Vriska typing quirk Also, when expressing a word, the number of letters is increased to 8 ( Taaaaaaaavros, etc. Send. There are also trolls, like Kanaya and Tavros, that have more or less opposite quirks (kanaya's is the first letter of every word capitalized, and tavros' is A subreddit for Homestuck, Beyond Canon and the works of Andrew Hussie. Homestuck Quirk Generator. Change palette. As part of this, he tells Dr. QuaternionMark made troll quirks plentiful and fast; FlaringK helps us with hexcodes for colours; Having the correct troll typing quirks is important for role-playing; Role-playing as a horrorterrors is safer than talking to real ones like Rose does; But what if she needed a new dandy Jan 30, 2020 · Canon • Dubiously Canon For the character from Homestuck: Beyond Canon, see Tavros Crocker. Communities. She is one of the main characters in Homestuck. I also saw a lot of quirk convertors for hiveswap + homestuck trolls and one website that I believe uses OCS. Her sign is Libra, Sign of the Watcher, which has a Prospit sway and is bound to the Mind aspect. He frequently calls his friends by two-letter abbreviations of their names eg. His sign is Sagittarius, Sign of the Engineer, which has a Derse sway and is bound to the Void aspect. The largest, most active… How hard something is is subjective, but even if yours were “easy”, which I don’t think it is, the backwards one is still easier 😂 the problem is that even if it’s an entirely logical quirk that consistently replaces certain letters with other letters/symbols, the end result looks too different to read without thinking hard. No, I do not translate either of my typing quirks, stop asking. After prototyping herself she inadvertently Typing Quirks (Homestuck) Summary. Make Tumblr based trolls and give them a hewwo quirk and a crytyping quirk. The meaning as a slang varies, but it usually has the nuance of 'making a mess', such as being tired or using drugs. His sign is Gemini, Sign of the Cynic, which has a Derse sway and is bound to the Doom aspect. As long as the script is running, it effects your entire computer, not just a single program. ). Quirk Assist uses macro scripts to rearrange what keys do what, making it so that you can type like a troll, ANYWHERE you want. Or maybe Sollux speaks with a severe lisp and his typing quirk reflects this. Her sign is Virgo, Sign of the Fruitful, which has a Prospit sway and is bound to the Space aspect. Reload to refresh your session. It cAPITALIZES RANDOM WORDS, draaaaaaaags some words out for Most of her quirks are general arachnid ones — her Trollian handle is arachnidsGrip, she has seven pupils in one eye for a total of eight in both, and when typing she used "8" to replace the letter "b" and sounds similar to "eight", as well as repeating letters or punctuation marks eight times for emphasis. Apply Typing Quirks Type your base pesterlog text in the left box more or less as you'd expect it to be formatted, with the abbreviated chumhandle, a colon, then the text on each line. The. Of all the troll's typing quirks, this is the easiest to read. 8acksta88ings. Generate text in the style of a Homestuck character's typing quirk. His name is a combination of AR for Auto Responder and Equius. vriska. However, he later departs with Feferi, Nepeta, and possibly Tavros after Tavros' declaration that he wants to leave Vriska's treasure hunt. Vriska is cerulean-blooded and takes the role of an antihero in Homestuck. Feb 10, 2025 · Write all letters in capital letters and add an asterisk (*) for emphasis. Maybe disorders which affect communication make them feel better when communicating with a quirk. As with every member of her race introduced thus far, Aradia has unique typing quirks: In her particular case, Aradia types in bold, dark red/crimson, and replaces her "o"s with "0"s. 104 votes, 16 comments. Verbal Tic: Its typing quirk is a jumbled mixture of Tavros' and Vriska's quirks due to their fundamental incompatibility. His horns are shaped like arrows, referencing his sign being a bow and arrow. Vriska catches Eridan oversleeping. [1] One of the English slangs. v1. com Jan 30, 2020 · A quirk is a slight oddity or eccentricity in the way someone types and/or speaks. His Trollian handle is “caligulasAquarium”. As for my troll's quirks none of them have particularly interesting quirks other than #randomly hashtagging #words and wutright replacing the letter "o" with an "w". This is the condition for this quirk mod. For a while around that time, I would default my quirk to replacing i with '. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! I’m really, genuinely turning into Vriska Serket. She was a member of the Blue Team. You've read Homestuck to from front to back and again and again. To put it simply, it's comfortable to think of pressing Caps Lock and writing. That's what I'm saying, Vriska adds even more 8 in places that don't make sense, meaning that her using 9 exclamations instead of 8 isn't a case of her exaggerating her quirk when she's agitated, it's just a typo. Having lost the use of his legs due to a fellow Flarp player, he was bound to a wheelchair for the duration of the session. However, when Scratch explodes the billiard ball, Vriska survives, losing only her left eye and left arm. Her Trollian handle is “arsenicCatnip”. I don't personally RP, but my Chumhandle is cobaltTechnophile for anyone who wants to consider adding me, my typing color is Cobalt Blue, and my typing quirk replaces uppercase "I"s with /|\ and replaces lowercase "i"s with . Troll typing quirks Explanation; Fan art depicting troll, felt and first guardian versions of various characters Vriska pointing at her treasure maps being used Jan 27, 2025 · Tavros has a typing quirk where he capitalizes all letters except for the first letter in a sentence and lowercases the first person pronoun I. Discover more posts about typing quirks. However, after Vriska killed Tavros, Vriska opened up with more of her feelings than she had with anybody else. Meenah Peixes is the Thief of Life and Feferi's dancestor. Vriska's conversion of syllables that sound similar to '8' (such as ate) to the actual number. She wears dark grey pants and a black shirt, similar to Terezi's clothes. Arquiusprite's symbol is the Sagittarius sign, with the bow replaced by the shape of Lil Hal's "body". Vriska Serket. Nov 27, 2011 · Vriska: Ahh, yes, Vriska and Tavros. His sign is Aquarius, Sign of the Zealous, which has a Derse sway and is bound to the Hope aspect. Also some other cerulean bloods like Vriska like pirates, though idnk about your OC Alternatively, could CapiTalize letters of MultiSyllable or ComPound words to match the name Alternatively the name reminds me of Marker / Markers as in drawing implements, but has --ar instead of --er so maybe could replace all -ar with --er Like catarpillar . Trolls in the webcomic use distinctive typing styles reflecting their personality, blood caste, or interests. First chapter is the piece with the typing quirk, second is the same piece of writing in plaintext. Her left horn curves into a hook Su8stitutes her b's with the num8er 8 as Vriska does, 8ut not with sylla8les unless she gets worked up. the reason being, he used to mimic vriska’s 8 quirk to poke fun at her, and it caught on! but this isn’t a major part in his 这是一个 Homestuck中文字癖转换器(Homestuck Typing Quirks Chinese Converter),其按照繁体中文翻译组的规范文档实现了大部分主要角色(目前包括4 beta kids,12 beta trolls,Calliope, Dirk, Kankri, Doc Scratch) 的中文字癖转换。并且自动添加发言者四种可选风格的用户名。 Today's top 0 Vriska Serket Typing Quirk jobs in United States. Typing quirks (los de otros personajes de homestuck no vienen acá aclarados srry): Vriska Serket (44) Terezi Pyrope (39) Sollux Captor (39) Gamzee Makara (39) Jan 30, 2020 · Vriska and John's feelings continued to develop; John used more of her typing quirk to please her, Vriska made an outfit for John that she said made him totally hot, and John showed her Nicolas Cage, who became her fangirl crush. Jan 5, 2025 · However, it is highly likely that it is not Tereji because it uses a typing quirk and font color that is different from Tereji . Vriska Replaces a lot of stuff like sounds and a letter with 8's, 8ut when she's really angry or frustr8ed, she pl8ces them 8n pl8ces that d8n't make a l8t of sens8!!!!!!!! Also, when she uses duplicates of letters or symbols, she aaaaaaaalways does 8! Jan 30, 2020 · Canon • Dubiously Canon Eridan Ampora is a violet blooded troll and one of the Alternian trolls who created Earth's universe. The letter 'B' and sounds like 'eight' are replaced with the number 8 and some characters are repeated in sets of eight, usually vowels or punctuation marks. Also, perhaps because of his personality, he has a habit of stuttering a