Polaris ranger rough idle. I waited a few minutes and tried again.
Polaris ranger rough idle Starts to backfire thru carb, idles real rough. I read through a ton of posts here and troubleshot everything. 758 with the butterfly against idle screw, and idle speed is 1550 or 1600 RPM 4) If I back the idle screw back out to a voltage of . It started with no problem. When you rev it up and then let it go back down to idle it will idle fine for about 2 seconds then start flooding again. The 800 sometimes will not idle down after taking your foot off the accelerator and you have to turn it off to shift. There are on check engine lights on or any thing else. Then at random it will just die out. Jan 26, 2025 · Okay I have a 2003 Ranger EDGE 3. The idle issue worsens as the machine warms up. I put new plugs and wires in. Jan 2, 2013 · Idle problems My 2011XP idle problem is caused by the tbap wiring harness shorting/breaking. May 12, 2019 · Hi I am new here and needing some HELP. It takes several attempts to get it started but it always does start. Does not do it all the time but is getting more frequent. 575 volts + 710 volts = idles @ 1500 rpm +/- 10 rpm. Jump to Latest PRC Polaris Ranger Club. Feb 8, 2020 · My 2014 570 ranger sometimes has a problem idling and starting up. Sometimes it'll recover and speed up how it should at like 1300, then slow down and kinda get this slow down/speed up thing going. replaced the spark plugs, tbab sensor, cleaned the t body and replaced the crank sensor and none of this really helped. Jump to Latest 4. 2012 RANGER CREW 800 BACKWOODS ARMOR EDITION Polaris Ranger Forum 47K members. Even after being warmed up, it did not like to idle. I have owned Apr 11, 2016 · 3) As soon as the motor is started the TPS voltage jumps to . Rebuilt carb (multiple times); cleaned fuel tank, replaced fuel line/filter, verified fuel pump pressure, replaced the carb with OEM Polaris carb, new plug. I live 1 and 1/2 hours drive from a dealer. I have a 2014 570 EFI Ranger Crew . Feb 28, 2014 · Here's the problem. After riding a bit I will come to a stop and the idle will be high and it will make the unit creep and the unit can't be shifted. 710 volts = idles @ 1050 rpm w/occasional drop to 980 rpm, engine runs a bit rough, occasional pop/sputter, then stalls/dies out in less than 2 minutes at idle. i have inspected the harness and repaired any rubs that i could see. My grandson drove it for a few minutes. Once the tbap wiring breaks, the engine runs rough, registers multiple engine codes and creates intermittent idle problems often making it impossible to shift until i turn off the engine, shift and re- start. Idling or throttling does not help. 26" Bear Claw HTRs on Moose 427X Wheels. 711K posts 53K members Since 2007 PRCforum is the best Polaris Jan 13, 2010 · I have an 06 Ranger XP 700. If I want to shift I have to shut the machine off Apr 15, 2021 · Some symptoms of a bad T-Bap harness are engine will run poorly, no power, poor idle and engine miss. This forum has already been a wealth of knowledge. I have a 2011 500 EFI Ranger. Please do a visual comparison to make sure you are ordering the Jul 31, 2019 · I have an 07 ranger 700 that I did a motor swap on. And, it bogs down anywhere past 1/2 throttle. If you tryed to give it a little gas the motor it would die and when trying to restart it would take a while. I would appreciate any thoughts as to what may be causing the problem. Things attempted so far: Fuel pressure (measured directly at Jan 8, 2023 · I have a 2011 Ranger 800 XP that is running very rich at idle. I have been having trouble with my 2007 Ranger XP 700 EFI. To me when it idles it sounds like it's rough not a Jan 26, 2015 · 2014 Polaris Ranger 900 Crew idles rough ETC. This has been going on for 2weeks. The ranger runs fine when at speeds 30 or above. If it has been run at all, I have to give it a litle gas to get Aug 28, 2013 · The problem is after a few minutes of starting it up and letting it idle it just cuts off. New sprk plugs, air filter, fuel injector cleaner in still runs like crap. I checked codes and got 22 TPS short to ground. It's not a mud toy. he did notice the hesitation in the rough idle Nov 9, 2010 · 2011 Ranger 800 Crew EFI-Rough idle, Chk engine light To the members that had this issue and posted a quick fix,THANK YOU! I was in New Mexico last week Mule deer hunting, this issue started day 2 on a 7 day hunt. bed/back up lights, 35 Watt Aug 21, 2007 · '05, 500 Ranger 6x6, 700hrs: has rough or will not idle, but after it's WELL past warming up it will idle fine OK, it's NOT the idle adjustment -that would be