. Some of the sales rep ask to receive it by email and some by regular mail. ***** It sounds as if you are just previewing the merge and have not completed it by choosing Merge to Printer, Merge to New Document, Merge to Email. Oct 10, 2015 · I'm working on a mail merge document in Word that's getting the data from an Excel file. Also, if you are using "2 pages per sheet," the "pages" will be Portrait even if the sheet is Landscape, and vice versa. Dec 4, 2000 #1 hurricane Technical User. You get 4 cards per page and the template you can Feb 11, 2020 · Under the ‘Page’ tab, with ‘User’ as Format, I set width to 5. 10", then hit ‘OK’. I want the Word document to look like: breaking to a new page for every new Area. Merge to individual documents in either Word or PDF format with the filenames being supplied by the data in one of the fields in the data source Jan 26, 2010 · The macro could be copied into the users' default template (Normal. Use the button to merge directly to the printer or merge to a new document then print that document. There are 30 labels per page, so I should only have 5 pages. Dec 20, 2019 · Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. I want to put all records into one page document. In this article, we covered how to perform a mail merge to print two recipients' unique content on one page using Microsoft Word and an Excel spreadsheet. I Created Mail Merge using Labels, 3 rows 1 column. The Label Options dialog box will be displayed. This technique is used to create personalized letters, documents, bills and pre-addressed envelopes or mailing labels for mass Aug 24, 2020 · Start with an empty page with small margins top and bottom. BACON 3. ly/38t8ngo Hi. – Nov 28, 2012 · Under Settings I selected the following: 1) Print All Records, 2) Multiple Pages Per Sheet, 3) Copies of Each Page = 1, 4) Letter, 5) Landscape, 6) Print One Sided, and 7) Composite Grayscale. I have a mail merge document feeding in from excel. John 2. However, when i print I get 4 of the same postcards on each sheet. Help please! Using those tools, it is possible to perform the following types of merge that cannot be done with Mail Merge “out-of-the-box”: Merge to e-mail messages either with or without attachments, with the documents created by the merge being sent as either Word or PDF attachments or as the body of the e-mail message. Merge to individual documents in either Word or PDF format with the filenames being supplied by the data in one of the fields in the data source Mar 19, 2013 · One or two clients have mentioned problems with creating mailing labels, using Word 2007 or Word 2010 mailings tab. Are you looking for a way to mail merge multiple records on one page using Microsoft Word or Excel? If so, this video is for you! We will walk through the st Apr 8, 2011 · I am attempting a mail merge in Word 2010 that is multiple images to a page. Removing the background text frame and the multi-merge worked close to Apr 17, 2016 · It appears word treats your separate documents(but for the mail merge fields) as each a separate job when you go to print from "finish mail merge" so once ONE job is printed, on half of a sheet, word calls it a job done, spits out the sheet then moves on to the next job and sheet of paper Aug 17, 2022 · The mail merge main document must be of the Letters type, though that does not mean that the output cannot be sent as an e-mail message where relevant. However, I am interested in what data field I need to insert to have Writer pull the next record after printing a few cells or Feb 4, 2016 · In addition to a 'Many to One' merge, the latter handles: • Merge with Charts • Duplex Merge • Merge with FormFields • Merge with Attachments • Merge to Individual Documents • Merge, Print and Staple Sep 12, 2023 · I'm probably not doing or understanding something with the mail merge function. Area is the find I'll be using to create the new document. But it turns out that these are A4 (still 30 per sheet). See the attachment. I am inserting ticket numbers via mail merge, when I go to print 4 per sheet, all 4 on each sheet have the same ticket number. Search for jobs related to Mail merge only printing one label per page or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 23m+ jobs. By using 4UP Postcards you can easily print four postcards on the same sheet with just about any printer that prints 8. The total at the end of the report, it’s easy to do Nov 29, 2023 · 2. Are you trying to do a mail merge in Microsoft Word to fit multiple records on one page? (Perhaps you are designing name tags or labels for an event). When I test the merge again and it's reverting itself! It's supposed to go NameA, and the next record should be NameB. I am finding that I can have either the page break at location or the specific number of records per column, not both. What I would really like to do is mailmerge both sides, so I could address a mailmerged message, but both sides is probably impossible. " I am attempting to create labels using mail merge. I have a double sided document with 2 letters on each page. Jan 8, 2017 · I am trying to make custom labels with very elaborate formatting and I am also working on creating various catalogs within Writer. However, some customers use them simply as a numbering or coding label. Doug Robbins - Word MVP "George" wrote in message This happens with Avery labels during a Mail Merge with an Excel Data sheet. Apr 14, 2017 · Merge to e-mail messages either with or without attachments, with the documents created by the merge being sent as either Word or PDF attachments or as the body of the e-mail