Mx5 reset base idle It doesn’t seem to be dropping anymore, however. There are lots of hints and tips in this Nov 16, 2014 · Picked her up the next day and it does not drop idle any more. Also the Idle Adjuster Screw was turned up to maximum idle. Mar 8, 2010 · the Miata uses timing to fine tune the idle speed, as it responds faster than the idle solenoid. May 11, 2015 · MK3 2007 RED & CARBON WRAPPED 1800GT 1st at MX5 OC 2018 Spring rally lightly modified section now gone! MK1 '91 Classic red 1. For example: say your car is warm and a fan comes on and the alternator places a slight load on the motor. 7AFR I was idling at. A couple of days ago my wife called me and said the Miata was running funny. So I gturned down the idle screw so that it was idling, albeit loping at around 850/900. 4 Remove link. Everything works good except the idle. Feb 23, 2013 · When it's warm it's OK-ish, but if you are on a hill the idle will droop and bounce around a lot. 6 Mk1 Eunos 1991 JRSC in classic red. Idle did greatly improve with the ISCV clean but after setting the idle at the recommended 800, I drove the car for about 10 minutes and it hangs around 1100. 6 and 1. Bill_Michie 13 February 2015 12:19 6 Mar 8, 2010 · I didn’t apply a lot of pressure. Peter Apr 26, 2014 · I’m having an idle problem on my JR supercharged Mk1 1. Lots of threads on here and discuss if base idle but the idle does not change whether clutch is depressed or not so my understanding is the base idle reset is irrelevant at this stage. But it does it from the 850 RPM base you set. 5, whether hot or cold, never drops idle smoothly when you come to a stop, It drops to 1000rpm, sits there for 5-10 seconds,then drops down to 850rpm and settles. I just went to adjust the base idle there. Recently bought a 93 plate 1. When I push on the clutch pedal the rpms drop right away but only to about 1,500 and then after half a minute or so the idle then drops to 1,000ish. have an 02 NB 5 speed manual. The problem is after about 700 RPM the idle adjustment screw has no effect. Mar 8, 2010 · I picked up a pretty nice 95 with less than 100,000 miles. . Sep 20, 2010 · Ifyou have to add more base timing to get it to 18-20 deg for a lrg cam the idle will increase when adv timing so if that happens idle it back down low again to 600rpm max and i bet the base timing will need 1 more tweak to get it back into the 18-20 deg range with idle still at 600rpm. Engine, Transmission, Exhaust etc. That allows the ECU to set the idle correctly for engine temperatures and to try to compensate for issues like bad fuel trims and what not. Sep 5, 2011 · Have refitted original TPS unit, initially tried setting throttle plate . Spark plugs were changed. when car is fully warmed up. Back to the garage that tested it the year before and registered 1. 6 Eunos Meisterr's nothing to report! now gone! MK1 '91 Classic red 1. I replaced all of the plugs and also cleaned the TB with safe cleaner. If the engine remains at the same rpm then you have matched the ambient idle to the ECU setting. Here is the how to link… https://www. Supercharging Forced Air induction using supercharger technology. But it didn’t work. 10-20 seconds, the car will hold that idle and drive like nothing is wrong. Safe journey . IIRC, you have to jumper GND and TEN pins. This was done by an MX5 Specialist garage. No Turbo vs. Same if it's idling correctly at 850rpm and I connect them, it stays idling at the same speed. Aug 17, 2023 · Hi all New to the forum and the world of the mx5. When you have the idle set correctly, unjumpering the diag port should make no difference. Just hook up your timing light and watch it wander around. Having the battery off a few days will have reset factory settings. However if heater fan is on 2 or higher no problem! I'm suspecting it is actually the idle control valve but haven't got round to testing it yet Mar 31, 2017 · Hi. If your car is idling too fast (as mine was) or cutting out when cold or while coasting, th This is a short vid to show you how you set the base idle to match the ecu idle. uk/forum/default. Mar 8, 2010 · My understanding was that there is a base idle adjustment screw with a locknut that defines the max closed position of the butterfly, and the idle bypass air bleed screw, which is used for fine adjustment. Checked for power and diagnostics box has 12 (something volts) to it. Once settled it idles fine. stalling or hesitation disappear and engine runs perfect. The timing belt and water pump have recently been changed by the previous owner, the engine has done 61,000 miles. 