just a "quick fix" the stealer had already tried when it was in for other repairs Oct 10, 2020 · After finding a service manual, I was able to confirm the RPM (1500 idle, 7500 redline) which is right in line with what I'm seeing. I have a rebuilt motor, new fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel lines, and carb. 6K views 2 replies 3 participants last post by Quintin Dec 19, 2019 Oct 11, 2022 · 2013 ranger 900,1870hrs,8400mi. Voltage wise. Aug 27, 2013 · 2016 ranger 900 when engine temp is below 95 degrees it idles rough and will stall out if you give it throttle. May 19, 2014 · Hello. I checked the manual for my new XD and it shows 10% ethanol gas. Feb 22, 2011 · Hi, I have a friend with a 2005 500 Ranger that when the machine gets up to operating temp it will not idle and dies out. I just recently started having problems. May 7, 2021 · Hi there I’m new on here I’m having issues with my 14 ranger 900 xp it won’t idle and if I can get it to idle it’s only at 1100 this unit has no tps it’s all in one on throttle body and is pretty pricey to just replace it. Oct 12, 2010 · rough idle went to the dealer today to p/u my 2010 sportsman 850 (in for its first 25 hr service) spoke to the owner who will be installing the steel cab on mu ranger crew shortly and he said every one they have had in all do the rough idle thing. I started checking a few things and so far I have spark, a clean air filter, a complete fuel pump assembly swap off my dads identical ranger, fresh gas. At Dec 20, 2016 · On my Polaris Ranger 800 XP HD, when cold it dies several times after starting and running for a second or two or after driving for a few feet. Started doing it more frequently and now has a very rough idle and sometimes dies and will not start again. I have to feather the throttle to get it to start so I cranked that d shape bolt in to raise idle but it idles kinda with a lope. The real issue is the cutting off as it idles. Sometimes it will die. I’ve ohmed out idle air controller and. It would not idle reliably. The next year had to take it in for no idle again and they said it needed a tune-up. Replaced the TBAP harness and cleaned the TBAP with mass air flow sensor cleaner and no change. It has about 400 miles on it I would guess. D. the unit has been great so far. Taking the Ranger to get it worked on would be two trips back and forth. I set the d ring to what it’s supposed to be compared to the Tps. It still stalls. I could get it to run if I pushed the throttle but wouldn’t idle by itself. Idle is rough, especially when cold. Now at start up it's idling between 1000 and 1100 sounds rough and I'm getting a wrench icon on my display blinking but then goes away. Nov 24, 2013 · PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side by side, SSW and off-road information. I am sure i am probably not the first person to have these problems with their ranger but this is what was happening with my sxs. Did all the usual, changed air filter, replaced with new fuel, even changed oil. Been having a problem with it for a while idleing rough, missing and slight back fire/exhaust sputter when coming to a stop. Once it warms up it is fine, but sometimes that requires restarting and dieing 5-10 times. It has around 2,700 miles (300 of them by me), and started running rough a few days ago. Oct 24, 2010 · My ranger is running real rough at low rpm's get the rpm's up it run's fine it never dies and it idles fine. I have just bought a 2011 Ranger 800 XP after having a 2004 500 for a number of years. All 5 are experiencing the same issue. This is critical and Jul 29, 2017 · Polaris Hand warmers, Mirrors. Dec 3, 2024 · Hey guys, I've got a 2015 Ranger 570 thats barely keeping it together at idle. This machine has 1,725 hrs on it. Jun 7, 2011 · PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side by side, SSW and off-road information. Idle problems manifest in various ways, and recognizing these symptoms can help in diagnosing the issue quickly. it misses while going up and down hills or towing a load. Polaris RZR Forum Mar 9, 2024 · After a few attempts, it started but wouldn't idle. After a few miles it ran fine at above idle but idle never smothed out. When its at idle it runs rough and seems to be flooding, you can smell the gas fumes. . Jul 6, 2010 · 0. Just won't stay running without giving it throttle. Once i restarted it had a very rough idle and would die at times and would not rev at all. It then runs rough, usually stalling at least a time or two, and then after a minute it's fine. Sometimes Jan 17, 2017 · 2015 Polaris Ranger 570 Full Size XP air filter