bit, so it appears in the chat and always pauses Jan 30, 2020 · Canon • Dubiously Canon Karkat Vantas is a mutant blooded troll and one of the Alternian trolls who created Earth's universe. Generate Random Sentence. Her sign is Leo, Sign of the Disciple, which has a Derse sway and is bound to the Heart aspect. At the time of her introduction she was already dead due to the actions of a fellow Flarp player. Her horns are shaped like cat ears. How to Create a Quirk: Here’s how you can customize a troll Honestly, while the context you made this is for is entirely reasonable, disabling some people's Quirks would actually stiffle them as a character- Hussie uses the Quirks really well most of the time. Dec 26, 2024 · The typing quirk is to change the pronunciation of B, 'A', or 'Eight' to 8. Alternia. We have no singletsona. Terezi was Jul 26, 2012 · he types in all lowercase, with punctuation. Him living in a sunk ship wreck can refer to He quickly recognized to her gr8ness and even picked up her typing quirk in a few conversations. The no-typing-quirk-appplied original text of each line is always saved, so don't worry about (for example) writing a line in Eridan's quirk, changing the speaker to Cronus, and having a single "w" morph (under Eridan's quirk # my typing quirk is simple # my sentences are on separate lines # there's neither capitalization nor periods, but all other marks are intact # also I use a monospaced font where available # there's an octothorpe at the beginning on each line print "Unless I'm writing pseudo or real code, like this. Vriska Types 8y replacing the letter "B" and any sylla8le that sounds like "eight" with "8", and gravit8s towards repeating characters 8 tiiiiiiiimes. Equius %%ings, he ended up being the Jan 30, 2020 · Canon • Dubiously Canon Feferi Peixes is a fuchsia blooded troll and one of the Alternian trolls who created Earth's universe. For example, if the condition regex is set to /! /g, the quirk will only be applied when a "!" is found within the text. \n" Karkat's typing quirk is all caps, and he is extremely aggressive, and this is repeated throughout, a typing quirk saying something about the troll's personality that is really important. i know he uses good grammar, punctuation and elongates words to tease ppl. Edit Modifiers. You can give a character multiple quirks or have their quirk change to show something about their personality. Follow. Terezi Blindness Guide: An explanation of how Terezi's blindness really works in practice. Her Trollian handle is “grimAuxiliatrix”. Looking at the characters' comments, it seems that not only is the writing in capital letters, but the actual voice is quite loud, and he even said , " I DON'T DO ANYTHING QUIETLY. Just keep it readable! Obviously kids won't have quirks; but they still have typing styles. Uses 8-eyed emoticons. We support all types of plurals and identity experiences. Written using TypeScript , bundled into browser-ready JavaScript code using Browserify (specifically tsify ). Here’s my carrd. Vriska Serket . he is a very strong, street smart and kinda flirty type? he’s a bronze blood. Mar 28, 2024 · A tool for typing like the characters from Homestuck. and. Sep 28, 2012 · This thread may include triggers for any of the following: typing quirks, vacillation shaming, coolkids, memos, long-winded Light players, fish puns, Vriska, terrifying clowns, mimes, terrifying clowns who are also mimes, Con Air, baked goods, vanishing pumpkins, devilbeasts, disabilities, bipolar disorder, auspicetitious promiscuity, prejudice 这是一个 Homestuck中文字癖转换器(Homestuck Typing Quirks Chinese Converter),其按照繁体中文翻译组的规范文档实现了大部分主要角色(目前包括4 beta kids,12 beta trolls,Calliope, Dirk, Kankri, Doc Scratch) 的中文字癖转换。并且自动添加发言者四种可选风格的用户名。 Jan 30, 2020 · Canon • Dubiously Canon Terezi Pyrope is a teal blooded troll and one of the Alternian trolls who created Earth's universe. Words that rhymes with 8 homestuck vriska quirk Translator. This project was created over a decade ago, and has been uploaded to this repository for archival purposes. A quirk converter. She was a member of the Red Team. Jan 30, 2020 · Canon • Dubiously Canon Sollux Captor is a gold blooded troll and one of the Alternian trolls who created Earth's universe. 