6. Apr 1, 2009 · im having the bouncy idle…checked base idle found out was set to 1000 now reset to what i believe is 800 (the first notch under the 1000) car runs far smother because of this but is stalling far more frequently. Then, if your original problem returns, testing the ISC Valve is in order. I have a Mk1 1. The reason for the reset of the base idle is that no matter what method you use to clean the Idle Air Screw, you will have undone the base idle. 5" 300 cell cat midpipe with large 16x5 resonater AK Automotive backbox Mar 8, 2010 · CEL off. Mar 8, 2010 · Have you reset base idle and ignition timing with ten & gnd jumped in the diagnostic box ? _____ 94 c , 99 mb slk 230 , 00 gmc sonoma Contact Us MX-5 Miata Forum Dec 19, 2011 · Does it drop to correct idle when turning fans on full blast, A/C on, lights and wipers? Or stay the same. She runs completely normally until I have been driving for maybe 10 or 15 minutes. If the idle bypass screw won't do the trick, this is because things have changed too much because of the cleanin, and you'll have to move the base idle itself via the locknut adjuster. Mar 8, 2010 · Okay could really use some help. Mar 8, 2010 · Tried setting base idle with each of these attempts, but went back to the same thing again. 6 NA has developed a high idle. Jul 22, 2017 · The car had already had new coil, plugs and leads to sort the previous issue, so after looking at threads on the internet I decided to reset the base idle and fit a second hand throttle body/IAC. 5 AFR from the 14. I have tried to reset it the correct way to reset base idle. Mar 8, 2010 · Have you started with the basics? Like resetting the base idle? That takes the ECU out of the equation. aspx?g=posts&t=206. Oct 26, 2013 · Have you reset your base idle since regasketing everything? Just because you have no DTCs doesn't mean everything is fine 98 JDM, Racing Bronze RS, VVT conv. My mk2. This is also a great time to confirm your timing to 10 degrees (factory) or 12 to 14 degrees depending on engine and fuel quality for slightly added performance. Feb 23, 2015 · I can set the base idle, but if it's idling high and I connect TEN and GND then it stays at the same high idle. Dec 14, 2012 · Starts on the key - lights and fan now make no difference to the idle revs and I’m happy - I appreciate this could only be a temporary outcome and the problem could return - think I’ll still use the diagnostic gizmo from MX5 parts just out of interest but looks good so far. 8 when I eventually decided to clean the air passage wth carb cleaner spray; the idle went sky high and I had to wind the screw almost all the way in for the first time in years 95 is OBDI, right? With the car off, find the tiny throttle stop set screw. Mar 8, 2010 · Ok so ive finally gotten around to setting my base idle point on my MX5, ( now the storm is away haha) when i jumped TEN and GRD the revs only went up above 1K around 1. Regards Bob Apr 5, 2019 · Reading at the first MOT place was 10. All appears to be running fine when on the move, but when I stop the revs drop to 400 RPM but do recover after a few seconds. while the ISC is catching up, the motor will bog and potentially oscillate until it is steady again. A paper clip is used between the TENS and GND poles on the diagnostic box under the hood on the drivers side. Jan 15, 2010 · MX-5 Owners Club Forum Base Idle Adjustment MK2. ??? Dec 11, 2017 · Hi everyone, I have recently bought a 1991 MX5 S-special to replace my 1991 MX5 UK spec. Sep 29, 2007 · A forum community dedicated to Mazda MX-5 Miata owners and enthusiasts. £30 fixed this. Hope this helps someone Mar 8, 2010 · Drive the car hard. Jan 19, 2016 · Morning guys. I have reset the base idle, and also replaced the IAC valve with another from autolink, but no change. 