spark plugs fuel filter fuel pressure everything checked out okay. Called the dealership and they said spray the intake for leaks I tried that even though like I said it's running rich but it didnt have any intake leaks. Motor came from a sportsman 700 and has 150psi each side. While driving it pops and backfires and when I stop it sometimes dies. I bought my 2011 ranger 500 crew last November brand new. This harness will fit all Polaris EFI 700cc - 1000cc 550cc 570cc machines with the exception of the RZR 900. I have a 2014 570 that will start fine, but will not stay running at idle. Oct 11, 2013 · Hello all, I recently purchased a used 2011 Polaris Ranger 800XP. No problems starting right back up. What i have checked. Can you guys tell me where we can start looking? Thanks in advance. Jun 7, 2021 · 2021 rough idle. ) It was running extremely rich. 2K views 2 replies 2 participants last post by stoboyle Dec 31, 2021 Nov 29, 2015 · Came out to work on it a little later and sprayed the throttle body with wd40 and adjusted the throttle cable a bit as it had a lot of slack in it. Fires right back up and will idle if slowly releasing gas pedal. My 2019 ranger will barely start in cold weather on 91 non-ethanol gas. Jan 15, 2017 · My ranger has 25 hours on and it just recently started having a rough idle. I'm new here looking for a little help / info. ran the codes and nothing 61 is the only one it shows. Other than rough idling and the idle RPMs seemed low; the machine would go for hours and then all of sudden it would start doing the funky chicken like it was starved for fuel. It's responsive, there's no chugging- it's great. The dealer can not find anything Jul 11, 2012 · I just bought a used 2007 700 XP EFI. Mar 3, 2009 · 06 ranger 700 xp, rough idle boggy, drive belt issues. IF it does it idles but may die after a few minutes . Jan 27, 2015 · 2014 Polaris Ranger 900 Crew idles rough ETC. No water in the oil or gas. Use this on ranch in IDaho need help. Can't figure it out need some help Dec 9, 2012 · Hey guys im new to the site but i would like to share some info that i have stumbled across after purchaseing my 2012 ranger. Well, dumb me, I never pulled the rear seat and check the engine. I looked for a similar thread without results. But what does reliability really mean in the context of this beast? For ATV aficionados, reliability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a lifestyle. My Polaris Ranger UTV would start, Idle Roughly, and then StallI called Polaris and they said Fuel Problems were usually caused by a Corroded or Dirty Ele May 15, 2012 · I have a 2004 Sportsman 700 EFI. Once and while it dies and when it does it Aug 18, 2012 · 2011 Ranger 800 XP with 2K + miles. It runs ok, but has a couple of glaring issues. I tried unhooking a plug at a time and seemed to make no change to the idle. I already replaced the TPS as this was the most common suspect. I have replaced the TPS and TPS harness set it ar . It would start backfiring and stuttering when warm (sometimes 5 minutes sometimes an hour before it would start. Spark is very good Oct 9, 2011 · I puchased a 2009 ranger 700efi, it was running great for the first 16miles and it started to run rough. One thing i also noticed was that it will spit and sputter when running (driving it). May 18, 2012 · I got a 2008 ranger 500 efi it idles rough and after I ride it and warm it up it won't idle down unless I kill it. I have a 2007 Polaris Ranger 700 that idles rough and dies when you give it gas. Jun 30, 2020 · My just over six month old 570 Sportsman started stalling out occasionally going up hills after it had about 700 miles on it. I have changed the plug air filter is new and cleaned the throttle body and adjusted the valves. But it is very noticeable. Last summer when I would start the unit in the morning, it had a rough idle. took them to the dealer Nov 7, 2011 · PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side by side, SSW and off-road information. 