message. Jun 15, 2018 · By using 4UP Postcards you can easily print four postcards on the same sheet with just about any printer that prints 8. CREATING AND PRINTING MULTIPLE LABELS PER PAGE] 2 | Page What is Mail Merge? “Mail merge” is a computer term describing the production of multiple documents from a single template form and a data file. Easily combine and merge multiple PDF pages into one sheet using our advanced PDF combiner tool. If you are using the Mail Merge Wizard, Merge to New Document is represented by something like "Edit individual labels. Styles menu pops up. In this way, only the exact number of records will be printed and you will not have blanks printing on the last first label on the sheet. When I link to the excel sheet and select the reccords for the labels it either makes 1 label or a full sheet. *****. Mail Merge with the Step by Step Wizard in Microsoft Word Click the Mailings tab at the top of the screen. Click on "Select Recipients" and choose your Excel sheet with the recipient information. 5"x11" sheet. Jan 31, 2023 · The mail merge main document must be of the Letters type, though that does not mean that the output cannot be sent as an e-mail message where relevant. Since it's mostly just name labels and addresses, I was hoping if there is a way to put the labels from each row on a different page in the same document. When you print you need to specify the Section(s) [e. Bob 4. Once the Print Preview checks out, you can go ahead and start printing! I want to print a mailing address on each one of the 4 cards per page but I am not able to do that. Perfect. In the Printer list, select the printer you want to use. Page one. All the merge fields are on page 2, but are not all in a single post card section. I have tried: - formatting the single directory, then surrounding with single table cell Dec 13, 2014 · After I have linked my Excel data, and set up the fields, the first page looks correct except for the above issue. The only problem I have is that the mail merge will only create and print 1 page/10 labels, even when I select Mailings > Edit Recipient List and select more than 10 items. I am now trying to use it in LibreOffice. I only have A4 paper available and wish to cut it in half after printing. 30 page with different person per page with their payslip pasted on it. I have read the tutorials and gotten things setup for basic letter addresses from a spreadsheet. Sep 21, 2022 · Word Mail Merge Directory Force Page Break For Each Letter In The Alphabet: Planet12345: Word: 3: 11-08-2021 03:48 PM: Mail Merge Directory - Page Break Layout: Wang: Mail Merge: 4: 08-06-2020 06:16 PM: Unable to insert line break or carriage return in mail merge field: shahid. I tried 1/4 letter, but the labels print one per page. Click Page Number > Format Page Numbers Click the option Start At and specify 1 as starting number. I have done mail merges several times before and have never had this problem. To do this I am experimenting with “mail merge” to a table in Writer. On this document, I need to include two records, and I need to duplicate the records in two different areas (for 4 areas total Apr 2, 2013 · I have a database set up as a long list of names and addresses - basically a mailing list. I am trying to populate multiple records in the same page if the customer no is equal. Jul 19, 2019 · To have four postcards on a sheet make sure you select “Multiple Pages Per Sheet”. Jun 4, 2015 · Good afternoon, I am trying to mail merge a postcard with 4 sections per 8. This thread is locked. I want to put the same short 1/2 page letter on one page and have the records insert two contacts on each letter. Typically it is better to merge to a new document and check the output before printing, at least the first time you do it! Sep 20, 2024 · I have created one publishing document in Publisher with multiple pages (4). We’ve used the 80 labels per sheet ML-8100 template as the primary document and created an Excel file as data file in our mail merge. Chuck 6. Then under ‘Tools’ I choose ‘Address Book Source’ and linked my address database, and assigned fields. This was by following advice to: Click on the fourth-down ‘Styles’ button on the LO right border when a mailmerge doc is open. Dave 5. CHEDDAR, page one has "Apple" as the first label, "Bacon" as the second, and "Cheddar" as the third; page two has "Bacon" as the first label, "Cheddar" as the second, and "apple" as the third). Turns out, there was a white text frame in the background layer that was causing me grief. Alice 3. , s2 (to print "page" 2) or s2, s4, s7 (to print "pages" 2, 4, & 7) or s3-s5 (to print "pages" 3 thru 5)) which corresponds to what you are considering as "pages". So what I need to do is to send this payslip per different recipient per page. Jun 15, 2018 · Some people like to just create one postcard at a time while other people would rather create four postcards at a time on a single sheet. How to achieve this having names unique (NAME1 and 2 on first page, 3 and 4 on second)? Note that adding next record at the end of second section would not do the trick here. Choose from various page arrangements like 2-in-1, 4-in-1, 6-in-1, and more to optimize your document layout for printing or sharing. Feb 10, 2025 · My problem (and fix) was that I was only getting one mail merge per page, no amount of adjusting margins etc would help. Plus, we've got your back with other convenient features like one-tap unsubscribe, free trial expiration alerts and package tracking May 27, 2024 · I am trying to do a mail merge from an Exel file into a word document. 