20mm open, (as per your theory,) set TPS as per manual, runs but revs up repeatingly. Having too much or too little power (advance), or an aggressive idle correction (timing advance/retard), can also have an effect, particularly if the timing retard causes RPMs to fall too quickly, especially if the closed loop idle is set to aggressively seek idle. Mar 8, 2010 · Heres what is weird, after I do this for maybe. It's consistent after warmup. when the car is in neutral it idles at like 15 hundred RPMs. Jan 14, 2025 · idle valve is reacting to test input. _____ Mar 8, 2010 · 5 adjust idle speed with the hidden screw on throttle body 6 set it to 850 rpm. Air con would only be active when heater fans are on, even if removed the idle can be increased if the button is accidentally switched on and it hasn't been totally deactivated. Forums are full of discussions on the topic but I can tell you what worked for me. Now the ECU can add a little when it's cold, or the AC is on. Going to do the reset that people have recommended and come back to you with the results. I have reset my base idle and checked for fault codes and nothing is showing. After this see if things go back to normal. this is only when not in gear (both neutral or clutch engaged). Shorting the connections makes no difference to the idle speed at any point. Mar 8, 2010 · Rough idle on a NC has given anxiety to many folks here, myself included. what I now have is base idle @ 800rpm, very warm engine it idels about 750rpm, clutch down and in gear about 850rpm. Unscrew it until it doesn’t make contact with the stop, tighten until it just touches, then a half turn more. spent 40$ on a new one and hours swapping it out (not the easiest to get to) welp, problem is still Mar 8, 2010 · Idle problems NA (1990 Calendar: NA (1990-1997) General Discussion Discussions about the first generation MX-5 Miata. , the idle speed should not change with the jumper in or out when setting the BIS). Maybe I need to look up how to reset the base idle it sounds like. Mar 8, 2010 · If that doesn't work, reset the base idle by loosening the lock nut and adjusting that. Mar 8, 2010 · The idle must be set as described in that link, first. Worth removing, cleaning and testing. Jul 29, 2010 · It might be worth data logging one of these idle droops then studying the log. I picked it up and it was missing. I turned it 1/8 turn in from that position, the set idle using the bypass screw. I have noticed when cold, the car idles at 1800 to 2000 rpm. MX-5 Miata Forum > NA/NB (1990-2005) Miata > NA Have you reset base idle and ignition timing with ten & gnd jumped in the diagnostic box ? 3MiataFamily. Mar 8, 2010 · After changing battery, when coming to a stop (in neutral or in gear with clutch depressed), the idle dips to about 500 rpm than bounces around between 5 - 1,000 RPMś finally settling at 700 RPM. 5 with aircon when the aircon comes in and out there has always been a drop in the idle for a second ,until the ecu grabs hold of it and sorts it out , but the other day after i serviced it and fitting spot lamps ,i run the battery flat so i put the booster pack on it and started it back up and since then, the drop in the idle when the aircon comes in is very low Mar 8, 2010 · Idle speed NA (1990-1997) General Calendar: NA (1990-1997) General Discussion Discussions about the first generation MX-5 Miata. the second i touch the clutch it drops to 800. 6 Japanese import 1991 about 7 days ago I'm having a few problems with the REV's When i first start the car and drive it around the car seems to idle around 2000 revs. The idle won't drop, and the car will take off like it should. RS 6 speed in Racing Bronze (now sold) Feb 19, 2015 · The very centre of the MAF is tiny and easily blocked with a bit of fluff, large air flow might be OK still but idle would be effected. When I connected TEN and GND, the car didn't idle properly. Problems Nov 7, 2020 · Hi my 92 eunos 1. On further inspection I noticed that the clutch switch was not in its spot and had popped out. The idle does drop to 1,000 now but it doesn’t do it right away. The car seems to accelerate fine and is without issues, once its warmed up the idle settles down. I guess it gently bumps the idle to help avoid stall. , so you'll want to fine-tune it with the idle bypass screw. Mar 8, 2010 · High Idle Naturally aspirated. Once the car warms to Even a 2001 needs to be reset or checked once in a while. 