1) tmap checked with known good from other machine. I tried searching for similar problems before posting up this topic. Bike is very well taken care of. After 5 hours of continuous riding, it started to sound like there was a small exhaust leak. It will run Apr 7, 2020 · Okay, I have an '07 Ranger 700 in my shop with a rough idle and often dies out within 2 minutes of idling. It only has 80 hours. Jul 26, 2011 · I work at a resort with 4 '09 500 EFI rangers. When he returned, it wouldn't idle and I haven't been able to get it to fire again since (2 days). he says its not a problem but im sure one of you guys or myself will find a fix for this. New fuel pump(not cheap knockoff) new battery. If you use 87 ethanol gas in cold weather rangers start and run better. Fuel injectors as per spec. After the first year i took it in to my dealer because it wouldn't idle and they replaced the throttle body. I waited a few minutes and tried again. Or if you have it above about 2,000 RPM it seems to clear out and run okay. Sometimes it runs a little slugsh/rough but nothing to really complain about but never had it cut out when running. However, If I decide to use the Ranger for a quick trip from the barn to Jun 21, 2016 · PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side by side, SSW and off-road information. 2007 Sportsman 500 EFI, Polaris Winch, 25" Bear Claws QSC Clutch Kit, Hand Warmers 2001 Magnum 325 MOSE 12" rear wheel conversion. After 3 or 4 miles, when it starts to heat up, that's when it will start chugging a little. I really like my Ranger 570 EFI. Rangers are designed to run 10% ethanol 87 minimum octane. Dec 14, 2019 · Runs rough, backfires in gear, idles good Jump to Latest 4. Took it to high altitude 8000 feet and it started but ran real rough and idle was rough, engine loaped. It wants to idle at like 900 to 1050 RPM. Jul 9, 2024 · I have an 04 Ranger than I just cant get running right. Talked to dealer they suggested i had some bad gas to replace it with what i had been running before trouble. Ranger starts fine runs fine. First post here, new owner of a 2006 Ranger 700xp. Feb 9, 2014 · I was having a problem with a rough idle and low rpm's (960 or so) right after I started. 14 Polaris Ranger 900xp, single electronic throttle body. It would run better with seafoam in About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright May 15, 2012 · I have a 2004 Sportsman 700 EFI. 555 volts + 0. I initially had issues while plowing with the engine stalling under load. 1K views 3 replies 2 participants last post by littlejohnbass Mar 22, 2015 Apr 2, 2013 · 2011 500 EFI Ranger, Sage Green Full metal cab, Soft doors, Glass tip out windshield, Windshield wiper, 60" Glacier plow, 42" Loader bucket, 1-1/2" Front spring spacers, 3500# Polaris winch, Benz silent rider exhaust, Rubber bed mat, Bluetooth speaker, MP3/GPS/Smartphone mount, 20,000 Btu cab heater, L. 528 volts + 0. Sep 25, 2014 · Thanks for all help. 660 volts = idles @1140 rpm steadily for long periods of time. I'm thinking the Idle Air Control Valve. 0710 no change. Quite far from dealership. Apr 15, 2010 · I have a 2007 ranger with 100 hrs on it. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, winches, tires, troubleshooting, maintenance, reviews and more! Nov 10, 2023 · SB, welcome to PRC ! First, Polaris discontinued the 700 engine in 2009 so if you have a 2010 Ranger it would be a 800 . Sep 15, 2012 · You all I am new to the forum and hope you can help. After warming up engine dies when moving forward or in reverse at low speed. when you would start the idle was very Jan 11, 2006 · Thanks Elkbow, that info was a tremendous help. May 26, 2019 · 2010 rzr 800 starts right up. It makes it hard to shift into any other gear while it is doing it. What happens, is it will idle a little rough, kinda up and down a little between 900 and 1100. 25" Sedona Coyote tires 2017 Polaris Ranger 1000XP - Roof and front glass 2018 Kawasaki KLR650 Oct 28, 2024 · A forum community dedicated to Polaris Ranger owners and enthusiasts. Oct 14, 2012 · I am having a issue with my ranger idle rough and at times misses real bad. Customer: 2011 polaris ranger 800 ,seems to be running rich ,rough idle Mechanic's Assistant: Is the rough idle intermittent or consistent? Customer: Not while driving more intermittent Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your bike yourself? Aug 7, 2017 · Purchased a used 2009 Ranger 700 Crew a month ago and after running for a couple weeks, it started running rough at idle. Wasn't in water or driven hard as I am told. I am a equipment mechanic by trade, but this thing has been kicking my butt for a while now. Jump to Latest 2K Its not broke or anything, just comes from the factory with a rough idlecan anyone modify Jan 29, 2012 · PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side by side, SSW and off-road information. dome light, Twin 27 Watt L. Took it for a drive around the field and then it idled good for the last 2hrs. 1K views 4 replies 3 participants last post by Pvjiffy Feb 5, 2015 Sep 20, 2011 · Hello-I am new to this site and would appreciate any insight on my current issue. it runs a little rough and rich and no trouble codes or chk engine light. What I found stood out like a sore thumb. 