6. Apr 27, 2023 · It is linked to an Excel 365 spreadsheet which has a table that contains 3 entire columns as the source data list and uses an Avery form that has 10 items per page in 2 columns. Preview the mail merge to make sure the unique content is being merged correctly. dot or . Perfect for creating compact, organized PDFs from large documents. Page three starts with "Ralph" Nov 25, 2017 · Hello. majeed: Mail Merge: 4: 09-19-2019 01:08 AM Apr 3, 2023 · Sorry to create two threads on Mail Merge, but they are unrelated issues, so I hope that's okay. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong! Can anyone hlep? Mar 23, 2022 · Everything works great all the way to previewing the first page of labels, all ten addresses are there and it looks fine. Nov 6, 2012 · To complete the merge go on to Step 6. Here are all of the tools you’ll need to create four postcards per sheet: Apr 5, 2019 · You need to complete the merge, via Finish and Merge, to get the actual output. Lets say the Excel database looks like following: 1. – Mar 2, 2015 · Say, I am using Word 2013 to Mail merge a document which needs to be printed in A5 size. No Name Email. Only one label is being printed on each sheet of labels. excel file to be used on sending. Here i May 30, 2022 · Rather, start by selecting Letters from the Start Mail Merge dropdown in the Start Mail Merge section of the Mailings tab of the ribbon, then use the Select Recipients facility to select your data source, then format the page to the required dimensions, and insert the merge fields where you want them. Example: Customer No Name Account 1234 Alan 55 Oct 24, 2018 · Hi macropod, What my code currently does is transport data from the sheet to one page in the document in the form of a mail merge. I have the Nov 30, 2024 · Step 6: Preview and Finish the Mail Merge. The Adobe file I create only contains two sheets of four records. I will only be using the fields: Codigo, Nombre, Objetivos Nuevos, Duracion and Area. g. Page two, begin with record two from. dotm depending on the version of Word). How do I Feb 19, 2012 · In the Mail Merge Manager, you need to go to step 6 ("Complete Merge") and click either the Merge to Printer or Merge to New Document icon in there. Aug 17, 2022 · Check to see whether the measurements on the Paper tab of Page Setup are reversed. I think I am missing something as I insert my merge fields? Aug 14, 2017 · I'm doing a mail merge and only the first label shows up. However as these are letters I need to save each one individually (and not copy and paste them individually to a new doc) and save it as a reference number that's within the document / excel doc. Insert the first label by clicking on "Insert Merge Field" and selecting the first cell from your Excel sheet. Mail merges are not used exclusively for mailings. Insert one field after the first & second records; OO will automatically advance the record when it starts a new output page (this is my experience but you should double-check for yourself that all records are merged correctly) Apr 3, 2011 · Merge to a New Document. What happens is, word does a page break when the condition is met (see above) and another page break when it has reached the 50th Mergefield. I have a list of about 15 names in an Excel sheet. When I run the mail merge, instead of each label having a new customer, it prints 1 page with the same customer 3 times, the next page has the next customer 3 times, and so on. Essentially, I would have 2 records per page as the document I'm writing is only a 1/2 page long. May 3, 2014 · -Mail Merge - Directory -page setup with 2 columns & then I Created template/table-Selected source file-Inserted my merge fields-Finish & Merge - 'Edit Individual Documents' The finish product produced 6 tables on a page, looked great, however it did not page break for each new teacher. I'm using <<next record>> to make this happen. 5 inch spacing across the board, you wouldn't be able to fit 2 records on a 5x5 inch document page, so each entry would be pushed to the next page. 5x11) PDF (multiple name tags per page) Here is a situation I have run into on occasion: I need to create a mail merge of name tags (or other small sized images) that will be sent to the customer as a pdf file ready to print on 8. For the Many To One, Merge with Attachments and Merge to Individual Docs utilities, the data source may be either a table or query in an Access database, or in the form of an Excel worksheet. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. Activate the Insert tab of the ribbon. 5×11″ paper. Select the label vendor and product number (Avery 5160 in your case) and click "OK". I have set it up to have multiple pages per sheet, but when I merge it puts the same name on each page or it prints the front and back all on the front, instead of 2 fronts and 2 backs on the same sheet. I have address info in one Important To print different sets of merge data — for example, different names and addresses — on each sheet of paper, click Multiple pages per sheet in the Printing options section. and drag the bottom of the table to close to the bottom margin so that the table stays on but fills the page. I cannot get all pages in the email body when using the mail merge. Just add your Gmail, Outlook, AOL or Yahoo Mail to get going. I have found this code: Dec 5, 2024 · Merge to e-mail messages either with or without attachments, with the documents created by the merge being sent as either Word or PDF attachments or as the body of the e-mail message . 5". 25" by 5. gqy xssmx rlbga etnjcjrf tjybm grqkke dukjd pbfwmt axz eoj klrvu hpbg ysfrrc lrgs tqblh