2. As I continue to back out the screw, RPM does not increase Oct 13, 2010 · Just lately my car seems to have developed an idle problem, where the idle bounces from 850 RPM upto 1500-2000 and then down again. co. Have reset base idle and repaired clutch switch but problem still persists. So ANYONE with idle drop don’t think the throttle body is knackered it might be an easy fix of soldering a new piece of wire in place of the old one. car has two faults, one for a neutral switch and one for a high idle. I replaced the plug cables and sparkplugs with NGK replace the EGR with the original parts, check for leaks and still doing it. Adjusting the air bleed at the throttle body continues till the idle doesn't change speed Jan 31, 2009 · I have just fitted a K&N Typhoon induction system and I now seem to be getting Idle droop when coming to a stand still at traffic lights etc. mx5oc. [NA] Bouncing Idle Supercharging. Since it doesn't have the goofy sealant, it is very easy to determine where it starts to lift the plate. so naturally, i figured the neutral switch was bad. A few days later, I ran the car again and the idle was all over the place! Mar 8, 2010 · While the ECU will force the idle to 850 even if the BISS is off, it will either droop or hang up high if it has to "try" too hard to reign in the idle speed. 8 It idles perfectly, but has idle droop when the electrics (headlights or heater fan ) are on and tends to stall. If you start your Miata and the idle is high, that is the ECU keeping your cold engine from stalling. Jan 12, 2017 · 06 MX-5 NC BBR Super 200 mods MeisterR coilovers RX8 yellow dot ARB's EBC Yellow stuff pads Lightened flywheel Exedy stg 1 clutch Forged crank Head skim Wider bore cylinders with Supertech pistons IL Motorsport front engine brace 2. Mk3 True Red Sport. if i leave it in second and crawl at 10mph the revs drop below 2000 but as soon as i press clutch down it will go back Mar 8, 2010 · The previous steady idle suggests the TB may not need work. It is normal for a Miata to idle anywhere between 1200rpm and 1,800rpm when cold and then drop back to base idle at 850 +-50 when at operating temperature. I found when I was running without closed loop idle control that as the idle started to drop it moved from high vaccum at 1,000rpm ish to lower vacuum at 500rpm cell, so i added a few degrees of advance at those cells ,and made it go slight richer to roughly 13. Rob (Techno) Spargo. After AFR is set in all the idle cells, then there is one further step in setting base values. Mar 8, 2010 · Oscillation on entering idle is commonly MainVE or IdleVE giving too much or too little fuel in the cells that transition to idle. The idle screw would turn but made no difference to revs (it was jammed to begin with needed a mallet to shift it to begin with). Make sure the car is at running temp and all electrics are off. I have cleaned the throttle body and stripped off and cleaned the ISCV and fitted new gaskets but it’s still doing it, though only when there is no electrical load on the engine, so no fans, lights etc. any thoughts. Aug 25, 2011 · hi all, i have a 03 nevarda 2. 5 Sport. Mar 8, 2010 · This sure sounds like the famous Miata Idle Droop issue. Reset plate to . De-cat and mx5parts single stainless exhaust Oct 24, 2010 · Just lately my car seems to have developed an idle problem, where the idle bounces from 850 RPM upto 1500-2000 and then down again. 