710 and an idle speed of 1250 the key on engine off TPS voltage drops to . Polaris ATV Forum May 5, 2009 · Curt Grand Ledge, MI 09 800 XP, Dirty Dawg Performance 800 kit w/ported head,DDP cam,Bored throttle body,DDP clutch kit w/supertip weights,Boonedocker,DDP ECU, Ranger Pro Lift 2" forward a arms w/2" lift May 20, 2011 · After supper it didn't want to idle and had a hard time starting it so I got it running to. Was idling at around 1200 normally. These are the items that I have replace in the Aug 30, 2019 · My 2011 800 is surging at idle. Other than that is seems to run fine. 631 volts. We looked them over (plugs, wires, filters, fuel, etc) and could find nothing wrong. Sorry for the long post, trying to get as much info posted to aid in the repair. Reliability of the Polaris Ranger 500. But when you take of it is real jerky like its starving for fuel. 10% ethanol 87 gas my old ranger starts easy. Replaced the fuel with fresh fuel no change. When it comes to off-road vehicles, the Polaris Ranger 500 stands tall in the lineup, boasting a reputation that many enthusiasts swear by. When you start it the idle RPMS vary from 1200 to 1600 and it idles erratically all over the place. Checked all the wired, connections, hoses, line, etc, and everything was good to go. Machine is running very rich, and even the oil smells rich. After investigating here about the problem I ordered a T-BAP Wiring Repair Harness. Feb 27, 2024 · I am having trouble with my ranger. After burning though that tank of gas, it is nearly perfect. Replaced manifold boots which stopped the surging acceleration. The machine had a Code 22 with stalling at idle, changed idle speed (increased) and would run OK until it warmed up then had to change idle speed (decreased) again. When it dies, it is Jun 7, 2021 · 2021 rough idle. I am trying to help a friend out with his 2012 Polaris 800XP Ranger that is idling rough and occasionally will just die even. Could this cause the rough idle? If so how do I correct the code issue? Thanks for any advise. Truck still runs but seems to have a little stumble, mostly at idle, and a little at acceleration. If it is a true cold start, it fires up just fine. IMO idle was too high. 1. However, it would run fine once it got going. Info from Polaris dealer. It has 125 lb compression on each Jun 25, 2010 · ranger rough idle/sputters/dies Jump to Latest 26K views 4 replies 2 participants last post by bogmanjr Jun 30, 2010 Jan 30, 2021 · No start. Oct 27, 2012 · PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side by side, SSW and off-road information. :lol: Jul 11, 2021 · Polaris Hand warmers, Mirrors. Nov 8, 2016 · New to the forum, Hi everybody! I am in need of some assistance. After checking the normal stuff, I decided to drive up the mountain (32 miles) to get a signal to get on this forum. As for the rough idle, I added Seafoam to the fuel and, using the spray version, into the intake. Apr 8, 2012 · Polaris Back-up Beeper ( 2876228 ) Burkes Moto Pro HID's Ricochet 13 Piece Skid Plate Kit (Orange) Polaris Rearview Mirror ( 2879969 ) Marshall Motoart Lift Kit K&N Filter (PL-5712) OTRATTW Switches (Winch, Lights, Beeper) Dragonfire HiBoy Ranger Crew Doors w/White Lightning graphics 2014 Midsize 800 ( Camo ) sold May 2015 Sep 17, 2024 · My boy's 150EFI cranks for at least 3-5 seconds before it fires. E. Jan 13, 2015 · 2013 Ranger Midsize 800 XP Rough idle Jump to Latest 9. Any of ya'll ever have this issue and find a fix? Dec 8, 2021 · 2021 Ranger 500 - no start, rough idle, backfires and dies Jump to Latest 4. I have added a battery charger and that problem is minimized. Jump to Latest APPLICATION : Polaris Sportsman XP 850 1000 High Lifter Edition Year : 2015 - 2019 SYA Warrior Riser Snorkel kit from Aug 30, 2015 · 2008 Xp 700 hard to start , when it does can't get to rev up. 0. So far I have put a new Jan 27, 2014 · My 2005 Ranger 700 XP was having serious issues. 