When we were kids
When we were kids, we looked at adults as totally different creatures. They can drive cars, build buildings, and do things we couldn’t even imagine. As children, many of us couldn’t wait to be adults. If you were one of those kids who couldn’t wait to grow up, becoming an adult was like becoming your dream.
When we grow into adults, many of us forget to continue to dream. It is through dreaming that we can find purpose. This dreaming comes about through wish for a better future or curiosity about the way things could be. Cultivate your curiosity by letting it flow freely, and acting on it. Take your curiosity seriously, as a mechanism for discovering more about yourself and creating purpose. Life is placed before us so that we can live it, so be cautious not to limit the expression of that life due to outside voices that are not your own or an inner voice that is preventing you from doing anything difficult.
Purpose is the heat created by pursuing or manifesting a dream or vision. Discipline is the friction that creates this heat. You can’t look forward to anything if you can’t rely on yourself to get there. This is the place to start. Learn how to make yourself reliable.
When you are stuck, don’t forfeit your purpose, but rather look where you haven’t. Remain detached and patient. That is the best way to confront the truth.
It is up to you to maneuver the terrain that life lays for you. Some times you have to take a long way, particularly when the way you anticipated is closed off or when you realize that the destination is not what you thought it would be. The terrain changes and so do you; take both these variables into account and don’t forget to aim and strategize forward, even at the risk of being wrong.
Be vigilant of the truth of things. You can’t decide on what to do if you refuse to see the position you’re in. Note that the truth usually reveals itself to you in moments of silence.
Sometimes purpose is closer than we think, and we just have to lower ourselves to see it. There are people who have it much worse than we do who still manage to find meaning and happiness in abundance. No doubt, there is purpose to be found in enhancing your own life, but also in enriching the lives of those around you.
Don’t endow purpose to those things in life that don’t matter. Listen to the voice that wants you to succeed and marry the truth to find what really matters.