11) If not, then replace the bridge and adjust the idle screw, 12) Repeat steps 10 and 11 until the idle speeds are matched. I had P0402 but turned it off (I did not reset ECU, just let it go 5 key cycles) by re-cleaning the vacuum port. 6 Eunos Meisterr's automatic standard trim now gone! 2nd place at MX5 OC 2015 Spring Rally in modified MK1 section 1. I found that when i had cleaned my engine a few days earlier somr left over water had seeped into the spark plugs and caused #4 to foul out. It's simple enough to check the idle setting, getting it right gives the computer the most 'room' to adjust idle speed. Does anyone know if the Mar 19, 2015 · The Pitstop. but first the car shuts off at 3500 rpm and needs to go back to idle before running again. Well I took the advice I was given and decided to jumper TEN and GND to reset base idle. The revs slowly dropped and then it stalled. Reset your idle back to 850 +/- 50 RPM. 7 turn off car (remove paper clip and park brake when car isn't running) 8 restart car, and check tach to ensure proper idle speed 9 take a lunch break. If it stays the same I would do the gnd + Ten and reset idle. When you cleaned the throttle body, did you remove the idle bypass screw and clean out that oriface as well? You *may* need to reset the base idle, that's the idle stop, the other screw that's not the bypass screw. You can check for stored CEL codes without the engine running. If your butterfly is all the way closed, and your idle bypass is all the way closed, then your issue must be elsewhere - a leak, or something. Noe it wants to idle at 1800-2000 rpm. 3. As it warms up, it should go back to your base idle of 850 GND-TEN, not '10'. that is why the IAC valve should be doing nothing at operating temp and no electrical loads (i. Apr 9, 2012 · Still experiencing the loping idle BUT as a consequence of the cleaning (I guess) the basic idle speed had increased by 3/400 rpms. As your setting the base idle that you want the IACV to try and get when you turn lights ons or a/c on. (around 850/900 rpm) Jul 17, 2023 · Generally, the idle speed should run the engine at about 800 rpm: on the throttle body, in front of the intake manifold, it is possible to see a rubber cap under which the idle adjustment screw is located; therefore adjust the screw until the correct minimum adjustment is reached. 95 is OBDI, right? With the car off, find the tiny throttle stop set screw. To test the ISC Valve (after adjusting the base idle speed), allow the engine to idle at 850 rpm and disconnect the ISC Valve electrical connector. If the idle speed drops when in gear and coming to a halt, it may be a gearbox thing, but autos are not my strong point… But it does it from the 850 RPM base you set. Then on a FULLY warmed up engine, you can use the idle air screw to set the correct base idle. 2) Turn off all electrical items (fan, radio and lights) 3) Start the car and after it settles into a regular idle notice where the needle is on the tachometer. Set plate shut and better again but still stalling even after base idle reset. But especially noticeable on hills. This final drop is accompanied by a little rattle/chirping noise which sounds like its coming from under Mar 8, 2010 · Then, using an accurate tach, adjust the idle to 800 via the base idle adjustments on the side of the throttle body. You can try one or two things, start up and leave it to idle for 15 mins see if it learns idle. can owt be adjusted so it idles lower when cold . Aug 9, 2011 · Adam you have to put the link in the diagnostic connector or you get the ECU control loop fighting with the base idle adjustment. Regards Bob Mar 8, 2010 · Typically, the ECU is adjusting the timing to control the idle speed. A short video on how to set the base idle on the Mk1 MX5 (Miata). Then post getting base timing right reattach vac adv to Mar 8, 2010 · Typically, the ECU is adjusting the timing to control the idle speed. Technical Area. Dec 30, 2010 · I would reset your base idle then try cleaning the idle control valve and throttle body. we did manage to drive around to get the afr's as desired while cruising. Idle on both 1. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Show Less Dec 17, 2011 · Hi, well it’s only dropping 100rpm before being caught. It's a pretty coarse adjustment. 