600 miles later back in the desert below 500 feet altitude the power is back but the Sep 17, 2024 · Hey all, im trying to find the cause of a idle/running issue on a 2011 500, its in a ranger but if i remember right its the same engine as the 500 sportsman? Anyhow, sometimes it idles waay high then crawls down and then drops and stalls, Other times it idles ok-ish, and sometimes it wont even Jan 14, 2023 · PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side by side, SSW and off-road information. Parked it at the end of the field for about 30mins while we finished some stuff up then went to start it to put it on the trailer and it didn't want to start or idle again. It starts right back up and will idle fine but a little low and will cut off again. So far I have put a new Sep 8, 2018 · So- yeah. It would stall and not restart. any input as to what the problem might be would be helpful. At first I was using non ethanol 87 and it had ran fine but one day i used regular 87 with 10% ethanol and it seemed to start after that. I would start by checking the fuel pressure for 39 psi +/- 3 psi. Said it went bad. It will accelerate ok, but cold or hot it idles rough and will cough and sputter some. RPM 's are in the 1050 to 1120 range. I’ve installed new injectors and a new fuel pump fuel psi is around 30 Feb 23, 2012 · Just rough idle/slight rattle/knock at idle . possibly helped the rich idle a little but its Nov 27, 2022 · 2015 Polaris Ranger 570 Full Size XP the fuel pressure remained steady ~ 57 PSI indicated- either with the idle being rough or with the idle being relatively Mar 28, 2015 · PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side by side, SSW and off-road information. Since owning it I keep having problems with very rough idle or it won't idle. Once it's at operating temperatures it seems to perform as it should. when they get the slightest bit warm they run super rough, back firing, stalling, hard to start. Hers: 2019 Sportsman 450. I first checked the fuel pressure Aug 30, 2011 · Rough idling backfiring hard starting when cold cutting out when throttling up dying after a hard run POOR gas mileage It started this Spring with the symptoms above. I'm not new to repairing power sports but, this one is kicking my a$$. Normally idling at 1150-1250, it dropped to860 -950, I shut it off and restarted it a few times and it fixed itselfuntil it did it again. 25" Sedona Coyote tires 2017 Polaris Ranger 1000XP - Roof and front glass 2018 Kawasaki KLR650 Aug 9, 2013 · I have a 06 Ranger XP 700. I had it serviced earier this year for annual and at that time was informed wiring harness needed replaced from a factory recall. Although my problem was not the ground as you spoke about in your post but it led me to checking all that out which checked out all good, but I did pull the spark plug wire out of the cylinder head to see if there was a problem there which it was not or didn't seem to be, so I reinstall the plug wire not really Jul 5, 2016 · PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side by side, SSW and off-road information. Here are some common signs that your Polaris Ranger may be experiencing idle problems: Rough Idling: The engine may shake or vibrate excessively when idling, indicating an underlying issue. driving lights, L. She's no spring chicken, and needs some TLC. Runs strong otherwise. It only does it while idling and does not go up real high in RPM's just a low surge. Jun 16, 2024 · New to the forum, but looking for some help. Oct 14, 2021 · Have 2010 ranger 500efi runs rough at idle and stalls sometimes any ideas of what it might be ? Polaris Ranger Forum 47K members. This will be very noticeable when riding in changing elevations. Jump to Latest APPLICATION : Polaris Sportsman XP 850 1000 High Lifter Edition Year : 2015 - 2019 SYA Warrior Riser Snorkel kit from Nov 21, 2011 · General Polaris Ranger Discussions 2012 crew idle. Actually, it is more of hand me down that needed a little TLC. Oct 29, 2012 · Hello I am hoping someone can help or has experienced this problem. IF I run down the road pull up to a gate to stop the Ranger dies it won't pick up the idle. 0 with a hard start and codes popping up for multiple cylinder misfires and #2 misfire. Died while riding, wouldn't start. Give it a small amount of throttle and it stays running and runs well. Mar 8, 2021 · Howdy guys. Dec 1, 2022 · I have a 2010 ranger xp800 and it has a rough idle and running rich the idle is about 1030 to 1080rpm sometimes it will drop to 980 and it has no codes. Jul 8, 2017 · PRCforum is the best Polaris forum community to discuss RZR 1000, Crew 900, PRC Ranger Club, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, RZR 570, HD, 170, RZR-S, XP 900, RZR XP 4 900, ORV, side by side, SSW and off-road information. Jul 29, 2021 · Sometimes it would run fine and then all of a sudden it would start cutting out and stumbling on acceleration and would idle very rough. Oct 14, 2021 · 2010 polaris ranger 800 xp rebuild rough idle Jump to Latest 12K views 10 replies 3 participants last post by Wvcountryboy45 Oct 21, 2021 Nov 7, 2016 · Hi guys and gals. I can take it out for short hops and everything works perfect. mufz xvmlab gpi vrsuob zggbx lqfg rsefpds oypjkb mdiq dgn rabmpqkx bdrsd sgs gsuth vzfq