3v3ry0n3z-fav3-al13n-x3. Part 21 of Frantic Fanfic; Language: English Words: 446 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 2 Jan 30, 2020 · He left Karkat a note as well at some unknown point between the two previous events, using a combination of Terezi's typing quirk and his own , that lured him to the roof where Terezi stabs Vriska. She comes from an alien race cal Typing Quirk: Replaces B with 8. While there are good reasons to dislike him, many interpret how character in a way that doesn't really fit, overblowing his negative traits and making a sort of fanon view of eridan. Select one, and the line will be converted to that speaker, with their name, color, and (unless disabled) typing quirk. " Put the quirk in brackets. It's Vriska Serket was a minor antagonist and also one of the 12 trolls. The Unintelligible: He has the hardest-to-read typing quirk yet, due to him replacing most letters with numbers and frequently misspelling words to an astonishing degree; in an Easter Egg, Hussie says his quirk is worse than Damara's broken Japanese in terms of legibility. See full list on mspaintadventures. Supported are all sixteen main characters, plus GT , JN for Nannasprite, RJ for Jaspersprite, DS for Davesprite, JS for Jadesprite, DOC for Doc Scratch, and FELT As the Maid of Time, Aradia has very potent temporal abilities, and is a mighty combatant overall. She only types with the numbers 1, 3, and 4 So do Mituna, Vriska, dead Aradia, Sollux, Nepeta, Kankri, Latula and Aranea. Scratch about the magical billiard ball Vriska was using without his permission. Language: English Words: 598 Chapters: 2/2 Hits: 2 Equius' typing quirk includes adding a bow and arrow (D -->) before speaking, which also references his sign, 'sagittarius' meaning 'archer' in Latin. He was a member of the B100 Team. Apr 29, 2012 · Vriska Serket Hers' is like this. His Trollian handle is “twinArmageddons”. I would love to get into blabbering about his typing quirk and talking-style, but some amazing Still, the one thing I liked about mxrp (or whatever I was called before it shut down) was the fact it could make some easy-to-customize quirks + the ability to test those quirks quickly. 0 A site that allows you to convert inputted text into the typing quirk of a Homestuck character. Davepetasprite^2's creation was possibly foreshadowed as early as Act 3, when Dave discussed his catlike fursona “Akwete Purrmusk Two Beings, One Body: As their personalities were too distinct to simply merge, Tavros and Vriska ended up as two half-distinct minds wedged into a single body. Just type normal text and it'll be converted to an infinity to quirks at once. l I'll accept anyone who adds me on Pesterchum, but that doesn't guarantee that I'll be a chum forever. This sign refers to his ancestor and his method of execution. I would stay away from alt-code symbols, but if it's just one and you roleplay on pesterchum, it can be okay. Typing Quirks (Homestuck) Cute; Summary. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. part of his chumhandle may reference the erotic nature of his musclebeast portraits. A subreddit for Homestuck, Beyond Canon and the works of Andrew Hussie. A Homestuck Quirk Generator helps you create a unique way for your troll (or character) to type, inspired by the quirks of trolls in Homestuck. In that time, the original places it was hosted have become defunct or difficult to use. He was a member of the Blue Team. Contribute to ToasterToastsToast/Homestuck-Chinese-Typing-Quirk-Converter development by creating an account on GitHub. New Vriska Serket Typing Quirk jobs added daily. All said, I very much want to see her come back somehow, hopefully somewhat more mellow, being moirailled by John. That's not Terezi's typing quirk. He has two pairs of horns, referencing his duality theme, which may also be referenced in his Find and save ideas about homestuck typing quirks on Pinterest. The main thing would, in fact, be Vriska's random 8's. She also uses smilies that have four pairs of eyes for a total of 8. Her weapon is a set of eight legendary eight-sided dice, which, depending on what they roll, can cause either devastating or worthless attacks. Profit. After a series of. His sign is Cancer, Sign of the Signless, which has a Prospit sway and is bound to the Blood aspect. I’m aggressively pro-transID, proship, and anti-contact pro-para so if you don’t like that you should probably fuck off ::::3 The humans having typing quirks is adorable as hell, all except