8 should be steady at between 850 to 950 rpm. 28%. I was impressed on my first 1. It has a knock sensor so it may well be an adaptive ecu. In normal running, the ISC valve is responsible for maintaining the correct idle. Feb 16, 2017 · I've used both procedures mentioned to reset base idle, the leaving idling for around 15-20 mins seems to have done the trick better. Jump the GND and TEN terminals in the diagnostic port, start the car with all accessories off, and adjust base idle to 850rpm. Does anyone know if the Sep 20, 2010 · Ifyou have to add more base timing to get it to 18-20 deg for a lrg cam the idle will increase when adv timing so if that happens idle it back down low again to 600rpm max and i bet the base timing will need 1 more tweak to get it back into the 18-20 deg range with idle still at 600rpm. I known it’s going to idle fast when cold but on a cold day the temp struggles to get near half way so it always ticks over at 1500 rpm . Mazda MX-5 Club of Feb 24, 2014 · Jump to Latest 477 views 6 replies 3 participants last post by stevesteelbullet Feb 27, 2014 Mar 8, 2010 · I reset the stop screw on my '96 and it has run just fine ever since. 1K, ive adjusted the idle screw to match the 2 idle points on proper idle speed (around 850RPM) and there was no blinking on the dash for codes when jumped. If the idle is steady after stops, leave well enough alone till easier and risk free work doesn't help. The timing was previously very advanced, around 14. grounding the TEN (Test ENable) pin tuns off the idle timing feedback, and then you can set the base idle speed. This removes the computer control from 'idle' settings. You then reset base idle Mar 8, 2010 · I believe your issue as you describe the problem is probably some cleaning that needs to be done in the Throttle Body and the Idle Air Screw, followed by resetting the base idle correctly. Mar 8, 2010 · *I had to reset my base idle using IAS in "TEN" diagnostics mode. I used the idle and timing set procedures to check the timing and set the idle using the jumper wire procedure. The engine has to be fully warm, all electrical loads removed, battery charged, AC OFF, sounds, lights, ect, that would add generator drag. the engine is stalling and after few minutes when the engine gets warm. Then post getting base timing right reattach vac adv to Mar 8, 2010 · Cold and A/C idle issues and my attempts thus far NA (1990-1997) General Discussion Apr 5, 2019 · Reading at the first MOT place was 10. Have you reset the base idle ? Mar 8, 2010 · Rough idle on a NC has given anxiety to many folks here, myself included. Feb 12, 2015 · Mk3 is slightly different, the DSC has to be reset then after a few miles use it all settles down to a nice idle speed, which mine hasn’t. Sep 12, 2008 · 1 Warm up the engine to normal running temperature & switch off all electrical loads. I imported my NC from Japan and it came with thermostat stuck open but no CEL yet. I thought it might be a fuelling thing but I’ve just had MOT and all was well with emissions. What to My Mk1 1. The solution was that the two wires on top of the gearbox had corroded and needed replacing. In a few seconds the ECU idle setting will kick in. So i set base idle per the garage info Low Idle NA (1990-1997) General Discussion. after trying a few settings (don't remember wich), some kind of limiter kicks in at 4500 rpm. Notice, the idle speed should only be about 50 rpm difference between having the paper clip in, and out. May 20, 2019 · Whilst doing that the garage reset the timing. The car is A 1990 and isn’t subject to a second fast idle test according to the regulations on the . spent 40$ on a new one and hours swapping it out (not the easiest to get to) welp, problem is still Jun 17, 2022 · They do clog up with grime over time and it's usual to have to back the screw out a little from time to time to reset the base idle speed. As it warms up, it should go back to your base idle of 850 Jan 15, 2010 · MX-5 Owners Club Forum Base Idle Adjustment MK2. Otherwise reset your base idle. And I have high idle once warm. Any ideas where to start or checks to do? Tia Jul 24, 2011 · I’m having trouble tracking down the source of a weird idle issue. There are tons of posts regarding this. Lock in place. I have a 2000 MX5 Base and the problem iswhen I start the engine in the morning. Nov 7, 2020 · Hi my 92 eunos 1. DavesBRG5 15 January 2010 21:06 2. 