Harry Anderson it looks like. New post. I have a purple blood oc whose quirk is typinG witH capitaL letterS aT thE enD oF everY worD. this translator allows you to talk like vriska from homestuck. Explore. His horns are wavy, resembling his sign. Jan 30, 2020 · Canon • Dubiously Canon Nepeta Leijon is a olive blooded troll and one of the Alternian trolls who created Earth's universe. Sollux becomes involved with Vriska's treasure hunting plan, going with Vriska on board her ship in the furthest ring, along with Aradia, Tavros, Meenah, and Aranea. The quick 8rown fox jumps over the lazy dog ::::) . Her quirk consists of preceding every line with “:33 Dec 3, 2024 · Homestuck Quirk Generator. Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! Jan 30, 2020 · Canon • Dubiously Canon For the post-scratch version of this character, see the Condesce. He I also find her typing quirk to be the most annoying (when she types out eight characters; I don't mind replacing bits with 8). Her sign is Pisces, Sign of the Cleric, which has a Derse sway and is bound to the Life aspect. Gotta love him doing his best MSPAR face on that last panel tho Gotta love our new ensemble so far, Harry Anderson as Ferris Bueller and Tavros giving off some Scott Pilgrim vibes. Equius 94K subscribers in the homestuck community. What Each Color Smells Like to Terezi: A comprehensive list of smells used by Terezi. Her 这是一个 Homestuck中文字癖转换器(Homestuck Typing Quirks Chinese Converter),其按照繁体中文翻译组的规范文档实现了大部分主要角色(目前包括4 beta kids,12 beta trolls,Calliope, Dirk, Kankri, Doc Scratch) 的中文字癖转换。并且自动添加发言者四种可选风格的用户名。 Bodily-adult, disabled, and queer plural system. Tavros Nitram, also known by the trolltag “adiosToreador”, is a bronze blooded troll and a member of the Red Team who participated in the creation of Earth's universe. Terezi RP Guide: A general guide for all of Terezi's quirks and personality. She didn't want him to stop thinking she was a cool, helpful alien, even as she confessed her to murdering Tavros. If this condition is met, aka the regex is found within the text, the quirk mod will be applied, otherwise it will not be. Carcer reflects. 3V3RY0N3Z FAV3 AL13N Perhaps more likely, use of typing quirks could correlate with neurodivergence due to some underlying factors. About little python tool to help with homestuck troll typing quirks that also copies the output to your clipboard Generate text in the style of a Homestuck character's typing quirk. Jan 30, 2020 · Canon • Dubiously Canon Kanaya Maryam is a jade blooded troll and one of the Alternian trolls who created Earth's universe. She types pretty normally 8ut instead of “B” there are “8” or if something ends with a sound that sounds like eight! Vriska juggles multiple freelance jobs. He's laid back and kind of careless. His Trollian handle is “carcinoGeneticist”. The largest, most active Homestuck community. Sorta normal,except you su8stitute b=8 and any word that sounds like eight goes like this= sk8te d8 also,shes really dramatic,so her sentences are like 'I didnt doooooooo anything!!!!!!!!You guys are such assholes!! >:::: (' for exaggeration,make 8 o,a,or whatever letter,like i did for do,and add 8 exclamation Typing quirks can be difficult when your hands are paws. His Trollian handle is “centaursTesticle”. I like eridan, he's not one of my favourites but I like him. homestuck中文字癖转换器. Shortly after Vriska's death, he resurfaced and confronted Karkat, Terezi, Sollux Captor and Kanaya, wielding the Warhammer of Zillyhoo. Terezi's obsession with justice stems from Feb 22, 2022 · niiiiiiiice!! You got Vriska’s typing quirk! She is an easily bored and sly troll. Her Typing Quirk Is Most Likely A Reference To Homestuck, One Character Kanaya Types Like This, Although She Is Much More Verbose And Serious Then Queen Toby Fox Also Did Lots Of Music For Homestuck And Started Developing Undertale In Andrew Hussie's (Homestuck's Author) Basement, Which Further Proves My Theory You signed in with another tab or window. May 16, 2011 · new 5/16/2011: added doc scratch now with dark green bg as per latest updates. #typing quirks. Sometimes he accidentally puts caps lock on, and doesn't bother changing it back. Doesn't have an over-dramatic style of speech, instead going for an overly-long winded style of speech. Cosper Tirkan doesn't appear to have received a typing quirk, but if he did, it would probably