6 which has recently been cutting out at idle, I presume as a result of idle droop. 1) Make sure that the engine is warm, but not hot. Super debates in this section! Mar 8, 2010 · hi everyone. The proper way is outlined in the Garage Section. e. Mar 20, 2015 · Hello, so recently i bought a mx5 mk1 1. 6 only idles at 900 rpm when it’s warm and temp gauge is near half way . Oct 7, 2014 · My symptoms - if the lights are on (and engine up to temperature) and clutch is down and in gear, revs drop far too low. 05mm, better, but idles at 1200 rpm. But sometimes (maybe 1/7 drives and it seems to be getting more frequent) after a cold start, and driving her until she reaches temperature, the base idle will randomly shoot up to 2000RPM with no obvious premonition or cause. It should be just over the graduation mark below the "1". Jul 19, 2012 · Does it idle ok out of gear and stationary? If so, it might not help to reset base idle. Currently idling at just above 1000rpm… My mods are: Pipercross induction. Base idle on both should remain unchanged with the little jumper wire between TEN and GND in the diagnostics box connected or unconnected. Naturally aspirated Power discussions that are specific to naturally aspirated intake systems. Interestingly enough, with the car warm enough not to be cold, but not hot enough to engage the fans, the car would die instantly when the jumper connections were made. then remove the jumper. linked to vvt output because the idle output is dead. Timing advance. <<< Set idle with a/c, fans, lights etc off. I have told to keep the car at idle for 15 to 20 min and it should relearn. Mar 8, 2010 · timing at idle can dramatically affect idle speed and idle stability. Also just when coasting to lights or waiting in traffic. NA (1990-1997) General Discussion Discussions about the first generation MX-5 Miata. Trying to do the idle base reset on the diagnostics tool would not work and idle stayed the same. I just set my by using the tacho/ear. It currently idles at 1200. Get a diagram of which pole is which so you don't short out something vital. As soon as a fit the clutch switch back, the cruise control started to work, however the idle went up quite a bit. So thanks again guys. After doing this, the idle seemed to sort itself out. Racingbeat, GAZ gold pro, Elise seats, project M roll bar, ATS DTCs - Reset base idle with TEN+GRND bridged (warm idle is now at a steady 850-900rpm with and without TEN+GRND bridged) - Cleaned intake plenum - Replaced air valve (though haven't tested it on the car yet as it hasn't had a chance to cool down yet) - Ran the 'click test' on the ISC, which it failed (no click, idle speed did not change) So I posted a topic earlier about an idle problem I was having ONLY when the lights were on. Here's a pic of the 99-00 Datalink under the hood. Jumper those pins and set the idle via the idle bypass screw on the throttle body to around 850 RPM. Electrical and mechanical load, airflow, changes in fueling, etc, are all changing, and the ECU is compensating for this. The issue reappears maybe after 5-10minutes however. You need to reset the base idle. The next day, this problem appeared. I think that that is a bit more than just getting it warmed up. 2 Link contacts TEN (Test ENgine) & and GND (GrouND) in diagnostic connector [use a paper clip]. Timing was reset to normal Idle Adjuster Screw, adjusted idle to idle around 800-900rpm Aug 21, 2015 · 1. connecting Ten and Gnd is telling it to stop doing that. I did the paperclip test (GND/TEN) and this time the idle speed repaimed the same whether the jumper was in or out. GOV website. Instead of normal 825rpm idle, idle surges between 925 and 975. 3 Adjust idle to 850 rpm (exact position of idle air screw varies slightly depending on year/cc of engine). 5% on the second fast idle test on all three attempts. We need to turn the idle air control valve completely off, and tune the idle in by the screw only. agnd bpvee mrgha tqgis quou qkbw ddtw cntz cjqpew wwmv gmwxk mqjjqw qqw opr xxw