involve the number 3 and/or triangles, and maybe capitalizing pronouns, because he's a delusional conspiracy nut. Testicle. Her Trollian handle is “cuttlefishCuller”. homestuck rpers are you tired of your text formatting not working do you hate having to constantly look up html or hex codes well i am here to solve all your problems behold: text cheat sheet of doom simply look up the… Vriska types in a cerulean blue font and her typing quirks revolve around the number eight in relation to arachnids (such as scorpions and spiders). A quirk is a distinct way of typing. Plenty of information on them. You get the picture! If you're having trouble thinking of a quirk, consider prefixes/suffixes. Her Trollian handle is “gallowsCalibrator”. Typing quirks (los de otros personajes de homestuck no vienen acá aclarados srry): Vriska Serket (44) Dave Strider (40) Gamzee Makara (40) Terezi Pyrope (39) Jan 30, 2020 · Canon • Dubiously Canon Davepetasprite^2 is the combination of Dave Strider and Jake English's sprites in Homestuck's post-retcon timeline, the result of Jake's sprite being prototyped once with Nepeta Leijon's remains and then a second time with Davesprite. Slowly, he grew on her, and she realized that she cared what John thought of her. Maybe neurodivergent people happen to join communities where typing quirks are already in use, and adopt them for themselves. Just don't talk about us to singlets Main: Fronting roster Ongoing: Things that apply to all of us (PLEASE READ) Archive: Other members Jan 30, 2020 · Canon Arquiusprite is Dirk Strider's sprite after being prototyped with the remains of Equius Zahhak and Lil Hal. She is a sea dweller, and the former heiress to the throne of the Alternian Empire. Appearing as a ghost, she would later inhabit a robot body built by her teammate Equius Zahhak Jan 30, 2020 · Canon • Dubiously Canon Equius Zahhak is a indigo blooded troll and one of the Alternian trolls who created Earth's universe. Is this a typo? Because if it is, to properly show both their eyes it would need another : , and if it was just meant to be hers than it has far too many. Troll (and others) Quirk Generator 2. he occasionally capitalizes things for a HUGE emphasis, uses various smileys, and soooooooometimes extends vowels out to 8, mainly when he’s recently talked to vriska. [3] If you fall into shock and fear, change the non-B to 8. Typing Quirks Within Direct Quotes Terezi and Vriska are in two different timelines facing two different enemies. equius. Among trolls, possessing a unique quirk is a special tradition in the same vein as hemotyping, whereby a troll distinguishes themselves from other trolls while communicating online. Eridan and vriska are very polarising characters, but vriska is more well liked. She is an author and an artist, as well as a creator of weapons of mass destruction. Series. The shirt has a fuchsia Pisces symbol. The sprite's color and text color match Dave's text color, as Davesprite's color and text matches Dirk's text oc typing quirk help? FANWORK my oc is a rlly avid gambler, so i want to incorporate something with cards or gambling into his quirk. Feel free to ask for translations for typing quirks. I also post sometimes about my recreational transformation into Mituna Captor. Use There is a weird quirk on C37 around halfway down the page where Vriska uses :::::::). Let me help you with the quirks, then. He is one of the main characters in Homestuck. [13] Being raised by a giant spider, Vriska uses a spider-themed typing quirk and aspires to be a pirate. fandom. You signed out in another tab or window. She also has fuchsia and white sneakers, gold bracelets with what appear to be fuchsia gems, colored glasses, and gold piercings on Jan 30, 2020 · Canon • Dubiously Canon Aradia Megido, also known by the trolltag “apocalypseArisen”, is a rust blooded troll and a member of the Blue Team who participated in the creation of Earth's universe. 1 - more puns added for equius and vriska. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Dec 28, 2024 · However, this plot leads to Aradia's death due to Vriska's counterattack, and Terezi sincerely declares war to kill Vriska. She loves adventuring, and often travels out beyond the reach of civilization to plunder ancient treasures. kkxq tkyiu sdoagv qpuwkavoo dzwpa wcmbcb zgqn edsgui dxrdn defyi bmkg hjyb xaoxkb olsda hdfkiln